Category: RaiderZ

RaiderZ New Player’s FAQ

RaiderZ New Player’s FAQ by kimsteparu This guide / FAQ is made for the purpose to guide beginners throughout the game and answer and questions they might have. I have included almost every question a...

RaiderZ Bolas Boss Guide

RaiderZ Bolas Boss Guide by drcoolio I was actually planning on making this for fun a while ago, but never got around to it. However, now I have plenty of time as I wait for...

RaiderZ Creeper’s Nest Rescue Mission Guide

RaiderZ Creeper’s Nest Rescue Mission Guide by gjjake General Information 1. Rescue Mission consists of 3 stages. 2. Each stages consists of 4 waves. 3. Waves 1-3 are timed around 2.5 minutes. 4. Wave 4...

RaiderZ Guild Success Guide

RaiderZ Guild Success Guide by amirasfark Being in a good guild is one of the most rewarding and fun aspects of Raiderz. Running a good guild is like being the captain of a winning sports...

RaiderZ Ingen Map and Merchants Guide

RaiderZ Ingen Map and Merchants Guide by taintedwraith Please staff move to a guide section, I had a very difficult time in ingen and didn’t know where everything was so this is to help...

RaiderZ Defender Comprehensive Guide

RaiderZ Defender Comprehensive Guide by stoicraider Table of Contents I) Intro II) Builds =========== 1. PvE Defensive 2. PvE Offensive 3. PvP 4. PvE/PvP Hybrid 5. Build Q&A 6. “Solo Everything” Build III) Skills...

RaiderZ Sorcerer Fire PvP/PvE Build Guide

RaiderZ Sorcerer Fire PvP/PvE Build Guide by vicodincanada This is mainly thoughts on Sorc builds .till we either get another skill reset book or I have time to level another sorc > thoughts/contributions always...

RaiderZ Boss Tips and Information Guide

RaiderZ Boss Tips and Information Guide by kawingshek Crawler: Don’t be afraid of his mist skill, it only slows you down. Charging skill that rushes forward. Claw attack: 2x frontal claw stabs. Take advantage...

RaiderZ Optimal Efficient Build and Gameplay Guide

RaiderZ Optimal Efficient Build and Gameplay Guide by rosenduck PART 1: UNDERSTANDING COMBAT First and foremost, you’ll need a basic understanding of combat. This section will be dedicated to an analysis of the way...

RaiderZ Paladin (Defender/Cleric) Builds Guide

RaiderZ Paladin (Defender/Cleric) Builds Guide by stoicraider Hello, my name is Stoic, and I play a Defender. I’ve seen several Paladin builds out there, but they all seem weak. I wanted to really make...

RaiderZ Auction House Guide

RaiderZ Auction House Guide by qezcake What this guide will teach you: Where to find the auction house How to use the auction house Economic influences of items Where to find the auction house:...

RaiderZ Defender Build Guide

RaiderZ Defender Build Guide by kawingshek Loli’s lv 40 PvE build for OB 38/2 Sorcerer skill tree Skill choice information Stunning smash 5/5:Fast and high dps, grants you ability to dodge during the animation...

RaiderZ Sorcerer PvP Build Advice

RaiderZ Sorcerer PvP Build Advice by gogodr I found that there are basically 2 good builds for PVP mages. -Fire Mage -Fire/Ice Mage Fire Mage: A fire mage will be a mage with slow...

RaiderZ Defender Skills Analysis Guide

RaiderZ Defender Skills Analysis Guide by kawingshek First of all I’d like to say that I’ve enjoyed Defender in Alpha and I did the same on Closed Beta, however it feels a bit nerfed...

RaiderZ Classes and Builds General Guide

RaiderZ Classes and Builds General Guide by dr3xin To quick search, just use Ctrl+F and put in the { } brackets of your query. {UP} to view all recent updates. I) Classes {CLA} ===========...

RaiderZ Defender PvP Build Guide

RaiderZ Defender PvP Build Guide by byh2o Hello, So .. that is my build and tatics, worked great for me, if you not agree feel free to comment what you would change and why^^...

RaiderZ Beginner’s FAQ

RaiderZ Beginner’s FAQ by yurihyuga1 I’m not a very organized person but I’m going to try and answer those “Frequently Asked Questions” in-game, whether quest related or otherwise. And in no order. Also when...

RaiderZ Skill Combo and Chains Guide

RaiderZ Skill Combo and Chains Guide by anip So… now I finally figured out what people were talking about “Chains” … LOL Anyways, I want to see if we can gather a complete list...

RaiderZ Broken Mast Bosses Guide

RaiderZ Broken Mast Bosses Guide by lighttell VIELNUS Weak spots: > Shins -> Attacking him at the shins will cause him to eventually fall to his knees providing a good opportunity to do maximum...

RaiderZ Catacombs Guide

RaiderZ Catacombs Guide by zezkia The trash mobs, make your way through them slowly 4 max at a time, target the wizard dudes and their skeletons die with them… Bosses!!: Left Boss: This boss...

RaiderZ Defender Damage Focused Build Guide

RaiderZ Defender Damage Focused Build (Solo) Guide by pskz This build is mainly focused on dealing constant damage while maintaining stamina with chaotic strike. It does not benefit the party however. Skills that I...

RaiderZ Cleric Detailed Guide

RaiderZ Cleric Detailed Guide by kassariane This guide mentions only pure cleric builds, using cloth and staves. Does not include clerics using chain armor, shield, 1h weapon or 2h Hammer. Table of Content I....

RaiderZ Zygniv Solo Guide

RaiderZ Zygniv Solo Guide by stormakov Intro: Hello and welcome to my guide on how to solo Zygniv – an epic monster located in Riode. You can pick up this quest from Deputy Commander...

RaiderZ Solo Chimera Guide

RaiderZ Solo Chimera Guide by awanderingblade I always have trouble finding parties to farm this guy because no one seems to understand how to dodge all the moves and have a few bad memories...

RaiderZ Endgame Guide

RaiderZ Endgame Guide by alyanthe Hitting level 34 without help may seem a little overwhelming, so much to do! So I will explain a few things here. Epic Dungeons There are 3 Epic dungeons...

RaiderZ Defender/Berserker Hybrid Build Guide

RaiderZ Defender/Berserker Hybrid Build Guide by lokit13 I know that this hyrbid class gets hated on alot because of they have no “weapon synergy’ within the hyrbidization. However, with the weapon switch this concept...

RaiderZ Reputation Tiers and Effects Guide

RaiderZ Reputation Tiers and Effects Guide by muffinlord90 There are different factions in this game that sometimes can have unique features in them when a certain Rank within that faction is reached. Feel free...

RaiderZ Catacombs Detailed Guide

RaiderZ Catacombs Detailed Guide by elkenlak First and foremost, the reason I want to make this guide is to help newbie who are not good in Catacomb and my English is not very good...

RaiderZ Zombie Tyrant Solo Guide

RaiderZ Zombie Tyrant Solo Guide by stormakov Hello and welcome to my guide on how to solo Zombie Tyrant – an epic monster located in Rietz Sewers. This guide will be a little more...

RaiderZ Cleric Melee Fighter Build Guide

RaiderZ Cleric Melee Fighter Build Guide by zyja21 Hi guys, this is my build for my Pure Cleric. Weapon: 1H Mace + Shield Sub Weapon: Staff (For Faster Healing) Armor: Chain Int Gems: Int...

RaiderZ Berserker Crit Build Guide

RaiderZ Berserker Crit Build Guide by kawingshek We focus on agility gems to socket on our plate equipment including 2h sword with the extra crit added. We also wear the basteroe ring 2x to...

RaiderZ Cleric Support Healer Build Guide

RaiderZ Cleric Support Healer Build Guide by xtnlol Advantages Highly accepted in groups Huge impact in team’s survivability and performance Very High Sustain with acceptable DPS High customizability and gear choices Disadvantages Small DPS...

RaiderZ Berserker Basic Guide

RaiderZ Berserker Basic Guide by theamused92 Hi my name is Decimates and I am currently playing the closed beta as a pure zerker. I figured I’d take the time to write a quick guide...

RaiderZ Cleric Hybrid Build Guide

RaiderZ Cleric Hybrid Build Guide by kazmokarma This build is for chain set, hammer/shield or hammer equips, not staff. Minimum EP usage, high stamina usage I made this build for short range, action-oriented, no...

RaiderZ Berserker In-Depth Skills Analysis Guide

RaiderZ Berserker In-Depth Skills Analysis Guide by crabbypattyjr INTRODUCTION This guide is meant to help people find their OWN build.This guide will not show any specific build but will explain every skill in detail.It...

RaiderZ Cleric Healing Guide

RaiderZ Cleric Healing Guide by alyanthe Hello! This will be a detailed guide about healing clerics, with all sorts of mind-numbing technicalities. NOTE: These are mainly built upon my own experience and this logic...

RaiderZ Cleric Skills In Depth Guide

RaiderZ Cleric Skills In Depth Guide by frostreave Hey everyone, my name is Frostreave, and my cleric is Grell (Crawler server)! I have noticed in some of the other forums a comprehensive list of...

RaiderZ Defender PvP War Zone Guide

RaiderZ Defender PvP War Zone Guide by nextdekade Hello everyone Today were going to be discussing the insight of what is behind the madness of Komaz’s rage in the War Zone for the Mad...

RaiderZ Slash Commands List

RaiderZ Slash Commands List by pensri Ok so I was looking at another forum and it made me think to create this. How about we all post the short slash commands. Like how people...

RaiderZ Gamepad Configuration Guide

RaiderZ Gamepad Configuration Guide by xiuide This thread serves as a discussion point for using a gamepad with RaiderZ. Where RaiderZ does not natively support gamepads, we must use external button mapping programs for...

RaiderZ Cleric Comprehensive Guide

RaiderZ Cleric Comprehensive Guide by ghazed Hey folks. You all know the forum is a mess and everyone is looking for the same informations constantly, since there is no thread in which you can...

RaiderZ Intelligence Formula Research

RaiderZ Intelligence Formula Research by ayaminn So I was curious as to what the INT to magic attack formula was, mainly because when I was level 15 and equipped something with 10 int, I...

RaiderZ Frog Boss Guide

RaiderZ Frog Boss Guide by skillmaster18 The Frog boss is the first major monster you fight in the game, it is a level 5. He is very difficult if you don’t know what your...

RaiderZ Cleric Skill Tree Guide

RaiderZ Cleric Skill Tree Guide by pepperminthippo Cleric Skill Tree Possession Divine Mastery Mind Training Legacy of Trust Hammer of Light Hammer of Jugdement Hammer of Holy War Circle of Punishment 1 Circle of...

RaiderZ Berserker Skill Tree Guide

RaiderZ Berserker Skill Tree Guide by pepperminthippo Berserker Skilltree: Outrage Two-Handed Weapon Mastery Blood Thirst Adjust Outrage Nocturne 1 Nocturne 2 Nocturne 3 Berserk Bash Tornado Crush 1 Crush 2 Crush 3 Dash of...

RaiderZ Defender Skill Tree Guide

RaiderZ Defender Skill Tree Guide by pepperminthippo Here is the Defender Skilltree Counterattack: One Handed Weapon Mastery Defense Mastery Combat Mastery Shield Rush 1 Shield Rush 2 Shield Rush 3 Strike of Chaos Strike...

RaiderZ Berserker Hammer Build Guide

RaiderZ Berserker Hammer Build Guide by rosenduck First of all, the build detailed in this guide is not a PvP nor a maximum damage output guide. If you want those, go somewhere else, this...

RaiderZ Dodge and Block Mechanics Guide

RaiderZ Dodge and Block Mechanics Guide by stygandr I play a Defender style in game, and have noticed a few things about dodging and blocking. Block You can block almost any attack, even the...

RaiderZ FAQ

RaiderZ FAQ by krittycat 1. Why is my mouse missing? A. The mouse in RaiderZ is used as an aiming device, in a way similar to many PC FPS games. You can even turn...

RaiderZ Berserker Skills In Depth Guide

RaiderZ Berserker Skills In Depth Guide by qezcake Berserker is the combination of dps and tank class. They specialize in 2h Sword/2h Blunt weapon styles. A Berserker gets right into the fight to do...