Category: Carte Trading Card Game

Carte Online TCG Story Guide

Carte Online TCG Story Guide by Gitaxia Chap. 0-1 Magical shards have fallen from the sky/risen from the earth/magically appeared. Each alliance uses them to their advantage. Not much difference between them. Chap. 0-2...

Carte Online TCG Installation Guide

Carte Online TCG Installation Guide by APRico Installation process: You can download automatically and install Carte with Pando Media booster on next link: Or you can use direct link for game if you...

Carte Online TCG Features List

Carte Online TCG Features List by Ridori – Five unions ( Aspire,Kaideron,Sierrion,Saike,Archan) and one pseudo-union (Grey) exist within the game; You get a starter deck of each of the 5 unions upon starting the...

Carte TCG Creature Abilities List

Carte TCG Creature Abilities List by delimiter The following are the common creature abilities and their definitions. The names of most of these abilities will change before Open Beta, but we unfortunately could not...