Category: Dota 2 Auto Chess

Auto Chess Dragon Bomb Guide

by deeepblue Looking for a reliable comp that will boost your win rate up into the 40’s and get you out of rook once and for all? Well then look away because you’ll find...

Dota 2 Auto Chess Knights Guide

by mattjestic_gaming Knights (2/4/6) Units: 1 Cost: Bat Rider2 Cost: Chaos Knight, Luna3 Cost: Abaddon, Omi Knight4 Cost: Dragon Knight Class Synergy: Shield/Super Armor Every 3 seconds at 30% chance, This can trigger and stack...

Dota 2 Auto Chess Warrior Guide

by k3soju The meta is dominated by (6) Knights + Dragon, Elves, Frontline + KOTL/CM/Razor, and different variations of warriors. I believe it’s good to have knowledge of Warriors because they’re just so consistent....

Dota 2 Auto Chess Elves Guide

by mattjestic_gaming Elves (3/6/9) Units: 1 Cost: Anti Mage 2 Cost: Treant Protector, Furion, Luna, Puck 3 Cost: Mirana, Wind Ranger, Phantom Assassin 4 Cost: Templar Assassin Race Synergy: Evasion Buff to Elves (Fixed Chance...

Dota 2 Auto Chess Trolls Guide

by mattjestic_gaming Trolls (2/4) Units: 1 Cost: Shadow Shaman, Bat Rider 2 Cost: Witch Doctor 4 Cost: Troll Warlord Race Synergy: Voodoo Frenzy ( +Attack Speed for units!) 2 Trolls: All Trolls Gain + 35...

Dota 2 Auto Chess Mages Guide

by mattjestic_gaming Mages (3/6) Units: 7 in Total 1 Cost: Ogre Magi 2 Cost: Crystal Madam, Puck 3 Cost: Razor, Lina 4 Cost: Keeper of The Light 5 Cost: Lich Class Combo: Magic Resistance Debuff...

Dota 2 Auto Chess Goblins Guide

by mattjestic_gaming Goblins (3/6) Units: Bounty Hunter, Clockwork, Tinker, Timber, Alchemist, Techies! Race Synergy: Nanobots! (One random unit Receives +15 armor and +10 Reg/All units with Nanobots!) Race & Stages: Strong in Early (3...

Dota 2 Auto Chess Ranking Up Tips

by mattjestic_gaming This can be in many forms, here we will look at Synergies, Streaks, Income trap and Potentials, Some are in details while others in summary, as we had/will go through each on...

Dota 2 Auto Chess Hero Tier List and Review

by loopuleasa S+ Shadow Fiend (SF) Lone Druid (LD) Razor Alchemist Templar Assassin (TA) Tidehunter (Tide) S: Terrorblade (TB) Enigma Timbersaw Kunkka Beastmaster (BM) Doom Gyrocopter (Gyro) Techies Dragon Knight (DK) Disruptor A: Troll...