Category: Art of Conquest

Art of Conquest Dragons Guide

by Spawn Hey guys. With the release of the Dragon Dawn patch yesterday there has been a fair bit of excitement but also a lot of confusion. There are a bunch of new resource...

Art of Conquest New Player’s Guide

by ThaToastman Here are some tips to make you better than the competition. 1. SPEND ALL LINARI ON BLUE SPEEDUPS. I cant emphasize this enough. Dont but troops, dont buy resources, dont buy runes,...

Art of Conquest Hero Tier List

by MyOther_UN_is_Clever Here’s a tier list of heroes assuming you are human. (With notes if you are not). God Tier: Avalon (Summoner & Buff), Cleo (Mage & CC), Bane (Tank & Control), Jacques (DPS),...

Art of Conquest Rakan Units Overview

by Abchid In General  They are overall weaker than humans in stats, but all of their units have active abilities. They are the weaker race to plunder, but with the active abilities, they have...

Art of Conquest Research Priority Guide

All Races Do not waste time on research that does not boost effectiveness of your army. These research levels are: 5 – Heal speed reduction8 – Training resource reduction10 – Heal speed reduction Only...

Art of Conquest Tips for Growing Fast

1.   USE RESEARCH AND BUILD SPACES We don’t conquer cities for nothing! Hop onto a research spot before queuing research or a build spot before queuing buildings to shave off valuable time from those...

Art of Conquest Race Tips

Humans Human used to be considered the king of versatility, with that title now being held by lich, human is in a tricky spot in terms of usefulness. With that being said, human is...