Lunia Tia Combo Creation Guide
Lunia Tia Combo Creation Guide by Kismet
This is a guide in hopes to inspire combo creativity amongst the Tia community. Tia has an amazing amount of room for creativity in combos, and it’s a shame that people don’t take the time to experiment and discover their own personal combos. Rather than writing a combo guide, I have decided to try and create a new type of guide, a guide for creating combos, rather than listing them.
Below is a list of skills, and the possible skills that can follow the mentioned skill. Keep in mind that there are certain details, and factors that may not be listed that may affect, or be required, to connect some of the listed strings. Such factors may include, but are not limited to, the following:
– Airtime, distance, positioning, and the wall
– Cancellation of skills, repositioning, timing, hit counts
– Previously used skills or cooldowns
Please let me know if any of the following information is wrong, or if there is something that I should mention or include. Also, if there are videos or something that you would like included, please request it and I’ll make a video if I have the time and believe it is necessary.
The …….. is PURELY for formatting purposes. This does not represent “insert combo here” or any other thing. I merely used the …… to establish column formatting since extensive blank spaces are not allowed in this forum.
FTS = Fairy Thorn Sword
FF = Fairy Flame
Shuriken = Thorny Throwing Knife
FTK, (FS) = Flying Throwing Knife
TLS = Thousand-Leaf Slash
Trick = Thunder Trick
TS = Thunder Shock
SA = Surprise Attack
SCA = Shadow Counter Attack
Sylph = Wings of Silp
Combo Links
Standing Targets:
AA, Cyclone …….. dash A, S ………….. dash A, Blind
AA, Fang ………… dash A, Cyclone ……
A(AAA), dash A … dash A, Fang ……….
Airborne Targets:
(A)AS(S), Leaf ……… AASS, dash A ….. AASS, FTS …… AASS, TS …… AASS, Trap
(A)AS(S), Fang …….. AASS, A-string … AASS, Wedge … AASS, SA …… AASS, Fog
(A)AS(S), Shuriken … AASS, Root …….. AASS, FTK ……. AASS, Blind … AASS, Sylph
AAS, dash A ………… AASS, Cyclone … AASS, Deploy …. AASS, SCA …
Leaf, A-string … Leaf, FTS ……… Leaf, SA
Leaf, Fang ……. Leaf, Shuriken … Leaf, SCA
Leaf, Root …….. Leaf, TS ………. Leaf, Fog
Leaf, Cyclone … Leaf, Blind …….. Leaf, Sylph
Fang, A-string … Fang, FTS ……… Fang, Deploy … Fang, SCA
Fang, Leaf …….. Fang, FF ……….. Fang, TS …….. Fang, Trap
Fang, Root …… . Fang, Shuriken … Fang, SA …….. Fang, Fog
Fang, Cyclone … Fang, FTK ……… Fang, Blind …… Fang, Sylph
Root, A ………… Root S(A), Leaf …….. Root S(A), Shuriken … Root S(A), SCA
Root, S ………… Root S(A), Fang ……. Root S(A), TS ……….. Root S(A), Fog
Root, Shuriken … Root S(A), Cyclone … Root S(A), SA………… Root S(A), Sylph
Root, Sylph ……. Root S(A), FTS …….. Root S(A), Blind ……..
Cyclone, Shuriken
Cyclone, SA
Cyclone, Blind
Cyclone, Sylph
FTS, A-string … FTS, Shuriken
FTS, Fang ……. FTS, TS
FTS, Root ……. FTS, Blind
FTS, Cyclone … FTS, Sylph
FF(3 hits), Leaf …….. FF(3 hits), SA
FF(3 hits), FTS ……… FF(3 hits), SCA
FF(3 hits), Shuriken … FF(3 hits), Fog
FF(3 hits), TS ………. FF(4 hits), Anything
Shuriken, Leaf ……. Shuriken, FTS ………. Shuriken, Sylph
Shuriken, Fang ……. Shuriken, Shuriken …
Shuriken, Root ……. Shuriken, Blind ………
Shuriken, Cyclone … Shuriken, Fog ……….
FTK, Leaf …….. FTK, FTS …….. FTK, SA …… FTK, Sylph
FTK, Fang ……. FTK, Wedge ….. FTK, Blind …
FTK, Root…….. FTK, Shuriken … FTK, SCA ….
FTK, Cyclone … FTK, TS ………. FTK, Fog …..
Wedge, Prison
TS, Leaf …….. TS, FTS …….. TS, Deploy … TS, Trap
TS, Fang ……. TS, FF ………. TS, SA …….. TS, Fog
TS, Root ……. TS, Shuriken … TS, Blind ….. TS, Sylph
TS, Cyclone … TS, FTK ……… TS, SCA ……
Sylph, A-string … Sylph, Cyclone … Sylph, TS
Sylph, Leaf …….. Sylph, FTS …….. Sylph, Blind
Sylph, Fang ……. Sylph, FF ………. Sylph, SCA
Sylph, Root ……. Sylph, Shuriken … Sylph, Trap
FF, Mines, Trick
AASS, TLS …. Fang, TLS …. Shuriken, TLS
FF, TLS …….. TS, TLS
Root S, TLS … Leaf, TLS
Nearly every skill for Tia can be canceled with another skill. However, there is an inherent cooldown within the same group of skills when using a skill from that group. In other words, for example, if you use Willow Leaf Kick, you cannot use Flying Fang for roughly 0.5 seconds since it is within the same group of skills (Forest). A key skill for canceling skills is Shuriken, such as after Flying Fang, since it has the shortest cooldown of any skill in the game, 0.5.
Non-cancelable skills: Shuriken, Surprise Attack, Thousand-Leaf Slash
Dash-cancelable skills: Fairy Thorn Sword
Additional Notes:
Cyclone Kick: The 2nd kick causes the hard knockdown, the first attack being almost instant and cancelable.
Fairy Thorn Sword: The 2nd hit causes the hard knockdown and is cancelable. In addition, you can FTS under an opponent which will nudge the target up again and allow you to end up under, or on the other side of your airborne target.
Fairy Flame: A skill sensitive to both distance and height. Being too far or having the target too high will often lead to the last hit missing. Also, the target is rendered un-hittable for a certain duration if the 4th hit connects, meaning you must allow it to drop for a certain length of time before you can attack it again.
Flying Throwing Knives: This skill is very sensitive in your target’s height. If the target is above a certain height, it will not connect.
Forest Wind Wedge: Very sensitive to distance.
Thunder Shock: Slightly inconsistent in terms of where the bombs land, and how many bombs may hit your target.
Wings of Silp: Another skill sensitive to opponent height, as the attacks themselves have a height limit. Basically if you miss your target, you will drop it.
Infinite vertical range skills: Leaf, Fang, Cyclone, FTS, Wedge, SA, Blind, SCA, Fog, TLS
Melee-based Back Attacks: Generates a second instant attack (that occurs first) for 20% of the original damage, adding to hit counters and damage correction.
NOTE: Not every possible link has been listed, but the vast majority of it them are provided in the lists above. I have personally tested most, if not every, link provided so the results above are based purely on my own personal experience and observations and are not in anyway 100% guaranteed. Many of the given links require strict timing and certain conditions in order to connect.
Samples: (These are by no means efficient in any way, just showing some diversity)
Root, Shuriken, Leaf, Fang, AASS, Shuriken, Shuriken, FTS
AASS AASS Leaf, Fang, Trap, AASS, FTK, Wedge, Prison
S SpSpSp FTK, TS, FTS, AASS, Leaf, Sylph, AASS, AASS, dash A, Fang A, Root, Shuriken, Cyclone, SA
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