Lunia Dainn Combo Guide

Lunia Dainn Combo Guide by ZephyrX

1. Combo Overview
Combos are meant to maximize the amount of damage you do. In stage, the more you combo by hitting a monster while its up in the air, the more damage you do, up to 400% normal damage. Though in PvP, combos actually lower the amount of damage you do, down to 25% normal damage. So, if combos actually lower the amount of damage in PvP, why do people still do combos? The answer is that combos actually improve the overall damage dealt in PvP.

2. Getting Started
Well before you start practicing combos, I recommend you at least level up to 22, where you get Pillar of Abyss. Before that, you should practice with some basic commands which are vital to comboing

S Recharge mana
Spacebar Hits a downed target for high damage
A + A + A Basic 2 swing attack followed by a magical blast that launches your opponent in the air, easily interrupted after A + A in PvP
A + A + S Basic 2 swing attack with slightly faster attack that slightly launches your opponent in the direction of the magical wave
A + A [wait] A* Basic 2 swing attack, followed by a poke

*Hit A right after you see Dainn’s staff swing twice fully

You can also move faster by dashing, dashing involves hitting the directional button twice. Dashing can be coupled with either the A button or a combination of A and S to perform a dash attack.

To Dash hit -> button twice

Dash is denotated by ->>

->> move your character faster by running
->> A regular dash, followed a weak melee attack
->> A + S regular dash, followed by a weak melee attack and a magical blast which launches your opponent

3. Basic Combo skills

Fire Bomb learn at lv 2
Ice Arrow learn at lv 2
Icicle Rain learn at lv 4
Hand of Earth learn at lv 6
Summon Rock learn at lv 8
Cold Blue Dragon learn at lv 16
Land Giant’s Fist learn at lv 19
Pillar of Abyss learn at lv 22
Ice Pillar learn at lv 30

4. Your first combos!
Ok, now that you know your own skills and know how to move effectively, you’re ready to learn how to combo!

Combos involve a starter, such as A + A with -> -> A + S, then followed by a skill, such as Fire Bomb, then followed by melee hits or more skills. The longer you keep your opponent in the air, the better your combo becomes!

Combo = [starter] + [skill] + [->> A + S] or [more skills] or [melee hits]

Your Starters for a Combo
A starter is method to get your opponent up in the air for a combo. Here are some common melee starters.

A + A + A First starter you probably learned, launches target at high height, but is easily interrupted in PvP after AA

->> A + S Starter with Dash A+S, launches target at medium height

A + A + A ->> A + S Starter with your basic attack with Dash A+S, launches target at high height, but it is easily interrupted in PvP like A + A + A.

A + A ->> A + S The most popular starter, two swings followed by a Dash A+S, launches target at medium height

A + A + S Starter with AAS, launches target at low height

A + A + S ->> A + S Starter with both AAS and Dash A+S, launches target at low height

One of the more basic combo you can do is a mixture of a single starter, with a skill, and Dash A+S, here’s the first one to try out!

Basic Fire Bomb Combo # 1
Use your starter, then followed by Fire Bomb to land 1 hit on your target, and then quickly cancel the 2nd Bomb and use Dash AS while your opponent is still in midair.
Combo: Starter + Skill + Dash AS

A + A ->> A + S + Fire Bomb(1 hit) ->> A + S

Basic Fire Bomb + Hand of Earth Combo # 2
Now lets try to extend the combo by adding another skill + Dash AS, notice how it’s just the previous combo plus one more skill and another Dash AS.
Combo: Starter + Skill#1 + Dash AS + Skill#2 + Dash AS

A + A ->> A + S + Fire Bomb(1 hit) ->> A + S + Hand of Earth ->> A + S

Basic Cold Blue Dragon + Summon Rock Combo # 3
This is a different combo, it involves using 2 skills followed by each other! Time the Summon Rock during the time where the Cold Blue Dragon is hitting the target.
Combo : Starter + Skill#1 + Skill#2

A + A ->> A + S + Cold Blue Dragon + Summon Rock

Basic Pillar of Abyss + Icicle Rain Combo # 4
This combo is another starter with 2 skills followed by each other, but the timing of this skill makes it a bit harder! You will have to use Icicle Rain right after you hear the “crack” sound of Pillar of Abyss.
Combo : Starter + Skill#1 + Skill#2

A + A ->> A + S + Pillar of Abyss [after Pillar of Abyss’s crack sound] + Icicle Rain

NOTICE Interchanging of Combo Starters
It is possible to interchange different combo starters and have very similar combos. However, different starters launch your target at different heights, so try to account for that when switching starters. The starter part of your combo is always listed in green.

5. Combination of Combos

Intermediate Cold Blue Dragon + Fire Bomb + Hand of Earth Combo # 5
I hope you practiced your Dash AS a lot, because this combo is going to require a lot of it. But the easy thing about this is that it follows a pattern: Skill + Dash AS + Skill + Dash AS. Remember the pattern and you’ll do fine.
Combo : Starter + Skill#1 + Dash AS + Skill#2 + Dash AS + Skill#3 + Dash AS

A + A ->> A + S + Cold Blue Dragon ->> A + S + Fire Bomb(1 hit) ->> A + S + Hand of Earth ->> A + S

Intermediate FireBomb + Hand of Earth + Ice Pillar Combo # 6
Lets start to mix some things up here, how about we have multiple Dash AS + Skill with multiple Skill#1 + Skill #2 added together? Now there isn’t a pattern, but remember the combo itself.
Combo : Starter + Skill#1 + Dash AS + Skill#2 + Skill#3 + Dash AS

A + A ->> A + S + Fire Bomb(1 hit) ->> A + S + Hand of Earth + Ice Pillar ->> A + S

*Alternatively after Ice Pillar, if you do this combo perfectly, add in AA after the Ice Pillar for two extra hits
Ice Pillar(2 hit) A + A ->> A + S

Intermediate Pillar of Abyss + Icicle Rain + Cold Blue Dragon + Summon Rock Combo # 7
Remember combo #3 and combo #4? How about we combine entire combos together? Yes, sometimes combos actually can be combined together. Base it upon the height of the enemy to see if you can do so. Follow the Icicle Rain by either walking fast or dash behind it. The Cold Blue Dragon and Summon Rock is used after the last Icicle Rain hit. Careful not to dash too fast after Icicle Rain, making your target fall down prematurely.
Combo : Starter + Skill#1 + Skill#2 + Skill#3 + Skill#4

A + A ->> A + S + Pillar of Abyss [sucessfully cast] + Icicle Rain [follow behind the icicles] + Cold Blue Dragon + Summon Rock

Intermediate Fire Bomb + Pillar of Abyss + Hand of Earth Combo # 8
Lets combine a couple of skills and Dash AS into a pretty long combo! I hope your ready for lots of Dash AS! For this spell, distance to your target is very important. You will have to perform a perfect AA Dash AS + FireBomb + Dash AS to be close enough to the target so Pillar of Abyss will hit, otherwise the Pillar of Abyss will be too far. The AA + Dash AS after Pillar of Abyss is also something irregular! If you manage to do this combo, here’s a cookie.
This combo uses : Starter + Skill#1 + Dash AS + Skill#2 + AA Dash AS + Skill#3 + Dash AS

A + A ->> A + S + Fire Bomb (1 hit) ->> A + S[needs to be perfect] + Pillar of Abyss [tap ->] A + A ->> A + S + Hand of Earth ->> A + S

NOTICE The basic formula: Skill + Dash AS
I just mixed and matched a lot of smaller combos together with extra Dash AS and few more skills. Well, a lot of combos can be formed from Basic parts (kinda like a sentence). Try creating your own unique combo (you can name it also)! Use all the skills you have to experiment, maybe even Land Giant’s Fist?

6. PvP Combos, Spacebars, and Damage reset!
If you like to PvP, you can look over these combos to help to improve your damage!
The first thing in PvP is that all air time combos do less damage the longer your target is in the air, down to a minimal of 25% at the 10th air hit. So in order to maximize the effectiveness of your spells in PvP, you should try to do your most damaging spells first followed by your weaker spells and ending with a spacebar( spacebar isn’t a air combo hit),

Basic Spacebar PvP Combo # 9
Your first use of Spacebar in a combo! Dash right after AAS to cancel it’s delay and land a quick spacebar right when your opponent lands on the floor. Quick combo that requires no mana and can be used to make your opponent regret standing down too long.
Combo : AAS + Spacebar

A + A + S ->> Spacebar [split second target falls down]
(notice, AAS starter only! This combo’s starter can’t be replaced)

Basic FireBomb PvP Combo # 10
Basic combo #1 with a spacebar at the end, maximizing your damage by a spacebar.
Combo : Starter + Skill#1 + Spacebar

A + A ->> A + S + Fire Bomb ->> Spacebar [split second target falls down]

Spacebar Notes
You might have not noticed this, but your Spacebar attack actually slightly knocks up the target to reset the damage. This means a few fractions of a second after your Spacebar, the target acts as if they are standing up, allowing some skills to actually do full damage as if it were a ground hit.

Advanced Cold Blue Dragon + Fire Orb PvP Combo # 11
Lets try to maximize our damage even more! If you ever PvP before, you should notice that Cold Blue Dragon and Fire Orb do a ton of damage against your opponent. Also, spacebar can be made to force your target to stand up for a few seconds. Use Fire Orb right after the Dragon and land a super precise Fire Orb!
Combo : Starter + Skill#1 + Skill#2 + Spacebar

A + A ->> A + S + Cold Blue Dragon + Fire Orb ->> Spacebar [split second opponent falls down]

Resetting air combo
You can also reset the mid-air combo by using either Pillar of Abyss, Land Giant’s Fist, or Ice Pillar. These skills “pop” your target from being down to up in the air for you to do full damage to them afterwards. Very effective in PvP.

Basic Pillar of Abyss resets Cold Blue Dragon PvP Combo # 12
This combo is actually quite special, because it actually doesn’t need a starter (AA Dash A can be ignored)! In order to reset, you have to use a skill that “pops” your target back up, Pillar of Abyss just does that. When your target has fallen down by a previous combo, use this piece to “pop” them up in the air! Time Cold Blue Dragon right after the cast of Pillar of Abyss, very quickly
Combo : Skill#1(reset) + Skill#2 + Dash AS

(Target falls down on ground) Pillar of Abyss + Cold Blue Dragon [cast quickly] ->> A + S

Intermediate Pillar of Abyss + Icicle Rain + Ice Pillar reset PvP Combo # 13
You can attempt to reset your combo after an Pillar of Abyss + Icicle Rain, when your opponent has fallen down. Time your Ice Pillar right after you followed behind the icicles and used Dash AS. Notice that this reset combo is a combination of Combo #4 (Pillar of Abyss + Icicle Rain) with a simple skill to reset.
Combo : Starter + Skill#1 + Skill#2 + Dash AS + Skill#3 + Dash AS

A + A ->> A + S + Pillar of Abyss [sucessful cast] + Icicle Rain [follow behind icicles] ->> A + S + Ice Pillar(2 hit)(reset) [try to be half a dash away for a 2 hit reset] A + A ->> A + S

NOTICE Land Giant’s Fist
Remeber how I told you to use Land Giant’s Fist in a combo, and that it also resets damage? Try to reset with Land Giant’s Fist in a combo! You can do this if your target is near a wall for Land Giant Fist to hit 2x, or very close to your opponent for it to hit 3x. Combo with Cold Blue Dragon afterwards (ouch)?

7. In depth Combo skills, Skills canceling, and Dash A + S

What can you do after each skill?

Melee hit after (after full spell duration)
Hand of Earth
Land Giant’s Fist
Ice Pillar

Walk after (after the full spell duration)
Icicle Rain
Hand of Earth
Land Giant’s Fist
Pillar of Abyss
Ice Pillar

Skills that can be canceled

Sometimes you can cancel the effect of another spell by pressing a different skill. If you press Icicle Rain too fast after Pillar of Abyss, it will cancel the Pillar and cast Icicle Rain instead. Similarily, you can cancel the wait time after Cold Blue Dragon has been cast with a Hand of Earth, allowing you to move faster after it. Dash can also cancel many skills, such as Fire Bomb, which you probably did in the first combo #1. You will find out all the possible skills that can be canceled.

Dash Cancelable
Fire Bomb
Ice Arrow
Hand of Earth

Skill Cancelable
Fire Bomb
Ice Arrow
Fire Orb learn at lv 6
Icicle Rain
Hand of Earth
Cold Blue Dragon
Pillar of Abyss
Fire Dragon’s Heart learn at lv 36
Rain of Fire learn at lv 48

Dash A + S In Depth
Dash A + S is actually a combination of both [A] and [S] mixed together with pauses in between. Between the pauses, you can actually do something else.

1. If you decide to hit both A and S at the same time, you will Dash A + S in a straight line with no delay

2. If you decide to hit Dash A, then followed by S, you will Dash A [wait until you hit] S.

3. If you decide to hit Dash A, you can follow it up with a directional button and then S. This will make your S hit the target in the directional button.

Dash A + S = Dash A [optional wait] [optional direction button] S

Dash A + S is now Dash A [->] S to signify that you can change your direction

Basic Fire Bomb + Ice Arrow Skill Cancel Combo # 14
Well, sometimes you would like to cancel out a skill, in order to combo more. Ice Arrow alone does not allow you to combo, but if you cancel the animation with a Dash A [->] S, you can combo after it. Another further extension of basic combo #1
Combo: Starter + Skill#1 + Dash AS + Skill#2(cancel) + Dash AS

A + A ->> A [->] S + Fire Bomb(1 hit) ->> A [->] S + Ice Arrow(dash cancel) ->> A [->] S

NOTICE Skill Cancel for mobility
With skills that are skill cancelable you can make your character a move much faster. Suppose you want to dash right after Cold Blue Dragon, you may skill cancel Cold Blue Dragon by using Hand of Earth, then dashing right away (you may skill cancel during anytime of the skill). Similiarly, you can use Ice Arrow after Dash AS to quickly recover from a missed Dash AS. Also, you can move faster after Pillar of Abyss by using Ice Arrow to cancel the delay. Many skills can be skill canceled into dash cancelable skills that allow you to move faster.

8. Using diagonals! Half-dashes and Shifts
Number Pad(numpad) Direction introduction

[7 8 9]

[4 5 6]

[1 2 3]

The number next to your numpad is like the direction of a map, where the placement of the button means its direction from the center.

2 4 6 8 are SOUTH, WEST, EAST, NORTH respectively
5 is the CENTER, which is no movement

What’s a Half Dash?
A half dash is basically a dash with another dash backwards to cancel the first dash. By moving backwards, you only dash “half the distance”, but you also dash with “half the time”. So this allows you to combo more effectively. Also, if you can dash, you can also half-dash, but that doesn’t mean you will be able to combo if your target lands on the ground before you can dash.

Half Dash = ->> <- numpad 66 4

However, you are facing the wrong direction after Half Dashing. Your original combo is going right ->, but half dash makes you go to the left to face the target.

Corrected Half Dash** = ->> numpad 66 4 6

**Alternatively, you can perfectly half dash by ->> , if you press the 4 right after your dash. This will cut time in your half dash and make you face your target. However, timing may be a much harder for this kind of half dash.

Intermediate Fire Bomb + Hand of Earth Half Dash Combo # 15
If you dash after Hand of Earth, that means you can also half dash after it. Half dash adds an extra AA after the Hand of Earth. Then link the AA with a Dash AS. Although not very damaging or impressive, learning half dash is what counts!
Combo: Starter + Skill#1 + Dash AS + Skill#2 + AA Dash AS

A + A ->> A [->] S + Fire Bomb(1 hit) ->> A [->] S + Hand of Earth + 66 4* [half dash] A + A ->> A [->] S

*or 66 4 for a perfect half-dash, but requires split second timing. 66 4 6 for a corrected half-dash, but is slightly slower.

The definition of Shifting
Shifting is to change the direction of the combo from one direction to another different direction. It is most useful when you are near a wall to combo alongside the wall (which is easier to do so than to combo on the wall. Plus, it allows you to change from a bad position to a better position during a combo. Similar with half dash, if you can dash regularly, you can shift also. However, shifting actually requires a tiny bit more time than half dashing, but that can be mostly ignored for short combos.

In order to shift, you will to have the change the position of your character so that it faces your target from a different direction. ex) Facing target at north -> Facing target at northwest.

You can try dash around your opponent in anyway possible and then hit your opponent from any direction.

However, you will soon find that we don’t have enough air time to hit your opponent from any direction, we need to find the shortest distance we can change to face the target.
BUT, we need to find the shortest distance to face the opponent!

Lets try a short distance change, from Facing East to Facing North, then from East to South.

Shift East to North = ↓→ ↓→ + ↑ numpad 33 8
Shift East to South = ↑→ ↑→ + ↓ numpad 99 2

We can also shift from East to North-East, and from East to South-East.

Shift East to North-East = ↓→ ↓→ + ↑→ numpad 33 9
Shift East to South-East = ↑→ ↑→ + ↓→ numpad 99 3

Just remember that shifting is just changing your direction from one to another.

Intermediate Fire Bomb + Hand of Earth Shift Combo # 16
Now instead of Half dashing, try to change the direction of the combo from East to North-East with a shift. Similar to half dash, you scored an extra 2 hits. Notice that if you try to shift after Fire Bomb, you will fail because Fire Bomb’s height is not high enough for your to shift.
Combo: Starter + Skill#1 + Dash AS + Skill#2 + AA Dash AS

A + A ->> A [->] S + Fire Bomb(1 hit) ->> A [->] S + Hand of Earth + 33 9 [shift] A + A ->> A [->] S

NOTICE Half-dash and Shift for Other Skills
There are other skills that can be dash after, like Cold Blue Dragon, and Pillar of Abyss, and even Ice Arrow (cancel). Experiment with those to see if you can Half-Dash or Shift after. Try things out and see if they can be done! Be mind of the height each spell hits up the target and how far you are from the target after the spell.

9. Autostep explained with a Poke
If you come to this part of the guide, then congrats. You are now a very good mage at using combos! The last part which you need to learn for combos is Autostep. In simple terms, Autostep is like having your character on Automatic AA mode forever. With Autostep, you can repeat AA, AAS, AAA, AA(poke)A + AS, or any basic melee chain forever! As long as you can keep the rhythm up.

How to Autostep is actually quite easy, all you have to do is dash diagonally away from your target. If you are facing East, you can either dash North-West or South-West

Autostep facing East (->) = ←↑ ←↑ + → numpad 77 6
Autostep facing East (->) = ←↓ ←↓ + → numpad 11 6

Important Note: The speed has to be fast in order to minimize the amount of distance you dashed diagonally. You want to dash as little diagonally as possible by facing the same direction as you did before the diagonal dash. If you do this quickly, it will look like you are using the melee chain instantly, one after another.

Intermediate Pillar of Abyss + Fire Bomb Autostep Combo # 17
Well lets try the basic repeated chain of AA with Autostep on this combo, and then finish it off with a Skill and Dash AS. Good practice for Autostep not on a wall. Notice after Autostep the extra AA hit will make you move further and hit your target further from you. The Autostep gives you an extra 2 hits.
Combo: Starter + Skill#1 + AA + (autostep) AA + Dash AS + Skill#2 + Dash AS

A + A ->> A [->] S + Pillar of Abyss [tap ->] A + A 77 6 [autostep] A + A ->> A [->] S + Fire Bomb(1 hit) ->> A [->] S

Poking revisted
Normally when you hit A + A + A without a [wait], it does your basic attack. However, if you wait after the second A with A + A [wait] A, timed correctly, you will actually perform a poke. The poke can be followed by another A + A or A + S or A [wait] S, or A [wait] A.

A + A [wait] A Normal AA melee chain with a Poke
A + A [wait] A + A + A Normal AA melee chain with a Poke, followed by a hit with a magical blast which launch the target at high height. The last A takes a longer time to hit and can be interrupted.
A + A [wait] A + A + S Normal AA melee chain with a Poke, followed by a hit and a knockback hit.
A + A [wait] A + A [wait] S Normal AA melee chain with a Poke, followed by a hit and a magical wave which slightly launch the target in the direction of the wave. Because of the wait, this attack is quite slow and can be interrupted before the last S.
A + A [wait] + A [wait] + A [wait] A +….etc Normal AA melee chain with a Poke, then a Poke, another Poke, and so on… and so on… until you decide to stop poking

Advanced Pillar of Abyss + Hand of Earth Poke and Half Dash Combo # 18
Well, Pillar of Abyss actually gives us enough time to do A + A [wait] A + A + S for 3 extra melee hits and Hand of Earth can be Half Dashed after. Lets combine these two into a combo! This combo will really test your timing of the poke!
This Poke combo uses: Starter + Skill#1 + AA + (poke) AAS + Dash AS + Skill#2 (half dash) + AA Dash AS

A + A ->> A [->] S + Pillar of Abyss [tap ->] + A + A [wait] A + A + S [timing is crucial for poke] ->> A [->] S + Hand of Earth + 66 4 6 [half dash] A + A ->> A [->] S

NOTICE Dash = Shift, Autostep, Halfdash
Whenever you can dash, you can either Half Dash, Autostep, or Shift. Plus, if you combine skills with Half Dashes, Autosteps, Shifts, you can create many different unique combos! Though one thing to notice most importantly about comboing is to watch the height of the target. Some skills only hit targets at low height, and some skills can hit medium height, but most skills will not hit at high height (except for your AA melee hits, which hit all heights)

10. Advanced Wall Combos
So far, you know how to Half-dash, Autostep, and Shift. These are essential for a wall combo also! Wall combos are the main reasons why I introduced them.

Lets put up a wall in front of you for a start.

(O) = Target
||| = Wall

While facing right on a wall, you can’t really move forward. So you are stuck to either combo in the same position toward the wall or combo alongside the wall, or combo in any direction facing the target towards the wall.

Combo in the same position
You are going to be facing East for these combos, and the technique you use to combo are half back-dash and Autosteps. Shifts aren’t used because you change your direction.

Since you can’t really half dash forward into the the wall! Think a bit and you can reverse the direction of Half-dash so that it makes you face the target. Instead of dashing foward and canceling the dash, you are gonna dash away and come back. This new Half-dash is called Half-backdash.

Half Back-Dash facing East (->) = < numpad 44 6

Compared to an Autostep, a half back-dash will give you less air time if both are timed perfectly. However, sometimes you might want to lose air height if your target is too high for your spells to hit or if the target is too close to you that you can’t combo with melee hits anymore

Advanced Fire Bomb Half-BackDash Wall Combo# 19
Start off with AA Dash AS Fire Bomb, right when you release the second bomb. Half-backdash really fast, and then quickly use Dash AS. This is gonna take a couple of tries, but you actually have to Half-BackDash when you release the second bomb! Not when the second bomb hits the target. Half-BackDash takes more time than Autostep to do.

A + A ->> A [->] S + Fire Bomb(2 hits)[dash after you release 2nd bomb] + <[half-backdash] + A + A ->> A [->] S

Advanced Fire Bomb Autostep Wall Combo# 20
Alternatively, you could try using Autostep instead of Half-BackDash. Autostep might be easier to do, but much much harder to perfect. Using Autostep will give you enough time to do an extra 2 hits, making it AA Dash AS at the end. Autostep takes less time than Half-Backdash. However, if you don’t have something blocking you from moving up or down while facing ->, your position won’t be aligned to do AA ->> AS. It’s recommended for you to do this when your in a corner, where something stops you from moving up or down while facing -> (This applies to when your facing any other direction also).

A + A ->> A [->] S + Fire Bomb(2 hits)[best if Auto after release 2nd bomb] + 77 6[autostep] + A + A ->> A [->] S

NOTICE: How many Autosteps can you do?
Alternatively, you can attempt to combine Half-BackDash and Autostep with Hand of Earth, Pillar of Abyss, and Cold Blue Dragon. Pillar of Abyss also has a slight delay for full animation before dashing, while walking after Pillar of Abyss is faster. Usually you should try to do 1 Autostep after Fire Bomb, 1 Halfback-dash and 2 Autosteps after Hand of Earth, 2 Autosteps after Pillar of Abyss and 2 Autosteps after Cold Blue Dragon. Though those aren’t the max autosteps you can do.

Combo along the wall
Well this might make you think of Shifts. Since we are changing our direction of facing East, to Facing North or South to combo alongside the wall.

Shift East to North = ↓→ ↓→ + ↑ numpad 33 8
alternatively you can hit 99 2 to shift East to South

Advanced Fire Bomb + Hand of Earth Autostep and Shift Wall Combo# 21
For shifting it is generally a good idea to use a skill that gives a large amount of height. So that you have more time to shift, as shifting actually takes up a lot of time to perform. Fire Bomb’s little height makes it very difficult to shift. But Hand of Earth’s high height makes it well suited for shifting. Lets see shifting in action, with combo #20 at the beginning.

A + A ->> A [->] S + Fire Bomb(2 hits)[best if Auto after 2nd bomb] + 77 6(autostep) + A + A ->> A [->] S + Hand of Earth + 33 8[/b](shift) + A + A ->> A [->] S

NOTICE: Shift after Cold Blue Dragon
Alternatively, you can attempt to Shift with Cold Blue Dragon, you might find it easier to do!

Combo from any direction (any direction left to consider)
Well, there is still two directions which I have not considered yet. East to North-East and East to South-East

Recall that shifting from E -> NE and E -> SE in open ground was this.

Shift East to North-East = ↓→ ↓→ + ↑→ numpad 33 9 or press 99 3 Shift East to South-East.

if you attempt to do these shifts, you will end up like this


F = direction your facing. Which of is not your target.

We correct this by making you Face your target a bit differently.


Now you are facing your target

Corrected Wall Shift East to North-East = ↓ ↓ + ↑→ numpad 22 9 or press 88 3 Shift East to South-East.

Of course, to continue after, you will have to Face Either North or South.

Corrected Wall North-East to North = → → + ↑ numpad 66 8 or Shift South- East to South 66 2.

Advanced Fire Bomb + Pillar of Abyss East to North Combo # 22
Start off with your Fire Bomb to land two hits, After the first Fire Bomb, shift East to North-East. Then use your Pillar of Abyss, followed by a Shift North-East to North. So two shifts in one combo. similar to the Hand of Earth Shift after Fire Bomb, except now your doing it in two steps instead of 1. Scoring a couple more hits. This is a difficult combo.

A + A ->> A [->] S + Fire Bomb(2 hits) + 22 9[shift E to NE] + A + A ->> A [->] S + Pillar of Abyss + 66 8[shift NE to N]
+ A + A ->> A [->] S.

Combo from Wall to Away from Wall
There is also another direction we have not yet discussed. If you think about all the possible directions.


[W ….. E]


We can’t combo NE, E or SE on a wall since that will mean breaking the wall. We already combobed on N, NW, SW, and S. The only other direction is W! W is away from the Wall! Only a wizard can perform that sort of wall combo.

Remember AAS? Well, if you actually press a directional button and S after the AA, you will launch your magical wave in the direction you choose!

A + A + S basic 2 swing attack with slightly faster attack that slightly launches your opponent in the direction of the magical wave

A + A + S = A + A [->] S, to signify that you can change the direction of your S attack.

Notice how I worded that? The S (Magical Wave) will actually redirect the combo in its direction. That means if you direct the S wave backwards(<-). You will actually move your target away from the wall. However, the downside to this is that you have to be extremely close to your target in order for you (while facing forward) to hit the target (with a backwards) S magical wave attack.

Advanced Cold Blue Dragon Away from Wall Combo # 23
Use Cold Blue Dragon right away. The moment Cold Blue Dragon ends, you should be extremely near your target(almost under it). Then you can perform A + A [<-] S to launch the magical wave backwards to follow up with another devasting combo. This combo might even make someone extremely surprised! A combo OUT of the wall (surprise people in PvP!)?

A + A ->> A [->] S + Cold Blue Dragon + A + A [<-] S + < [be extremely near] + Pillar of Abyss + Icicle Rain

NOTICE: A + A [->] S in any direction
You can also attempt to change the direction after Fire Bomb(Autostep after only), Pillar of Abyss, or Even Hand of Earth. But these variations have different heights to be accounted for. You may also use A + A [->] S to change the direction to N, S, NW, or SW (if you are facing E) if you like also.

11.Advanced Combos
The very last section of this guide focuses on advanced combos that some professional players use. All these combos are for PvP, as in stages there are currently no monsters which can can survive these combos. You may attempt to do them at your own risk. They are all extremely difficult to accomplish to all but the best combo players out there. If you can do them, then you have truly learned how to combo. All there left is to master it. Now begins the very last section.

New Skills introduced
Summon Meteors learn at lv 54

Pillar of Abyss, in depth
Pillar of Abyss is able to reset damage. However, a level 1 Pillar of Abyss reset is only able to combo with a Cold Blue Dragon. Higher levels of Pillar of Abyss will allow you to combo from the ground more effective by increasing the height of the target it will launch. Below are the minimal levels in which you can combo certain skills from the ground.

Level 1 – Cold Blue Dragon
Level 3 – Fire Bomb
Level 4 – AA Dash AS
Level 6 – Icicle Rain

Advanced Dragon -> Icicle Rain PvP Combo #24
This combo will most likely see play where wizards fight with high degree of skill. Instead of following Cold Blue Dragon with Summon Rock (which you are used to), we choose to land an Icicle Rain for maximum damage and combo after with a Damage Reset. The Dash A is there is optional, but it will slightly lower your damage by add an extra air combo hit. A 1/3 Dash is needed for Ice Pillar’s last Pillar to hit your opponent if they pressed A right after

A + A ->> A [->] S + Cold Blue Dragon + [ ->> A]* + Pillar of Abyss(reset) + Icicle Rain [1/3 Dash] + Ice Pillar

* = Dash A included for easier comboing. Dash only and use Pillar of Abyss + Icicle Rain if you want to increase damage, but you have to dash and use Pillar of Abyss right after 3rd Dragon hit.

Advanced Land Giant’s Fist Dmg Reset PvP Combo #25
This combo will attempt to reset with Land Giant’s Fist on a wall, in which damage will be reset. You can follow it up with something like Cold Blue Dragon afterwards to deal an amazing amount of damage to your opponent.

A + A ->> A [->] S + Pillar of Abyss + Icicle Rain[follow behind icicles] + A + A ->> A [->] S + Hand of Earth + 66 4 6(halfdash) + A + A ->> A* + Land Giant’s Fist
+ A + A ->> A + Cold Blue Dragon

* Dash AS will work also, but you need a better timing for the target just to fall to the ground when your Land Giant’s Fist hit them. Dash A is just to lower height

Advanced Icicle Rain into Meteor PvP Combo #26
Comboing Meteor is hard because it actually requires you to be next to a wall. You will also require a lot of time to charge up Meteor, which is why Icicle Rain is used. You will need a low height for all 7 Icicles to hit your target.

Start at 2 dash lengths from wall
A + A ->> A [->] S + Pillar of Abyss + Icicle Rain[cast Meteor right after Icicle Rain] + Summon Meteors

Advanced Fire Bomb -> Icicle Reset PvP Combo #27(requires lv 6+ Pillar of Abyss)
Another quite devasting reset combo. The timing of this combo is perfect to do a Dash A after Fire Bomb, when your opponent had just fallen on the ground. You can easily reset to do maximize damage to your target.

A + A ->> A [->] S + Fire Bomb(1 hit) + ->> A + Pillar of Abyss(reset) + Icicle Rain

Advanced Anti Magic-Defense Defensive PvP Combo #28
This combo is used when you are fighting a Sieg and they have used Magic Defense, which renders almost every magic skill you use against him useless. To counter this, we try to buy time for the buff to end its duration by stalling with physical spells. The only skill that are physical and ignore this are Hand of Earth and Land Giant’s Fist.

A + A ->> A [->] S + Hand of Earth + 33 9(shift) + A + A ->> A [->] S + Ice Arrow(cancel) + ->> A [->] S + Land Giant’s Fist

Advanced Double Backwards Fun Combo #29
Quite a fun combo actually, having really no damage use. However, it does serve the purpose of better positioning in PvP. Sometimes, a better position in PvP will lead to a better ability to combo afterwards, even if they damage is reduced by air combo reduction. Of course, you may also attempt to reset to increase the damage. Now try to go behind your opponent by shifting.

A + A ->> A [->] S + Hand of Earth + 66 4 (shift to face behind)[This is not a halfdash. Make a full dash and then shift your position behind target] + A + A < + Pillar of Abyss + Ice Arrow (cancel)[for faster movement after Pillar] + 44 6(shift back to face original position) + A + A ->> A [->] S

Advanced Fire Bomb -> Icicle Rain PvP Wall Combo #30
This combo actually has two methods. One involving using a Shift, and another using Autostep and AA[<-]S to change the direction to backwards. Although almost the same identical combo, you will find that using AA[<-]S to change the direction to backwards to give more room for a combo after.

Using Shift
A + A ->> A [->] S + Fire Bomb[shift after release of 2nd Bomb] + 33 8(shift) +
A + A ->> A [->] S + Pillar of Abyss + Icicle Rain

Using Autostep
A + A ->> A [->] S + Fire Bomb[autostep after release of 2nd Bomb] + 77 6[/b] + A + A [<-] S < + Pillar of Abyss + Icicle Rain

Secret PvP Combo #31
Well, this the technique that will really make your opponent fearful of the wizard. Remember that I told you Spacebar pops your target to act as if they are standing up for a while? That little while is actually enough time for a wizard to do an extremely fast Dash AS. Just a regular AA + Spacebar will give you a near perfect timing to do Dash AS after Spacebar

AA Dash AS + Pillar of Abyss + AA + Spacebar [Dash AS moment target pops up] + ->> A [->] S + Fire Bomb(1 hit) + ->> A [->] S

12. Conclusion
Well, after spending a good amount of time writing this guide, I hope it was useful to you. Whether you learned at least how to do some basic combos, or that you discovered some new unique combos to use in PvP. I hope you all learned something from this guide. Also, if you want to become truly a good player in general, I recommend you learn how to PvP also. Although combos improve your damage, they will not improve your prediction, movement, or reflexes. All that is gained in PvP. Yup, it will be rough though, but just remember that Lunia is a game and have fun!

13. Overview of Combos
1. AA Dash AS + Fire Bomb + Dash AS
2. AA Dash AS + Fire Bomb + Dash AS + Hand of Earth + Dash AS
3. AA Dash AS + Cold Blue Dragon + Summon Rock
4. AA Dash AS + Pillar of Abyss + Icicle Rain

5. AA Dash AS + Cold Blue Dragon + Dash AS + Fire Bomb + Dash AS + Hand of Earth + Dash AS
6. AA Dash AS + Fire Bomb + Dash AS + Hand of Earth + Ice Pillar + AA Dash AS
7. AA Dash AS + Pillar of Abyss + Icicle Rain + Cold Blue Dragon + Summon Rock
8. AA Dash AS + Fire Bomb + Dash AS + Pillar of Abyss + AA Dash AS + Hand of Earth + Dash AS

Basic PvP
9. AAS + Spacebar
10. AA Dash AS + Fire Bomb + Spacebar
11. AA Dash AS + Cold Blue Dragon + Fire Orb + Spacebar
12. AA Dash A + Pillar of Abyss + Cold Blue Dragon + Dash AS
13. AA Dash AS + Pillar of Abyss + Icicle Rain + AA Dash AS + Ice Pillar + AA Dash AS

Skill canceling
14. AA Dash AS + Fire Bomb + Dash AS + Ice Arrow + Dash AS

Halfdash and Shift
15. AA Dash AS + Fire Bomb + Dash AS + Hand of Earth(halfdash) + AA Dash AS
16. AA Dash AS + Fire Bomb + Dash AS + Hand of Earth(shift) + AA Dash AS

Autostep and Poke
17. AA Dash AS + Pillar of Abyss + AA(autostep) + AA Dash AS + Fire Bomb + Dash AS
18. AA Dash AS + Pillar of Abyss + AAAAS Dash AS(poke) + Hand of Earth(halfdash) + AA Dash AS

19. AA Dash AS + Fire Bomb(half-backdash)+ AA + Dash AS
20. AA Dash AS + Fire Bomb(autostep) + AA + Dash AS
21. AA Dash AS + Fire Bomb(autostep) + AA + Dash AS + Hand of Earth(shift) + AA + Dash AS
22. AA Dash AS + Fire Bomb(shift) + AA Dash AS + Pillar of Abyss(shift) + AA Dash AS
23. AA Dash AS + Fire Bomb + Cold Blue Dragon + AAS + Dash AS(<-) + Pillar of Abyss + Icicle Rain

Advanced PvP
24. AA Dash AS + Cold Blue Dragon + Dash A* + Pillar of Abyss + Icicle Rain + 1/3 Dash + Ice Pillar

25. AA Dash AS + Pillar of Abyss + Icicle Rain + AA Dash AS + Hand of Earth(halfdash) + AA Dash A + Land Giant’s Fist(reset) + AA Dash A(hit wall now) + Cold Blue Dragon

26. AA Dash AS + Pillar of Abyss + Icicle Rain + Summon Meteors

27. AA Dash AS + Fire Bomb + Dash A + Pillar of Abyss(reset) + Icicle Rain + AA Dash AS + Ice Pillar + AA + Dash AS

28. AA Dash AS + Hand of Earth(shift) + AA Dash AS + Ice Arrow + Dash AS + Land Giant’s Fist

29. AA Dash AS + Hand of Earth(shift to backward) + AA Dash AS(<-) + Pillar of Abyss + Ice Arrow(shift to forward) + AA Dash AS

30a. AA Dash AS + Fire Bomb(shift) + AA Dash AS + Pillar of Abyss + Icicle Rain
30b. AA Dash AS + Fire Bomb(autostep) + AAS + Dash AS(<-) + Pillar of Abyss + Icicle Rain

14. Credits
1. Gaiety’s Combo Guide on mymmorpg
(Extremely helpful guide on combos, Shows you a lot of different combos )
2. ShirukuRasshu
(taught me how to do Cold Blue Dragon + Fire Orb combo! and a very good mage player)
3. John
(Point out that >> < is also perfect half dash, if performed perfectly) 

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