Asda 2 One Hand Sword Warrior Tanking Guide

Asda 2 One Hand Sword Warrior Tanking Guide by jyndal

We are tanks and we are the meatshields, our main job is to protect and distract (PVP/PVE wise) using our uber high defense and high hp, also our normal hit attack speed is hella fast! which is awesome XD

Aggro Control(party)

Always use just regular provoke, mass provoke is good too but only use it for emergency or unless ure crazy enough to provoke a whole bunch of mobs at the same time, make sure you have a healer with you if ure gonna do that tho.


I suggest just use pure STAMINA sowels if you have a healer companion with you, it takes time to kill monsters while PVE-ing but the splinter skill should do the trick.

but if you want to, you can throw in a few STR sowels in there.


this really matters for us, always have 2 DEF rings and 1 MDEF necklace

Alright lets talk about skills!

PURE TANKER(good for parties/healer companion):

1st Job

Jump Slash or Deep Pierce: MAX (stun or bleed, make a choice)
Splinter: MAX (for massive luring and killing em at the same time)
Fatal Blow: 0 (you dont really need this)
Provoke: MAX (for agro control)
Defense Training: MAX
Charge: MAX
Increase STR: MAX
Increase DEX: 0 (ure not an archer, but it adds dodge tho)
Increase INT: 0 (whats the MATK for?)

skill points used: 30

2nd Job

Repeated Hit: 0 (ure a tank, you need to spend skill points wisely)
Strike Down: MAX (backs up the splinter skill, also high chance of stuns)
One-Hand Sword Training: 0( Art of Strength is better and adds more dmg)
Mass Provoke: MAX (for aggro control)
Art of Strength: MAX ( better than OHS Training)
Heavy Crasher: 0 (you dont really need this)
Bloody Trap: 0 (kinda useless, it only works for single target)
Endurance: MAX (this is really helpfull, moar HP!)
Shield Training: MAX
Life’s Rest: 0/MAX (a good skill but you might not have enough points for 3rd Job)
Threat: MAX (this is one of the best skills we have for agro control)
Increase STA: MAX ( you need all the hp you can get XD)
Increase DEX: 0 (dont waste ur points for this, learn how to fish/craft mp potions!)
Increase INT: 0 (OHS is the fastest normal attacking class = higher chance of crits)

skill points used: 30-35

slow lvling coz you have to fight mobs 1on1 but with decent PVP skills

1st Job
Jump Slash or Deep Pierce: MAX (stun or bleed, make a choice)
Splinter: 0 (you dont need this coz ure gonna spam skills)
Fatal Blow: MAX (deals massive damage! LVL1 = 200%)
Provoke: 0
Defense Training: MAX (you need all the defense you can get)
Charge: MAX ( a very frightening skill, and very good for chasing enemies on pvp)
Increase STR: MAX
Increase DEX: 0 (ure not an archer, but it adds dodge tho)
Increase INT: 0 (whats the MATK for?)

skill points used: 29

2nd Job

Repeated Hit: MAX (a very good skill to lower the healing amount of potions by enemy)
Strike Down: MAX
One-Hand Sword Training: 0( Art of Strength is better and adds more dmg)
Mass Provoke: 0
Art of Strength: MAX ( better than OHS Training)
Heavy Crasher: 0 (you dont really need this)
Bloody Trap: 0 (doesnt really give good bleeding dmg)
Endurance: MAX
Shield Training: 0 (screw blocking! you need skill points for more skills to spam)
Life’s Rest: 0/MAX (a good skill but you might not have enough points for 3rd Job)
Threat: 0
Increase STA: 0/MAX (choose between STA or LUK passive buff)
Increase DEX: 0
Increase INT: 0/MAX (choose between STA or LUK passive buff)

skill points used: 29

i know some of the names are messed up XD

if anyone have any better suggestions and opinions please post here, that would really help

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4 Responses

  1. Pikaslash says:

    Use 2 crafted ATK Rings and a HP Necklace, that are uncommon for an extra HP boost, and for dungeons, use 2 MDEF rings and 1 MDEF Necklace that are obtained from monsters, because most of them give more MDEF for having the full set. For sowels, put stamina in everything but your weapon, where you should put strength.

    -Pikaslash, Lv67 Knight

  2. Pikaslash says:

    Well, my skillset is…
    P.S. OHS Training is STRONGER then Art of Strength because it gives straight ATK while Art of Strength gives well….STR because
    Also, Bloody Trap works on all targets around you. Heavy Crasher can save people, it stuns using the next skill used, and if you combine it with Strike Down, it stuns every mob around you. Life’s Rest isn’t good because it heals over time, with a heal of like…100, it’s useless because I have 19700 HP.

    1st Job – Swordsman

    Jump Slash 1
    Deep Pierce 6
    Fatal Blow 1
    Splinter 7
    Increase Strength 7
    Defense Training 5
    Charge 3

    2nd Job – Guard

    Strike Down 1
    Repeated Hit 1
    OHS Training 5
    Threat 2
    Shield Training 5
    Endurance 3
    Heavy Crasher 1
    Mass Provoke 1
    Bloody Trap 4
    Increase Stamina 7

    3rd Job – Knight

    Cross-Cut 4
    Starlight Slash 1
    Master of Survival 1
    Return Damage 3
    Unbreakable Shield 5
    Skin of Steel 5
    Prayer of Fortune 5
    Roar of Vitality 5

    4th Job – Templar

    Controlled Breath 1
    Focus 5
    Parry 3
    King’s Rage 5
    Spinning Slash 7
    Maul 7
    Increase Casting Speed 5
    Increase Movement Speed 5

    This is a PvE skillset, that is made to tank mass amounts of monsters, while still strong enough to stunlock the opponent, and cut through defenses.

  3. Genus haiku says:

    Where is the 3rd?

  4. GuideUser says:

    I <3 all your guide's. I hop around MMO's.. Trying to find "The One". So I depend on guide's Till I know what i'm doing. Just wanna say thanks for making guide's. Now get to 4 jobs on these! lol :) Please? ^.^

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