EpicX Technologies Guide

EpicX Technologies Guide by kaestle

This is about technologies. the college is opened at level 11

Note : All the technologies noted with a * have a note at the end of the guide, please read them.

Buff Technologies

Iron Tools
Ingame’s Description : Upgrade increase troops’ normal damage(Nor ATK) by 10.
Description : In other words, this increase the damage you do with normal attack by 10 per upgrade, the special attacks and disaster attack(mage attacks) are unaffected by this upgrade.
This Technology’s max level is equal to your current College level.
Level of College that unlocks it : You get it right when you get your college

Ingame’s Description : Upgrade increase troops by 10.
Description : What this means is that all your heroes will have 10 more troops after each upgrades, troops can be considered as the HP of your heroes.
This Technology’s max level is equal to your current College level.
Level of College that unlocks it : 5

Ingame’s Description : Upgrade increase troops’ special attack(S.P. ATK) by 25.
Description : After each upgrade you make to this technology, your heroes will get 25 more S.P. ATK, which means that your heroes with S.P. ATK will strike stronger with their special attacks, this do not affect normal attack and disaster attack’s damage.
This Technology’s max level is equal to your current College level.
Level of College that unlocks it : 10

Ingame’s Description : Upgrade increase troops’ normal defence(Nor DEF) by 7.
Description : This technology increases your defence against normal attack, normal attack will hit for less this way, but this will not affect special attacks, nor disaster attacks.
This Technology’s max level is equal to your current College level.
Level of College that unlocks it : 15

Ingame’s Description : Upgrade increase troops’ special defence(S.P. DEF) by 18.
Description : This technology is similar to guard, except it will help you reduce the damage you receive from special attacks, it has, however, no effect against normal attacks or disaster attacks.
This Technology’s max level is equal to your current College level.
Level of College that unlocks it : 20

Ingame’s Description : Upgrade increase troops’ disaster damage(Dis ATK) by 12.
Description : This technology increase the damage of your disaster attacks, in other words how high your mages hit. Also, it increase how much your healer heal if you have one. This does not affect how much you will hit with normal attacks and special attacks.
This Technology’s max level is equal to your current College level.
Level of College that unlocks it : 30

Ingame’s Description : Upgrade increase troops’ disaster Defence(Dis DEF) by 8.
Description : This technology increase your defence against mage’s attacks, but it won’t lower the enemy’s healing abilities, nor lower his normal attacks and special attacks damage.
This Technology’s max level is equal to your current College level.
Level of College that unlocks it : ?

Ingame’s Description : Upgrade increase troops by 20.
Description : Pretty similar to Leadership, this technology gives all your heroes will have 20 more troops after each upgrades, troops can be considered as the HP of your heroes.
This Technology’s max level is equal to your current College level divide by 2.
Level of College that unlocks it : 40

Ingame’s Description : Upgrade Increase 1% extra exploits for attacking enemies.
Description : This technology is really useful, it increase how much exploits you get from conquer, in other words Team Battles and from NPC in conquer map. it may not look much, but in the end it becomes a lot.
This Technology’s max level is equal to your current College level divide by 2.
Level of College that unlocks it : ?

Healing Kit*
Ingame’s Description : Upgrade increases recovery percentage of wounded troops
Description : What this technology does, is basicly making you lose less troops, please refer to Adjutant’s notes concerning how Healing Kit works located below the formation technologies descriptions .
This Technology’s max level is equal to your current College level divide by 2.
Level of College that unlocks it : 60

Ingame’s Description : Upgrade decrease the damage from enemies.
Description : Toughness is one of the most helpful skills you can get, it affects disaster attack, normal attack and special attack, lowering the damage by around 1% per point in the technology.
This Technology’s max level is equal to your current College level divide by 2.
Level of College that unlocks it : 65

Ingame’s Description : Upgrade increase troops’ recovery efficiency.
Description : This skill is really important to any person who have an healer, this technology increase how much troops an healer heals of around 1% per level.
This Technology’s max level is equal to your current College level divide by 2.
Level of College that unlocks it : 75

Ingame’s Description : Upgrade reduce building destroyed chance.
Description : This skill lowers the chances that your building lose levels after been subdued successfully.
This Technology’s max level is equal to your current College level divide by 2.
Level of College that unlocks it : 80

Ingame’s Description : Upgrade increase chances of destroying enemy’s building.
Description : This skill increase your chances to make the enemy lose a level in one of his building(if subdued successfully), which give twice as much prestige.
This Technology’s max level is equal to your current College level divide by 2.
Level of College that unlocks it : 80

Formation Technologies

Ingame’s Description : Upgrade increase troops’ block chance.
Description : this troop is pretty useful if you want to increase the chances your heroes have to block, even tho they do not have the ability to block with their type of soldiers, they will still have a chance to block because of the formation.
This Technology’s max level is equal to your current College level divide by 5.
Level of College that unlocks it : You receive it as you begin to play.
This is the order that places for heroes will be unlocked : Def_Formation.png

Ingame’s Description : Upgrade increase troops’ normal damage(Nor ATK)
Description : This formation increase how much normal damage(Nor ATK) you will do against your enemies, pretty useful if you need to have a little more power to finish the enemies.
This Technology’s max level is equal to your current College level divide by 5.
Level of College that unlocks it : 5
This is the order that places for heroes will be unlocked : Phalanx_Formation.png

Ingame’s Description : Upgrade increase troops’ special attack damage(S.P. ATK)
Description : This troop is useful if you have a high horse S.P ATK to begin with, because if you don’t, the increase won’t be enough for you to pass throught your enemies and this formation will be useless.
This Technology’s max level is equal to your current College level divide by 5.
Level of College that unlocks it : 10
This is the order that places for heroes will be unlocked :

Ingame’s Description : Upgrade increase troops’ critical chance.
Description : This formation can be quite powerful if you’re lucky, critical damage is a great increase of damage, which can if lucky, make you able to pass throught some hard defence enemies(if lucky, lol). The critical hits can be done in this formation even if they cannot normally.
This Technology’s max level is equal to your current College level divide by 5.
Level of College that unlocks it : 20
This is the order that places for heroes will be unlocked : Circular_Formation.png

Ingame’s Description : Upgrade increase troops’ dodge chance.
Description : If your team can already dodge, this formation can be quite powerful at times, it increase your dodge rate a lot and you can just dodge all the way of a fight if you get lucky(pretty rare but can happen). Your heroes does not need to be able to dodge if they are in this formation, they can dodge because of it.
This Technology’s max level is equal to your current College level divide by 5.
Level of College that unlocks it : 30
This is the order that places for heroes will be unlocked : Cone_Formation.png

Ingame’s Description : Upgrade increase troops’ disaster attack damage.(Dis ATK)
Description : This troops increase your Dis ATK, it can help a lot if you need your mage to hit higher or your healer to heal more, since this formation boost disaster damage, it increase also how much your healer heals.
This Technology’s max level is equal to your current College level divide by 5.
Level of College that unlocks it : ?
This is the order that places for heroes will be unlocked : Tactical_Formation.png

Ingame’s Description : Upgrade increase troops’ counter attack chance.
Description : this formation increase your chances to counter, your heroes can counter even if they normally don’t have the ability to do so if they are this formation.
This Technology’s max level is equal to your current College level divide by 5.
Level of College that unlocks it : ?
This is the order that places for heroes will be unlocked : Crescent_Formation.png

Ingame’s Description : Upgrade increase troops’ defence.(Dis DEF, Nor DEF, S.P. DEF)
Description : this formation allows you to last longer, if you need just a bit more defence to pass it can help you quite a lot since you won’t lose as many troops, your healer can also heal back enough to keep you alive a bit, or a lot longer depending of the disaster attack he got.
This Technology’s max level is equal to your current College level divide by 5.
Level of College that unlocks it : ?
This is the order that places for heroes will be unlocked : Tustedo_Formation.png

Note concerning Formations
1) On the picture, the number 1 and 2 are unlocked when you get the formation at the same time.
2) The third place is unlocked once the formation you want to use reach level 2.
3) The fourth place is unlocked once the formation you want to use reach level 5.
4) The fifth place is unlocked once the formation you want to use reach level 10.

Note from Adjutant concerning Healing Kit
The Healing kit Technology took some head scratching I’ll be honest, many people see it and think it’ll increase the troops recovered by healers, but that in fact is not the case.

The description reads:”Upgrade increases recovery percentage of wounded troops”

What that boils down to, is every fight you get in, you loose a percentage of your losses.   On conquest maps you loose 100% of your losses, in certain cities, subdues have their own losses, for example, lower level areas you may loose 20% of your losses from getting subdued, (if you wipe out and loose your entire formation of 10,000 troops you only actually loose 2,000 reserves)  Of course higher level cities have a higher subdue loss percentage, that number can be found by the city information on the world map.  Needless to say, while subduing other players you still loose a base 100% of your losses.

Every rank of Healing Kit decreases the percentage of troops you lose by 1%.   So for example when you’re fighting on a conquest map, and lose 10,000 troops in that battle, without any levels in healing kit, you will lose 10,000 troops, which will be filled in from your reserves.  With 10 levels in healing kit, your actual losses will be 9,000 troops.

A great Technology to have if you find yourself having trouble taking ports or getting good farms, get more bang for your buck as far as conscription goes.

Hope that helps!

Note About Logistics and Healers

Logistic increase your healer’s heal, the higher it is the more your healer can heal your party, it’s really useful if you DO use a healer, else it is near as useless, lol. I actually don’t know if it makes you spend less for more troops in barrack, but I do know it helps healer a lot. if you want to increase efficiently your healer’s healing rate, you need to maximise Dis ATK and Logistic in your technologies, as well as having a good Dis ATK ring.

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