SD Gundam Online Single Player Mission Guide

SD Gundam Online Single Player Mission Guide by Yoshi6400

Singleplayer Mission 1 [GROUND] Guide, With Video:

It’s slower, but if you need a change of pace, you should move to the Ground mission. 288/288 EXP/Points with Faith 3/3 without. I won’t go through movement paths this time since it’s a lot more straightforward than in Space.

EASY. The enemies do such pitiful damage that you can even do the mission with a Trainer Zaku or Trainer GM.

A little under 4 minutes per round if you know what you’re doing.

Suggested Mobile Suit:
Anything with a machinegun. It fires quick, has decent range, and can be aimed fast with little delay.
Unlike Space, where you could legitimately melee your way through, there is a part in this mission that REQUIRES ranged weapons. If you’re leveling a unit here, MAKE SURE it has a gun.
If you have leveled the unit to have Special Attack, it helps at the end. You’ll see why.

Sector 1:
A disabled Strike Gundam (Why not Shining? Beats me.) is on the field and the enemy will move to destroy it. Only YOU stand in their way! Defeat 16 attacking units to move on. The Gundam Heads in this sector can be targeted and shot, but you cannot destroy them.

Sector 2:
YOU REQUIRE A GUN FOR THIS PART. Destroy 9 Gundam Heads. They spawn over time on the map. Also, take note to kill the grunts when you have the chance. If too many grunts collect up, the spawning of Gundam Heads will be halted.

Sector 3
HALLWAY RUSH! Destroy almost all the enemies in your way and reach the end! A red dot mark will appear on your radar when the box you have to destroy has spawned. When that shows up, you can ignore everything and rush past.
Personally, I find that the kill count hangs around 50 (maybe more if you kill more grunts in Sector 2) before the box appears.

Sector 4
GUNDAMU FAITO! READY…. GO! Faceoff with Master Gundam! Deal about half its life and then Spec it for a quick finish.

Singleplayer Mission 2 [SPACE] Guide, With Video:

When you have the 15 Faith points active, this is the single fastest way to earn Unit EXP and Points, 288/288 respectively. Without the 15, you get a whopping 3/3 per round.

EASY. The enemies do such pitiful damage that you can even do the mission with a Trainer Zaku or Trainer GM.

Time:About 3 minutes per round if you know what you’re doing.

Suggested Mobile Suit:
Anything with a machinegun. It fires quick, has decent range, and can be aimed fast with little delay.
If you’re in for the Unit EXP as well, anything with a gun will work.
You can actually do this stage with a melee-only unit, but it’s painful and time consuming.
Sector 1:Navigate the debris and destroy 6 Secret Box items. You’ll have to kill some enemies along the way or the boxes will not spawn. Easy? Yes. Can possibly be annoying? With potential knockdowns and Zakus axing you, very yes.

My path is as follows:
-Start off with a forward dash to the box right in front of you. Ignore the Zaku. Destroy the box.
-Kill Zakus and WATCH FOR THE GELGOOG CANNON. When it spawns, shoot it before it shoots you.
-Destroy the box that spawned closed to the first one, then start moving across the map.
-There will be a box to destroy and some Zakus will spawn. Fire away.
-GELGOOG 2. Same as before, shoot it before it shoots you to avoid a knockdown. You should have 11 kills.
-Move up to the asteroid shown in the video, wait for GELGOOG 3 and prepare to gun the bastard down. 12 kills.
-A box will also spawn nearby. Destroy it. 13 kills.
-Move across the map and look down. There’s another box. Destroy it. 14 kills.
-Move up and wait for the last box, then destroy it. Take note that if you DO NOT have 14+ kills by now, the box will NOT spawn.

Sector 2:The ZAFT Battleship Vesalius is trying to cross the area and you have to stop it! Defend the two crashed Earth Alliance ships that block its way from the GINNs that try to clear the path. It is possible to take advantage of the same “Spawning Queue” that can prevent boxes from appearing in Sector 1.
(Note: This trick ONLY works on Easy difficulty and I don’t think it needs to be patched out since it does NOT work on any higher difficulties. On anything higher, the spawn caps are increased and you will have to kill anything that moves or fail.)

My path is as follows:
-WARNING: Some guns, mostly Bazooka or Missile weapons, will deflect when being fired through the shipwreck. If it does, you’ll have to quickly move around then move back.
-Move up to the nearest crashed ship, shooting the two GINNs that spawn behind them. 2 kills.-Turn around with back to crashed ship. Two more GINNs to shoot. 4 kills.
-Turn back around, facing Vesalius. One more GINN. 5 kills.
-Face the crashed ship and wait with lock on held. A GINN will spawn in a few seconds. 6 kills.
-Turn around again, back to crashed ship. 4 GINNs. (Ignore the one GINN that shoots beams, its rate of fire is not enough to destroy the crashed ships in time) 10 kills.
-Another Beam GINN and Rock GINN spawn. Ignore them both. The active enemies will clog the “Spawn queue” and nothing else will show up. They also can’t destroy both crashed ships in the time remaining. That’s it.


My path is as follows:
-Move up and destroy the one piece of debris to the left with melee attacks. You have just enough time to do this before enemies start spawning.
-Kill everything on sight. Easy enough?

IGN: AzureRathalos

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