Gardens of Time Quest Requirements

Gardens of Time Wonders and Side Quest Requirements by billiejosunrise

This is by no means conclusive. This is all I have information on at this time. I am omitting the phrase “in your garden” to save time having to type it, and the space it takes up. If anyone can screen shot any of the other quests and PM me I will add them to my list

For those of you having trouble finding these items, I will include a link below to the the section where items are broken down by where they are located in the building menus. Please note that you *will* be asked to have/place items that may still be unavailable due to your level. So, the point is do not stop looking for an item in the menu just because you are entering into items above your level.

Where is it?

Side Quests

Quest NameRequirement
A Knight to RememberHave 1 Knight
A Poetic Garden 1Have one Scholar RockHave one Koi PondPlace 4 Lush Bamboo
A Poetic Garden 2Have one Mandarin DucksHave one Garden BridgeHave One Circular Doorway
Add Egyptian FlairPlace 2 single Palm TreesHave one obelisk
Ah, Venice!Place 2 Red Rose PotsPlace 2 Cafe Tables
Arresting DevelopmentPlace 3 Wooden BarrelsHave 1 Sheriff’s Office
Art CollectorHave one Mona LisaHave one Warhol Painting
Babylon Rebuilt IPlace one ArchwayPlace 2 Almond Trees
Babylon Rebuilt IIPlace one LamassuHave one completed Lamassu
Bear EssentialsHave 1 Brown Bears
Bloomin’ YardworkPlace 1 Golden WattlePlace 2 Queen Napranum
Bodhi TreesPlace 2 Bodhi Trees
Build the Egyptian TempleHave one Completed Egyptian Temple
Bus to the FutureDouble Decker Bus
Cagey BeesHave 2 Kremlin Walls
Cathedral ConundrumPlace one Da Vinci Sculpture
Column What You WillPlace 2 Column Rows (states 0 of 1)
Really need 1 Roman Column
Place one Column Corner (states 0 of 2 so need 2)
Creature FeatureHave 1 Movie LightsHave a Bogman
Crom PlatingHave 1 Blacksmith
Crunch TimeHave 1 Nutcracker
Dance FeverPlace a Dancer
Dark AgesComplete the Round Table in Flashlight Mode 3 timesComplete Merlins Lab in Flashlight Mode 3 timesComplete Steed Stables in Flashlight Mode 3 times
Desert Oasis Place one OasisPlace 3 Ephedra Plants
Dragon CuratorRetrieve the Shanghai Dragon(get 4 stars in Shanghai Docks called the Jade Dragon of the Shanghai quest)Retrieve the Beijing Dragon (Return of the Jade Dragon 4 stars in London Clock Tower Desk)
Drive in QuestHave/Place Drive in Movie Sign
EnlightenmentPlace 2 Marble ColumsHave one Philospher’s Podium (Greek Philosopher)
Forbidden TemplePlace one Forbidden TempleHave one Forbidden Temple
Greek TempleHave one Greek Temple
Guardians1 Male Lion1 Female Lion
Guards of HorusHave a Left HorusHave a Right Horus
Hailing CaesarHave a Petals of Triumph
Hailing Caesar part IIHave a Zebra Triumph
Hailing Caesar part IIIHave a Triumph Treasure
Hailing Caesar part IVHave one Trajan Column
Hedge FunPlace one Big TopiaryPlace one Simple Maze
Hera’s Lore 1Have one Hera’s Peacocks
Hera’s Lore 2Place 1 Hera’s PomegranatePlace 2 Twin Cypress
Horsing AroundHave one Chariot GuardHave 2 Egyptian Chariots
Imperial MarchPlace 2 BannersHave one Armored Phalanx
Imperial MarchArmored Phalanx
Just DesertsPlace 1 CactusPlace 2 Prickly Pear
Legend of the Jade DragonsPurchase one Ming VaseHave one Ming Vase for Quincy to analyse
Life’s a BirchPlace 1 White BirchPlace 3 Camomile
Light up, Sit DownPlace 2 Paper LanternsPlace One Chinese Bench
Lion AboutPlace one Marble LionHave one Completed Marble Lion
London Bits 1Have one Post Box
London Bits 2Foot Guards
Milling AboutHave one Kizhi Windmill
My First ArtifactPlace a Standing Anubis
Naan Shall PassHave one Naan Maker
Over Troubled WatersPlace 1 Stone Bridge
Path to LibertyPlace 6 Gravel Road tilesPlace one Liberty Tree
Pipe DreamPlace one AqueductHave one Aqueduct
RailroadedSteam Locomotive
Raising the BarHave 1 Saloon
Roman FountainsPlace a Fountain
Sacre CoeurHave one Sacre Coeur
SandboxedPlace 4 Patches of SandPlace two Egyptian Lamps
Seat of PowerHave one Emporer’s Throne
Shades of AutumnPlace 2 yellow fall treesPlace 2 red fall treesHave one Garden Patio
Shark & AweHAve 1 Aquarium
Six Degrees of BaconHave one Pig Market
Son of ShivaHave one Ganesh Statue
Spring FlingPlace one CatapultHave one completed Catapult
StonewallingHave 2 Castle Walls
The Fabric of TimeHave one Textile Merchant
Tree HuggerHave 1 Koala
Under LondonHave 1 Tube Entrance
Victorian GardeningPlace 4 Pink FlowersHave one Bandstand
Victorian Gardening 2Place 2 BenchesPlace 2 LightpostsPlace 8 Cobblestone Roads
Victorian Gardening 3Have one BirdbathHave one Garden Patio
Wagon AroundHave 1 Covered Wagon
Walk of FameHave 2 SearchlightsHave 4 Fame Stars
Water Tower Questunsure # as I built 89
What Does a Didgeridoohave/place 1 Didgeridoo(I built one and when it was done I got credit for it-so do not know wording)
What’s a MetopeHave one Centaur Metope
When in RomePlace 4 Wild PoppiesPlace 10 Cobblestone RoadsHave one Fire Brazier
World CuisineHave a Dim Sum CartHave a Fruit StandHave a Bread Cart
Your VineyardHave one Vineyard
Z-Unknown Quest NameClay Prism
Z-Unknown Quest NameLamassu Statue
Z-Unknown Quest NamePavilion
Z-Unknown Quest NameSundial

Wonder Quests

WonderQuest NameRequirements
Big BenLoose EndsEarn 9 stars in Ch 1
Have 2 new artifacts in garden
Place 3 new decorations
Royal Albert HallVictory LapEarn 13 stars in Ch 2
Place 2 new decorations
Have a Gramophone
Panda RefugeAncient Chinese SecretsHave 2 Great Wall Segments
Have one Great Wall Tower
Earn 18 total stars in Ch 3
Hanging GardensRoman AroundEarn 18 stars in Ch 4
Place 2 new artifacts
Place 2 new decorations
Zeus StatueHera’s LegacyEarn 3 stars in Greek Altar
Earn 18 total stars in Ch 5
Complete a Statue of Hera
Tomb of HorusWork Like an EgyptianEarn 18 total stars in Ch 8
Have one Painted Archer
Drive-in TheaterThat’s a WrapEarn 18 stars in Ch 7
Eiffel ToiwerA Flair to RememberEarn 18 total stars in Ch 8
Place 2 artifacts
Place 3 decorations
Florence CathedralCathedral CatharsisEarn 18 total stars in Ch 9
Have one completed Da Vinci Sculpture
ColossuemColossal ConclusionEarn 18 stars in Ch 10
Have one completed Statue of Caesar
mislabeled in game
Taj MahalCrowning AchievementEarn 18 stars in Ch 11
Have one completed Taj Mahal Pool
mislabeled in game
Golden Gate BridgeShootout!Have 18 stars in Ch 12
Have one Gunslinger
Have one Bandit
mislabeled in game
UluruScrum MasterHave 18 stars in Chapter 13
Have 1 competed Rugby Huddle
CamelotCrowning AchievementHave 18 stars in Chapter 14
Have 1 completed Queen’s Throne
Have 1 completed King’s Throne
St. Basil’s CathedralEasy KizhiEarn 18 stars in Chapter 15
Have 1 completed Kizhi Pogost
Dragon TowerDragon Snare ChainEarn all 20 stars in Ch 3*

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24 Responses

  1. bachsmom says:

    i have completed all the requirements for chapter 3 (yes, 3) and cannot get access to the panda refuge wonder. i built this garden a couple years ago and stopped playing for a while then when i came back after being up to level 124 it made me start again. it shows i should be able to get the pandas but i cant!

  2. Anonymous says:

    41 andnothing on the bridge

  3. Anonymous says:

    On level 40 now and after upgrading dragon tower to level 5 the stone bridge came up as well as the next chapter #14.

  4. Julie says:

    I play on my ipad and I think they have been to busy making buildings that you have to use gold bars costing real $$$ and have forgotten about finishing the quest 'bridge over trouble waters'. There's 29 building you can build if you use gold and 19 buildings you can purchase from points you earn during the game. I wish there was another game like this that was less costly. I have never paid or spent so much on a game and try not playing it anymore but I come back in hope of an update. I will give it up for good soon.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Same here level 42 let's get this fixed!!

  6. Anonymous says:

    same here, chapter 14 and stone bride still not showing anywhere. I have all scenes and quests completed, level 45. no updates available either.

  7. des says:

    Where is the stone bridge? Everything done on my iPad except that? At level 45. Please help soon.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I am on level 41 and have completed all of the standard levels up to and including Uluru no premium one and I also need to place a stone bridge but cannot find it any help please.

  9. Anonymous says:

    I'm on level 40 iPad, I've completed Uluru and am being told to place the stone bridge also. It isn't in any tabs and there are no updates to download. No help from 'support' either

  10. julie says:

    i'm on level 47 on my ipad and i also have been told to place a bridge over troubled water and it isnt in any of my lists to purchase. I've looked for updates n there is non available, so what to do?

  11. Anonymous says:

    I can't find the stone bridge either and am on level 44

  12. I too am on level 45 and have compete All scenes in All chapters and can not find stone bridge

  13. Anonymous says:

    I have the same Stone Bridge issue — I am level 45 and can't find the bridge anywhere.

  14. Anonymous says:

    I am also on level 44 and have been told to place a stone bridge. It states it is in over troubled waters. I cannot find that chapter or the stone bridge. And there is a message that says there is a time crystals chapter coming soon, but I see posts that show people have played it already. Please help.

  15. Anonymous says:

    they said the stone bridge is in the decoration, but I could find any!

  16. Anonymous says:

    I'm on Level 49 and I can't find the Stone Bridge either!
    I am playing on my IPad.

  17. Anonymous says:

    I'm having the same issue with the stone bridge and I'm on level 47. Also,I can't seem to make level 14 appear.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Yep. Same for me and I'm on level 45. Can't find the Stone Bridge anywhere. …

  19. Anonymous says:

    I have been told to place a stone bridge in my garden but I am not able to find it anywhere to purchase. I am on level 44 and have completed all 13 chapters available so far. I am playing on my iPhone. Any help much appreciated.

  20. Anonymous says:

    I think the digeridoo quest is called "What a Digeridoo"

    In any case, it's have, not place

  21. Anonymous says:

    water tower quest requires you to have one water tower.

  22. Anonymous says:

    I have only 18 stars in Chapter 3 and I do have the Dragon Tower

  23. Anonymous says:

    This came in really handy for helping a friend who was having problems getting wonders. thank you for doing this.

  24. Unknown says:

    In Work Like an Egyptian, you mention "earn 18 stars in Chapter 8". Isn't it Chapter 6? I have all 18 stars in Chapter 6, however, I have not been able to access my Tombs of Horus.

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