Defiance HP and Regeneration Rates

Defiance HP and Regeneration Rates by Donnyrides

I’ve been wanting to do this since launch but never got around to it. I think this info should be a sticky, but nobody should ever nominate their self for a sticky thread right…

I wanted to learn about regen rates with shields and just base regen rates. I also wanted to find out what our base HP is. See below for my plan and my findings.

Here was my plan:
1. Remove all perks
2. Remove any Regen shield
3. blow myself up
4. second player will revive me and tell me the 2 green numbers that pop up after I have been revived. This will tell me my shield HP which should already be known and my base health HP
5. I will blow myself up again until I am slightly below half my HP bars.
6. once I regen naturally to half of my HP bars, I will start a stop watch to determine how fast I regenerate back to full HP with no perks or shields assisting.
7. Repeat steps with a Regen shield on
8. Repeat steps with a regen perk on.
9. Repeat with both regen perk and shield on
10 repeat with regen shield/perk and fortitude perk

!!! UPDATE !!!

Here is what I found:
NoPerk – no perks
NoSH – no shield regen ability
SH 50% – Shield with 50% regen rate
Regen – Regeneration perk level 3
Fort – Fortitude perk level 3

Our base HP is 1200 + EGO rating increase (which is still yet TBD)
This tells me that FORTITUDE 3 is equal to 18.5% of your natural base HP. I am now trying to nail down how many HP get added to base with each EGO level.

With Fort our max HP is (1200 + EGO rating increase)+225.
Base and Fort HP are treated as if you had a base hp with a reserve tank. Fort does NOT add 225 HP to your base. It will make more sense as you read on.

Now that we know these numbers we can figure out a percentage of HP given back with regeneration abilities.

Noperk + NoSH = HP is fully restored in 30 seconds AFTER your shield is fully restored first
This breaks down to about 3% HP per second AFTER your shield is fully recharged

Fort + NoSH = HP is fully restored in 35 seconds AFTER your shield is fully restored first
This breaks down to about 3% HP per second for the base then an additional 5 seconds of 3% regen rate to fill out the extra 225 AFTER your shield is fully recharged

NoPerk + SH 50% = HP is fully restored in 20 seconds AFTER your shield is fully restored first
This breaks down to about 5% HP per second AFTER your shield is fully recharged

Regen + NoSH = HP is fully restored in 24 seconds. Regeneration start IMMEDIATELY after taking damage to HP. This breaks down to about 4% HP per second IMMEDIATELY after taking damage to HP. (this shaves off anywere from 2.25 to 9.6 seconds) ~ (This test was done with a respark 2.85 – results will very depending on shield recharge rate.)

Regen + SH 50% = HP is fully restored in 10 seconds. Regeneration start IMMEDIATELY after taking damage to HP. This breaks down to about 10% per second IMMEDIATELY after taking damage to HP.
(This test was done with a respark 2.85 – results will very depending on shield recharge rate.)

Regen + Fort + SH 50% = HP is fully restored in 12 seconds. Regeneration start IMMEDIATELY after taking damage to HP. This still breaks down to 10% per second IMMEDIATELY after taking damage to HP for the base then an additional 2.? seconds of 10% regen rate to fill out the extra 225 AFTER your shield is fully recharged. ~ (This test was done with a respark 2.85 – results will very depending on shield recharge rate.)

What did we learn?
The myth that the Fortitude + Regeneration perk combo means you gain life faster is busted – peharps patched in .020

We learned that base hp is 1200 and is then increased based on your EGO level. This needs more testing to understand how EGO increases this number

We learned that the Fortitude Perk at level 3 is the equivalent to a 18.5% of your natural base HP

We learned that the shield regen percentages don’t mean X% of HP per second but they mean that they give you an increase to your base regen rate.

I learned that the Regenerate perk is amazing and will forever be on every load out I have!!!

In closing I think a lot of mysteries have been solved about how the inner workings of the regeneration abilities. I love stats and numbers so this has helped me out a lot.


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