Emross Wars Troop Stats

Emross Wars Troop Stats by The BFT

i just ran some tests on some troops thoughtd i share. i sent 1 solider with a hero to a lvl 0 castle

used the same hero now a lvl 1

all of my combat research is at lvl 13 or higher

* will be for conflicting numbers that wasnt making sense ** no info

att def

inf 5-8 * (lots of negatives)

protector 65 19*(also got a 40 a few time)

archer 99 * more conflicting numbers

lancer 88 33

hunter 105-107 22

ss 381 71

zerker 257 228

hellfire 499 279

guardian 341 221

master 1065 93

overlord 667 325

nanuh 800* 300*

(most like the stats are above these)

Kakkhleh 1400s 380s

Lonufal 9 3276

they lost 30% of their def

and their attack might be considerably lower i think i had a 9 attack once.

Spy 3* 1

With a high attack hero I got 4 a few times

hope you find useful on some level.

update emross war stats
attack 15
defense 8
health 80
speed 50

attack 2
defense 1
health 10
speed 1000

attack 5
defense 5
health 10
speed 50

attack 40
defense 30
health 130
speed 50

attack 60
defense 10
health 100
speed 60

attack 55
defense 35
health 160
speed 40

attack 60
defense 25
health 150
speed 100

attack 5
defense 1600
health 3200
speed 25

star slayer
attack 125
defense 60
health 200
speed 80

attack 5
defense 30
health 80
speed 75

attack 105
defense 150
health 280
speed 80

attack 150
defense 180
health 350
speed 90

attack 200
defense 135
health 430
speed 220

attack 350
defense 75
health 320
speed 100

attack 300
dfense 180
health 450
speed 350

attack 400
defense 180
health 600
speed 300

attack 500
defense 240
health 800
speed 450

I don’t wish to question ifree stats on its own creation, there is probly something I am missing that calculates a units attack power but a masters attack isn’t 300 in a war report so take these as you wish

After talking with other players the idea that these are base stats and If you didn’t research anything they would like as these?

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