BiteFight Clan Wars Guide

BiteFight Clan Wars Guide by anemsalok


There are some prerequisites in order to declare a war…
1) Both clans involved in war MUST have same clan hideout level else the following message appears:
“The clan hideout of the opponent does not have the same level.”
2) In order for a clan war to take place, the clan to which the war was declared has to accept the war invitation.


After a declaration of war the war will take place 8 hours later
1 hours before the start all the clan members who are participating in the fight assemble.
After this point in time all involved players cannot do anything else.
If a declaration of war is withdrawn 1 hours before the start the leader looses 5% of the total goods.
You can only declare a war every 5 days.
A war declaration against a clan of the same race needs their acceptance before a war can take place
The attacking clans can bring the the time till the war starts forward 1 hours before the war begins.
The first time that the clan members can take their position on the battle front is when the battle starts

~Start the War~

7 hours after the war declaration, the 8th hour the war beggins.
(means that for the first 7 hours, after the war declaration, everyone can perfom action BUT the 8th hour, noone can hunt, raid, work.
If someone tries a message will appear letting him know that actions cannot be performed while the clan war is getting prepared.
In those 7 hours, whoever wants to take part in the clan war has to join the clan formation (by pressing the “Join the clan formation now” button in their clan page).
The clan Master and the War Minister can arrange the participants in the battle field, using the “Clan Fight Formation” button.
When someone declares a war to a clan, then the clan that accepted the War declaration can “shorten” the time to the start of the war from a button that will appear if the Master or Minister press the “Declaration of War”

~End the War~

When the war is over a message will appear in the inbox of each participant that will show its result.
In this message the member will be able to see all battle reports between both clans. The same clan message will show up in the clan.
After the end of the War, the clan has to wait 5 more days in order to declare a new one.

NOTICE: All clan wars are performed automatically (from the game) and no clan war participant has to attack anyone from the opponent clan.

Do not forget… In clan wars you do not loose health, you loose essence.


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