ACE Online Outpost Wars Guide
ACE Online Outpost Wars Guide by The_Black
Earlier this day, TheRealIron and I were talking about my idea to teach new players the basics of Outpost Wars. He suggested me to write a short and clear letter about how these wars work. I would send it to him and he would spread it. Unfortunately, it isn’t very easy to keep it short, hence I think it would be helpful to make a small guide about it on the forum. Which I’m doing right now. Feel free to add comments (I mean constructive criticism, on-topic). I make mistakes too. At the moment I have no images available, so feel also free to provide those. I will appreciate it.
Outpost Wars (former called: ‘Advanced Base Wars’), are automatically scheduled wars. They last 2h, always. There are currently 3 Outposts, and every war is fought simultaneously, but independently. You can see the scheduling at your nation’s tower in town.
What are Outposts?
Before I start talking about the wars it selves, I need to discuss what Outposts are.
Outposts you can see as small satellite towns. They have facilities as a warp shop, a parts shop, a warehouse etc. However, facilities like a laboratory, factory or war point shop are not present. Only the basic facilities are available, to keep it short. Furthermore, an outpost provides a way to get into certain neutral maps pretty fast (Bark City, Rock Nest’s Top and Fantasy Flow, Sunshine Born), depending on which Outpost your brigade possesses.
As stated before: There are currently 3 Outposts:
– Akron
– Rakion
– Corona Castle
As the more perceptive under you probably already realized, it is only one brigade that can be in possession of one Outpost at the same time. Only members from the brigade possessing the Outpost can enter. No one else. That’s why we have wars for them, after all. The brigade leader gets access to leader chat and gets a title:
– Captain Akron
– Captain Rakion
– Captain Corona Castle
The actual wars, however, are not fought in the Outposts themselves. The Outposts themselves are not accessible during the Outpost wars. The wars are fought in maps that give access to the Outposts. Those maps are:
– Bark City Skies (now it is called different) for Akron
– Mesos Floor for Rakion
– Coronado for Corona Castle
You can enter these maps (only during Outpost wars) by the following maps:
– Bark City for Bark City Skies (now it is called different)
– Rock Nest’s Top and Fantasy Flow for Mesos Floor
– Sunshine Born for Coronado
How are Outpost wars fought?
This is obviously the most important part of this guide. In this section I’ll start with the beginning, so the first Outpost wars after the new leader month begins.
When the Outpost wars start, everybody has access to the maps that would grant access to the Outposts themselves. However, nobody has access to the Outposts themselves.
In the war map there is a so-called ‘protector’. You can see it as an immobile mob. It only doesn’t fire back. Because we started a new month, the protector is neutral and can be attacked by both nations. It has relatively little health and when it gets killed, it changes in a ‘Central Processing Device’ (CPD). A CPD has way more health then a protector, and can only be attacked by the nation opposed to the brigade that did the most damage. The leader of the aforementioned brigade, gets the authority to perform a ‘System shift’. This is a process of 5 minutes, where after the brigade gets in possession of the Outpost. The opposing nation has a chance to kill the CPD in these 5 minutes. When the opposing nation succeeds in destroying the CPD, the previous protector is recreated (neutral in this case) and the players from the ‘defending’ nation present in the war map are send to town. Failure to kill the CPD in time, will result in the warping to town of every player of the ‘attacking’ nation present in the war map. A new protector (with less health compared to the CPD) is created. This one can only be attacked by the opposing nation (which players needs to fly back from town to the war map).
When the nation succeeds in killing this new protector, the leader of the brigade that did the most damage to the protector gets on his turn the authority to perform a system shift. After this, the cycle can repeat.
The brigade that has the Outpost in his possession (i.e. the leader did a system shift and the protector is created) when the Outpost wars end (after 2h) stays in possession of it and gets access to it until the next Outpost wars. Everybody in Bark City Skies, Mesos Floor or Coronado is warped to their town. Except the members from the brigade in possession of an Outpost. They are warped to their respective Outpost (Akron, Rakion or Corona Castle). Rewards are given to every player in the war map, or in the maps that lead directly to these war maps:
– 300 warpoints + 1 Outpost Ordnance Box + at least 100.000 spi for contribution when you are in the maps associated with the Outpost belonging to a brigade of your own nation.
– 100 warpoints + at least 100.000 spi for contribution when you are in the maps associated with the Outpost belonging to a brigade of the opposite nation.
During that next Outpost wars, the opposing nation needs to kill the protector to have a system shift performed by the leader of the brigade that did the most damage. And so on…
Into Deep
In the previous section I told how Outpost wars functions, basically. However, in some specific situations, things might get a little more complicated:
– No brigade can take more then 1 base. When a brigade does the most damage to one protector (and gets the authority to perform a system shift) and they do the most damage to the protector of another Outpost, the brigade that did the second most damage to the protector of the second Outpost gets the authority to perform a system shift in the second war map. Even if the 2 brigades are not in the same nation.
– The brigade of the nation leader can’t take an Outpost. If this brigade does the most damage to the protector, the protector will be recreated (no CPD appears). The same thing is true for the sub leads, when they are the leader of their brigs. The brigs from players that are running for lead next month, can’t take a base either.
I don’t want to go into deeper details about tactics used during Outpost wars. The players who read this guide (and hopefully understood it), can think those tactics for themselves. However, I would like to point out 1 thing NOT TO DO: Starting a system shift to late (so when you have less than 5 minutes of war). It means the Outpost war will end before the system shift is performed and bye-bye Outpost.
The only thing I still have to say: Have fun!
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