RAD Soldiers Characters List
RAD Soldiers Characters List by tinker
name (price of the character in COINS / RAD BUX )
x energy for walking (1 square)
ability 1 (effect of that ability)
ability 2 (effect of that ability)
name of the weapons the character comes with (with the price it usually has COINS / RAD BUX )
usage of that character. pros and cons
The Commander:
250 hp
14 energy
2 energy for walking
Detection Aura (passive) (Displays all hidden objects or characters within 2 cells)
Backflash Aura (passive) (All affected allied units withing 3 squares do more dmg with return fire
comes with Cold Audomadic and Knarly Knife (2500/4 + 12500/8)
The Commander may choose 1 out of 8 good active abilities. I tend to use artillery because i like long range and aoe skills very much. The artillery also does a pushback. There are many other abilities – test them out yourself. Just some words about things you might be wondering about:
you can NOT drop something onto your characters. throwing down a health crate at a certain point and walking at that point with your character before you finish the turn will let the health package come down BESIDES that character.
Hipster Dave: (27500/17)
200 hp
12 energy
1 energy for walking
Support Fire (passive) (if an allied character is attacked and this character has enough energy he attacks the attacker)
Frag Grenade (1x active) 3energy cost ,Pushback dmg is something like (10,20,50,65,50,20,10)
comes with Hoo-Hah AR (7000/ N.A.)
Daves grenade may be game-winning if you place it right. it often is my first damage output or the thing that kills the first enemy. Due to his low energy for walking he may also be good with a melee weapon.
Another good thing about Dave: he is an allrounder. He may use a huge variety of weapons.
I tend to use him with a melee weapon because they are strong and i often go quite close with him to throw the grenade right.
Just a tip: use his grenade to kill people or pushing them towards the kill. Do NOT throw it in a group of characters just for damage, it’s often more useful to push someone out of his cover and harm him and kill with damage of your other character.
And only use it for that if the enemy has a medic.
in other words : do NOT waste his grenade just to do dmg. it is MOST OF THE TIMES better to kill someone with or after using the grenade (but in the same turn)
Sneaky Pete: (29000/17)
250 hp
14 energy
2 energy for walking
Ghost (1x active) 5energy ( turns you invisible for 3 turns)
Headshot (2x active) 2energy (+ about 25 dmg with the next shot – may be precasted (after your cast it stays TILL your first shot)
comes with Otto Semi-Auto (6500/5)
Pete may do a lot of damage within one turn, if the enemy walks in range you may do over 120 damage in one turn. His Ghost ability is nice for sneaking around and finding an enemy to kill while they go for someone else who can escape better or has more hp. His Headshot ability is incredible. You may precast it when you want to stay behind cover but have energy left.
Pete also is a pure damage character .you have to choose the strongest weapon in the team for HIM ( mostly it comes down to otto semi-auto)… he has no special grenade or deployable.
Tim Taschman: (29000/17)
250 hp
14 energy
2 energy for walking
Tool Kit (once per turn – active) 3energy (healing an allied deployable for up to 50hp or defusing an enemies c4/mine)
Gatling Turret (1x active) 6 energy 150hp (may attack once per turn for ~30dmg and/or enemies that walk in range)
comes with Pumpingtion SG (10000/7)
Tim Taschman is a bit of a allrounder. He may stay behind with his turret, run forward, attack, backward, attack with turret, let the enemy attack the turret and heal it for 50 each turn once. He is also good for closer combat due to his weapon which can make about 70dmg in close range.
He is at the moment one of the most complicated character… you have to place your turret right, and the shotgun might not be best weapon for him.
Angela Merci: (29000/17)
250 hp
14 energy
2 energy for walking
Medikit (once per turn – active) 3 energy (heals allied unit for up to 40hp) (cures poison – NOT “burn” )
Healing Aura (passive) (heals allies within 3 squares for up to 20hp per round -NOT HERSELF )
comes with Awuga 6-Gun (5000/4)
She is probably the most defensive character in game. Due to her healing aura an enemy move may be useless, sometimes even grenades are thrown into nothing because she heals it full within 1 or 2 turns. She lacks of attack power because she’s so slow and has no offensive skill.
I like to use her with Textbook kate. if you have those 2 medics and the enemy has none you can throw your grenade and wait for the full damage and attack with artillery while healing your characters over and over. The damage output is still a huge problem, you better have 1melee in your turn ( e.g. Kate, Dave…) but she herself is probably too slow for melee weapons.
Carlito Grosso: (35000/19)
300 hp
18 energy
3 energy for walking
Tool Kit (onc per turn active) 3energy (healing an allied deployable for up to 50hp or defusing an enemies c4/mine)
Rocket Turret (1x active) 6 energy 100hp (may attack once per turn with aoe rockets doing dmg like (10-20-30-40-30-20-10) or when the enemy walks in the turrets range)
comes with Awuga 6-Gun (5000/4)
One of the expensive characters. He is quite defensive with his rocket turret, what has an immense aoe explosion, may be game-breaking if the enemy does not kill it within the first turn. If he comes in close combat with a shotgun or something it’s probably a kill because of his high energy he may shoot very often.
Carlitos turret is even harder to set than Taschmans due to its lower Hp.
Megan McNick: (65000/33)
200 hp
12 energy
1 energy for walking
Tool Kit (once per turn active) 3energy (healing an allied deployable for up to 50hp or defusing an enemies c4/mine)
Landmines (3x active) 2energy (invisible, when the enemy walks over it, it follows the foe to its final destination and explodes at the END of the enemies turn and does a huge aoe dmg (like 20-40-60-85-60-40-20) (the enemy can at the moment attack and kill a detected mine)
comes with Salad Jammer (55000/30)
Megans Landmines may do a lot of damage if you place them right. The enemy probably sees them quite early, sometimes because he is not too bad at math ( your energy use) or with the ability of the commander, but if you place them at points where he has to go through he is either forced to take the damage into count, has a engi himself to defuse it or has to walk around that while you may attack with long ranged weapons. Try to plant them at the end or beginning of megans path DO NOT WALK AHEAD, SET , WALK BACK, the enemy is rarely an idiot
Ivan Tkilya: (75000/38)
300 hp
3 energy for walking
Support Fire (passive) (if an allied character is attacked and this character has enough energy he attacks the attacker)
Concussion Grenade (1x active) 6energy (2square aoe, cuts the enemies energy for 3 turns to half and disables deployables for that time)
comes with MiniMax HMG (47000/28)
the most expensive character in game. His Grenade will not do a lot of damage ( 5-20) but it disables deployables and cuts out the enemies energy for 3 turns. This gives you the chance and time to outwalk him and attack more often than he may.
He is hard to play since you may only walk 6 fields per turn. I’d recommend a melee medic (KATE! ) so you may heal and also chase and opponent.
His Grenade – Once set right – will often win you the game – but setting it right is quite hard
Specialist Suds: (15000/10)
250 hp
14 energy
2 energy for walking
Support Fire (passive) (if an allied character is attacked and this character has enough energy he attacks the attacker)
RC C4 Charge (1x active) 2energy (one of the most difficult abilities. huge dmg and pushback. dmg is like (20-30-60-90-60-30-20)
comes with Hoo-Hah AR (7000/ N.A.)
Suds C4 may do a lot of damage. it is the same as with the Landmines, the enemy will probably see it but sometimes just has to walk there. It does a lot of damage though.
he is one of the most difficult character because his c4 is so hard to use.
he is better for 20 or 26 point games.
Textbook Kate: (58000/29)
200 hp
12 energy
1 energy for walking
Medkit (1/turn active) 3energy (heals allied unit for up to 40hp) (cures poison – NOT “burn” )
Gas Grenade (1x active) 3energy (20-29 dmg on hit + 25dmg for the 3 next turns – 3square radius)
comes with Seville Slugga (23000/14)
Kate has my favourite grenade. it is a dot (damage over time) grenade and does in 3 turns around 100 damage(per hit character). the distance to the target does not matter here, so a direct hit is just as useful as a aoe hit( not as Daves Grenade)
With her walking “ability” she may take out one enemy quite fast with a melee weapon but may not be as “healthy” as Angela Merci.
Another tip here: do not throw it in and wait long if the enemy has a medic( at the moment it will probably be Angela merci) with the “heal” she also cures the poison. the healing aura reduces the dot-damage and cuts it to 5 per turn.
very powerful if the enemy stays close.
Archie Fletcher: (25000/15)
250 hp
14 energy
2 energy for walking
Support Fire (passive) (if an allied character is attacked and this character has enough energy he attacks the attacker)
Explosive Crossbow (3x active) 6energy (54-60dmg on direct hit. about 14 1square(like a +) around that)
comes with Hoo-Hah AR (7000/ N.A.)
Archies arrows cost 6 energy what is a lot but if you place him correctly you may do over 120 to one target as well as 30 around that one. he may use his crossbow 3 times!!! what is 2 more times then others may use their ability. Archie is a great choice but you have to choose his arrows wisely too.
his arrows are best with 4squad-point weapons since the dmg output with the arrows is else nearly the same as with Hoo-Hah AR (dmg/energy – Hoo-Hah AR does about 10dmg/1energy and the arrows also do 10dmg/1energy) –> do not waste squad points on his weapon – instead give good weapons to the rest of your team.
Madame La Hacque: (52000/26)
200 hp
12 energy
1 energy for walking
Ghost (1x active) 5energy (invisible for 3 turns)
UAV (1x active) 4 energy 150hp (may walk 6 cells per turn or 1 less and explode- dmg is like (20-30-54-30-20) and pushes the enemy back, also detects hidden objects or characters)
comes with Botherer SR (33000/20)
She is the second agent and has in my opinion a more open field. she may run around with ghost and a melee weapon and come out of nothing in close combat. she is useful with more weapons than sneaky pete because she needs only 1energy for walking and has something to use when surrounded by enemies or when she cant walk further without cover but still has energy -> her UAV. IT may explode and do a lot of damage and get an enemy out of cover(pushback) what might give her the opportunity to shoot him. She is POWERFUL in my opinion.
I recommend her with Otto Semi-Auto
Spud Grunt: (40000/20)
250 hp
14 energy
2 energy for walking
Support Fire (passive) (if an allied character is attacked and this character has enough energy he attacks the attacker)
Rocket Launcher (1x active) 6energy) (massive dmg with pushback. damage is like (30-50-60-95-60-50-30)
comes with Biffo LMG (21500/15)
Spud is a more offensive one. His rocket launcher does huge damage to one target and up to 50 around that. there is nothing more so say about him.
With the Update “It’s a riot” 3 new characters entered the RAD-Universe :
Juan DaCova: (47000/24)
300 hp
18 energy
3 energy for walking
Ghost (1x active) 5energy (invisible for 3 turns)
Flamin’ Nora (1x active) 6energy (32-40 dmg on hit, 12 dmg per turn over the next 3 turns)- NOT CUREABLE
comes with (forgot the name in english) (30000/36)
the third agent. His molotov cocktail is also a dot, but not cureable.
I recommend him with Otto Semi-Auto. He is a beast in every game. Massive damage, tanking a lot of damage, may go invisible and has a awesome aoe damage ( with an even MOARawesomen illustration) dot-cocktail.
Gus Marx: (30000/18)
300 hp
18 energy
3 energy for walking
Medkit (1/turn active) 3energy (heals allied unit for up to 40hp) (cures poison – NOT “burn” )
WaterCannon (4x active) 6 energy (dmg (17-29-17) and 2 cells pushback away from the hit target!!)
comes with Cockler-mp (3500/4)
the massive pushback is awesome. he is quite useful with any agent(sniper) class but is a masterfull allround-character ( dmg with nearly every weapon due to 18energy, healing, awesome pushback, tanking like hell) – just slow
Dee Hatlacker: (18000/8)
250 hp
14 energy
2 energy for walking
Tool Kit (once per turn active) 3energy (healing an allied deployable for up to 50hp or defusing an enemies c4/mine)
defendobot (1x active) 6energy (250 hp deployable. for the enemy it is like a solid wall. it may walk 4 squares per turn – many strategies doable with it)
comes with *forgot the name in english* (4000/5)
Dee Hatlacker might be a beast with the Robot on smaller maps- but also on larger maps. there are always nodal points where you can use one ( or even two) of these robots to cover your whole team. in your turn you move them, heal them and attack – and take cover behind them again.
Well, that’s the overview of the characters.
I now also post a bit about the guns. Although it might seem that the characters have fixed squad points when you buy them – only the weapons decide wether the character uses up 4,5,6 or even 7 squad points in a game
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