Golden Age Comprehensive Guide

Golden Age Comprehensive Guide by Rakusen/Djrn


Q: Does this game work on a Mac?
A: It works on any computer as long as you have the supporting Flash installed.

Q: How do I get a second city?
A: First, you need to hit level 30 to even get a new city. Second, you need a level 10 Administration Hall to get a Fort to train an Archon. Each new city you create needs 1 more Archon than the last. Sanrio: First city needs 1, second city needs 2, third needs 3, and so on.

Q: How do I level up my sire?
A: The current only way to level them up is by doing the quests gotten from Dumont in Sanctum. He gives five daily quests and a large number alliance quests if you’re in an alliance.

Q: How long does it take for a wilderness to reappear?
A: It’s pretty random. It can go from instantly to hours upon end. Generally, you have to be patient for them. However, a wilderness found in an area with enemy encampments don’t respawn.

Q: How do you get the medals for the alliance wanted quests?
A: You buy them from the item mall or have them gifted to you, or you get them as rewards from a wilderness.

Q: Where do I get Gems?
A: You need to either: Sell things in the Item Auction or buy it from the item mall. Current rates for Crowns->Gems are 1:3.

Basic Gameplay

Since the tutorial covers most of the gameplay that you should know, I’ll be going over some uncovered parts.


Salary is a daily gold reward gotten from Royal Treasurer – Demetrius. It’s dependant on your sire level, administration hall level, and sire reputation.

Salary Equation:
Level 5-30: (May be off by 0-200)
Salary = {[2260.7e^(0.107*Sire Level)] + Bonus gained from Administration Hall + [Sire Reputation * 100]} * 1.00 (1.05 if VIP)

Level 30-?:
Salary = {Unknown + Bonus gained from Administration Hall + [Sire Reputation * 100]} * 1.00 (1.05 if VIP)

** Thanks to Dan for the 5-30 multiplier! Life saver to the max!


First, you have your original city. You can get a second city once you reach level 30 and get an additional option to get 3 more resource wildernesses with each additional city you make.

The buildings in each city are:
Administration Hall
City Square
Archery Range
Knight Stable
Scout Camp
Residence x 5
Farmland x 10
Quarry x 8
Smithy x 8
Lumber Mill x 8

Each city has all of these buildings. The factions themselves add on a little bit to them.

Buildings from factions:
Arena – Knights Templar
Guild of Farming – Rhine Commerce Guild
Carpentry Guild – Rhine Commerce Guild
Stonecutter’s Association – Rhine Commerce Guild
Guild of Forging – Rhine Commerce Guild
House of Sages – Ibero

Building a Second City

First, there are three requirements for building a second city:

Sire Level 30
50,000 Gold
1 Archon/Guild Agent/Inquisitor

To train the Archon, get a Fort building by leveling up the Administration Hall to level 10. Each Archon takes 20 recruitable soldiers to make with an additional 20,000 of each resource.

Soldiers required: 20
Grain: 20,000
Lumber: 20,000
Stone: 20,000
Iron: 20,000
Required training time: 6 hours

To get your second city, first conquer a small village close to you with an army that contains an Archon. You NEED the Archon to build your second city.

After conquering the small village, click on the village and select “Construct a new city”. It will prompt you with a confirmation and then you’ll have a second city.

Each city after your first one needs one more Archon to build it.



Technology is researched at a Seminary and the maximum level a technology can have is the same level as a Seminary. All factions share the same technologies able to be researched at Seminaries except for the defense technologies for the Ibero Alliance which must be researched at the House of Sages.

Types of Technologies:

-Irrigation: Increases grain production by 3% each level, max 30
-Bucksaw: Increases lumber production by 2% each level, max 30
-Millstone: Increases stone production by 2% each level, max 30
-Bellows: Increases iron production by 2% each level, max 30

-Infantry: Decreases infantry training time by 1% each level, max 30
-Calvary: Decreases calvary training time by 1% each level, max 30
-Targeting: Decreases archer training time by 1% each level, max 30
-Gospel: Decreases mage training time by 1% each level, max 30

-City Defense: Increases wall defense by 1% each level, max 20
-Architecture: Increases city building speed by 1% each level, max 20

Activated Technologies: (All max level 1)

-Defense/Formation: Allows the training of defensive infantry

-Militia/Hunting: Allows the training of offensive archers
-Crossbow/Spear Wield: Allows the training of defensive archers

-March/Assault/Wedgeline: Allows the training of offensive calvary
-Calvary/Nobility: Allows the training of defensive calvary

-Alchemy/Sage’s Cloister: Allows the training of offensive mages
-Cloister/Meditation Skill: Allows the training of defensive mages

-Cannon/Siege: Allows the building of siege weapons

-Traps: Allows the building of traps on the wall
-Ballista: Allows the building of turrets on the wall
-Tower Defense: Allows the building of towers on the wall

-Alarm: Allows additional city defense options in the Administration Hall
-Gate: Allows additional city defense options in the Administration Hall

House of Sages Technology:

Fortify: Increases wall defense by 1% each level
Bastions: Increases wall HP by 1% each level
Tower Fort: Allows the building of tower forts on the wall
Pit Traps: Allows the building of pit traps on the wall
Ballista: Allows the building of ballista on the wall


Resources are the sources that fund all your operations. You can’t really do anything without them. Each action you take in your city consumes resources, whether it be leveling up a building, researching, or training soldiers.

Resources include:

Lumber, stone, and iron can have up to 8 plots each while grain has a grand 10 plots of land. Additionally to this, people with the Rhine Commerce Faction gain guilds to further boost output.

Guild of Farming
Guild of Forging
Carpentry Guild
Stonecutter’s Association


Buildings are all you need in Golden Age to survive. Without them, you’re screwed over.

Each building has these characteristics:
Maximum level of 30
Only one of each excluding residences and resources

In addition to each building you already have, the faction you’re in also supplies you with additional buildings.

The three factions have buildings unique to them that provide additional boosts.

Rhine Commerce Guild:
Guild of Farming – Boosts grain output
Guild of Forging – Boosts iron output
Carpentry Guild – Boosts lumber output
Stonecutter’s Association – Boosts stone output

Knights Templar:
Arena – Boosts amount of soldiers you can recruit for training

Ibero Alliance:
House of Sages – Boosts defense

Description of Each Building:

Administration Hall – Used to increase the levels of other buildings, check resource output, improve salary gain, check army status, and improve resource output with the assignment of a governor.

Warehouse – Used to increase the maximum amount of lumber, stone, and iron a single city can hold at any one time.

Granary – Used to increase the maximum amount of grain a single city can hold at any one time.

City Square – Used to increase the amount of recruitable soldiers. The recruitable soldiers refresh every Friday at 9:00 PM PDT.

Seminary – Used to research technologies to improve output, decrease training time, increase defense, and decrease building time. Also allows a person to build certain buildings.

Cloister – Used to train offensive and defensive mages. Training time decreases as the Cloister is leveled.

Units trained by Cloister

Knights Templar:
Disciple of Holy Spirit – Offensive
Black-Cloak Monk – Defensive

Rhine Commerce Guild:
Alchemist – Offensive
Holy Sister – Defensive

Ibero Alliance:
Sage – Offensive
Garland Warlock – Defensive

Barracks – Used to train offensive and defensive infantry units. Training time decreases as the Barracks are leveled.

Units trained by Barracks

Knights Templar:
Attendant Infantry – Offensive
Taufer Swordsman – Offensive
Spear Soldier – Offensive

Rhine Commerce Guild:
Gladiator – Offensive
Shieldmen – Defensive

Ibero Alliance:
Dragon-Spear Commando – Offensive
Phalanx Pikeman – Defensive

Knight Stable – Used to train offensive and defensive cavalry units. Training time decreases as the Knight Stable is leveled.

Units trained by Knight Stable

Knights Templar:
Wind-Wing Cavalry – Offensive
Knights Templar – Defensive

Rhine Commerce Guild:
Ranger – Offensive
Guard – Defensive

Ibero Alliance:
Chain Flail Cavalry – Offensive
Flail Cavalry – Offensive
Noble Cavalry – Defensive

Arsenal – Used to make siege apparatuses. Training time decreases as the Arsenal is leveled.

Units trained by Arsenal

Knights Templar:

Rhine Commerce Guild:
Stone Cannon

Ibero Alliance:
Siege Trebuchet

Scout Camp – Used to scouts. Scouts allow you to explore wildernesses for additional rewards and scout enemy cities for army sizes. Training time decreases as the Scout Camp is leveled.

Units trained by Scout Camp

Knights Templar:

Rhine Commerce Guild:

Ibero Alliance:

Fort – Used to make Archons. Archons are used to build new cities. Doesn’t level and is permanently level 1.

Units trained by Fort

Knights Templar:

Rhine Commerce Guild:
Guild Agent

Ibero Alliance:

Wall – Increases City Defense and provides protection and repels invasions. Can build Towers, Turrets, and Traps.

Units made by Wall

Tower – Increases defense
Turret – Deals damage to invading forces
Trap – One use unit that kills one unit of the opponent’s army

Residence – Increases maximum amount of population a city can store.

Armies and Battle

First off, before doing anything else, GET TO KNOW YOUR TROOPS. Each troop has different strengths and weaknesses. They can be the deciding factor even if you have the AMAGAWDIPWNZORSJ00-Miracle Soldiers.

Name of Troop Here
Type of Troop – Class of Troop
Basic Damage
Basic Damage to Buildings
Defense against Infantry
Defense against Archers
Defense against Cavalry
Defense against Mages
Rate on how the troop affects movement speed
Plundering Capacity
How many recruited soldiers it requires for one of this troop

Common Troops:
Fighting Capacity: 10
Building Damage: 1
Vs Infantry: 15
Vs Archers: 10
Vs Calvary: 20
Vs Mages: 5
Speed: 72
Transportation: 0
Population: 2
Knights Templar:
Offensive – Infantry
Fighting Capacity: 65
Building Damage: 1
Vs Infantry: 35
Vs Archers: 45
Vs Calvary: 25
Vs Mages: 15
Speed: 25
Transportation: 60
Population: 1

Offensive – Infantry
Fighting Capacity: 80
Building Damage: 1
Vs Infantry: 50
Vs Archers: 30
Vs Calvary: 45
Vs Mages: 25
Speed: 21
Transportation: 40
Population: 1

Defensive – Infantry
Fighting Capacity: 35
Building Damage: 1
Vs Infantry: 85
Vs Archers: 100
Vs Calvary: 65
Vs Mages: 55
Speed: 30
Transportation: 30
Population: 1

Dragon Archer
Offensive – Archer
Fighting Capacity: 85
Building Damage: 1
Vs Infantry: 45
Vs Archers: 60
Vs Calvary: 25
Vs Mages: 35
Speed: 18
Transportation: 35
Population: 1

Defensive – Archer
Fighting Capacity: 30
Building Damage: 1
Vs Infantry: 75
Vs Archers: 95
Vs Calvary: 105
Vs Mages: 50
Speed: 27
Transportation: 25
Population: 1

Offensive – Calvary
Fighting Capacity: 145
Building Damage: 2
Vs Infantry: 35
Vs Archers: 80
Vs Calvary: 95
Vs Mages: 65
Speed: 42
Transportation: 100
Population: 2

Defensive – Calvary
Fighting Capacity: 90
Building Damage: 3
Vs Infantry: 245
Vs Archers: 180
Vs Calvary: 125
Vs Mages: 315
Speed: 45
Transportation: 60
Population: 3

Disciple of Holy Spirit
Offensive – Mage
Fighting Capacity: 575
Building Damage: 12
Vs Infantry: 360
Vs Archers: 180
Vs Calvary: 315
Vs Mages: 225
Speed: 12
Transportation: 150
Population: 6

Black-Cloak Monk
Defensive – Mage
Fighting Capacity: 225
Building Damage: 10
Vs Infantry: 560
Vs Archers: 360
Vs Calvary: 515
Vs Mages: 465
Speed: 18
Transportation: 75
Population: 5

Fighting Capacity: 5
Building Damage: 120
Vs Infantry: 60
Vs Archers: 275
Vs Calvary: 95
Vs Mages: 145
Speed: 10
Transportation: 0
Population: 9

Ibero Alliance:
Pole Arms
Offensive – Infantry
Fighting Capacity: 70
Building Damage: 1
Vs Infantry: 30
Vs Archers: 35
Vs Calvary: 45
Vs Mages: 20
Speed: 19
Transportation: 50
Population: 1

Defensive – Infantry
Fighting Capacity: 35
Building Damage: 1
Vs Infantry: 90
Vs Archers: 85
Vs Calvary: 65
Vs Mages: 60
Speed: 23
Transportation: 50
Population: 1

Offensive – Archer
Fighting Capacity: 80
Building Damage: 1
Vs Infantry: 65
Vs Archers: 25
Vs Calvary: 40
Vs Mages: 30
Speed: 20
Transportation: 70
Population: 1

Defensive – Archer
Fighting Capacity: 30
Building Damage: 1
Vs Infantry: 80
Vs Archers: 90
Vs Calvary: 55
Vs Mages: 105
Speed: 24
Transportation: 35
Population: 1

Offensive – Calvary
Fighting Capacity: 125
Building Damage: 2
Vs Infantry: 25
Vs Archers: 90
Vs Calvary: 75
Vs Mages: 50
Speed: 50
Transportation: 120
Population: 2

Offensive – Calvary
Fighting Capacity: 220
Building Damage: 3
Vs Infantry: 95
Vs Archers: 115
Vs Calvary: 90
Vs Mages: 60
Speed: 35
Transportation: 120
Population: 3

Defensive – Calvary
Fighting Capacity: 90
Building Damage: 3
Vs Infantry: 210
Vs Archers: 180
Vs Calvary: 245
Vs Mages: 135
Speed: 47
Transportation: 160
Population: 3

Offensive – Mage
Fighting Capacity: 365
Building Damage: 8
Vs Infantry: 175
Vs Archers: 225
Vs Calvary: 120
Vs Mages: 205
Speed: 14
Transportation: 125
Population: 4

Garland Warlock
Defensive – Mage
Fighting Capacity: 210
Building Damage: 12
Vs Infantry: 420
Vs Archers: 675
Vs Calvary: 575
Vs Mages: 510
Speed: 17
Transportation: 110
Population: 6

Siege Trebuchet
Fighting Capacity: 5
Building Damage: 100
Vs Infantry: 60
Vs Archers: 275
Vs Calvary: 95
Vs Mages: 145
Speed: 10
Transportation: 0
Population: 8

Fighting Capacity: 1
Building Damage: 1
Vs Infantry: 120
Vs Archers: 45
Vs Calvary: 55
Vs Mages: 80
Speed: 6
Transportation: 0
Population: 20

Rhine Commerce Guide:
Offensive – Infantry
Fighting Capacity: 75
Building Damage: 1
Vs Infantry: 45
Vs Archers: 60
Vs Calvary: 30
Vs Mages: 15
Speed: 24
Transportation: 65
Population: 1

Defensive – Infantry
Fighting Capacity: 30
Building Damage: 1
Vs Infantry: 85
Vs Archers: 95
Vs Calvary: 55
Vs Mages: 60
Speed: 24
Transportation: 35
Population: 1

Rhine Archer
Offensive – Archer
Fighting Capacity: 85
Building Damage: 1
Vs Infantry: 35
Vs Archers: 45
Vs Calvary: 60
Vs Mages: 25
Speed: 19
Transportation: 50
Population: 1

Defensive – Archer
Fighting Capacity: 35
Building Damage: 1
Vs Infantry: 90
Vs Archers: 75
Vs Calvary: 95
Vs Mages: 55
Speed: 19
Transportation: 25
Population: 1

Offensive – Calvary
Fighting Capacity: 200
Building Damage: 3
Vs Infantry: 135
Vs Archers: 90
Vs Calvary: 115
Vs Mages: 65
Speed: 40
Transportation: 180
Population: 3

Defensive – Calvary
Fighting Capacity: 60
Building Damage: 2
Vs Infantry: 120
Vs Archers: 145
Vs Calvary: 175
Vs Mages: 90
Speed: 50
Transportation: 80
Population: 2

Offensive – Mage
Fighting Capacity: 450
Building Damage: 10
Vs Infantry: 145
Vs Archers: 220
Vs Calvary: 255
Vs Mages: 280
Speed: 12
Transportation: 120
Population: 5

Holy Sister
Defensive – Mage
Fighting Capacity: 150
Building Damage: 8
Vs Infantry: 315
Vs Archers: 270
Vs Calvary: 385
Vs Mages: 465
Speed: 20
Transportation: 90
Population: 4

Fighting Capacity: 5
Building Damage: 110
Vs Infantry: 60
Vs Archers: 275
Vs Calvary: 95
Vs Mages: 145
Speed: 10
Transportation: 0
Population: 8

Guild Agent
Fighting Capacity: 1
Building Damage: 1
Vs Infantry: 120
Vs Archers: 45
Vs Calvary: 55
Vs Mages: 90
Speed: 6
Transportation: 50
Population: 20

Now to get onto the actual mechanics.

If attacking:
Fighting Capacity(Total) = (Fighting Capacity of Troop + Modifier) * Number of Troops

If defending:
Fighting Capacity(Total) = (Defensive Capacity of Troop vs Enemy Class + Modifier) * Number of Troops

Damage Taken:
[Fighting Capacity (Enemy) – Fighting Capacity (Self)] / [Number of Troops (Self) / Population of Unit Used (Self)].

If [Fighting Capacity (Enemy) – Fighting Capacity (Self)] < 0, then damage taken is 0.

100 Damage Taken indicates one troop lost.

Additional Information for Troop Comparison

Comparison Formula:
Pure Fighting Capacity or VS = Fighting Capacity or Defensive Power / Population

Average Defense = (VS Infantry + VS Archers + VS Calvary + VS Mages) / (4 * Population)

Sorted from best to worst.

Knights Templar

Pure Fighting Capacity:
Disciple of Holy Spirit: 95.8
Dragon Archer: 85
Crusaders: 80
Wind-Wings: 72.5
Strongmen: 65
Black-Cloak Monk: 45
Halberdier: 35
Templars: 30
Cranequinier: 30

Average Defense:
Black-Cloak Monk: 95
Cranequinier: 81.3
Templars: 72.1
Halberdiers: 76.3
Disciple of Holy Spirit: 45
Dragon Archer: 41.3
Crusaders: 37.5
Wind-Wings: 34.4
Strongmen: 30

Defense VS Infantry:
Black-Cloak Monk: 112
Halberdiers: 85
Templars: 81.7
Cranequinier: 75
Disciple of Holy Spirit: 60
Crusaders: 50
Dragon Archer: 45
Strongmen: 35
Wind-Wings: 17.5

Defense VS Archers:
Halberdiers: 100
Cranequinier: 95
Black-Cloak Monk: 72
Dragon Archer: 60
Templars: 60
Strongmen: 45
Wind-Wings: 40
Crusaders: 30
Disciple of Holy Spirit: 30

Defense VS Calvary:
Cranequinier: 105
Black-Cloak Monk: 103
Halberdiers: 65
Disciple of Holy Spirit: 52.5
Wind-Wings: 47.5
Crusaders: 45
Templars: 41.7
Dragon Archer: 25
Strongmen: 25

Defense VS Mages:
Templars: 105
Black-Cloak Monk: 93
Halberdiers: 55
Cranequinier: 50
Disciple of Holy Spirit: 37.5
Dragon Archer: 35
Crusaders: 25
Strongment: 15

Templars: 45
Wind-Wings: 42
Halberdiers: 30
Cranequinier: 27
Strongmen: 25
Crusaders: 21
Dragon Archer: 18
Black-Cloak Monk: 18
Disciple of Holy Spirit: 12

Ibero Alliance

Pure Fighting Capacity:
Sage: 91.3
Hunters: 80
Scorpions: 73.3
Pole Arms: 70
Hussites: 62.5
Pikemen: 35
Garland Warlock: 35
Spearmen: 30
Lancemen: 30

Average Defense:
Garland Warlock: 90.8
Spearmen: 82.5
Pikemen: 75
Lancemen: 64.2
Sage: 45.3
Hunters: 40
Pole Arms: 32.5
Scorpions: 30
Hussites: 30

VS Infantry:
Pikemen: 90
Spearmen: 80
Lancemen: 70
Garland Warlock: 70
Hunters: 65
Sage: 43.8
Scorpions: 31.3
Pole Arms: 30
Hussites: 12.5

VS Archers:
Garland Warlock: 112.5
Spearmen: 90
Pikemen: 85
Lancemen: 60
Hussites: 45
Sage: 56.3
Scorpions: 38.7
Pole Arms: 35
Hunters: 25

VS Calvary:
Garland Warlock: 95.8
Lancemen: 81.7
Pikemen: 65
Spearmen: 55
Pole Arms: 45
Hunters: 40
Hussites: 37.5
Scorpions: 30
Sage: 30

VS Mages:
Spearmen: 105
Garland Warlock: 85
Pikemen: 60
Sage: 51.3
Lancemen: 45
Hunters: 30
Hussites: 25
Pole Arms: 20
Scorpions: 20

Hussites: 50
Lancemen: 47
Scorpions: 35
Spearmen: 24
Pikemen: 23
Hunters: 20
Pole Arms: 19
Garland Warlock: 17
Sage: 14

Rhine Commerce Guild

Pure Fighting Capacity:
Alchemist: 90
Rhine Archer: 85
Gladiator: 75
Ranger: 66.6
Holy Sister: 37.5
Crossbowmen: 35
Shieldmen: 30
Guards: 30

Average Defense:
Holy Sister: 89.7
Crossbowmen: 78.8
Shieldmen: 73.8
Guards: 66.3
Alchemist: 45
Gladiator: 43.8
Rhine Archer: 41.3
Ranger: 33.7

Defense VS Infantry:
Crossbowmen: 90
Shieldmen: 85
Holy Sister: 78.75
Guards: 60
Gladiator: 45
Ranger: 45
Rhine Archer: 35
Alchemist: 29

Defense VS Archers:
Shieldmen: 95
Crossbowmen: 75
Guards: 72.5
Holy Sister: 67.5
Gladiator: 60
Rhine Archer: 45
Alchemist: 44
Ranger: 30

Defense VS Calvary:
Holy Sister: 96.3
Crossbowmen: 95
Guards: 87.5
Rhine Archer: 60
Shieldmen: 55
Alchemist: 51
Ranger: 38.3

Defense vs Mage:
Holy Sister: 116.3
Shieldmen: 60
Alchemist: 56
Crossbowmen: 55
Guards: 45
Rhine Archer: 25
Gladiator: 15
Ranger: 21.6

Guards: 50
Ranger: 40
Gladiator: 24
Shieldmen: 24
Holy Sister: 20
Archer: 19
Crossbowmen: 19
Alchemist: 12


Alliances are groupings of players that like to have fun and be stupid(maybenoreally). To make an alliance, the leader needs to meet these requirements:

Sire Level 10
10,000 Gold

After those requirements are met, talk to Alliance Officer- Delilah in Sanctum City – Palace.

Alliance Shops

Items allowed to be put into Alliance Shop:

Name of Item: Level of Alliance Required / Cost

Sire’s Construction Order: 1 / 25
Gilded Note: 1 / 5
Horn: 1 / 25
Moving Contract: 1 / 150
Earl’s Construction Order: 2 / 125
Forester Guide: 2 / 50
Stonecutter Guide: 2 / 50
Ironsmith Guide: 2 / 50
Lucky Card: 2 / 10
Farmer Guide: 2 / 50
Building Manual: 3 / 150
Advanced Moving Signet: 3 / 1000
Duke’s Construction Order: 4 / 500

Becoming a Kingdom

To become a kingdom, conquer at least one wonder.


Wildernesses are those small nodes that appear on your map near a city or wonder. They give bonuses if you conquer them and sometimes give you nice goodies too.

About Wildernesses

The level of Wildernesses are very dependent on the population of the city it’s closest to. An exception is the alliance quest wilderness: Wilderness Level = (Sire Level / 2.5) Round down.

Wildernesses have two types, offensive and defensive. Offensive wildernesses should be attacked with offensive troops and defensive wildernesses should be occupied by defensive troops.

You aren’t limited to just the wildernesses around your area, check the attacking range and garrison in a small village that’s in range to attack it. To check the attacking range, zoom in to Terrain View and hover your mouse over the wilderness.

Exploring a wilderness brings extra rewards. Keep in mind that a Scout is needed for exploring wildernesses.

Speculation: Having large armies explore a wilderness for an extended amount of time brings up rare wildernesses such as Gem Mines or Vaults.


Wonders are considered wildernesses. They can be stolen quite easily and they are conquered through a series of battles.

Wonders need a MINIMUM of 10 successful conquers to be conquered.

Level 3 and above wonders need a minimum of 11 successful conquers to be conquered due to high battle times.

The occupation timer for wonders reset after every successful conquer.

Each time a wonder is successfully conquered, the occupation goes down by 100 and the defending army increases in size.

When someone conquers a level 1 or 2 wonder, they get Miracle Soldiers. Miracle Soldiers are awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome, and awesome.

When someone conquers a level 3, 4, or 5 wonder, they get new Miracle Soldiers EVERY DAY.

Alliances can become kingdoms after a member conquers a wonder.

Tips and Tricks

Did you know that 20 Herdman’s Herbs (10000 coins) = 10 Alchemy Potions (25000 coins)= 1 Ambergris (25000 coins)?

Did you know that when you conquer another person’s city, you should always bring catapults (ABC)?

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