Rakion Ninja Short Guide

Rakion Ninja Short Guide by Peanut

Ninja Fighting Techniques:

This guide is for the ninja who always gets pwnt, or is just mediocre and never comes out on top and wants to. You should use it if you are a ninja, period, to gain ideas of how to fight certain classes effectively. I will teach you what I learned in my first 16 levels of closed beta, and additions will include what I learn after that, if you don’t read this guide, then expect to come up with all of these ideas after many levels instead of reading them right now, so sit back and read for 2 minutes and it will help you greatly.

Ninjas strengths are in grips, and golem games. If you are not gripping, and you are not in a golem game, you aren’t playing a ninja like a ninja. Hell, I even grip IN golem games, even though I’m better at killing the golem, it’s easier to grip in golem games when people use high-delay attacks.



Very annoying to fight. My best advice for a swordman is to jump around like crazy, and watch for an opportunity (see backstab list). Swordmans are notorious for charging so never run straight at one or run straight from one or you’ll be thoroughly pwned.


Archers are easy to beat. The key to beating archers is movement, even if they are focused on you it’s really easy to dodge arrows, all you have to do is jump and strafe around (watching obstacles) while trying to get closer to them. When they are focused on you, just stay right on their ass and the second they pull back an arrow front grab them. A back grab is impossible when they are watching you. What I recommend is jumping and strafing in a spiratic fashion so they cant hit you with arrows, if they pull out their sword it’s that much easier, wait for them to swing (twice or charge combo or spinning kick combo – see my backstab list), and then grab them. Always try for the grab, it’s not that hard and they really cant kill you without at least giving you a small opportunity to grab (you can grab at smaller and smaller opportunities as you get better ;))


Blacksmiths are annoying but really not hard to beat. Treat blacksmiths like the other classes, jump around like crazy, wait for them to swing, and grab them, if you miss, jam the jump button to get out of there before they can manage to hit you.


Easy. Again, treat mages like the others, jump around like crazy, wait for them to use a skill, and grab. Mages have enough delay that even beginners should be able to dodge, get in position, and grab before they recover, so try for the grab.

ALWAYS watch for bombs, and get the hell away from them. Generally there are mages who throw bombs at golems’ feet in golem wars, so be careful when you’re attacking a golem. These mages who toss bombs at golems’ feet are really easy to grip because they just stand there and toss, generally ignoring anything else because the fighting is going on elsewhere, try to get behind them and grip them.

Homing missile mages are easy. You are faster than mages, but they can still be really annoying. I’ve never got hit with a homing missile, you’ll learn yourself when to jump but, when a homing missile is coming right at you, generally about 1/2 second before it hits you jump while running straight at it – it’ll fly in the air and blow up every time, leaving the shooting mage wide open while you charge. Hopefully you’re close enough that you can get a combo or a grip off but if not just chase him, WATCH VERY CAREFULLY, because if I was the mage, I’d turn around and nail you with a projection. I recommend strafing slightly while chasing just to give that blurry effect where they won’t get any ideas to turn around and shoot incase they miss. Generally when a mage is running from you your only choice is to 1 combo them constantly until they stop running or try to execute a move, if there are other targets around while you’re chasing him, try to get them, but be warned – the mage will notice you stopped and he’ll nail you, so watch it. I’ve sometimes used shuriken on these running mages, just the left click shuriken, it actually has really helped at times and I’ve even got several kills from them, but try to stick to melee and grips if you can, shuriken leave you open to grabs and other long range attacks by other players.


Ninjas are annoying to fight 1v1, there really is no strategy to fighting a ninja, it just comes down to who’s better at dodging, aiming, and counterattacking. Generally I like to hop around until they attack (more than a 1 combo), then grab (see my backstab list again). It’s basically how experienced you are at melee fighting and grabbing, read some of my general tips later for defeating a ninja.

***General Tips: DM/TDM***

Surprise is your best friend. Learn the maps, and try to go the least busy way and try to get behind the enemy team. Grab grab and grab, grabbing not only does an insane amount of damage, but it looks cool, and gives you a sense of accomplishment and reputation. Use my above tips if you get in any situations where the enemy is aware of your presence.

General fighting tips and obstacles:

Although I recommend trying to go for the grab, if you aren’t very skilled at it yet or the enemy is better than you or constantly uses single comboes, try this technique: act like you’re running away, run around the first corner (where the enemy will be following the wall closely, preferrably a doorway, hallway, or other small area) and quick turn your camera to look third person down that hall, but don’t stand too close to the edge so they see you. When they get close pop out and start a combo, it gets them EVERY TIME, I have not been countered when jumping out and starting a combo on an enemy pursuing me. If there is more than one person following you hit W-W-Left Mouse to do a slide hopefully hitting all of your enemies, and run away. You can also toss your enemies (kind of sad how everyone falls for this) by running around a corner, comboing them, running around another corner, doing the same thing, then running back to the first corner. It works very well and even if the enemy knows you’re going to come out there’s nothing they can do except block or jump, do all 4 to flip back if they block, but stop the combo if they jump, or mages can throw a bomb but you can rush out and start a combo before they recover from that.

***General Tips: Golem Wars***

This is by far the best way to get exp and gold as a ninja, basically run at the golem as fast as possible, get really close, and do the long-range right click shuriken throw and, if your aim is good, you should take about 1/3 of it’s hp in one hit. Watch your enemies, some people (including me sometimes hehe) think golem wars is about PVP and they’ll try to hit you while you nail the golem, just dodge them, your focus is exp and gold which you get from defeating the enemy golem; however, it is very easy to take out most of the enemy team by gripping while they go after the golem because they all use high delay attacks on the golem. After you get the golem sword (hopefully you get it and not some other class unless they are in chaos) just go and kill their golem. Half of the time or more you can get the golem sword, go the least busy way to the enemy golem, and kill the golem before the enemy even reaches you.

***Additional Tips***

To get anywhere faster than normal, unless you have maxed movement speed (see my attribute guide), W W Right-click is a very effective way of getting around fast. With practice, you can scoot around nonstop almost twice as fast as other classes, start the combo again right after you right click, making the combo “WWRCWWRCWWRC”.

When an enemy is gripping another enemy (DM) or a teammate (TDM/Golem) then run up to them and hold right click until just before their immunity runs out, and let go, hitting them with all 3 of your special move – this does a LOT of damage and is the only thing you can do to a gripper. (Including yourself, so be prepared to get hit by specials a lot as a ninja, just try to move and jump right after you finish gripping to dodge this)

This concludes my little guide, hopefully all of you will become better ninjas and maybe you non-ninjas might put up a better fight if you read this. Good luck, and don’t forget to check my other guides.

PS. Include any of your strategies and I’ll consider adding them with credit to my guide.

-Youshoujidai, ninja

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