Shaiya Archer/Hunter Quest and Grind Guide

Shaiya Archer/Hunter Quest and Grind Guide by misterdude


This guide was originally written when Episode 3 was out. I retired from actively playing the game before EP4 was released. However, I did stop back in after the initial release of EP4 in order to update the guide heavily. As such, it contains things up to that point but is incomplete beyond that. In other words, it doesn’t include anything from EP5 and beyond and it never will. It likely does not contain everything from later updates to EP4 either.

I don’t play anymore and while my curiosity has me check back for a few days after a major episode release, I will never again update this portion of the guide. If the community deems that an updated version is necessary and wanted, someone else will have to be my successor because I’ve moved on from Shaiya, my friends, and I won’t be back.


This was originally part of Aes’s Archer Guide but due to several factors it was determined it should be its own guide.

Before we get to it I should introduce myself for those who don’t know. In the world of Shaiya I’m known as Aes (pronounced “ace”). My archer is on the Lailah server, a lvl 58 UM named Aes. I’ve played every class in the game and most of them to high level. While I know a lot about all aspects of the game and all classes, archer is where my true expertise is. I have about 2000 hours logged. I’ve reset my stats many times, done multiple tests, and spent billions in gold just to have a better understanding of how things work. So I’ve got quite a bit of experience when it comes to playing and testing stats both in PvP and PvE of all levels. I retired from Shaiya in Spring of 2009 and have no plans to return. I occasionally check this guide and update it.


Those familiar with online guides will recognize the index system. By using your browser’s Find feature (Ctrl + F) you can type in the appropriate letter code and jump right to the section you want. Each “Volume” is merely another post/section in this page, the first being this post right here. Please note that currently the Hunter quest and grinding section is incomplete, and by that I mean not even started yet.


  • Introduction
  • Index


  • Archer Grinding Locations[XAGLS]
  • Archer Quest Guide[XAQGX]


  • Hunter Grinding Locations[XHGLS]
  • Hunter Quest Guide[XHQGX]

Index Code: [XAGLS]

“Where should a lvl __ archer grind?” This is not an uncommon thing to see in trade chat. I think mostly the motivation behind such a question comes from feeling the pain of grinding and thinking surely someone who has done this before must have a faster way. Well I can tell you there is no shortcut. Grinding is tedious and gets worse with every level. I highly recommend doing quests whenever possible to break up the grind. But in the end you just have to push through it and try to have as much fun as possible.

I never intended for this to be a walkthrough strategy guide that you could follow step by step to “beat” the game. Grinding is a big part of the game, but there is no set formula “of go here, then here, then here.” I do want to offer tips but it will not be in the form of “lvl 23 grind here, lvl 42 grind here, etc.” Now that they have removed the party caps and added the perfect party system it is possible to grind through much easier.

Most of this is meant to help archers who are going solo and in that regard there are pointers I can give having played a UM archer to level 58, a mage duoing with an NM archer to level 58, fighter and battle defender past level 50 and the other classes as well though not as high in level. I know the lightside maps well and I know how an archer fares having played HM and UM myself and NM vicariously through a close friend. The journey from start to endgame is something with which I am quite familiar.

My simple formula of where to grind is, stay outside of dungeons, especially if you’re alone. Look for green or yellow mobs, or orange if you can kill them fast but remember killing fast is what we aim to do so don’t take on targets that are too high for your level. Avoid mobs that have bad debuff or poison or high damage skills. As an archer, avoiding ranged mobs and magical mobs is also good advice. Remember, there are a few things that make you successful and efficient and optimized at grinding. The goal of grinding is to level up as fast as possible. To do this you have to consider these things:

  • The less time you spend per fight, the better. A target that dies before they reach you means you don’t have to kite. This saves time.


  • The less time you spend resting, the better. Resting wastes time. You don’t gain EXP for resting. A target that dies before it hits you means you don’t have to rest. This saves time.
  • The less time you spend dead, the better. Dying wastes times. You don’t gain EXP for dying, you lose it. A target that dies before it kills you means you don’t die. This saves time and EXP.
  • “The best kept secret in Shaiya” is what I like to call this idea because people don’t look at EXP in the mathematically proper way. They see EXP per kill instead of focusing on EXP per time spent. EXP is not about how much you get per kill. The rookie mistake is to get entranced by seeing that high per kill figure. The smart thinker understands that the important measurement is not how much you get per kill but how much you get per minute, or hour, or any other period of time you want to use. EXP per timeframe is important, not EXP per kill. If you can get 10k EXP from a red mob and kill two red mobs per minute you get 20K EXP per minute. If you can get 5K EXP from a yellow mob and kill 5 per minute you get 25K EXP per minute. Killing the appropriate target is crucial to your efficiency. Smart grinders take hours less time to level up than those who don’t play smart.
  • Potions are like trading gold for time. Aside from using them in emergency situations to keep you alive, for the most part a good archer won’t typically be in grave danger in PvE. Potions can be used to minimize or eliminate the need to rest. Resting is a waste of time, in terms of EXP gain. So buying a lot of potions and using them to prevent resting will reduce the amount of time you have to play to level up. The tradeoff is that you need enough gold to do this. If you are broke, really broke, you’ll have to rest and save the potions for emergency use.
  • With the coming of EP4 a huge archer issue has been solved. We used to have to make more selective choices about where to grind, because we needed to maintain the dominant element. Now, we have all four elements on any weapon that we choose. So this is no longer a factor. As such, your possibilities become greater. Before, we used to have a more strict path. At level 52 you could go to Pando, but if you didn’t have a wind bow then we would say you should go to EC and use your water epic on the fire horses. Now, such things no longer apply, you don’t have to limit yourself based on mob element anymore.



The first few levels go very fast. After a couple of kills you will have already leveled up once maybe twice. For the most part I recommend that you follow your quests, indicated by yellow and blue dots on your map (press M). Blue dot means you have finished something and just need to return to the dot. Yellow dots mean you have not yet picked up the quest and need to go there to start it. They will pretty much show you the best mobs to kill for your level. They will also give you a significant reward in the form of gold and EXP and occasionally armor and weapons as well.

Map 1 is loaded with quests that will last you to around level 20. I recently went back with my lvl 57 archer, having realized that I did not do any of the map one quests. It took me nearly a full day to finish them all, and that is with me one hit killing everything. That’s how many quests there are on map 1. This does not stay that way throughout the whole game. As you reach higher levels quests become fewer and farther in between, so take advantage of them now. That being said, I really don’t have any more comments on where to grind in map 1 as by following your quests you should have no problems finding appropriate green or yellow mobs to kill. Some mobs, like goblin shaman have magical slowing spells, but for the most part mobs on map one don’t have any serious debuffing or poison skills.


This is a lvl 18+ dungeon if I remember correctly, yet I don’t recommend trying to solo there as an archer, there are lots of magical mobs and even with the UM Magic Defy skill they will eat you up quickly. Dungeons in general are also very crowded with mobs and don’t fit well with the range you want as an archer.


This is in general a lvl 40+ though some classes can survive on floor one sooner. Still this is a higher level dungeon so don’t worry about that just yet. Actually if you follow my advice you won’t ever go here until 55+ and then only for farming purposes.


At around level 20, a bit sooner if you are higher mode, you will be able to move on to map 2. You could also go into Cornwell’s Ruins and grind there however as I said I’m not a huge fan of dungeons; I prefer to stay outside. Kills are easier and faster and there is less risk of dying. Dungeons can also be quite crowded with both mobs and other players. And remember, for an archer your goal is to kill before the mob reaches you and dungeons mobs are harder to pull that off with. You really don’t ever have to go inside a dungeon. For the most part I never did when grinding my archer. Again keep in mind the general rule of look for greens or yellows. If you find oranges are easy enough to kill quickly then by all means go for it, but reds are almost never appropriate and by that I mean faster than easier than lesser mobs.

So long as there is a yellow dot (quest) you should get it because again they point you towards mobs that are suited for your level. There will be some levels where no quests appear. In that case again just look around for mobs that are yellow and test how well you can kill them. Map 2 will last you from around lvl 20 to the mid 30s. You essentially just follow the road west, then it heads south and then it curves east. You will likely then follow the bridge further south until you reach the mid 30s in level, at which point you will go to the portal to map 3.


This dungeon is for around lvl 30+ Again as an archer I don’t really recommend grinding in dungeons unless you have a party, in which case just follow them.


This is a lvl 36+ dungeon square in the center of the map. The mobs in here have poison skills, there is not much reason to go in here solo, you will be better off killing the outside mobs; it’s faster, it’s easy, and it makes you feel like a badazz. The only reason you will need to come here is to do the lvl 43 Epic quest and kill the bosses.


Located to the far south of the map, this is a dungeon for levels in the high 40s low 50s so don’t worry about this one just yet. We will come back here later.


This is a bigger map. Once your reach lvl 40 you can buy a mount and that will help traversing the distances. For the most part the mobs here are just repeats and they usually have the same skills as their lower level counterparts. Dwarfs have slow and darkness, goblins have slap, orcs have double pain (poison), harpies have slow, etc. Again look for yellow mobs and test it out. Your quests will point you in the right direction. There is an epic quest at level 43 that has you kill an orc boss Kiba Tul. He is red at lvl 43 and honestly quite tough, especially if you are not UM. You may need help with him or wait a few more levels if you want to do it solo. The reward for the quest is the water bow but you can’t use it until level 45 anyway so there is no rush. There is a favorite spot of mine in the Southeast corner of the map near the portal to the D-Water PvP zone. The Black Breath goblin camp there is a nice spot for the mid to high 40s. There are lots of mobs, they die quickly and I was pretty much able to stand in the middle of the camp and auto attack while watching TV. There is a boss there and if you are not careful you may attack him, if that happens just run to let him reset.


This is a lvl 53+ dungeon. Really the EXP in there is bad so there is not much reason to grind here. The main point of going there is to kill the bosses, which drop lvl 5 lapis and respawn every 30 minutes. But as an archer you won’t be able to do that solo and you will like to be lvl 55+ to take part in that anyway. There are too many mobs for a single archer to handle alone, not to mention the bosses themselves.


After map 3 you run out of outside maps. By now you should be around 47/48. There are a few options where to go now and they depend on the mode and gear of your archer.


Now that you are the appropriate level you can head back to EC on map 2. This remains acceptable EXP to me until level 53. After that I like to move on if you can.


This is an alternative to fighting the plant ladies in EC. If you go here it is located in a PvP map so be warned that Furies are about and can kill you if they wish. I don’t recommend this because there are complications with grinding in PvP zones that you don’t have to deal with elsewhere.


You could also go to floor 3 of the Cloron’s Lair dungeon on map 1. Again, this becomes more just preference in EP4 because it doesn’t matter what element a mob is anymore. CL, EC, Pando, whatever you gain EXP faster from, which depends entirely on your build, and not the elements anymore.


This dungeon is lvl 49+ but is not for Normal Mode archers. Even HM and UM will struggle here without good gear. The first few mobs are non elemental. This is a moot point now. Earth mobs, Fire mobs, who cares? Cali Puirr and Vindes Puirr are the highest level places in Pando and can take you to 60 if you choose, but the EXP gets slow as they turn blue before you reach 60 and that’s not ideal. Remember, green or yellow is best, particularly green at this stage of the game for a solo archer.


The portals to these maps are located in Karis Castle in D-Water. These maps are also PvP zones and you can and will be killed by the Fury while there. Just like Pando a NM cannot solo here, and HM/UM will need good gear. Still they offer much better EXP than Pando does. You will want to be level 53+ to kill here solo.


The portal to this map is in Deep Desert 1. As of EP3 this is the hardest/highest level map in the game and of course gives the best EXP. The mobs are again wind and water elements. You will need to be level 56+ to start soloing here. As far as getting to level 60 goes it’s either here in DD2 or it’s stay in Pando. The desert is of course much faster but it requires grinding in a PvP zone so it is risky. Pando is completely safe yet the EXP past level 58 becomes very slow. The choice is yours but those are pretty much the options. If you are NM looking to get lvl 60 you will need help regardless of where you go.

There really are no magical spots that make grinding easier. It’s as simple as find a green or a yellow mob and try to kill it. Some mobs have bad debuffs or attacks, but you will quickly learn if that’s true and avoid them. There are some levels that are easier than others. Sometimes you reach a level where the yellow mobs available may have a bad attack, but the green ones give bad EXP. Don’t worry, this is normal you just have to pick a spot and push through it. Grinding is not fun but take comfort in the fact that others have suffered the same experience before you. And if at all possible I recommend partying, if for nothing more than the social aspect.

Just make sure you are killing mobs that are not too hard for you nor too easy because one will take too long to kill and the other will be such bad EXP that you will lengthen your grind time by days or even weeks in the end. In general yellows are good for the first 50 levels. After that, greens become the better choice as mobs get pretty tough and you don’t want to have the extra penalties that come with fighting mobs higher level than you.

Index Code: [XAQGX]

Here I will list the few quests that I feel are necessary to do. There really are not many so if you don’t want to quest you certainly don’t have to. Though again I recommend newer players to do all the quests, the ones I will list below are pretty significant in their rewards. Most quests just give some gold and exp for completing them but there are a few that give rewards, and a smaller few that give rewards so good you should not miss them.


* Please not that all these quests give the highest level pieces of Noble gear that you can use in 1-15 PvP. However, armor obtained from quests cannot be recreated to add orange stats. The hardcore 1-15 PvPers would likely not settle for that. The only way to get the Noble pieces that can be recreated is from a mob drop.

Reward: Noble Leather Boots
Starting NPC: Alicia Irwen, at the tower West of Brunen Ferry.

Talk to Alicia and she tells you to kill 4 Cornwell Forest Zombies and 4 Sticky Liquid Zombies. They can be found just to the EAST of the tower towards cornwell’s ruins. Kill them and return for your reward.

Reward: Noble Leather Pants
Starting NPC: Sharnie, at the Hunters Camp.

The Hunters camp is on the East side of map one. Talk to Sharnie and she asks you to kill Windtail Forest Brown Bears and collect 10 Bearskins. They can be found just to the West of the Hunters camp. Once you collect enough Bearskins return for your reward.

Reward: Noble Leather Armor
Starting NPC: Ernest, guard at the tower West of Brunen Ferry.

Ernest will send you over to Eric at Arbor farm, where you have to then kill Stonepick Goblin Shamans in the camp to the south. The quest says to collect 5 woodpiles, but ACTUALLY YOU NEED TO COLLECT 15 WOODPILES. Bring the 15 piles back to Eric and he will send you back to Ernest at the tower, who will give you the lvl 11 Noble Leather Armor. If you do not collect 15 or more woodpiles you will not be sent to Ernest and not get your armor.

Reward: Noble Composite Bow
Starting NPC: Narus Kiron, at the Fanselon Institute.

After talking to Narus, you have play NPC tag with another NPC located to the northeast. After that you have to kill Windtail Forest Tree Guards to obtain 10 Leaf Powders. Return when you are done for your reward.

Reward: Noble Hard Leather Guantlets
Starting NPC: Mark Dover, the Protection merchant at Keolloseu Town.

Talk to Mark Dover in Keo. He asks you to kill 10 Vagabond Big Brown Bears which can be found north west of Keolloseu at the words PlusWooper Forest on the map. Do so and return to Mark for your guantlets. These gauntlets are also buyable from an upgraded guildhouse so I you happen to have access to that, you can skip this quest.


These quests are started by lower drop rate items, not NPCs like normal quests are. You must be HM or UM in order to start the quest, but anyone can pickup the quest initializing items. You cannot trade them or store them in your warehouse however, so if you are NM and you get an item, there is only one thing to do with it. Give it away to an NPC merchant so that it doesn’t take up space in your inventory. You start the quests after you get the item by right clicking on the item in your inventory. Sometimes the quest will start automatically when you pick up the item, depending on your current level.

* Note that these items have a lower drop rate than normal items. Sometimes they can take quite a while and quite a lot of kills before they drop. Yeah it’s boring, but we’ve all done it.

* Also note that the level 29 gauntlets and level dread 30 boots are considered the best for 20-30 PvP. However, these are from a quest which means they cannot be recreated with orange stats. The only way to get the dread pieces that can be recreated is from mob drops.

Reward: Dread Unicorn Gauntlets
Starting Item: Poema’s Mandolin, dropped from Julia Duiliun.

Julia Duiliun who is located on an island in the middle of the lake just southeast of Arktus Ville, the same lake that has Madwing. Once you get it, right click to start the quest. You have to be level 25 and HM or UM to do so. The quest runs you back and forth from the lake to Haldock Farm, I don’t remember the specifics of it but it is not difficult. Use your quest window for your instructions (press U). You claim your reward from the protection merchant in Arktus.

*In order to start the Poemas Mandolin quest, a previous quest is required. The Failed Experiment quests, which start near Fedion dungeon with the NPC characters Creath Question and Catherine Parke. There are several of these failed experiment quests, and they take you through Apulune, so make sure you do them all. If you right click the Mandolin and it says previous quest needed, you have not finished these quests then.

Reward: Dread Unicorn Boots
Starting Item: Monkey Skull, dropped from Swordtail Sealakel Fighters.

You must be level 26 and HM or UM to start this quest. Located at Maelstorm coast just South of Arktus Ville on map 2, the Sealakel Fighters is what you’re looking for. Kill enough of them and they will drop a monkey skull. This one usually doesn’t take me that long to get to drop. I don’t remember the specifics of the quest but it is not hard either. Just use your quest window to breeze through it and claim your reward from the protection merchant in Arktus Ville.

Reward: Dread Unicorn Pants
Starting Item: Empty Trunk, dropped from Orc Robbers.

You must be level 27 and HM/UM to start this quest. The Orc Robbers are on the road to Arktus Ville. Kill them until the empty trunk drops. This can be an annoying quest simply because the quest itself involves going far to the south to talk to a Dwarf. He then tells you to find Dwarf explorers and get Two Locked Trunks. These things take as long to drop as the initial quest starting items, so be patient. The location of these dwarf explorers is on the road just to the west of the Goblin camp, to the south of where the Orc robbers were. There are only 4 explorers and they stand two on each side of the road. Follow the instructions in your quest window for the specifics and claim your reward at the protection merchant in Arktus Ville when you’re done.

Reward: Dread Unicorn Armor
Starting NPC: Lens Bow, dropped from Priest Depnum.

You must be level 28 and HM/UM to start this quest. The sealakel “boss” Priest Depnum is the one who drops the lens bow and he is located in the middle of the sealakel group at Maelstorm coast South of Arktus. This one annoys me as his respawn is a few minutes but more because you need a higher level character to help you since you’ll want to be able to kill him fast. This one takes me the longest to get to drop. The quest runs you all over the map, to the South near Silvaren, but it’s not very hard once you have the lens bow. As always follow your quest window for instructions and claim your reward in Arktus Ville.


Reward: Unicorn Helm (unslotted)
Starting NPC: Dolin, the blacksmith in Arktus Ville.

For this quest, you have to collect 30 spirit cores and return to him. He will give you the normal lvl 30 Unicorn Helm. This would be useless if you happen to have a slotted helm already. Spirit cores are typically dropped by the sealakels at Maelstorm coast and the Goblin camp just East of there.

Reward: Unicorn Helm (unslotted)
Starting NPC: Lavenne, the blacksmith in Silvaren.

This quest is available at level 35. You have to collect 30 mare cores and return to Lavenne. She will give you the normal lvl 36 Ebony Helm. This would be useless if you happen to have a slotted helm already.

Reward: Unicorn Helm (unslotted)
Starting NPC: Karl Bierhawk, the blacksmith in Stronghold.

This quest is available at level 43. You have to collect 30 Pint Cores and return to Karl, he will give you the normal lvl 44 Freya Helm. This would be useless if you happen to have a slotted helm already. Pint Cores drop from various mobs all over map 3.

Reward: Unicorn Helm (unslotted)
Starting NPC: Brad Stone, the blacksmith outside the city walls of Apulune.

This quest is available at level 50. Brad Stone is not the blacksmith IN the city of Apulune but rather the one OUTSIDE the city walls, near the dock. You have to collect three lvl 3 endure lapis and 15 dark mages stones and return to him. He will give you the normal lvl 51 Dragon Helm. This would be useless if you happen to have a slotted helm already. Dark mages stones drop from the higher level mobs on map 3. Endure lapis lvl 3 drops in D-water dungeon one.


Reward: Eagle Strike bow, unlocks lvl 35 epic quest later
Starting NPC: ????, by the side of the path West of Haldock Farm.

I don’t know what this quest is called or the name of the NPC who stats it. I do know he is located on the side of the road to the West of Haldock Farm on map 2, in the field with the antelopes and leopardeses there is a tree by the side of the road and an NPC standing there. The quest has you kill a fury assassin NPC located in the antelope field. I remember him being very easy but I suppose that depends on your mode and build. The bow you get for a reward is not bad, but if you are PvPing in 20-30 a heroic siege bow is better. Nevertheless the reason we are doing this quest is to unlock the later EPIC quests so we can get the level 45 water bow, so do it anyway.

LVL 35 EPIC QUEST – The Wind Blowing from Silvaren, Captured Orc the Boss of The Assult Troop, The Path of Conviction, Report the Result to Tiris, Remuneration of Conviction
Reward: Rather crappy Armlet, unlocks lvl 45 epic quest later
Starting NPC: Len Starshooter, in the camp South of Maitreyan dungeon.

I’m not completely sure what level this quest is available at. Most people call it the lvl 35 epic quest, it is around the mid 30s. Talk to Len. You then have to talk to Tiris BlueArrow in Silvaren to the South. You then play messenger and go back and forth between people just talking to them. Then you are charged with killing some Orcs. Palcum, and some Blood Wolf Attackers. YOu need to collect 12 heads of blood wolf attackers and the head of Palcum and return to Silvaren. Again play messenger until finaly Tiris gives you the reward, which is a fairly poor armlet. Back the reason you need to do this quest is because if you don’t you won’t be able to do the next epic, which is what we really want.

LVL 43 EPIC QUEST – A Messanger of PanteraArk, Rakusian’s Epistle, Rakusian’s Second Epistle, The Elf Embassy, Search For The Wisdom of Sage, Remedy Made From the Essence of Magic, The Report About Destroyer, The Adept Armorer, Elfen Aqua Bow, To Rakusian Again, Liquidation of the Past
Reward: Elfen Aqua Bow, Panteras Ark Gauntlets, unlocks future epic quests?
Starting NPC: Floralis Starshine, in Stronghold on map 3.

Perhaps the most important quest in the game, or at least it was before EP4 was released. Talk to Floralis Starshine, she gives you an Epistle item that you need to then right click to start the quest. You then have to go kill 15 WarEdge Orc Soldiers and 7 Squad Leaders. They are to the east of stronghold, just follow the road and you will run into them. Upon returning the quest you will get another Epistle, you have to click. Now you go to WarEdge Clan Town (to the west of the map) and kill 15 Orc Warriors and Kiba Tul, be warned Kiba Tul is RED at level 43 so depending on your class and mode you may need assistance to kill him. Return this quest and you will be sent to Rakusian Justice, in Apulune, who will then send you to Mulus Torero in Aelbeageu (on map 1). He asks you for 99 Rilians (HP pot bought from any liquid medicine merchant), 30 spririt cores, and 20 adamars stones. After giving him these things he sends you back to Apulune, who will then send you to Alius Magicartisan in Silvaren. Now you just need to collect 90 Gold Abels (dropped from the foxes/monkeys near Albeageu, 20 more adamars stones, and 20 magic leather (these drop a lot from the wolves and bison outside the northern gate of Karis Castle (pvp map). After all this you will get the lvl 45 Elfen Aqua Bow as a reward, and yes it is worth it.

But the epic quest is not done yet. However, the reward for the next part is not very good. But if they ever update the game and add more epic quests, you will need to complete this one before being able to do the later ones. As of now though there is no particular reason to finish it, especially if you have trouble getting the boss kill. Anyway, you will be sent back to Apulune and then charged with killing Ankylul WildDark and Azman ElfVein, the boss and mini boss of Maitreyan dungeon. You will almost certainly need a party for this. If you are higher level UM you could probably kill Elfvain alone, but for Anky you will probably need others there either to tank him or heal you or help kill him faster. Anky has a spawn time of 4 hours after he is killed and people like to kill him for the things he drops so it can make questing him difficult. The reward is a pair of Panteras Ark Gauntlets (lv 45, +5 STR, +5 DEX, +5 REC, +5 WIS, +52 MP, +76 SP, +142 HP.) They look nice and match legend freya armor but they are statistically not very good and not worth the hassle if you can’t get the Anky kill the first time or two.

* After you complete this quest, the NPC in Silvaren that gave you the aqua bow will now allow you to change the element on that bow a single time to any element you choose. Doing this can only be done ONCE and it also changes the new (Elfen Aqua bow, Elfen Earth bow, etc.) and the color of the glow on your weapon.


Reward: Level 5x weapon
Starting NPC:Explorer Kei, Just outside the lake with Freezing Mirage.

I don’t know if this is actually an epic quest or not but everyone calls it that. I believe the start of this quest is the NPC standing just outside the lake where the entrance to Cryptic Throne and Freezing Mirage boss is located. This is on the West of map 2. Look for the circle of water surrounded by mountains and the sunburst portal inside. I have no idea what this quest is called, I did it far too long ago. Follow your quest window for the specifics. It takes you first to Stable Erde (Jungle). From there you have to kill certain mobs and return. After this part you have to travel to the Deep Desert (this is not a task in the quest, go there yourself). There will be another NPC there with a new quest. Do what he says and then go to Deep Desert 2. Again, find the NPC (yellow dot) and do his quest.

You with then be sent back to the original NPC and are asked for a few oddly titled items. These items drop from the chests that spawn after you kill Freezing Mirage. Last year, around January/new years time, Golden Ox mobs were patched into the game. I don’t know if this is a yearly thing but those also dropped the quest items needed and many of us got them easily in that fashion. The reward is a lvl 5x weapon. For archers, the common weapon is the Rancor, a one handed sword. I have heard someone say they saw someone with a crossbow, but take that for what it’s worth. I knew a guy who knew a guy who knew a guy…lol. I’ve never personally seen any evidence of any archer getting anything except the Rancor.

Reward: Normal Mode Mount (elven leopard)
Starting NPC: Mount merchant, in Apulune?

I believe this quest starts at the mount dealer in Apulune though I’m not 100% sure on that. I don’t know at what level this quest becomes available. This quest has many parts, with many names that I don’t remember so can’t list here. It is most well known and recognizable for the part pertaining to the ram Criluph. Your task is to collect the heart of Criluph and 50 Amapo Spools and 30 Poison Linz. Criluph is a ram located on the hill just south of the entrance to Stonehammer Dwarf mine, which is in the Northeast corner of map 2. After you do this, you are asked to run all over the place, playing NPC tag doing petty errands. You have to kill 70 mobs for one part, buy things at a potion merchants, deliver things etc. Use your quest screen (press U) to guide you.

The reward for this quest is a level 40 NM mount, you get to choose whether you want a horse (humans) or leopard (elves). Keep in mind if you decide to buy the quest items rather than spending the time to farm them, an NM mount costs 11 mil to buy, so don’t spend anywhere near that for your 50 spools and 30 poison linz or you’re better off just buying the mount instead.

Reward: Random Lapis
Starting Item: Vail Distinquishment Mark, drops from Pando mobs.

Available at level 50, 53, and again at 55 for Hard Mode and Ultimate Mode only (you can do it three times). This quest starts from a drop called Vail Distinquishment Mark. I believe most if not all mobs in Pando drop it. The fire bears/monkeys definitely do, as well as the non elemental gnomes and larvae and monkeys. Once you get the drop right click it to start the quest. It has you run around playing talk tag but eventually have to collect peices of lapis. Read the quest window it will tell you where each kind drops. Once you kill those mobs and collect the necessary lapis you return them and the blacksmith in Pando will give you an item called something like imperfect lapis. Right click that and you will get a RANDOM lapis between lvl 4 and lvl 6 (not lvl 6 stat lapis but lvl 6 debuff lapis). Each time you do the quest you have to kill different mobs for the lapis peices. When I did them I got lvl 5 INT, lvl 5 Forbid, and lvl 5 REC. A lvl 6 lapis is NOT guaranteed.

Reward: Random “Sky City” lvl 5x weapon
Starting NPC: ???? and Greendieta Cherubim, under Ancient Tree in the center of D-water.

I cannot remember where this quest starts. The first part, which is called Traitor, was available over 6 months before the second part of this quest was actually released with Sky City. So I already started this 6 months ago and now obviously don’t remember where that NPC was. However, in Traitor, the task is to go to D-water borderlands (1-60 PvP) and talk to Greendieta Cherubim, who is under the Ancient Tree in the center of the map. After speaking with him he will give you the second part of the quest.

Once Again! is a repeatable quest, you can do it as many times as you want. Your task is to go into Caelum Greendieta (Sky City dungeon) and kill the mobs in there to collect 10 greendieta souls. Return them to the NPC under the tree to collect your reward. He mentions bringing him more to better your reward, however I don’t know if bringing more than 10 will actually do anything to get you a better reward or not. The reward is a lvl 50+ weapon. The type of weapon, the number of slots it has, the class it is for, all of that is random. You can get anything from a heroic to a goddess version of all the weapons. for archers, the three weapons usable by us are the normal bow, Merlin’s Force, the crossbow Shooting Heaven, and the one handed sword Falchion.

These weapons are tradeable, enchantable, and able to take orange stats; making them the best potential weapons in the game, though only slightly better than Cloron Dragon weapons and not worth the switch if you have one of those already nicely made up. I’ve heard on good source that a good lvl 58+ archer, no doubt HM or UM with good gear, can solo the mobs that drop the quest items needed.

Reward: Death Foshibil (lvl 60 crossbow)
Starting NPC: Zehar Teorema, Dragon in Cryptic Throne dungeon.
Items Needed: Power of King’s Wrath, 7 Fragments of King’s Wrath

First, this info is all thanks to anneefischer, and thanks to Lailah guilds Dragon Reign and Primal Instinct and many others no doubt.

When you kill Cryptic the Immortal, it drops one Power of King’s Wrath. And a hole in the dungeon is unlocked which you can fall down through. Find Zehar and talk to him, he is only visible if you have the quest item. He will give you another quest where you must choose your class. Be sure to choose Ranger/Archer. Then you must collect 7 Fragment of King’s Wrath. You would be smart to bring these with you so you can finish the quest right there. He will ask you again about your class, this time make sure to choose the (Archer) choice.

Index Code: [XHGLS]

“Where should a lvl __ hunter grind?” This is not an uncommon thing to see in trade chat. I think mostly the motivation behind such a question comes from feeling the pain of grinding and thinking surely someone who has done this before must have a faster way. Well I can tell you there is no shortcut. Grinding is tedious and gets worse with every level. I highly recommend doing quests whenever possible to break up the grind. But in the end you just have to push through it and try to have as much fun as possible.

I never intended for this to be a walkthrough strategy guide that you could follow step by step to “beat” the game. Grinding is a big part of the game, but there is no set formula “of go here, then here, then here.” I do want to offer tips but it will not be in the form of “lvl 23 grind here, lvl 42 grind here, etc.” Now that they have removed the party caps and added the perfect party system it is possible to grind through much easier.

Most of this is meant to help hunters who are going solo and in that regard there are pointers I can give having played the equivalent lightside class, archer, for a long time. I have played around with hunters as well on various servers but I really don’t have the same kind of in depth location knowledge that I do for lightside. So I can’t and won’t walk you hunters through a location by location grinding journey. But I do think I can still help and honestly most probably wouldn’t read a step by step guide anyway.

My simple formula of where to grind is, stay outside of dungeons, especially if you’re alone. Look for green or yellow mobs, or orange if you can kill them fast but remember killing fast is what we aim to do so don’t take on targets that are too high for your level. Avoid mobs that have bad debuff or poison or high damage skills. As a hunter, avoiding ranged mobs and magical mobs is also good advice. Remember, there are a few things that make you successful and efficient and optimized at grinding. The goal of grinding is to level up as fast as possible. To do this you have to consider these things:

  • The less time you spend per fight, the better. A target that dies before they reach you means you don’t have to kite. This saves time.


  • The less time you spend resting, the better. Resting wastes time. You don’t gain EXP for resting. A target that dies before it hits you means you don’t have to rest. This saves time.
  • The less time you spend dead, the better. Dying wastes times. You don’t gain EXP for dying, you lose it. A target that dies before it kills you means you don’t die. This saves time and EXP.
  • “The best kept secret in Shaiya” is what I like to call this idea because people don’t look at EXP in the mathematically proper way. They see EXP per kill instead of focusing on EXP per time spent. EXP is not about how much you get per kill. The rookie mistake is to get entranced by seeing that high per kill figure. The smart thinker understands that the important measurement is not how much you get per kill but how much you get per minute, or hour, or any other period of time you want to use. EXP per timeframe is important, not EXP per kill. If you can get 10k EXP from a red mob and kill two red mobs per minute you get 20K EXP per minute. If you can get 5K EXP from a yellow mob and kill 5 per minute you get 25K EXP per minute. Killing the appropriate target is crucial to your efficiency. Smart grinders take hours less time to level up than those who don’t play smart.
  • Potions are like trading gold for time. Aside from using them in emergency situations to keep you alive, for the most part a good archer won’t typically be in grave danger in PvE. Potions can be used to minimize or eliminate the need to rest. Resting is a waste of time, in terms of EXP gain. So buying a lot of potions and using them to prevent resting will reduce the amount of time you have to play to level up. The tradeoff is that you need enough gold to do this. If you are broke, really broke, you’ll have to rest and save the potions for emergency use.
  • With the coming of EP4 a huge hunter issue has been solved. We used to have to make more selective choices about where to grind, because we needed to maintain the dominant element. Now, we have all four elements on any weapon that we choose. So this is no longer a factor. As such, your possibilities become greater. You could go to Rubber Chaos at level 52, or you could go to D2, or Fantasma’s Lair. You don’t have to specifically choose a particular spot because it has wind mobs, etc.



The first few levels go very fast. After a couple of kills you will have already leveled up once maybe twice. For the most part I recommend that you follow your quests, indicated by yellow and blue dots on your map (press M). Blue dot means you have finished something and just need to return to the dot. Yellow dots mean you have not yet picked up the quest and need to go there to start it. They will pretty much show you the best mobs to kill for your level. They will also give you a significant reward in the form of gold and EXP and occasionally armor and weapons as well.

Map 1 is loaded with quests that will last you to around level 20. I played mainly on lightside and I went back with my lvl 57 archer, having realized that I did not do any of the map one quests. It took me nearly a full day to finish them all, and that is with me one hit killing everything. That’s how many quests there are on map 1, and that point applies to fury as well. This does not stay that way throughout the whole game. As you reach higher levels quests become fewer and farther in between, so take advantage of them now. That being said, I really don’t have any more comments on where to grind in map 1 as by following your quests you should have no problems finding appropriate green or yellow mobs to kill. Some mobs, like goblin shaman have magical slowing spells, but for the most part mobs on map one don’t have any serious debuffing or poison skills to worry about. If you don’t like a particular mob then look around nearby for other green/yellow mobs.


This is a lvl 18+ dungeon if I remember correctly, yet I don’t recommend trying to solo there as an hunter, there are lots of magical mobs and even with the UM Magic Defy skill they will eat you up quickly. Dungeons in general are also very crowded with mobs and don’t fit well with the range you want as an archer. I have played this dungeon and they are the same mobs as lightside has.


This is in general a lvl 40+ though some classes can survive on floor one sooner. Still this is a higher level dungeon so don’t worry about that just yet. Actually if you follow my advice you won’t ever go here until 55+ and then only for farming purposes.


At around level 20, a bit sooner if you are higher mode, you will be able to move on to map 2. You could also go into Argilla Ruin and grind there however as I said I’m not a huge fan of dungeons; I prefer to stay outside. Kills are easier and faster and there is less risk of dying. Dungeons can also be quite crowded with both mobs and other players. And remember, for a hunter your goal is to kill before the mob reaches you and dungeons mobs are harder to pull that off with. You really don’t ever have to go inside a dungeon. For the most part I never did when grinding my archer. Again keep in mind the general rule of look for greens or yellows. If you find oranges are easy enough to kill quickly then by all means go for it, but reds are almost never appropriate and by that I mean faster than easier than lesser mobs.

So long as there is a yellow dot (quest) you should get it because again they point you towards mobs that are suited for your level. If you don’t know where to go, look at your map. If there’s clumps of yellow dots, you know that area is appropriate for your level. There will be some levels where no quests appear. In that case again just look around for mobs that are yellow and test how well you can kill them. Map 2 will last you from around lvl 20 to the mid 30s.


This dungeon is for around lvl 30+ Again as an archer I don’t really recommend grinding in dungeons unless you have a party, in which case just follow them.


This is a lvl 36+ dungeon square in the center of the map. The mobs in here have poison skills, there is not much reason to go in here solo, you will be better off killing the outside mobs; it’s faster, it’s easy, and it makes you feel like a badazz. The only reason you will need to come here is to do the lvl 43 Epic quest and kill the boss.


Located to the far south of the map, this is a dungeon for levels in the high 40s low 50s so don’t worry about this one just yet. We will come back here later.


This is a bigger map. Once your reach lvl 40 you can buy a mount and that will help traversing the distances. For the most part the mobs here are just repeats and they usually have the same skills as their lower level counterparts. Again look for yellow mobs and test it out. Your quests will point you in the right direction. There is an epic quest at level 43 that you won’t want to miss. There is a favorite spot of mine in the North. It’s to the East of the Futesys Force’s Camp. It’s a little raised plateau with Hellfire Ifrits on it. I found that my NM hunter with KO noss ate through them nicely and there is enough to keep you constantly busy. They should be one of the last places you go on this map. You will want them to be green or yellow, as you know, which should be towards the high 40s.


This is a lvl 53+ dungeon. Really the EXP in there is bad so there is not much reason to grind here. The main point of going there is to kill the bosses, which drop lvl 5 lapis and respawn every 30 minutes. But as an archer you won’t be able to do that solo and you will like to be lvl 55+ to take part in that anyway. There are too many mobs for a single archer to handle alone, not to mention the bosses themselves.


After map 3 you run out of outside maps. By now you should be around 48 at least, maybe higher. There are a few options where to go now and they depend on the mode and gear of your hunter.


Now that you are the appropriate level you can head back to RC on map 2. This should remain exceptable EXP until about level 53. After that it may get too slow for your liking.


This is an alternative to grinding in RC. If you go here it is located in a PvP map so be warned that Furies are about and can kill you if they wish. I don’t recommend this because there are complications with grinding in PvP zones that you don’t have to deal with elsewhere.


You could also go to floor 3 of the Fantasma’s Lair dungeon on map 1 if you prefer that over Rubber Chaos.


This dungeon is lvl 49+ but is not for Normal Mode archers. Even HM and UM will struggle here without good gear. Grinding here is an alternative to the places listed above. This is the preffered end game PvE grinding map as the mobs give the highest EXP in the PvE maps. Only Stable Erde and Deep Desert give higher EXP but those places are in PvP zones.


The portals to these maps are located in Karis Castle in D-Water. These maps are also PvP zones and you can and will be killed by the Lightside while there. Just like Lanhaarr a NM cannot solo here, and HM/UM will need good gear. Still they offer much better EXP than Lanhaarr does. You will want to be level 53+ to kill here solo.


The portal to this map is in Deep Desert 1. As of EP3 this is the hardest/highest level map in the game and of course gives the best EXP. The mobs are again wind and water elements. You will need to be level 56+ to start soloing here. As far as getting to level 60 goes it’s either here in DD2 or it’s stay in Lanhaarr. The desert is of course much faster but it requires grinding in a PvP zone so it is risky. Pando is completely safe yet the EXP past level 58 becomes very slow. The choice is yours but those are pretty much the options. If you are NM looking to get lvl 60 you will need help regardless of where you go.

There really are no magical spots that make grinding easier. It’s as simple as find a green or a yellow mob and try to kill it. Some mobs have bad debuffs or attacks, but you will quickly learn if that’s true and avoid them. There are some levels that are easier than others. Sometimes you reach a level where the yellow mobs available may have a bad attack, but the green ones give bad EXP. Don’t worry, this is normal you just have to pick a spot and push through it. Grinding is not fun but take comfort in the fact that others have suffered the same experience before you. And if at all possible I recommend partying, if for nothing more than the social aspect.

Just make sure you are killing mobs that are not too hard for you nor too easy because one will take too long to kill and the other will be such bad EXP that you will lengthen your grind time by days or even weeks in the end. In general yellows are good for the first 50 levels. After that, greens become the better choice as mobs get pretty tough and you don’t want to have the extra penalties that come with fighting mobs higher level than you.

Index Code: [XHQGX]

Here I will list the few quests that I feel are necessary to do. There really are not many so if you don’t want to quest you certainly don’t have to. Though again I recommend newer players to do all the quests, the ones I will list below are pretty significant in their rewards. Most quests just give some gold and exp for completing them but there are a few that give rewards, and a smaller few that give rewards so good you should not miss them. Simply read the rewards for each quest so you’ll know ahead of time whether you want to do them or not.


* Please not that all these quests give the highest level pieces of Noble gear that you can use in 1-15 PvP. However, armor obtained from quests cannot be recreated to add orange stats. The hardcore 1-15 PvPers would likely not settle for that. The only way to get the Noble pieces that can be recreated is from a mob drop.

Reward: Noble Brutal Protector
Starting NPC: Sasru, the proffessional trader in Frotainer Vil.
Items Needed: Keepsake from Roman, Ashes of Roman

The town of Frotainer Vil is on map 1 just west of the starting city of Suteron. Sasru will send you to get a keepsake from Roman. You obtain this by killing WedgeRock Kobolt Watchers outside of the Artlum Mine, which is just West of Frotainer Vil. After you get the item return to Sasru and he will send you back to kill severn WedgeRock Kobolt Fighters, again located in the mine. Dispatch seven fighters, and two more just for fun, and then return to get charged with your last task. Now you have to kill Gril, the leader of the Kobolts. He is inside the mine at the back. After you stain the earth with his blood, take the Ashes of Roman and return them to Sasru for your reward.

Reward: Noble Brutal Protector
Starting NPC: Dink Jerad, a protection merchant in Gliter.

This is supposed to be a shorter way of obtaining the Noble Brutal Protector than the multi-part “revenge” quest. It starts from Dink in Gliter. However, there must be a prerequisite quest to unlock it because it did not show up for my level 54 hunter which had done no other quests yet. However, if you want this reward and do have this quest open to you, this one is shorter than the other option listed above.

Dink will ask you to kill 10 Edged Blade Feather Galluses. They can be found to the East of Gliter, halfway to Titan’s Ruin. Kill them and return for your armor.

Reward: Noble Brutal Walkers
Starting NPC: Vank Jerad, a weapon merchant in Gliter.

There are two quests to get these walkers. This is the easy way. Go to Vank, he’ll ask you to kill 10 Black Claw Succubus. You can find them just Southeast of Frovaton Vill. Send them back to the underground, return to Vank, and get your boots.

Reward: Noble Brutal Walkers
Starting NPC: Yaadin, the blacksmith in Suteron, and Karna Kiesto, the blacksmith in Aridon.
Items Needed: 6 Mallets

This is the hard, or I should say longer way to get the Noble Brutal Walkers. The quest starts in Suteron at the blacksmith. He will ask you to collect 6 mallets. You can get mallets from the monsters just East or Aridon. The Kobolts in the mine and surrounding monsters drop them. After you return the mallets this part of the quest is over. You then have to go to Aridon and start the next quest from the blacksmith there. She will ask you to kill 25 vagabond corpses. You can find them just west of Artlum Mine. After you’re done thinning the ranks of the undead by a few baker’s dozen, return to Karna for your reward.

Reward: Noble Composite Arch
Starting NPC: Slo, in Frotainer Vill and Sant, north of Titan’s Ruins.

This quest stars in Frotainer Vil from the NPC named Slo. He tells you to go meet someone called Sant. After meeting Sant you will then be given a task to kill Short Black Hair Pumas. You can find them just to the southwest of Sant’s location. Send the pumas back to their maker and then return to Sant for your bow.

Reward: Noble Hive Mufflers
Starting NPC: Zaite in Frovaton Vill.
Items Needed: 10 Black Skull Marks

This quest becomes available at level 14. He will ask you to gather blackskull marks. To do this you need to kill Black Skull Kobolt Soldiers or Blackskull Succubus. Both are located in the Dark Shade forest. After you get all your marks return to Zaite for your reward.

Reward: Noble Brutal Leggings
Starting NPC: Limpers Pellum, guard in Aridon.

Talk to Limpers in Aridon. He will ask you to talk to Mosen Kiesto, who is nearby. Mosen will tell you to go to meet Mosen Ordo, who is at the Blood Labs. Ordo will then tell you to go meet Dratt, who is West of the Blood Labs and North of Aridon. After this game of NPC tag finally Dratt will start the real quest. Part one tells you to kill 10 StonePeg Goblin Fighters, which are just West of Dratt’s location. Do the deed and return and Dratt will give you part two. This is to kill 3 Goblin Clan Leaders and 5 Goblin Warriors, located near where the Fighters were. Again return to Dratt for the final part. Lastly you must kill the Goblin “boss” Jardo. He is in the back of the camp by the Fighters. Put a well placed arrow in Jardo’s head and once again return to Dratt for your reward.

Reward: Noble Piercing Javelin
Starting NPC: Kunnel, the professional trader in Venatio Camp.

Talk to Kunnel and she will send you to find Derkan in Frovaton Vill. Derkan will then give you a quest to kill 5 Blackskull Kobolt Soldiers and 3 Blackskull Kobolt Warriors. You can find the Warriors in the Dark Shade Forest and the soldiers just to the West of there on the road. Kill them and return to Derkan for your reward.


As the title implies all the helms, or caps for hunters, obtained from in game quests have no slots for lapis. Most of them are simple quests where you just trade 30 “cores” or various types for the cap. It is far quicker to simply purchase the cores from other players rather than farm them yourself. However, these days most players use slotted helms, obtained with AP, rather than these unslotted helms and so most don’t really sell the cores like they used to in the past.

Reward: Terron Cap (unslotted)
Starting NPC: Dugon, the blacksmith in Starfumos Vill.
Items Needed: 30 spirit cores

I think this quest becomes available at level 29. Starfumos Vill is in the West of map 2. The quest is simple. Collect, or purchase from other players, 30 spirit cores and exchange them with Dugon for your cap. Spirit cores seem to drop from all mobs on the North end of map 2. Most players seemed to agree that the Sealakel mobs drop them frequently. For Fury, this would mean they are just Northeast of Aumeros Army Port on map 2.

Reward: Ysilom Cap (unslotted)
Starting NPC: Martelo, the blacksmith in Meteora North Port.
Items Needed: 30 mare cores

I believe this quest is available at level 35. Meteora North Port is to the far North of map 2. The quest is simple. Collect, or purchase from other players, 30 mare cores and exchange them with Dugon for your cap. Mare cores are said to drop from the monsters around the area of the Rubber Chaos entrance on map 2, as well as the goblins around the northside of the Temple of Flame on map 3.

Reward: Tatoram Cap (unslotted)
Starting NPC: Kanon Kursan, the blacksmith in Arena Stronghold.
Items Needed: 30 pint cores

This quest is available at level 43. Again it could not be any more simple. Exchange 30 pint cores for the cap at the blacksmith in Arena Stronghold, which is in the center of map 3. Pint cores drop from most monsters on map 3, particularly to the South.

Reward: Python Cap (unslotted)
Starting NPC: Ferrum, the blacksmith in the center of Iris.
Items Needed: 15 Dark Mage Stones, 3 Endure lvl 3 Lapis

If I’m not mistaken this quest becomes available at level 51. It’s simple enough. Talk to the blacksmith in Iris, bring him the dark mage stones and endure lapis, and he’ll give you the level 51 Python Cap. Dark Mage Stones can be found all over map 3. The Hellfire Ifrits in the Northwest drop them and still offer decent EXP around the low 50s. Level 3 Lapis, if you don’t know, can be farmed in what is commonly called D-water dungeon one, or D1 for short. There are two dungeons in the D-water 1-60 PvP map. Dungeon one is for levels roughly starting in the high 30s, certainly a lvl 50+ hunter is good enough for the job. It would be much faster to buy the lapis though, if you can find anyone selling, it’s practically worthless except for this quest, which most serious players don’t do because they wear AP bought slotted helms/caps.


Reward: Heroic Lusco Protector
Starting NPC: ?????, I can’t get the quest to open.

I’m having some trouble figuring out how to unlock this quest. It is supposed to be the questline titled Enormous Aspirations. However, there must be a prerequisite quest that I haven’t done because I followed others’ instructions and the NPC is still not unlocked to give the quest. If someone knows the full quest prerequisites feel free to share but I personally am not gonna waste any more time with this.

Just know that if you come across the Enormous Aspirations (used to be called enormous thought) questline, it is two parts and it will end with you needing to kill Kargos and Knight in Argilla Ruin. The reward will be the Heroic lvl 25 protector.


These quests are started by lower drop rate items, not NPCs like normal quests are. You must be HM or UM in order to start the quest, but anyone can pickup the quest initializing items. You cannot trade them or store them in your warehouse however, so if you are NM and you get an item, there is only one thing to do with it. Give it away to an NPC merchant so that it doesn’t take up space in your inventory. You start the quests after you get the item by right clicking on the item in your inventory. Sometimes the quest will start automatically when you pick up the item, depending on your current level.

* Note that these items have a lower drop rate than normal items. Sometimes they can take quite a while and quite a lot of kills before they drop.

* Also note that the level 29 dread muffler and level dread 30 walkers are considered the best for 20-30 PvP. However, these are from a quest which means they cannot be recreated with orange stats. The only way to get the dread pieces that can be recreated is from mob drops.

Reward: Dread Terron Muffler
Starting Item: Invasion Plan, dropped from Silverpick Goblin Priests.

The Silverpick Goblin Priest is located in the goblin camp just to the Southwest of Starfumos Vill on map 2; signified by two tent like icons on your map. As said, kill these priests until they drop an item called “invasion plan”. You must be HM or UM and level 25 or higher to start the quest. Once you are, right click the invasion plan to begin the quest. You must then go to Faruma, located in Starfumos. He will tell you to collect 3 stonepick scout notes. You get these from Silverpick Goblin Chasers, located in the same goblin camp you got the invasion plan. Get the notes and return to Faruma. Now he will tell you to kill 10 Silverpick Goblin Fighters. Do so and return. Then he’ll have you kill 15 Silverpick Goblin Hunters, all from the same camp. Kill them and return to Faruma. Now he will send you to Balse, who is in the Aumeros Army Port to the East. Talk to him and he will give you your reward. Remember to choose Hunter/Assassin.

Reward: Dread Terron Walkers
Starting Item: Lost Necklace, dropped from Keuraijen Poison Mist Zombie.

You must be level 26 HM/UM to start this quest. The keuraijen poison mist zombie is located just to the North of Starfumos Vill. Once the lost necklace drops, right click it to begin. You must then talk to Tasti, located on the path North of Starfumos near the Tower of Blood. Tasti will tell you to visit Dugon, the blacksmith in Starfumos. Dugon will then ask you to kill 15 Keuraijen Sad Souls. They are located just East of the Tower of Blood. Do so and return to Dugon for your reward.

Reward: Dread Terron Leggings
Starting Item: Kobolt’s Drawing, dropped from Silverpick Goblin Hunters.

You must be level 27 and HM/UM to start this quest. The Silverpick Goblin Hunters are on the path North of Starfumos Vill. Kill them until the item drops and right click it. You first have to see Mutto, who is in Aumeros Army Port to the East. He will ask you to collect 5 Black Puma Skins. I’m not sure of the mob who drops them, check your quest information, it should tell you (press U). After you get them return to Mutto. He will send you to Penot, also in Aumeros Army Port, and she will give you the reward.

Reward: Dread Terron Protector
Starting Item: None, Sankaritar in Warune’s Camp

You do not need an item for this quest but you do need to be level 28 HM/UM. Talk to Sankaritar in Warune’s Camp. He will have you kill 15 Keuraijen Big Antelope, which are located on the road that leads from Rubber Choas to Auremos Army Port. Kill them and return to Sankaritar. Then go to Spike, in Warune’s Camp. He will tell you to kill 15 Keuraijen Big Bison, located in the same area the Antelopes are. Kill them and return to Spike. Then go to Zest in Warunes Camp and he will tell you to kill Keuraijen Meaneating Wild Boars, again in the same area as before. Kill them and return to Zest. Go to Beastblood in Warune’s Camp. Do what he asks, use your quest window (U) for the information, and return to Beastblood for your reward.


LEVEL 25 EPIC QUEST – The Path of Concentration
Reward: Barrage Fire, unlocks lvl 35 epic quest later
Starting NPC: Arucutul, a guard in Starfumos Vill.

Starfumos Vill is on the West end of map 2. After talking to Arucutul, he will send you to Kalamus, who is located of course at Kalamus’s House. Kalamus will then ask you to get a feather of concentration. You get this by killing Kioshyas, a large Gallus in Mores Woods to the South. After obtaining the feather return to

Kalamus and he will give you your new bow. The bow itself is not bad, it depends on your situation but in any case you need to do this quest to unlock the higher level epic quests.

LVL 35 EPIC QUEST – The Path of Concentration 2
Reward: Snake Eye Amulet, unlocks lvl 45 epic quest later
Starting NPC: Stravi, at Warune’s Camp.

Talk to Stravi at Warune’s Camp and he will send you to Regel at the Tower of Fire to the Northeast. Regel will send you to speak with Solidum at the Tower of Blood to the far West. The fast way to do this is to /town which will take you to Aruma Vill. Then take the gatekeeper to Starfumos and run North to the Tower of Blood. Solidum will tell you to go to the entrance of Rubber Chaos and kill Shapiku and bring him it’s heart. Shapiku is located in a little somewhat hidden cove the entrance is covered by a bunch of dead trees. On your map he will appear to be slightly South of the portal to Rubber Chaos, he is not in the larger opening that actually contains the portal. Kill him, grab his heart, and return to Solidum for your reward; a pretty crappy amulet that gives +4 STR and +4 DEX. But you need to do this quest to unlock the level 43 epic quest later.

Reward: Nordein Fire Javelin, 20 Arkain Potions, Forcejackel Muffler, unlocks future epic quests?
Starting NPC: Amantul, in Arena Stronghold on map 3.

Perhaps the most important quest in the game, or at least it was before EP4 was released. Though everyone typically calls it the level 45 epic quest, because that is the level of the elemental weapon you get as a reward, the quest is actually a level 43 quest.

Talk to Amantul and he will give you a letter. You must open the letter (right click it) to start the quest. You first have to kill Area Landers. They can be found to the Southwest of Stronghold just on the other side of the mountains. Kill them and return for your next task. You then have to kill Sprinter Elves. They can be found if you follow the road out of the Northeast gate of Arena Stronghold around the curve past the mountains before you cross the river. Kill them and return to Stronghold for another letter. Again click on it and you will be told to kill Betrayer Acre. He is located just East of Genetick Black Magic Lab. After killing him, collect his head and you must take it to Iris. Look for the blue dot on your map once you get to Iris. Talk to whoever that may be and you will be sent to Panakeia Lab on the Northwest side of map one. Once there you will be told to colled 90 gold apples, 99 pomegranates, and 30 spirit cores. . The apples are dropped by the mobs just outside the starting cities of Suteron and Aridon. The pomegranates can be bought from any Liquid Medicine Merchant. The spirit cores are most commonly found from Sealakel mobs just Northeast of Aumeros Army Port on map 2. Once you have the items bring them back to Panakeia Lab. You will be sent back to Iris and once there will recieve a letter. Deliver the letter to Palbatus. He is located just South of Helm Marsh on map 2. You then have to collect Magic Leathers, Gold Powders and Adamars Stones. After you do, bring them to Palbatus and he will give you the Fire Javelin.

The quest isn’t over yet though. You are asked to kill Astaroth, the boss of Aidion Neckria on map 2. If you do, and return to Iris you will receive the Forcejackel mufflers as a reward. They have no slots and give +142 HP, +76 SP, + 56 MP, +5 STR, +5 DEX, +5 REC, +5 LUC. After completing all this you can return to Palbatus, South of Helms Marsh on map 2 and he will allow you to change the element of your Javelin from fire to either earth, water, or wind. You can only do this one time and then you’re stuck with whatever you choose. With that change, the color of the glow and the name of your Javelin will change as well. I realize the instructions listed are somewhat vague but that’s because I have not done this quest as Fury personally. Just follow your quest window (press U) it will tell you everything you need to know.


Reward: Random Lapis
Starting Item: Dwarf Distinquishment Mark, drops from all Lanhaarr mobs.

Available at level 50, 53, and again at 55 for Hard Mode and Ultimate Mode only (you can do it three times). This quest starts from a drop called Dwarf Distinquishment Mark. I believe most if not all mobs in Lanhaarr drop it. Once you get the drop right click it to start the quest. It has you run around playing talk tag but eventually have to collect pieces of lapis. Read the quest window it will tell you where each kind drops. Once you kill those mobs and collect the necessary lapis you return them and the blacksmith in Lanhaarr will give you an item called something like “imperfect lapis”. Right click that and you will get a RANDOM lapis between lvl 3 and lvl 6 (not lvl 6 stat lapis but lvl 6 debuff lapis). Each time you do the quest you have to kill different mobs for the lapis pieces. When I did them I got lvl 5 INT, lvl 5 Forbid, and lvl 5 REC. A lvl 6 lapis is NOT guaranteed.

Reward: Normal Mode Mount (basilisk)
Starting NPC: Mount merchant, in Iris?

I believe this quest starts at the mount dealer in Iris though I’m not 100% sure on that. As a matter of fact I’m not 100% sure on anything about this quest. I don’t know at what level this quest becomes available. If this quest is anything like the lighside version then it has many parts, with many names that I don’t remember so can’t list here. It is most well known and recognizable for the part pertaining to the mob Ghostwolf. Your task is to collect the fur of Ghostwolf and 50 Amapo Spools and 30 Poison Linz. I don’t know exactly where Ghostwolf is, I heard he is in Araky Woods on map 2. After you kill him and collect the fur, you are asked to run all over the place, playing NPC tag doing petty errands. You have to kill 70 mobs for one part, buy things at a potion merchants, deliver things etc. Use your quest screen (press U) to guide you. This may be different for Fury but your quest screen will tell you everything.

The reward for this quest is a level 40 NM mount, you get to choose whether you want a basilisk (deatheater) or jaguar (vail). Obviously a hunter can only ride the basilisk. Keep in mind if you decide to buy the quest items rather than spending the time to farm them, an NM mount costs 11 mil to buy, so don’t spend anywhere near that for your 50 spools and 30 poison linz or you’re better off just buying the mount instead.

Reward: Random “Sky City” lvl 5x weapon
Starting NPC: ???? and Greendieta Cherubim, under Ancient Tree in the center of D-water?.

This is essential just a transcription of the lightside quest. I don’t know if Fury is different or not. I cannot remember where this quest starts. The first part, which is called Traitor, was available over 6 months before the second part of this quest was actually released with Sky City. So I already started this 6 months ago and now obviously don’t remember where that NPC was. However, in Traitor, the task is to go to D-water borderlands (1-60 PvP) and talk to Greendieta Cherubim, who is under the Ancient Tree in the center of the map. After speaking with him he will give you the second part of the quest.

Once Again! is a repeatable quest, you can do it as many times as you want. Your task is to go into Caelum Greendieta (Sky City dungeon) and kill the mobs in there to collect 10 greendieta souls. Return them to the NPC under the tree to collect your reward. He mentions bringing him more to better your reward, however I don’t know if bringing more than 10 will actually do anything to get you a better reward or not. The reward is a lvl 50+ weapon. The type of weapon, the number of slots it has, the class it is for, all of that is random. You can get anything from a heroic to a goddess version of all the weapons. For hunters, the three weapons usable by us are the normal bow, Yucon’s Scare, the javelin Arktis, and the dual axes Psophos Karma.

These weapons are tradeable, enchantable, and able to take orange stats; making them the best potential weapons in the game, though only slightly better than Cloron Dragon weapons and not worth the switch if you have one of those already nicely made up. I’ve heard on good source that a good lvl 58+ hunter, no doubt HM or UM with good gear, can solo the mobs that drop the quest items needed.

Reward: Level 5x weapon
Starting NPC:Explorer Mondred, Southwest of map 2 near Haruhion.

I believe this quest starts in the Southwest corner of map 2, where Haruhion is. He is at the entrance of the cove where Haruhion spawns just South of the waters of Helm Marsh. I have no idea what this quest is called. Follow your quest window for the specifics. It takes you first to Stable Erde (Jungle). From there you have to kill certain mobs and return. After this part you have to travel to the Deep Desert (this is not a task in the quest, go there yourself). There will be another NPC there with a new quest. Do what he says and then go to Deep Desert 2. Again, find the NPC (yellow dot) and do his quest.

You with then be sent back to the original NPC and are asked for a few oddly titled items. These items drop from the chests that spawn after you kill Haruhion. Last year, around January/new years time, Golden Ox mobs were patched into the game. I don’t know if this is a yearly thing but those also dropped the quest items needed and many of us got them easily in that fashion. The reward is a lvl 5x weapon. For hunters, the common weapon is the dual axes. It is documented and proven that sometimes hunters get lucky and get a potentially more useful Javelin of Death from this quest. I haven’t heard of anyone getting a normal bow yet. The reward seems to be random as to what weapon type you get.

Reward: Level 60 Javelin
Starting NPC: Zehar Teorema, dragon in Cryptic Throne dungeon.
Items Needed: Power of King’s Wrath, 7 Fragments of King’s Wrath

First, this info is all thanks to anneefischer, and thanks to Lailah guilds Dragon Reign and Primal Instinct and many others no doubt.

When you kill Cryptic the Immortal, it drops one Power of King’s Wrath. And a hole in the dungeon is unlocked which you can fall down through. Find Zehar and talk to him, he is only visible if you have the quest item. He will give you another quest where you must choose your class. Be sure to choose Hunter/Assassin. Then you must collect 7 Fragment of King’s Wrath. You would be smart to bring these with you so you can finish the quest right there. He will ask you again about your class, this time make sure to choose the (Hunter) choice.

Thanks for reading. Have fun!
– Aes

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