Uncharted Waters Online Advanced Finals Guide
Uncharted Waters Online Advanced Finals Guide by Starcrossed
Because several people have requested I write this guide, I just spend the last six hours reliving the Advanced schools so that I could bring this guide to you all. I hope someone finds it useful!
The grind is simply known as the part of any Advanced school where you are forced to do ten repeatable quests to get to the final. Rather than give a list of all ten from each course and how to do them, I will give you the quickest of the quests you can do and explain how to complete it. You can repeat this quest ten times to end the grind.
This is best done in a full fleet of five. Like this you can get nearly 2000 fame per final if you all turn in at once. It also makes the grind more fun.
Basic Advanced School Quests: (For all classes)
Quest Name: Concerning Hostile Waters
Step 1: Go to the port in Pisa and speak to instructor Maximilian about hostile waters. He will give you a detailed description about hostile waters, pirates, and bounties.
Step 2: Return to the school and turn the quest in.
Quest Name: Concerning Aides
Step 1: Speak to Instructor Stellario at the Tavern in Genoa about aides. He will give you a detailed description on aides, how to get them, their uses, and how to maintain them. At one point, you will have to speak to the Barkeep and click ‘Employ Aides’ to continue.
Step 2: Return to the school in Pisa to turn in the quest.
Quest Name: Concerning Special Shipbuilding
Step 1: Speak to instructor Mutu about special shipbuilding. Go to the Shipyard in Pisa to speak to him.
Step 2: Return to the school in Pisa to turn in the quest.
Quest Name: Land Battle
Step 1: Speak to Instructor Maximilian at the port about land combat.
Step 2: Sail to Naples. Speak to Instructor Maximilian at the Gatekeeper, where he will send you to the Naples Oustskirts to fight a level 2 Naples soldier. This soldier is often located not far east from the gate, though however has been known to spawn deeper into the Outskirts at other times.
Step 3: Defeat the soldier. Return out of the gate to speak to Instructor Maximilian.
Step 4: Return to the school in Pisa to turn in the quest.
Advanced Adventure School
Quest Name: Opening Those Tricky Locks
Step 1: Speak to instructor Stellario by the tree outside school.
Step 2: The class is taken to the Tavern in Pisa where you will continue speaking to instructor Stellario.
Step 3: The class is taken back to the tree, Stellario will give you a chest that requires level 2 unlock skill. Throw it away or keep it until you have the skill, your decision.
Step 4: Return to the school in Pisa and turn in the quest.
Quest Name: Living With Nature
Step 1: Go to the Tavern in Pisa to speak to Instructor Stellario about the procurement, collection, and fishing skills.
Step 2: After Stellario’s instructions, go to the tree outside of the school to receive traveler’s notes, monocle, and fishing gear from Stellario.
Step 3: Return to the school, turn in the quest.
Quest Name: Discoveries Showdown
Step 1: Go to the tree outside of the school to speak to Instructor Stellario about the types of discoveries you can make and why you should report them.
Step 2: Go to the Tavern in Pisa to continue the lecture with Stellario.
Step 3: Return to the tree outside of the school to finish the quest. Sadly, you get no reward this time.
Step 4: Return to the school, turn in the quests.
The quickest quest to complete for the Adventure grind requires a run to Tunis and back ten times. This will be a long and boring process.
Quest Name: Investigation of the Soldier Known as Great General
Step 1: Set sail for Tunis. Land in the commercial district.
Step 2: Enter the Archives. Speak to the Scholar and read the Archeology book.
Step 3: Go to the Gatekeeper and enter West Tunis. Once you enter, head south. It will curve west. You will find two branches going east. Take the second. Go to the stone table and use observe. Use Search at the designated spot.
Step 4: Return to the school in Pisa and turn in the quest. Rinse, repeat nine more times.
The Final!
Quest Name: Voyager School’s Adventure Course Graduation Exam (Alexandria version, easiest and quickest)
Step 1: Speak to Instructor Stellario by the tree outside the school in Pisa.
Step 2: Travel to Alexandria. Land, enter the Archives and speak to the Scholar.
Step 3: The scholar tells you to land in Cairo. The actual landing is directly across from Cairo on the west side of the Nile.
Step 4: When landing, go north around the corner. Walk north until it curves west. The moment the path curves west, you should see a path heading back south. Take that path and the oasis is down it.
Step 5: Return to Pisa and turn in the quest.
Step 6: Congratulation, you just graduated from Adventure school.
Advanced Trade School:
Quest Name: Commerce Course: Specialty Goods Trade and Synergy
Step 1: Speak to the Merchant GM a second time after accepting the quest to meet Mutu. Mutu tells you about Specialty Goods and Synergy. Half way through he stops. You will need to speak to the Merchant GM to continue.
Step 2: Turn in quest at the Merchant GM.
Quest Name: Townsman’s Recipe
Step 1: Speak to the Merchant GM a second time after accepting the quest to speak to Mutu. This time he will be talking about production.
Step 2: Mutu sends you to speak to the shipwright in ‘town’. This town is Genoa, so set sail for Genoa and speak to the shipwright.
Step 3. Return to the school in Pisa and turn in the quest.
Quest Name: Investments in town
Step 1: Speak to the Merchant GM a second time after accepting the quest to speak to Mutu. He will be discussing investment. In the middle of the quest he will take a break. Speak to the Merchant GM again to continue the quest.
Step 2: Turn the quest in at the Merchant GM.
The quickest way to do the trade grind is the Deliver Pigs quest.
Step 1: Set sail to Faro. When you arrive to Faro, buy pigs.
Step 2: Sail to Seville, sail back to Faro. Buy more pigs. Repeat this until your cargo is full then return to Pisa. Do the quest until your cargo is empty.
Step 3: Repeat step 2 until you have delivered a total of 300 pigs, 30 ten times.
The Final!
Quest Name: Voyager School’s Commerce Course Graduation Exam
Step 1: Before you ever accept the quest, you should sail to Ragusa and buy your 20 woad.
Step 2: After you have purchased your woad, you should stop in a major city (Venice or Marsielles are close) and buy 10 sewing kits.
Step 3: Now accept the quest. Set sail for Antwerp.
Step 4: Land in Antwerp. Speak to the Market Keeper.
Step 5: Speak to the Craftsman.
Step 6: Return to Pisa, turn in the quest.
Step 7: Congratulations, you have graduated from Merchant school.
Advanced Maritime Final:
Quest Name: Types of Cannonballs and Their Effects
Step 1: Speak to Maximilian directly outside the school about the types of cannonballs.
Step 2: Set sail for Benghazi. Directly North East of Benghazi, about a day out is the practice fleet.
Step 3: Combat the fire ship. Directly after the battle, the smoke ship spawns in the same spot
Step 4: Combat the smoke ship.
Step 5: Return to Pisa, turn in the quest.
Quest Name: Melee Battle Skills
Step 1: Talk to Maximilian outside the school. He will discuss melee combat.
Step 2: Set sail to Athens. Land at the harbor and go to La Valette Estate to speak to Maximilian. Here he will explain assault, guard, tactics, and gunfire.
Step 3: Go outside of Athens and sail east until you find the melee practice ship. Destroy it.
Step 4: Return to Pisa to turn in quest.
Quest Name: The Meaning of ‘Epic Sea Feud’
Step 1: Walk outside of the school and speak to instructor Maximilian about epic sea feuds.
Step 2: Sail to Naples and disembark in the commercial district. Go to the maritime guild to speak to Maximilian there and continue the lesson.
Step 3: Return tot he school in Pisa to turn in the quest.
The quickest way to grind the Maritime 10 is the destroy the fleet near Sassari. For those who are unaware of Sassari’s location, look at your map. South east of Pisa are too islands. On the north east edge of the larger one is Sassari. This grind is quicker and easier in a group.
Quest Name: Defeat the Pirates West of Sassari
Step 1: Set sail to Sassari by sailing south east of Pisa between the two islands.
Step 2: Once you reach Sassari, sail west, slightly south west until you are ambushed by three or four ships depending on your fleet size.
Step 3: For more xp, kill all the ships present. For speed, kill the admiral.
Step 4: Return to Pisa to complete the quest and repeat nine more times.
The Final!
Quest Name: Voyager School’s Military Course Graduation Exam
Step 1: Get a fleet together.
Step 2: Speak to Maximilian outside the school.
Step 3: Sail to Syracusa to speak to Maximilian at the dock where he tells you the requirements for your final, destroying 20 enemy ships.
Step 4: Sail south west out of Syracusa towards Benghazi. On the trip you should be ambushed by a fleet of three enemies. Defeat all three enemies, save admiral for last.
Step 5: Once the fleet of three is defeated, sail away a bit then return to get another three to spawn. Do this until you have defeated 20. Trips to Syracusa are highly recommended to restock and repair.
Step 6: Once 20 are defeated, return to the school and turn the quest in.
Step 7: Congratulations, you have graduated Maritime school.
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