Dragon Age Legends Happiness Effects Guide
Dragon Age Legends Happiness Effects Guide by markov80 and Sensory
UPDATE: The rules have changed and this data is now obsolete. Look down in the thread to see the new data.
The happiness data seemed a bit complex, so I thought to look at the actual code. The summary is that only half the base time can be affected by increased smiles, and that half goes like 1/(1 + average smiles / 5).
Examples (in terms of base production time)
1 smile –> 1/2 + (1/2) * (1 / (1 + .2)) = 1/2 + 1/2 * 5/6 = 11/12
5 smiles –>1/2 + (1/2) * (1/(1+1)) = 1/2 + 1/4 = 3/4
There is a technical oddity in the code which adds an extra half second, and the value is rounded to the nearest second.
So, for something that takes 40 minutes base time, we have:
avg smiles –> minutes:seconds
0.0 –> 40:01
0.5 –> 38:11
1.0 –> 36:40
1.5 –> 35:23
2.0 –> 34:18
2.5 –> 33:20
3.0 –> 32:30
3.5 –> 31:46
4.0 –> 31:07
4.5 –> 30:32
5.0 –> 30:00
5.5 –> 29:32
6.0 –> 29:06
6.5 –> 28:42
7.0 –> 28:20
7.5 –> 28:00
8.0 –> 27:42
8.5 –> 27:25
9.0 –> 27:09
9.5 –> 26:54
10.0 –> 26:40
Edited: Removed data for average happiness over 10 smiles. While the formula in the code doesn’t limit the effect of happiness, it looks like the game limits your average happiness to 10. Also adding the missing 1/2 * to the intermediate calculation example of 1 smile as pointed out by zztop86 (no change do the result).
UPDATE by Sensory
The most recent update includes: “Adjusted cap on castle happiness. (However, task times cannot be reduced by more than 2/3.)”
Thanks to markov08 for looking into the game code. It’s essentially the same formula with slightly modified values.
B = Base Time (in seconds)
H = 8 / (Average Happiness + 8)
Time (rounded to the nearest second) = (B * 1/3) + (B * 2/3 * H) + (H * 2/3)
Average happiness is rounded to 2 decimal places.
Base Time
Tier 1: 40 minutes, 3 hours, 12 hours
Tier 2: 1 hours, 4 hours 30 minutes, 16 hours
Tier 3: 1 hour 20 minutes, 6 hours, 24 hours
What used to require 10 smilies now only requires 8, and assuming the cap truly is a 2/3 reduction based on that formula, there is practically no cap as the maximum achievable average via furnaces is 40 smilies (and 80 with double happiness).
0.0 –> 40:01
0.5 –> 38:27
1.0 –> 37:03
1.5 –> 35:48
2.0 –> 34:41
2.5 –> 33:40
3.0 –> 32:44
3.5 –> 31:54
4.0 –> 31:07
4.5 –> 30:24
5.0 –> 29:45
5.5 –> 29:09
6.0 –> 28:35
6.5 –> 28:03
7.0 –> 27:34
7.5 –> 27:06
8.0 –> 26:40
8.5 –> 26:16
9.0 –> 25:53
9.5 –> 25:32
10.0 –> 25:11
10.5 –> 24:52
11.0 –> 24:34
11.5 –> 24:17
12.0 –> 24:00
12.5 –> 23:45
13.0 –> 23:30
13.5 –> 23:16
14.0 –> 23:02
14.5 –> 22:49
15.0 –> 22:37
15.5 –> 22:25
16.0 –> 22:14
16.5 –> 22:03
17.0 –> 21:52
17.5 –> 21:42
18.0 –> 21:33
18.5 –> 21:23
19.0 –> 21:14
19.5 –> 21:06
20.0 –> 20:57
20.5 –> 20:49
21.0 –> 20:42
21.5 –> 20:34
22.0 –> 20:27
22.5 –> 20:20
23.0 –> 20:13
23.5 –> 20:07
24.0 –> 20:00
24.5 –> 19:54
25.0 –> 19:48
25.5 –> 19:42
26.0 –> 19:37
26.5 –> 19:31
27.0 –> 19:26
27.5 –> 19:21
28.0 –> 19:16
28.5 –> 19:11
29.0 –> 19:06
29.5 –> 19:01
30.0 –> 18:57
30.5 –> 18:53
31.0 –> 18:48
31.5 –> 18:44
32.0 –> 18:40
32.5 –> 18:36
33.0 –> 18:32
33.5 –> 18:29
34.0 –> 18:25
34.5 –> 18:21
35.0 –> 18:18
35.5 –> 18:14
36.0 –> 18:11
36.5 –> 18:08
37.0 –> 18:05
37.5 –> 18:01
38.0 –> 17:58
38.5 –> 17:55
39.0 –> 17:52
39.5 –> 17:50
40.0 –> 17:47
For reference, the old formula written in the above manner:
B = Base Time (in seconds)
H = 5 / (Average Happiness + 5)
Time (rounded to the nearest second) = (B * 1/2) + (B * 1/2 * H) + (H * 1/2)
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