Heroes of the Storm Beginner’s Tips

Heroes of the Storm Beginner’s Tips by AverageAdam

I guarantee if you follow these tips you will become a much better player and a more valuable asset to your team. These are in no particular order and all of them are equally important.

  1. “Try a Hero first before you take it into a real game”
    • Inside the Shop menu blizzard added a “TRY” button to all Heroes in the shop. This is great because you can test out a Hero before you take it into a real game. Take a few minutes to play around with the Hero, their talents and abilities. You will have a better understanding of the Hero when you take it into a real game and be a better asset to your team.
  2. Use Your Mini Map”
    • I know you have all hear this before especially if you have played other MOBAs or RTS games. But using your minimap effectively is like 50% of this game. You don’t have to check it like every few seconds, but use your peripherals and be aware of; where your teammates are, where the enemies are, what objectives are up and watch for pings.
  3. “Communicate with your Team”
    • Even if you don’t type during games typically you should still read team chat and watch for pings. Also use those pings. There is a smart ping system in place and you should use it.

-If there are three enemies pushing your lane and you are alone use the “Assist Me” ping.

-If you notice a big wave heading towards your base then use the “Defend Ping”

-Let your team know where you are going with the “On My Way” ping. You can let your team know your going to go take a Merc camp, they might even come help you.

-Use the “Danger” ping to warn of enemy locations on the map. You might save someone’s life.

  1. “knowledge is Power”
    • Learn the abilities of all the Heroes. I know it’s a bit of studying but knowing what Heroes can do and what CC (Crowd Control) abilities they have at their disposal (Stuns, roots, slows ect…) can help you make better decisions when fighting.

    -Also use the TAB button to look at what talents and Heroic abilities the enemies took. It can really make a difference.

  2. “Know the Kill Order”
    • Kill the high damage squishies first in team fights.
    • Do NOT focus the Tanks! They may be all up in your face, but they have a squishy ranged Hero behind them shooting over that tank’s shoulder that is doing far more damage then that tank.
  3. “Learn When to Engage and When to Back-Off”-Before you jump into a fight;

-Count the number of enemies vs the number of nearby allies

  • If there are more of them than you nearby, you will most likely lose. Back up and wait for backup.
  • Do NOT run into a situation that you know will cause your death just for THE CHANCE to ‘maybe’ pick off a low health fleeing enemy.
  • If your team comp can straight up NOT handle theirs in teamfights, then you continually engage in said teamfights expecting a different result other than your whole teams gruesome death is the very definition of insanity. You can still win if your team can’t teamfight. Take Mercs or objectives, I have won many games just by avoiding teamfights wit ha stronger team.
  1. “Do NOT Just Sit in a Lane all Game and Push”-This is NOT LoL or Dota2. 90% of your gameplay will NOT be in a lane farming.
    • This game may have a big emphasis on pushing lanes but there map objectives and Mercs that will do a better job pushing a lane than you will by yourself
  2. “Don’t go it Alone”
    • Stay with your team as often as possible. You can branch off to take objectives but during the 2nd half of the game rolling with your team can steamroll the opposition.
    • If you are a Full Healer stay with someone at all times. Do not try and push a lane back alone, that is NOT your job. Can’t tell you how many times a Li Li, Uther or a Brightwing left the team to go push a lane that really didn’t need to be pushed and hence doing so, were not present for a teamfight that was lost.
  3. “Do NOT engage any enemy who is level 10 and you are not”
    • They are level 10. You are level 9. They have Heroic Abilities. You do not. You will not win. Go farm something and avoid fighting them till your team hits level 10 and gets their Heroic Abilities. This has happened to me too many times to count.
  4. “The Main Map Objective Comes First. Always, end of discussion”-The main map objectives are designed to give one team a large boost of power, damage, or straight up dominance over the other team. These should not be ignored and a strong effort to obtaining these objectives should always be given;

Blackhearts Bay- Collect coins. Turn in if you have alot, otherwise dying and giving them to the other team will be a huge setback. Defend the people turning in the coins to Blackheart. If you know the enemy team has alot of coins (Hit TAB and it will show who all has coins and how many) you can hide in the smoke and ambush the enemy with the coins.

Cursed Hollow- Stop what you are doing and everyone move towards the Tribute when it spawns. This is true nearly every time.

Haunted Mines- Go in the mines every time! No more Mercs vs Mines. If your team can’t win fights then sneak in the mines and take as many of the small skeleton camps as you can. They often have just as many skulls in them as the big golem.

Garden of Terror- Collect Seeds, help your Terror push when it is up, protect him! I can’t tell you how many people don’t assist their Terror and it ends up getting wiped out by the enemy team before it does any good.

Dragonshire- Help cap points, defend statue if enemy controlled, escort the dragon knight same as above with the Plant Terror.

These are just some little tips that I have been thinking about over the last few days. I am not making this post out of anger or anything, it’s just something that all new players should have an idea about.

If anyone else has any suggestions for more let me know!

See you all in game :) -AverageAdam

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