Vanguard All Housing Quests Guide

Vanguard All Housing Quests Guide by Ixiola

The source of this information came originally from a post on vanguard crafters that I had saved to a file a couple years ago.  In addition, I’ve added information below (some from notes and some from memory) on where to find the bricks/cornerstones that minerologists need to inspect to complete the quests.  Again, thank you to the original posters on vanguard crafters for this information.

[Guide] All Housing Quests (WiP) General info:

t3 is lvl 21 – 30. minimum requirements for t3 quest is to be lvl 21 crafter
t4 is lvl 31 – 40. minimum requirements for t4 quest is to be lvl 31 crafter
t5 is lvl 41 – 50. minimum requirements for t5 quest is to be lvl 41 crafter
you need to finish the style quest, amateur and apprentice quest on the continent you wanna learn the recipes for lvl 21 on.
you need to finish the style quest, amateur, apprentice and initiate quest on the continent you wanna learn the recipes for lvl 31 on.
you need to finish the style quest, amateur, apprentices, initiate and journeyman quest on the continent you wanna lern the recipes for lvl 41 on.

All items for houses i did count an grade a items
if you build them b grade you will need two times as many. (per example 400 bricks instead of 200)
if you build them c grade you will need four times as many. (per example 800 bricks instead of 200)

Many asked questions:

1) Do you need a mineralogist to build the house, if you got all stuff needed on you?
– No, you dont. you go to your slot, then you choose the house you wanna have in the construction window. then you add all stuff needed since there are shown 100 %. after you just need to click the Construct button, and voila, its done.

2) Can carpenters craft houses too?
– Easy question, easy answer, no they cant. they can craft some wood parts for the house. but youll need a mineralogist for sure. and the mineralogist is able himself to craft the wood parts too.

3) Where can i build a house?
– thats easy: just search a plot anywhere in the world. buy it. buy the stuff needed. and build your house
4) Can i put a qalia house on thestra for example?
– no you cant, you can put qalia style house only on qalia, thestra style on thestra and kojan style on kojan.

5) Why do i need a house?
– well if you realy need it, thats your descission. but with a house you have chests you can put in stuff. And youll get recall to house.

6) Do i need to pay anything else then the parts i need for a house?
– yes, you have to get a plot first, this costs money, 2,5 g minimum and 30 g maximum, depens on where the plot is. and then, you have to pay a upkeep each week for the plot. upkeep is beetween 20 silver and 90 silver per week depends on slot, if i remember right.

7) can i upgrade a t3 house later to a t4 or t5 house?
– no you cant. but i realy dunno, if it will be possible perhaps in future. but i dont think so.

8 ) if i dont like my spot anymore, can i take my house from it and build it on another spot?
– no you cant. one time builded, you cant change the house anymore to another location

Styles on house parts:

Some houseparts have style, some not, here some infos what should help you within it.

NO STYLE items :
– Panels, Beams, this means you need to do panel / beam quest only in one continent, then you have the recipe allready. you cant do it again on another continent, because you know the recipe alllready after doing it ones.
– Fasteners, they dont have style, so you can use the fasteners on any continent.
– Mortar (shopable at npc), dont has style, you can buy the mortar at any npc in any continent and use it on any slot.

STYLE items :
– window panes, shopable at npc, they DO have style. this means you have to buy for example qalia window panes in qalia for building a qalia house.
– bricks have style. it means you need qalia style bricks for qalia house.
– cornerstone has style, it means you need a qalia cornerstone for a qalia house.
– shingles have style, you can use only right style ones for house.
– logs have style. you can use only right style ones for house.

Continent : QALIA

T3 House:

Qualian Fancy One Story

Needed Stuff:

200 Qalia Sandstone Bricks (1 sandstone slab = 1 brick)
1 Qalia Soapstone Cornerstone (4 soapstone slab = 1 cornerstone)
20 Standard Panels (1 dry wood timber = 1 Panel)
20 Standard Beams (1 dry wood timber = 1 Beam)
20 Rotwart Mortar (shopable npc)
2 Standard Window Pane (shopable npc)
4 Iron Fasteners (3 Iron Ores = 1 Iron Fastener)

Where to get the stuff:

IMPORTANT: the quests need 500 Qalia Artisans faction
– Mineralogist Quest for Bricks is in Jarrut Flats Outpost South of Khal
(Quest: “Studying Bricks” – Study a brick in the Ruins of Immanjel Sanctum – its Northeast in Qalia on an Iland. Bricks are found in the Ruins there. After you need to craft 15 Bricks on grade a, there for you need 15 sandstone slabs)
– Mineralogist Quest for Cornerstone in Jarrut Flats Outpost South of Khal after Finishing Brick Quest
(Quest : “Studying the Cornerstone” – Study the Cornerstone at the Tower east of Immanjel Sanctum – its on a small Iland. The Cornerstone is found on the ground right hand of the Tower Entrance. After you need to craft a Cornerstone on grade a, there for you need 4 Sandstone slabs)
– Artificer Quest for Panels in Khal
(Quest : “Practice Standard Panels” – Craft 5 Panels grade a, there for you need 5 dry timber)
– Artificer Quest for Beams after Finishing Beam Quest in Khal
(Quest : “Practice Standard Beams” – Craft 5 Beams grade a, there for you need 5 dry timber)
– Rotwart Mortar shopable at Housing NPC
– Standard Windows shopable at Housing NPC
– Blacksmith Iron Fasteners (you can craft em with lvl 21, you learn the recipe at your teacher)

Qalian Adobe One Story

Same like Fancy, but without the windows panes.

T4 House:

Qalian Fancy Two Story

Needed Stuff:

300 Qalia Limestone Bricks (1 Limestone Slab = 1 Brick)
1 Qalia Cornerstone (4 Travertine Slab = 1 Cornerstone)
30 Select Panels (1 Knotted Wood Timber = 1 Panel)
30 Select Beams (1 Knotted Wood Timber = 1 Beam)
30 Lotus Mortar (shopable at NPC)
7 Select Windows (shopable at NPC)
6 Pyrith Fasteners (3 Pyrith Ore = 1 Pyrith Fastener)

Where to get Stuff:

IMPORTANT: 2000 Qalia Artisans Faction needed for quests
– Mineralogist Quest for Bricks in Outpost in Varryn Dunes
(Quest : “Studying Bricks” – Study a brick in the Ruines ot the Strand of the Ancients, North of the Pantheon. Its northeast in Qalia, at the coast. After you need to craft 15 grade a bricks, there for you need 15 limestone slabs)
– Mineralogist Quest for Cornerstone in Outpost in Varryn Dunes after Finishing Brick Quest
(Quest : “study the Cornerstone” – Study the Cornerstone at the Entrance of Pantheon. its on the right side of the Pantheon at the Corner. After you need to craft 2 Cornerstones grade a, there for you need 8 Limestone Slabs)
– Artificer Quest for Panels in Lomshir
(Quest : “Practice Select Panels” – Craft 5 Select Panels grade a, there for you need 5 knotted timber)
– Artificer Quest for Beams after Finishing Panels ones in Lomshir
(Quest : “Practice Select Beams” – Craft 5 Select Beams grade a, there for you need 5 knotted timber)
– Lotus Mortar shopable at Housing NPC
– Select Windows shopable at Housing NPC
– Blacksmith for Pyrith Fasteners (lvl 31 Blacksmith recipe you can learn it at your teacher)

Qalian Adobe Two Story

same like Fancy but without Window Panes

T5 House:

Qalian 2 Story Plus with Side or with Front Door (same mats needed, same quests to do)

Needed Stuff:

400 Qalia Granit Bricks (1 Granite Slab = 1 Brick)
1 Qalia Skarn Cornerstone (4 Skarn Slabs = 1 Cornerstone)
60 Prime Wood Panels (1 Dusky Wood Timber = 1 Wood Panel)
50 Prime Wood Beams (1 Dusky Wood Timber = 1 Wood Beam)
40 Junipar Mortar (shopable at NPC)
12 Prime Window Pane (shopable at NPC)
11 Mithril Fasteners (3 Mithril Ore = 1 Mithril Fastener)

Where to get Stuff:

IMPORTANT: 5000 Qalia Artisans Faction needed for quests
– mineralogist quest for bricks (“Study bricks” you get this quest in afrit. you have to travel to illithid northwest on an iland in qalia. there you need to study a brick. after go back to afrit. then you need to craft 15 bricks grade a required. there for you need 15 granite slabs)
– mineralogist quest for cornerstone (“study cornerstone” you get this quest after the brick ones in afrit. you have to travel again to illithid. there you need to study the cornerstone. after go back to afrit. then you need to craft 2 cornerstones grade a required. there for you need 8 granite slabs)
– artificer quest for wood panels (“Practice prime wood panels” in crafting area in agrahm – you need to craft 5 panels grade a, there for you need 5 dusky timber)
– artificer quest for wood beams (“Practice prime wood beams” in crafting area in agrahm – you need to craft 5 beams grade a, there for you need 5 dusky timber)
– junipar mortar shopable at housing npc
– prime window panes shopable at housing npc
– blacksmith for mithril fasteners, its a normal recipe you get with lvl 41 from your teacher.


T3 House:

Kojan One Story with Thatched Roof

Needed Stuff:

100 Kojan Sandstone Bricks (1 sandstone slab = 1 brick)
1 Kojan Soapstone Cornerstone (4 soapstone slab = 1 cornerstone)
20 Standard Panels (1 dry wood timber = 1 Panel)
20 Standard Beams (1 dry wood timber = 1 Beam)
10 Rotwart Mortar (shopable npc)
10 Firegrass Window Coverings (1 Firegrass Bale = 1 Covering)
20 Firegrass Thatch (1 Firegrass Bale = 1 Thatch)
6 Iron Fasteners (3 Iron Ores = 1 Iron Fastener)

Where to get the stuff:

IMPORTANT: the quests need 500 Kojan Artisans faction
– Mineralogist Quest for Bricks is in Tanvu
(Quest: “Practice Kojan Sandstone Bricks” – You need to craft 15 Bricks on grade a, there for you need 15 sandstone slabs)
– Mineralogist Quest for Cornerstone in Tanvu after Finishing Brick Quest
(Quest : “Practice Kojan Cornerstone” – You need to craft 2 Cornerstones on grade a, there for you need 8 Sandstone slabs)
– Artificer Quest for Panels in Tanvu
(Quest : “Practice Standard Panels” – Craft 5 Panels grade a, there for you need 5 dry timber)
– Artificer Quest for Beams in Tanvu
(Quest : “Practice Standard Beams” – Craft 5 Beams grade a, there for you need 5 dry timber)
– Rotwart Mortar shopable at Housing NPC
– Blacksmith Iron Fasteners (you can craft em with lvl 21, you learn the recipe at your teacher)
– Outfitter Quest for Firegrass Window Coverings in Tanvu
(Quest : “Practice Window Coverings”, you need to craft 5 Window Coverings on grade a, there for you need 5 firegrass bales)
– Outfitter Quest for Firegrass Thatches in Tanvu
(Quest : “Practice Firegrass Thatches”, you need to craft 5 Firegrass Thatches on grade a, there for you need 5 Firegrass bales)

Kojan One Story with Shingle Roof Typ 43

Needed Stuff:

100 Kojan Sandstone Bricks (1 Brick = 1 Sandstone slab)
1 Kojan Cornerstone (1 Cornerstone = 4 Soapstone Slab)
10 Rotwart Mortar (shopable NPC)
20 Standard Housing Beams (1 Dry Wood Timber = 1 Beam)
20 Standard Housing Panels (1 Dry Wood timber = 1 Panel)
6 Iron Fasteners (3 Iron Ore = 1 Fastener)
10 Firegrass Window Coverings (1 Firegrass Bale = 1 Window Covering)
40 Sandstone Housing Shingels (1 Shingel = 1 Sandstone Slab)

where to get stuff:

have a look on Kojan Single Story Thatched Roof, and for Shingels :
– Mineralogist Quest for Shingels in Tanvu (Quest “Practice Kojan Sandstone Housing Shingels” – you need to craft 5 grade a Shingels, there for you need 5 Sandstone Slabs)

Kojan One Story with Shingle Roof Typ 53

Needed stuff:

Same like Single Story Thatched Roof, but:
75 Kojan Sandstone Bricks (1 Brick = 1 Sandstone Slab)
1 Kojan Cornerstone (1 Cornerstone = 4 Soapstone Slab)
8 Rotwart Mortar (shopable NPC)
60 Standard Wood Panels (1 Dry Wood Timber = 1 Panel)
20 Standard Housing Beams (1 Dry Wood Timber = 1 Beam)
8 Iron Fasteners (3 Iron Ore = 1 Fastener)

for where to get stuff have a look on Single Story Thatched roof.

T4 House:

Kojani Two Story with Shingle Roof

Needed Stuff:

150 Kojan Limestone Bricks (1 Brick = 1 Limestone Slab)
1 Kojan Travertine Cornerstone (4 Travertine Slab = 1 Cornerstone)
15 Lotus Mortar (shopable at NPC)
60 Select Wood Panels (1 Panel = 1 Knotted Wood Timber)
30 Select Wood Beams (1 Beam = 1 Knotted Wood Timber)
9 Pyrite Fasteners (1 Fastener = 3 Pyrite Ore)
15 Silkbloom Window Coverings (1 Silkbloom Bale = 1 Covering)
50 Kojan Limestone Shingles (1 Limestone Slab = 1 Shingle)

Where to get Stuff:

IMPORTANT: the quests need 2000 Kojan Artisans faction
– Mineralogist Quest for Bricks in River Palace Trading outpost (qalia) (“Study Limestone Bricks” – Study brick at Minotaur temple to the North (the ruined temple of the moon). Just follow the mountain ridge to the East from the trading post straight North to temple. after you need to craft 15 Limestone Bricks Grade A, there for you need 15 Limestone Slabs)
– Mineralogist Quest for Cornerstone in River Palace Trading outpost (“Study Travertine Cornerstone” – Study cornerstone at Minotaur temple to the North (the ruined temple of the moon). Cornerstone is located to the left of the stairs of the temple building. after you need to craft 2 Cornerstones Grade A, there for you need 8 Limestone Slabs)
– Artificer Quest for Panels in River Palace Trading outpost (“Practice Select Wood Panels” – you need to craft 5 Panels Grade A, there for you need 5 Knotted Wood Timber)
– Artificer Quest for Beams in River Palace Trading outpost (“Practice Select Wood Beams” – you need to craft 5 Beams Grade A, there for you need 5 Knotted Wood Timber)
– Blacksmith for Fasteners, its a Recipe from Teacher, you get it at Lvl 31
– Outfitter Quest for Coverings at Konarthi Point
(Quest : “Practive Silkbloom Coverings”, you need to craft 5 Coverings on grade a, there for you need 5 silkbloom bale)
– Mineralogist Quest for Shingles in River Palace Trading outpost (“Practice Kojani Limestone Shingles” – you need to craft 10 Shingles Grade A, there for you need 10 Limestone Slabs)

Kojani Two Story with Thatch Roof

Needed Stuff:

150 Kojan Limestone Bricks (1 Brick = 1 Limestone Slab)
1 Kojan Travertine Cornerstone (4 Travertine Slab = 1 Cornerstone)
15 Lotus Mortar (shopable at NPC)
60 Select Wood Panels (1 Panel = 1 Knotted Wood Timber)
30 Select Wood Beams (1 Beam = 1 Knotted Wood Timber)
9 Pyrite Fasteners (1 Fastener = 3 Pyrite Ore)
15 Silkbloom Window Coverings (1 Silkbloom Bale = 1 Covering)
25 Silkbloom Thatch (1 Silkbloom Bale = 1 Covering)

Where to get Stuff:

have a look on Kojani Two Story Shingle Roof, Type 58
Outfitter Quest for Silkbloom Thatch at konarthi point
(Quest : “Practice Silkbloom Thatches”, you need to craft 5 Thatches on grade a, there for you need 5 Silkbloom Bales)

T5 House

Kojani Two Story Plus with Shingle Roof

Needed Stuff:

220 Kojan Granite Bricks (1 Brick = 1 Granite Slab)
1 Kojan Skarn Cornerstone (4 Skarn Slab = 1 Cornerstone)
22 Juniper Mortar (shopable at NPC)
100 Prime Wood Panels (1 Panel = 1 Dusky Wood Timber)
50 Pime Wood Beams (1 Beam = 1 Dusky Timber)
9 Mithril Fasteners (1 Fastener = 3 Mithril Ore)
15 Vielthread Window Coverings (1 Vielthread Bale = 1 Covering)
80 Kojan Granite Shingles (1 Granite Slab = 1 Shingle)

Where to get stuff:

IMPORTANT: the quests need 5000 Kojan Artisans faction
– Mineralogist Quest for Bricks in Heartsworn Bulwark (Southwest of Southwatch)
(Quest: “Studying Bricks” – You need to craft 15 Bricks on grade a, there for you need 15 granite slabs)
– Mineralogist Quest for Cornerstone in Heartsworn Bulwark
(Quest “Studying Cornerstone” – You need to craft 15 Bricks on grade a, there for you need 8 granite slabs)
– Mineralogist Quest for Granite Shingles in Heartsworn Bulwark
(Quest: “Practice Granite Shingels” – You need to craft 10 Shingles on grade a, there for you need 10 granite slabs)
– Junipar Mortar shopable at NPC
– Artificer Quest for Prime Panels in Southwatch (200 meter south of it beetween street and the bulwark)
(Quest: “Practice Prime Panel” – You need to craft 5 Prime Panels on grade a, there for you need 5 Dusky Timber)
– Artificer Quest for Prime Beams in Southwatch (200 meter south of it beetween street and the bulwark)
(Quest: “Practice Prime Beams” – You need to craft 5 Prime Beams on grade a, there for you need 5 Dusky Timber)
– Blacksmith Mitrhil Fasteners (you can craft em with lvl 41, you learn the recipe at your teacher)
– Outfitter for Vielthread Window Coverings in Desert Sun Outpost in Qalia
(Quest “Practice Vielthread Coverings” – you need to craft 5 Coverings on grade a, there for you need 5 vielthread bale)


T3 House

T3 House Thestra, Tatched roof style

Needed Stuff:

150 Thestran Sandstone brick (1 sandstone slab = 1 brick)
1 Thestran soapstone cornerstone (4 soapstone slab = 1 brick)
15 Rotwort mortar (shopable at NPC)
2 Thestran standard window pane (shopable at NPC)
20 Thestran firegrass thatch (1 firegrass bale = 1 thatch)
6 Iron fastener (3 iro Or = 1 fastener)
20 Standard wood housing beam (1 drywood timber = 1 beam)
40 Standard wood panel (1 drywood timber = 1 panel)

Where to get Stuff:

IMPORTANT: The quests needs 500 thestra artisans faction
– Mineralogist Quest for Bricks in Renton Keep
(Quest: “Studying Bricks” – Study a brick of the Ancient Castle at Trengal Keep. After you need to craft 15 bricks grade a, there for you need 15 Sandstone Slabs)
– Mineralogist Quest for Cornerstone in Renton Keep
(Quest: “study the Cornerstone” – Study the Cornerstone in Trengal Keep. Look for the Church in the Dungeon. it’s a rectangular brick attached on the wall of the church, just at botton left of the principal door. After you need to craft 1 Cornerstone grade a, there for you need 4 Sandstone Slabs)
– Rotwart Mortar is shopable at NPC
– Thestran Standard Window Panes are shopable at Housing NPC
– Outfitter Quest for Thestran Firegrass Thatch 3 Rivers
(Quest: “Practice Firegrass Thatches” – You need to craft 5 Thatches on grade a, there for you need 5 firegrass bales)
– Blacksmith for Iron fasteners (its a lvl 21 recipe, you can learn it at your teacher)
– Artificer Quest for Standard Beams : “Practice Standard Beams”, you get it in tursh (you need to craft 5 grade a beams, there for you need 5 dry wood timber)
– Artificer Quest for Standard Panels : “Practice Standard Panels”, you get it in tursh (you need to craft 5 grade a panels, there for you need 5 dry wood timber)

T3 House Thestra, log cabine

needed stuff:

100 Thestran sandstone housing brick (1 sandstone slab = 1 brick)
1 Thestran soapstone cornerstone (4 soapstone slab = 1 cornerstone)
20 Rotwort mortar (shopable at npc)
20 Standard wood panel (1 dry wood timber = 1 panel)
40 Standard thestran housing log (1 dry wood timber = 1 Log)
2 Iron fasteners (3 iron ore = 1 iron fastener)
15 Thestran firegrass thatch (1 Firegrass Bale = 1 Thatch)

Where to get the stuff:

– have a look on tatched roof style
– additional you need a artificer for the housing logs – Quest “Practice Housing Logs” – you get it in tursh (you need to craft 5 grade a logs, there for you need 5 dry wood timber)

T4 House

Thestra Two Story with Thatch Roof :

Needed Stuff:

200 Thestran Limestone Housing Brick (1 Brick = 1 Limestone Slab)
1 Thestran Travertine Cornerstone (1 Cornerstone = 4 Travertine Slabs)
20 Lotus Mortar (shopable at NPC)
60 Select Wood Panel (1 Panel = 1 Knotted Wood Timber)
30 Select Wood Housing Beam (1 Beam = 1 Knotted Wood Timber)
9 Pyrite Fasteners (1 Fastener = 3 Pyrite Ore)
25 Thestran Silkbloom Thatch (1 Silkbloom Bale = 1 Thatch)
6 Thestran Select Window Pane (shopable at NPC)

Where to get Stuff:

IMPORTANT: the quests need 2000 Thestra Artisans faction
– Mineralogist for Bricks (“Study Limestone Bricks” in Leth Nurae . travel to the Temple of Vol Tuniel and study a brick. VT is the chunk due south from Wardship of the Sleeping Moon and is the swamp area seen in the southern area of your map. after you need to craft 15 limestone bricks grade A, there for you need 15 limestone slabs)
– Mineralogist for Cornerstone (“Study Limestone Cornerstone” in Leth Nurae – travel to the Temple of Vol Tuniel and study the cornerstone. The cornerstone is on the corner next to one of the entrances to the large intact building in the temple area. after you need to craft 2 cornerstones grade A, there for you need 8 limestone slabs)
– Lotus Mortar shopable at housing NPC
– Artificer for Panels (“Practice Select Wood Panels” in Leth Nurae, you need to craft 5 Panels Grade A, there for you need 5 Knotted Wood Timber)
– Artificer for Beams (“Practice Select Wood Beams” in Leth Nurae, you need to craft 5 Beams Grade A, there for you need 5 Knotted Wood Timber)
– Blacksmith for Fasteners, its a lvl 31 Recipe you get at Teacher
– Outfitter for Silkbloom Thatch in Halgarad
(Quest : “Practice Silkbloom Thatches”, you need to craft 5 Thatches on grade a, there for you need 5 Silkbloom Bales)
– Window Panes shopable at housing NPC

T5 House

Thestran Two Story plus with Thatch Roof

Needed Stuff:

300 Thestran Granit Bricks (1 Granite Slab = 1 Brick)
1 Thestran Skarn Cornerstone (4 Skarn Slabs = 1 Cornerstone)
100 Prime Wood Panels (1 Dusky Wood Timber = 1 Wood Panel)
50 Prime Wood Beams (1 Dusky Wood Timber = 1 Wood Beam)
30 Junipar Mortar (shopable at NPC)
14 Prime Window Pane (shopable at NPC)
15 Mithril Fasteners (3 Mithril Ore = 1 Mithril Fastener)
40 Thestran Vielthread Thatch (1 Vielthread Bale = 1 Thatch)

Where to get Stuff:

IMPORTANT: 5000 Thestran Artisans Faction needed for quests
– mineralogist quest for bricks (“Study bricks” pick up the quest 200 m south to southwatch NPC name: ” Harin Stonecarver” he wil send you to OLD Targonor to find the bricks – its next ot the main building just outside the wall. then you need to craft 15 bricks grade a required. there for you need 15 granite slabs)
– mineralogist quest for cornerstone (“study cornerstone” pick up the quest 200 m south to southwatch NPC name: ” Harin Stonecarver” he wil send you to OLD Targonor to find the bricks – then you need to craft 2 cornerstones grade a required. there for you need 8 granite slabs)
– artificer quest for wood panels (“Practice prime wood panels” in crafting area in New Targonor – you need to craft 5 panels grade a, there for you need 5 dusky timber)
– artificer quest for wood beams (“Practice prime wood beams” in crafting area in New Targonor – you need to craft 5 beams grade a, there for you need 5 dusky timber)
– junipar mortar – shopable at housing npc
– prime window panes – shopable at housing npc
– blacksmith for mithril fasteners, its a normal recipe you get with lvl 41 from your teacher.
– Outfitter Quest for Thatches in Southwatch
(Quest : “Practice Vielthread Thatches”, you need to craft 5 Thatches on grade a, there for you need 5 vielthread bale)

Location of Brick / Cornerstones for Minerologist quests:

Note, that unlike the remainder of the housing quests, the brick/cornerstone quests generally require minerologists to go into KOS areas to “study” bricks/cornerstones to learn the recipe.  Since the act of studying the stones will make you visable, if you’re a low level adventurer, it is difficult to complete these quests without help.  (I personally did the T5 thestran quest at level 27, but I had a lot of help and still died 6 times.)  Speaking from personal experience, the Kojani style quests are easiest to do, followed by Qalian style, and lastly by Thestran.

Thestran Quests:

T3 Thestran Style:

Location:  Trengal keep
Rift:         Thestra, Trengal Keep
Level:       ~ 25

Bricks:      Invis works in TK.  Go into the front of Trengal Keep.  Near the back of the first section (before you pass through the arched doorway and run into the meteor mobs, there is a pile of rubble on your left.  The bricks you need to inspect are here.  (Loc -15060, -3420, 42890)

Cornerstone:  The fastest way to get to the right place without flying is to take the sewer tunnel (back door) into trengal keep, turn right and follow the wall into the next section of the dungeon.  You’re looking for the Church.  At the front of the door to the church on left side is the cornerstone you need to inspect. (Loc -34090, 9630, 1870)

T4 Thestran Style:

Location:  Ruins of Vol Tuniel (outside)
Rift:         Thestra, Celestine Ward
Level:       ~30

Bricks:  The mosquitoes will see through invis.  There are several bricks outside.  One that only is near a single spawn is at (Loc -3900, -19960, 1610)

Cornerstone:  In the corner next to one of the enterances to the large intact building in the temple area.  (Loc -39920, 10, 1800)

T5 Thestran Style:

Location:  Ruins of Old Targoner (outside)
Rift:         Thestra, Plains of Anquish
Level:       ~40

Bricks:   Invis to undead works in OT.  Go to the “safe rock”, which is a big set of rocks right next to two towers where most people gather to form OT griffon raids.  From there, head straight back to the large center building.  On the left side of the center, you’ll see ahead is a corner area that is “safe” to stand if you’re high enough level.  There is one brick on the ground here you can click. (Loc 59810, 57350, 30260).  Note, if you’re very low level, this area is NOT safe and you will agro the world when you try to inspect the bricks.

Cornerstone:  In the same area as above, there is a cornerstone at the corner of the steps.  Since there are guards here, these mobs will need to be cleared.  (Loc:  58010, 58970, 30350).

Qalian Quests:

T3 Qalian Style:

Location:  Ruins of Immanjel Sanctum (NE qalian on an island)
Rift:        Qalia, Skrilien Point
Level:     ~25

Bricks:     Large island NE of the rift at the ruins behind the lizard camp.  (Loc 2830, -51720, 900)

Cornerstone:  Small island SE of the brick area.  The cornerstone is found on the ground near the right hand of the tower.  (Loc 67940, -14600, 750)

T4 Qalian Style:

Location:  Strand of the Ancients, NE of the pantheon
Rift:         Qalia, Skrilien Point
Level:      ~27 – 30

Bricks:    Located in some undead ruins at the strands to the ancients.  (Loc -13780, -66470, 1820)

Cornerstone:   Info prerevamp of POTA:  At the right side of the pantheon at the corner.  The area is likely in the lower level portion of the pantheon with level 25-30 mobs (not the section with the level 50 mobs).  However, I was unable to find the cornerstone where I recall it being prerevamp.  I did notice an odd clickable tablet in the undead ruins which might be where they “moved” it, but would need someone who’s done this quest post revamp to confirm.  (Tablet Loc -9880, -67420, 1820)

T5 Qalian Style:

Location:  Stranglewater Shore (Lg island NW of Western Winds Trading Post)
Rift:         Qalia, Hathor Zhi or Seawatch
Level:       ~40

Bricks:       (Loc -43300, 27400, 1970)  The location will put you behind some rubble inside a building that has a Water Golem at the enterance.  Invis will get you into here.  Once behind the rubble, you’ll be out of line of site of the mobs and can safely study the brick.

Cornerstone:  Left side of ramp of a pyramid on the island, at bottom around the corner. (Loc -59880, 32340m, 2610)

Kojani Quests:

T3 Kojani Style:

Location:  N/A
Rift:         N/A
Level:       N/A

Bricks:      N/A.  T3 style recipe offered by questgiver.

Cornerstone:  NA.  T3 style recipe offered by questgiver.

T4 Kojani Style:

Location:  River Palace Area
Rift:   Qalian, Seawatch
Level:  ~30-35

Bricks:  At Minotaur temple to the north (the ruined temple of the moon).  Just follow the mountain ridge to the east from the trading post straight north to the temple.  (Loc 6530, 2810, 11020)

Cornerstone:  At Minotaur temple to the north (the ruined temple of the moon).  Cornerstone is located to the left of the stairs of the temple building.  (Loc 6740, -2680, 11070).

T5 Kojani Style:

Location:  Falderhol, Field of Despair
Rift:        Thestra, Beranid Hills or Anquish
Level:      ~ 35-40

Bricks:   In Falderhol, located throughout the ruins surrounded by undead.  N of where the church is located on the center island.  Invis to undead works to get you into the area.  (Loc 28980, 15900, 58420)

Cornerstone:  At a church to the S, located across a small Riverback from Falderhol on an island.  Left side of the door frame has the cornerstone.  (Loc 22900, 67600, 65200)

Outfitter Housing Quests:
Learning T3 Thatch and Window Coverings
500 Continental Artisan Faction Required
Level 21 & Apprentice Quest Required
Starting NPC:
Thestran – Dayn Hainer (Master Thatcher) can be found in Three Rivers, behind the house NE of the Missive Postings.
Kojan – NPC labeled as Thatcher, Location: Tanvu crafting area, right next to outfitter instructor
Qalian – None.
Quest Details: Bring your own mats.
Reward: Recipes, 10,000 Crafting Exp for each

Learning T4 Thatch and Window Coverings
2000 Continental Artisan Faction Required
Level 31 & Initiate Quest Required
Starting NPCs:
Thestran – The NPC in Thestra is Elgen Krot (Master Thatcher), loc 56500, 14290, 52450 in Halgarad. Follow the road east from the bind stone, and he’s on the north side of a building. 5 Silkbloom bales are required.
Kojan – Konarthi point, behind a building to the south
Qalian –
Quest Details:
Reward: Recipes, 15,000 Crafting Exp

Learning T5 Thatch and Window Coverings
5000 Continental Artisan Faction Required
Level 41 & Journeyman Quest Required
Starting NPC:
Thestran – Rirek Ormon inside the building at the outfitter and blacksmith finishing stations in Southwatch
Kojan – in the Desert Sun outpost in Infineum Plateau, west of Razad. inside the central tent next to the crafting advisor.
Qalian – ?
Quest Details:
Craft 5 practice thatch, 1 vielthread each.
20k xp

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