Prison Tale Atalanta Skill Development Guide

Prison Tale Atalanta Skill Development Guide by SelenisAaargh

Ok since I dont want to only critisize others but actually offer some insight in my Ata experience, here my skill developement guide for a working Ata.

lvls. 10-20

Shield Strike 1
Farina 1
Throwing Mastery 4
Bigger Spear 0

Shield Strike is up to ice caves one of the most usefull skills. Train it and learn to controll groups of monsters and enemies in PVP! Most usefull at 1 because higher lvls only raise damage not stun time and damage is near to nothing.
Farina is very usefull against high defense monsters (King Hopy when you first enter dun3 for example or monsters in lvl 80 areas and up) and in PVP!
Leave it at 1 because its already good at 1, higher lvls dont give higher speed boost and youll want to spam it alot.

Maxing out Throwing Mastery is in my opinion more important than having rank-up quest at 20 thats why I advise against investing into Bigger Spear at 18 or 20, infact you wont need an attack skill untill you fight against Headcutters and Figons anyway and for those others are more suited.

lvls. 20 – 32:
Shield Strike 1
Farina 1
Throwing Mastery 9
Bigger Spear 1

Before you have Ring Armor at 35 you cant really do much against Headcutters in Oasis so youll hunt in Forgotten Land (d2) anyway. No monster there which you have to dispose fast except skele archers and those fall fast anyway.
You need Rank-Up quest before you go to Oasis because of Twisted Javelin.

lvl: 34-36
Rank-Up Quest
Windy 1
Twist Javelin 1

First Rank-Up quest for Morions is really annoying and at 36 you’ll have less stress with it. At 36 you also will start to train and hunt in Oasis (d1) where you’ll find Headcutters. For those Twist Javelin is a really nice attack skill because they are demons (so are Figons, Slaughters and Illusion Knights later)

lvls 38-40:
Throwing Mastery 10 Tier 1 Skills complete
Windy 1
Twist Javelin 1
Soul Sucker 1
Fire Javelin 1 Tier 2 skills complete

lvls 40-50:
Start (but do not complete!) second Rank-Up Quest.

OK heres why: Winged Javelin sux and Anaconda rox! Winged has no damage specc and your Anaconda (Quest Weapon) not only has speed 8 and nice damage but also gives you HP boost. You can also keep the quest ring!
Plus you won’t really need Tier 3 skills untill you can hunt Dun3 or Forbidden (d4) anyway (ToV at low lvls aint giving much and you wont get Storm before 50 anyway.
So in this lvl-range no new skills, just age your anaconda to 3 and dont visit skillmaster untill you’re 50, so train train train in d1 and dun1 .
Fire Javelin is great against Webs (Mutants) BTW!

Now before you hit 50 get yourself a nice Holy Javelin and murky mix it!
Thiw will be your main weapon untill you get a sweet Wyvern Javelin (which you should also murky mix!)

lvl 50:
Second Rank-up quest complete
Split Javelin 1
Triumph of Valhalla (ToV) 2
Lightning Javelin 1
Storm Javelin (Storm) 1

All those skills at once at lvl 50, so plan your budget!
Your whole lvl 50 and more will be filled with trainning Storm, Split and Lightning jav
And you can enter Dun2 where you’ll find Mummies (undead)
Lightning javelin is great against undead and good enough at lvl 1
Split Javelin is great even though it has a short delay even at 100%.
Try Hit and Run tactics with it, you’ll see!
Storm Javelin is our only spammable AoE skill so learn to use it, especially since your ata will throw twice without a chance to pot midway…
ToV is just awesome and later become even more awesomer! 2nd Best Buff ingame IMHO!

lvls. 52-58 With Cave Quest at 55
Split Javelin 1
Triumph of Valhalla (ToV) 7
Lightning Javelin 1
Storm Javelin (Storm) 1

Now some atas prefer investing into storm first before boosting ToV.
This only works IMO if you invested into spirit enough to afford the higher mp costs for spamming it. In my experience Storm at 1 is already nice for some bigger mobs in dun2 or d4 and you’ll get more effect from a 7 ToV (also you’re more welcome in parties )

lvl 60
Third Tank-Up Quest
Split Javelin 1
Triumph of Valhalla 8
Lightning Javelin 1
Storm Javelin 1

Hall of Valhalla (HoV) 1

Hall of Valhalla is the best buff in PT IMHO! Even at 1 it is! You may have to recast is more often than ToV but when in party all in reach get affected by ToV at your current lvl (chained) and you get even some small evade chance (others halved but hey! ).

lvls 62-70: With Friendship with Michael Quest
Split Javelin 1
Triumph of Valhalla 10
Lightning Javelin 1
Storm Javelin 5

Hall of Valhalla (HoV) 3
Extreme Rage (rage) 1
Frost Javelin (frost) 1
Vengeance (ven) 1

Maxing Tov is a given. After that you’ll need storm at a high lvl, also a given.
Rage has a horrendous delay… but its an AoE attack and you can mix it with storm.
Frost Javelin is actually a nice buff. Added Ice damage (min+20 max+30 at lvl 1) and slows down target! Use it in PVP in combination with Shield Strike and your enemies will learn to stay away from atas out of sheer annoyance Especially if you make a low spirit build you will need this skill!
Vengeance is our best Attack Skill. You can spam it and no pause between the 2 throws. BUT its a huge mana burn, so its a problem for low spirit builds.
BTW: Fire javelin is your friend against KH and Stone Giant and Web!

lvls 62-70: With Friendship with Michael Quest
Split Javelin 1
Triumph of Valhalla 10
Lightning Javelin 1
Storm Javelin 5

Hall of Valhalla (HoV) 3
Extreme Rage (rage) 1
Frost Javelin (frost) 1
Vengeance (ven) 1

Maxing Tov is a given. After that you’ll need storm at a high lvl, also a given.
Rage has a horrendous delay… but its an AoE attack and you can mix it with storm.
Frost Javelin is actually a nice buff. Added Ice damage (min+20 max+30 at lvl 1) and slows down target! Use it in PVP in combination with Shield Strike and your enemies will learn to stay away from atas out of sheer annoyance Especially if you make a low spirit build you will need this skill!
Vengeance is our best Attack Skill. You can spam it and no pause between the 2 throws. BUT its a huge mana burn, so its a problem for low spirit builds.
BTW: Fire javelin is your friend against KH and Stone Giant and Web!

lvls: 72-80 with both lvl 80 Quests
Split Javelin 5
Triumph of Valhalla 10
Lightning Javelin 1
Storm Javelin 8

Hall of Valhalla (HoV) 6
Extreme Rage (rage) 1
Frost Javelin (frost) 1
Vengeance (ven) 3

Now for my Ata I will leave Storm at 8… Why? Because I will leave spirit at 72-74 for Ats devine and I need to be able to cast Storm 5 times in row with full or near full mana to feel comfortable thats why!
From now on I will max out Split Javelin because its a really nice hit and run skill and a nice finishing move for PvP.
HoV at 6 and Ven only 3:
Well it’s my preference only really. The evade from HoV saved my ass too many times already and ven at 3 is already a huge mana burn and already nice damage to spam (but split is better!)
Only reason I dont boost frost is because it only chains with farina (bugged i guess)

lvls 82-119
Well honestly by now you won’t need any guide because you figured your ata out by yourself
I will max our Split first then invest in Windy. After thats maxed i dont know.
For Elite Skills I will max out HoV and then most likely get ven to 5 or 7 or invest in frost, Im not sure.

Some last tipps for equip:
Do not age your stuff unless you’re willing to age past +8 or unless youre hopelessly vain.
Best mix for shields before lvl 70 is the +4% block murky mix.
after 70 (extreme shield or higher) the best mix for shields is the devine +40 hp mix!
Why? Because Typhoon and Omicron or Ratto and higher dont care about your defense and your block % only gets you so far. What you really need is a HP buffer to react to multiple hits in row or crits and block and evade fails!

Thanks for reading my stuff

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