8Realms Military Mechanics Theory Guide
8Realms Military Mechanics Theory Guide by Indy Cision
Units are lumped together purely by their type, regardless of their speed. There is a set order in which each type of unit gets their attack. The speed given is the units “marching speed”, ie how quickly it can get to a tile to begin the battle.
In the current beta (I do not know about the live game) this is ignored in the battle itself.
I have ignored air units in this, as I did not have flying machines and had no chance to test out the modern age’s fighters.
Army unit positions:
Row 1 = All vehicles and mounted units
Row 2 = All regular infantry
Row 3 = All ranged infantry
Row 4 = All artillery units
The order of attack is:
Attack 1 = Artillery
Attack 2 = Ranged
Attack 3 = Vehicles and mounted
Attack 4 = Regular infantry
Ranged units and artillery have their own rules for how their damage is dished out, but your other troops will always attack whichever enemy row is currently at the front when it is their turn. If the enemy has any of the “row 1” troops then that is what they will target, if there are none of those they will target “row 2” troops instead, and so on.
Ranged troops will always target the most powerful out of rows 1 to 3. Artillery can never be attacked unless they are all that remain.
Artillery units are the ONLY ones which can attack multiple enemy rows of units in one attack. If you have 20 cannon and it would only take 6 of them to kill all the enemy troops in row 1 then it will only use the first 6, and then it goes on to row 2 and use up however many are needed, then row 3, and if you still have some left to row 4. All other troops just get one attack, and any extra attack power is wasted.
Both sides attack simultaneously, ie your artillery fire at the exact same time as the enemy artillery and then the damage is worked out… there is no “you attack first, then their survivors attack” bonus for defending or attacking.
For a hypothetical battle between 10 swordsman, 20 archers and 10 spearmen:
Row 1 (Vehicles and mounted units) = None
Row 2 (Regular infantry) = 10 swordsmen and 10 spearmen
Row 3 (Ranged infantry) = 20 archers
Row 4 (Artillery) = None
The following values are based on the “value vs infantry” numbers in the troop statistics and the military strength of each unit.
Spearman = attack 2, defence 3, military strength 5
Swordman = attack 5, defence 4, military strength 11
Archer = attack 3, defence 1, military strength 13
Row 1 = N/A
Row 2 = Attack 70, Defence 70, strength 160
Row 3 = Attack 30, Defence 10, strength 130
Row 4 = N/A
Combat starts.
Stage 1, artillery = No artillery, skip this stage.
Stage 2, ranged = Both sides have ranged units…
Strongest enemy row = currently row 2
Rangers do 30 damage against enemy row 2, which has an average defence per unit of 3.5, so 8 swordsmen and 8 spearmen.
(30 / 3.5 = 8.57, the 0.57 is ignored)
Both armies now only have 2 swordsmen and 2 spearmen in row 2.
New row 2 = Attack 14, Defence 14, strength 80
Stage 3, vehicles and mounted = None, skip this stage.
Stage 4, regular troops = both sides have these.
Both sides infantry attack, and they can only attack the other infantry as they are the current “front row”. Neither sides can attack the archers.
Both sides dish out 14 damage, and as they only had 14 defence points it means all the infantry on both sides have died.
Row 2 = Empty.
So, after this first round of battle we have:
Row 1 = Empty
Row 2 = Empty
Row 3 = 10 archers
Row 4 = Empty
A second round now follows the first, using the same principals.
Second round starts.
Stage 1, artillery = No artillery, skip this stage.
Stage 2, ranged = Both sides have ranged units…
Strongest enemy row = row 3, the only troops left
Rangers do 30 damage against enemy row 3, which has a defence per unit of 1, so enough to kill 30 archers.
(30 / 1 = 30, oviously)
As the enemy only had 10 archers, all 10 died and the additional damage was wasted.
Both armies now have nothing in row 3.
Stage 3, vehicles and mounted = None, skip this stage.
Stage 4, regular troops = None, skip this stage.
As at least one army has now died (in this example both has, but thats irrelevant) the battle will now end.
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