Translation: Shen Mu Yu Tong – Shou Hu Zhe

神木与瞳 – 守护者
Shen Mu Yu Tong – Shou Hu Zhe

歌词: 廖莹如、马嵩惟
demo: 子轩

I su saikin tu malhahaipu (我是你的守护者)
a na tu pa tu iskaisa kasu (无论你在世界的任何角落)
na sauhabas habas saikin maluskunsu (我会永远的守护在你身边)
i am your guardian
no matter where in the world you are
i will always be guarding by your side

风不吹 云怎麼跟随 只落下酸的眼泪
累不累 付出的轮回 像树海化成灰
if the winds don’t blow how can the clouds follow, what’s left aresour tears
are you tired, giving up your life like the trees that have turnedto dust

你爱的 那一位 掏空你为所欲为 开心地浪费
像羽翼 忘了飞 让他把天空都染黑 越追越下坠
the one you love, took from you, did what he pleased and wasted itall
it is clear like water in your eyes
like wings that forgot to fly, letting it dye the sky black, pursuing makes you fall deeper
actually you were so beautiful then

请当我的守护者 把我抱著
拒绝他挥霍者 重蹈覆辙
世界充斥著 多少恶果
please be my guardian and hug me close
accompany me while i quietly search for love’s original colour
rejecting the ones who squander and repeat their mistakes
the world is so full of evil

你是我的守护者 珍惜著我
我们是守护者 让爱复活
这一刻 天空又亮了
you are my guardian, cherishing me
letting my heart harvest it’s fruits for you like the calm plains
we are the guardians, reviving love again
at this moment, the sky has brightened again

pa kai ka tu mapising (所以你不要惶恐)
ka tu minsanamaz (更不要迷惘)
na ka taskun saikin mas su(我会陪你一起走)
na miliskin saikin mas su(我的思念会与你同在)
sauhabas habas sauhabas habas(直到永远永远)
so please don’t be afraid
nor be at a loss
i will accompany you
my thoughts will be with you
forever and ever

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