Overwatch Lifeweaver Guide for Ranked

by Paz_ow

Tip 1: Tempo

In order to really pop off as Lifeweaver, you have to first understand his general playstyle based on the team that he is surrounded by. Understanding the speed of the composition, or the tempo, is crucial in order for you to play to your max potential.

While Lifeweaver has not really been played in pro scrims a whole lot as of late, it is clear where he fits in to the roster of Overwatch 2. Lifeweaver’s playstyle is defined heavily by his utility, especially his life grip. Lifeweaver allows for a singular character to get incredibly aggressive and look for a pick before being brought back to poke again.

Thus, lifeweaver’s tempo is very similar to characters like Ramattra in the sense that Ramattra wants to poke the enemy from range until they are weak enough for him to get close and finish them off. In this situation, the ramattra would get to walk in very early in the fight to chunk down the enemies health and then get pulled out when his melee form expires, starting the regular cycle early (Brawl, Poke, Brawl as opposed to Poke and then Brawl).

This is similar to other tank characters as well, but in order to keep the post as concise as possible, let’s move on to the new tip.

Tip 2: Healing/Damage

At this point, if you have been playing lifeweaver and done your homework, it has been found that his healing is most efficient when charging each bulb up to 33 points. This is true if you want raw healing output, but different situations command for different playstyles.

For example, if you anticipate that a DPS is about to take a duel, you can charge your healing to max and send it in alongside your friendly. This boosts their effective HP by 65 in theory, which can literally win duels in the current state of the game. DO NOT OVERLOOK THIS TIP

On top of this, if you are looking to really maximize your output, a little more than half a clip’s worth of damage equates to a full reload to your healing. (26 bullets remaining was most consistent for me)

Tip 3: Petal Platform

Since lifeweaver is found within the main support role, players that are required to pick him up should already be relatively proficient with ultimate tracking. This will help you utilize this ability to its maximum potential.

For example, it can be used to counter the likes of Graviton Surge, Shatter if you do not get stunned, Orisa’s terra surge, and the list goes on.

It also can be used to give your dps or ana a gnarly off angle to find huge value in the midfight either through an aggressive pick or anti nade.

Lastly, if you place it early before the fight, it can give you more options if the enemy chooses to jump you, as they inevitably will.

So yes, the ability can be used to give your support high ground, but think outside of the box and get creative. If you do not look for extra ways to get value, just pick a different character.

Tip 4: Life Grip

Life grip can also have some aggressive properties when used to its maximum potential, but it is far more important to discuss when it is the right time to pull someone.

You should only use the ability when you teammate is in DANGER. Just because you are low health doesn’t mean you are in ACTIVE danger. If I am one health but I just killed the genji contributing to a team kill, am I in danger? NO! There are no enemies able to agress on to me. If my entire team gets naded, but the enemy is down their D.va and the genji doesn’t have dash to aggress, is my team in danger. NO!

Constantly challenge yourself to analyze the situation thoroughly so that you don’t waste pull when you really don’t need to.

Tip 5: Tree of Life

From what I have seen so far from different players, the number one mistake I see them making is that they are not using their ultimate enough. You charge this thing so fast, there is no reason for you to hold on to it.

Most of the time, I use the ultimate on the objective when my team is in dire need of a bit more burst healing, but keep in mind it can also be used to block characters off from their team in tight corridors, or can be placed in the middle of sigma’s or mei’s ultimate to completely counter them


The main idea you have to get from this in order to really see results is that Lifeweaver does not have enough output for you to just heal like any other support. You have to get creative with your utility and push your limits in order to create considerable value for your team.

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