RAN Online Swordsman Guide

RAN Online Swordsman Guide by xxPHENOMxx


called as the ultimate killer, beware if you see them on CW and PK’s. They possess skills that utilizes it’s damage most commonly the 1 hit effect skill. They are well knowned as the class who always wanted to have a duel or being habbited to live in pk. By utilizing their skills they inflicts a very high damage that can surely make the enemy outcold. Because of the low defense of power types vitality is added as a substitute to increase his HP which compensates for the low defense making him to endure more punishment.
Pow-vit swordsman are built dealing with a high massive damage as long as withstanding the attacks of the foes.

I. Pros & Cons
– certified killer
– can last longer in CW/PK and Duels
– high damage and high hp

– low Accuracy tends to miss alot
– defense based on your equips

II. Stats:
VIT <=> HP Ratio:
the 1st 9 VIT points u add will give u 2 HP per vit point
on the 10th VIT point, it will only give u 1 HP
(back to 1st )

pow <=> atk
POW <=> Attack Ratio
7 POW = 1 Attack

Build A (Slayer Blade BUILD)
this build focuses on their hp and damage setting up their pow to master their most famous skill which is the tornado slash then putting the rest to vit to have a very high HP.

Set your Pow to master Tornado Slash skill (Pow 340)

Force Equip using 2 Alloy Rings[120](pow +7) , elemental blades(pow +5) = Pow +19

to master 127 skill Tornado Slash
Pow 321(+300)
~> Pow 340(+319) //using 2 Alloy Rings[120](pow +7) & elemental blade(pow +5)

@ level 155 :
hp 1879
Pow (+267)
Vit (+198)

@ level 165 :
hp 2042
Pow (+264)
Vit (+231)

Build B (Treasure Blade BUILD)
this build focuses on their damage setting up their pow to equip their strongest blade so far which is the treasure blade and by mastering the Bloody Divide skill then putting the rest to vit to have an outstanding HP.

Set your Pow to equip EP Treasure Blade(Pow 390) //POW 380 (-10 SP)
Set your Pow to master Bloody Divide skill (Pow 385)

Force Equip using 2 Alloy Rings[120](pow +7) , elemental blades(pow +5) = Pow +19

to equip EP Treasure Blade[+7]
Pow 361(+300)
~> Pow 380(+319) //using 2 Alloy Rings[120](pow +7) & elemental blade(pow +5)

@ level 155 :
hp 1803
Pow (+307)
Vit (+158)

@ level 165 :
hp 1966
Pow (+304)
Vit (+191)

to master 147 skill Bloody Divide
Pow 366(+300)
~> Pow 385(+319) //using 2 Alloy Rings[120](pow +7) & elemental blade(pow +5)

Build C (Kitchen Blade BUILD)
this build focuses on their damage setting up their pow to equip their second strongest blade which is Kitchen Blade without spending ep and by mastering the Soul Reaver skill then putting the rest to vit to have an outstanding HP.

Set your Pow to equip Kitchen Blade electric/fire/poison/ice (Pow 410) //POW 400 (-10 SP)
Set your Pow to equip Kitchen Blade glacier/blaze/venom/lightning (Pow 433) //POW 423 (-10 SP)
Set your Pow to master Soul Reaver skill (Pow 407)

Force Equip using 2 Alloy Rings[120](pow +7) , elemental blades(pow +5) = Pow +19

to equip Kitchen Blade electric/fire/poison/ice
Pow 391(+300)
~> Pow 410(+319) //using 2 Alloy Rings[120](pow +7) & elemental blade(pow +5)

@ level 155 :
hp 1746
Pow (+337)
Vit (+128)

@ level 165 :
hp 1909
Pow (+334)
Vit (+161)

to equip Kitchen Blade glacier/blaze/venom/lightning
Pow 414(+300)
~> Pow 433(+319) //using 2 Alloy Rings[120](pow +7) & elemental blade(pow +5)

@ level 155 :
hp 1702
Pow (+360)
Vit (+105)

@ level 165 :
hp 1865
Pow (+357)
Vit (+138)

to master 157 skill Soul Reaver
Pow 388(+300)
~> Pow 407(+319) //using 2 Alloy Rings[120](pow +7) & elemental blade(pow +5)

III. Skills:

Divine Shield – Master
X Strike – lvl 3 (lvl 5 if you are planning to get critical slash)
Dual Slash – optional (lvl 1 for dueling purposes)
Kick Slash – Master
Blood Lust – Master
Jumping Slash – not required
Critical Slash – optional
Hurricane Slash – lvl 2 or Master
Fury – optional (lvl 1 for dueling purposes)
Vacuum Slash – Master
Tornado Slash – Master
Bloody Divide – optional
Soul Reaver – optional

ETC Skill:
Regeneration – not needed in higher levels
Madness Blow –
Blade Mastery – Master
Light Speed – Master
Titan Will – Raise it as much as possible
Sand Gale – costs no skill point
Light Armor – Raise it as much as possible.
Titan Force – Raise it as much as possible

this build is still a power vitality swordsman but has an intelligence to master Tranquility skill. This build will lead you to easy party because you have tranquility that raises the defense of the whole party.

I. Pros & Cons
– certified killer
– can last longer in CW/PK and Duels
– less usage of HP pots
– higher defense because of tranquility
– easy party because of tranquility

– low Accuracy tends to miss alot
– lower HP compare to pow-vit build

II. Stats:
VIT <=> HP Ratio:
the 1st 9 VIT points u add will give u 2 HP per vit point
on the 10th VIT point, it will only give u 1 HP
(back to 1st )

pow <=> atk
POW <=> Attack Ratio
7 POW = 1 Attack

Build A (Slayer Blade BUILD)
this build focuses on their hp and damage setting up their pow to master their most famous skill which is the tornado slash and mastering Tranquility Skill then putting the rest to vit to have a very high HP.

Set your Pow to master Tornado Slash skill (Pow 340)
and Int to master Tranquility skill (Int 203)

Force Equip using 2 Alloy Rings[120](pow +7) , elemental blades(pow +5) = Pow +19
and 2 Silver Rings[120](int +7) , elemental sword(int +5) = Int +19

to master 127 skill Tornado Slash and 67 skill Tranquility
Pow 321(+300)
~> Pow 340(+319) //using 2 Alloy Rings[120](pow +7) & elemental blade(pow +5)
Int 184(+74) //int added (+74)
~> Int 203(+93) //using 2 Silver Rings[120](int +7) & elemental blade(int +5) = Int (+19)

Build B (Treasure Blade BUILD)
this build focuses on their damage setting up their pow to equip their strongest blade so far which is the treasure blade and by mastering the Tranquility and Bloody Divide skill then putting the rest to vit to have an outstanding HP.

Set your Pow to equip EP Treasure Blade(Pow 390) //POW 380 (-10 SP)
Set your Pow to master Bloody Divide skill (Pow 385)
and Int to master Tranquility skill (Int 203)

Force Equip using 2 Alloy Rings[120](pow +7) , elemental blades(pow +5) = Pow +19
Force Equip using 2 Silver Rings[120](int +7) & elemental blade(int +5) = Int +19

to equip EP Treasure Blade[+7]
Pow 361(+300)
~> Pow 380(+319) //using 2 Alloy Rings[120](pow +7) & elemental blade(pow +5)
Int 184(+74) //int added (+74)
~> Int 203(+93) //using 2 Silver Rings[120](int +7) & elemental sword(int +5)

to master 147 skill Bloody Divide and 67 skill Tranquility
Pow 366(+300)
~> Pow 385(+319) //using 2 Alloy Rings[120](pow +7) & elemental blade(pow +5)
Int 184(+74) //int added (+74)
~> Int 203(+93) //using 2 Silver Rings[120](int +7) & elemental sword(int +5)

Build C (Kitchen Blade BUILD)
this build focuses on their damage setting up their pow to equip their second strongest blade which is Kitchen Blade without spending ep and by mastering the Tranquility and Soul Reaver skill then putting the rest to vit to have an outstanding HP.

Set your Pow to equip Kitchen Blade electric/fire/poison/ice (Pow 410) //POW 400 (-10 SP)
Set your Pow to equip Kitchen Blade glacier/blaze/venom/lightning (Pow 433) //POW 423 (-10 SP)
Set your Pow to master Soul Reaver skill (Pow 407)
and Int to master Tranquility skill (Int 203)

Force Equip using 2 Alloy Rings[120](pow +7) , elemental blades(pow +5) = Pow +19
Force Equip using 2 Silver Rings[120](int +7) & elemental blade(int +5) = Int +19

to equip Kitchen Blade electric/fire/poison/ice
Pow 391(+300)
~> Pow 410(+319) //using 2 Alloy Rings[120](pow +7) & elemental blade(pow +5)
Int 184(+74) //int added (+74)
~> Int 203(+93) //using 2 Silver Rings[120](int +7) & elemental sword(int +5)

to equip Kitchen Blade glacier/blaze/venom/lightning
Pow 414(+300)
~> Pow 433(+319) //using 2 Alloy Rings[120](pow +7) & elemental blade(pow +5)
Int 184(+74) //int added (+74)
~> Int 203(+93) //using 2 Silver Rings[120](int +7) & elemental sword(int +5)

to master 157 skill Soul Reaver and 67 skill Tranquility
Pow 388(+300)
~> Pow 407(+319) //using 2 Alloy Rings[120](pow +7) & elemental blade(pow +5)
Int 184(+74) //int added (+74)
~> Int 203(+93) //using 2 Silver Rings[120](int +7) & elemental sword(int +5)

III. Skills:

Divine Shield – Master
X Strike – lvl 3 (lvl 5 if you are planning to get critical slash)
Dual Slash – optional (lvl 1 for dueling purposes)
Kick Slash – Master
Blood Lust – Master
Jumping Slash – not required
Tranquility – Master
Critical Slash – optional
Hurricane Slash – lvl 2 or Master
Fury – optional (lvl 1 for dueling purposes)
Vacuum Slash – Master
Tornado Slash – Master
Bloody Divide – optional
Soul Reaver – optional

ETC Skill:
Regeneration – not needed in higher levels
Madness Blow –
Blade Mastery – Master
Light Speed – Master
Titan Will – Raise it as much as possible
Sand Gale – costs no skill point
Light Armor – Raise it as much as possible.
Titan Force – Raise it as much as possible

called as the ultimate lurer/nuker, they are the common authenticators in CW. Their skills are fast casting and tend to cancel skills in duels. Because of their high defense and HP they could outstand the damage and endure more punishment.

I. Pros & Cons
– certified lurer/nuker
– can last longer in CW/PK and Duels
– less usage of HP pots
– high defense and HP
– fast skills

– low damage/attack

II. Stats:
VIT <=> HP Ratio:
the 1st 9 VIT points u add will give u 2 HP per vit point
on the 10th VIT point, it will only give u 1 HP
(back to 1st )

dex <=> def
1st: 8 dex = 1 def
2nd: 8 dex = 1 def
3rd: 9 dex = 1 def
(back to 1st )

DEX <=> Attack
10 DEX = 1 attack

BUILD A (Dragon Sword BUILD)
this buid focuses on their HP and defense setting up their dex to equip Dragon Sword then putting the rest to vit to attain a very high HP.

Set your Dex to equip EP Dragon Sword(Dex 285) //DEX 275(-10 SP)
Set your Dex to master Thunder Strike Skill (Dex 324)

Force Equip using 2 Jade Rings[120](dex +7) , elemental sword(dex +5) , enhanced set(dex +20) = dex +39

to equip EP Dragon Sword[+7]
Dex 236(+300)
~> Dex 275(+339) //using 2 Jade Rings[120](dex +7) , elemental sword(dex +5) , enhanced set(dex +20)

@ level 155 :
hp 2052
Dex (+176)
Vit (+289)

@ level 165 :
hp 2217
Dex (+172)
Vit (+323)

to master 117 skill Thunder Strike
Dex 285(+300)
~> Dex 324(+339) //using 2 Jade Rings[120](dex +7) , elemental sword(dex +5) , enhanced set(dex +20)

BUILD B (Chu King Sword BUILD)
this buid focuses on their defense and damage setting up their dex to equip their strongest sword which is the Chu King Sword and by mastering the Soul Sword skill then putting the rest to vit to have an outstanding HP.

Set your Dex to equip EP Chu King Sword(Dex 396) //DEX 386 (-10 SP)
Set you Dex to master Soul Sword skill (Dex 395)

Force Equip using 2 Jade Rings[120](dex +7) , elemental sword(dex +5) , enhanced set(dex +20) = dex +39

to equip EP Chu King Sword[+7]
Dex 347(+300)
~> Dex 386(+339) //using 2 Jade Rings[120](dex +7) , elemental sword(dex +5) , enhanced set(dex +20)

@ level 155 :
hp 1841
Dex (+287)
Vit (+178)

@ level 165 :
hp 2006
Dex (+283)
Vit (+212)

to master 147 skill Soul Sword
Dex 356(+300)
~> Dex 395(+339) //using 2 Jade Rings[120](dex +7) , elemental sword(dex +5) , enhanced set(dex +20)

BUILD C (Ganjiang Sword BUILD)
this buid focuses on their defense and damage setting up their dex to equip their second strongest sword which is the Ganjiang Sword without spending ep and by mastering the Guardian Blade skill then putting the rest to vit to have an outstanding HP.

Set your Dex to equip Ganjiang electric/fire/poison/ice (Dex 417) //DEX 407 (-10 SP)
Set your Dex to equip Ganjiang glacier/lightning (Dex 440) //DEX 430 (-10 SP)
Set you Dex to master Guradian Blade skill (Dex 418)

Force Equip using 2 Jade Rings[120](dex +7) , elemental sword(dex +5) , enhanced set(dex +20) = dex +39

to equip Ganjiang electric/fire/poison/ice
Dex 368(+300)
~> Dex 407(+339) //using 2 Jade Rings[120](dex +7) , elemental sword(dex +5) , enhanced set(dex +20)

@ level 155 :
hp 1801
Dex (+308)
Vit (+157)

@ level 165 :
hp 1966
Dex (+304)
Vit (+191)

to equip Ganjiang glacier/lightning
Dex 391(+300)
~> Dex 430(+339) //using 2 Jade Rings[120](dex +7) , elemental sword(dex +5) , enhanced set(dex +20)

@ level 155 :
hp 1895
Dex (+327)
Vit (+138)

@ level 165 :
hp 1930
Dex (+323)
Vit (+172)

to master 157 skill Guardian Blade
Dex 379(+300)
~> Dex 418(+339) //using 2 Jade Rings[120](dex +7) , elemental sword(dex +5) , enhanced set(dex +20)

III. Skills:

Divine Shield – Master
Sword Stab – lvl 4
Multi Slash – optional (lvl 1 for dueling purposes)
Sword Mastery – Master
Corkscrew – optional
Lightning Slash – lvl 2
Sword Explosion – lvl 2
Sunken Strike – lvl 2
Explosive Strike – Master
Thunder Strike – Master
Inferno Attack – Master
Soul Sword – Master
Guardian Blade – Master

ETC Skill:
Regeneration – not needed in higher levels
Madness Blow –
Blade Mastery – Master
Light Speed – Master
Titan Will – Raise it as much as possible
Sand Gale – costs no skill point
Light Armor – Raise it as much as possible.
Titan Force – Raise it as much as possible

called as the ultimate lurer/nuker. Their skills are fast casting and tend to cancel skills in duels. This build will lead you to easy party because you have tranquility that raises the defense of the whole party. Because of their high defense and HP they could outstand the damage and endure more punishment.

I. Pros & Cons
– certified lurer/nuker
– can last longer in CW/PK and Duels
– less usage of HP pots
– high defense and HP
– fast skills
– easy party because of tranquility

– low damage/attack
– lower HP compare to dex-vit build

II. Stats:
VIT <=> HP Ratio:
the 1st 9 VIT points u add will give u 2 HP per vit point
on the 10th VIT point, it will only give u 1 HP
(back to 1st )

dex <=> def
1st: 8 dex = 1 def
2nd: 8 dex = 1 def
3rd: 9 dex = 1 def
(back to 1st )

DEX <=> Attack
10 DEX = 1 attack

BUILD A (Dragon Sword BUILD)
this buid focuses on their HP and defense setting up their dex to equip Dragon Sword and mastering Tranquility Skill then putting the rest to vit to attain a very high HP.

Set your Dex to equip EP Dragon Sword(Dex 285) //DEX 275(-10 SP)
Set your Dex to master Thunder Strike Skill (Dex 324)
and Int to master Tranquility skill (Int 203)

Force Equip using 2 Jade Rings[120](dex +7) , elemental sword(dex +5) , enhanced set(dex +20) = dex +39
and 2 Silver Rings[120](int +7) , elemental sword(int +5) = Int +19

to equip EP Dragon Sword[+7]
Dex 236(+300)
~> Dex 275(+339) //using 2 Jade Rings[120](dex +7) , elemental sword(dex +5) , enhanced set(dex +20)
Int 184(+74) //int added (+74)
~> Int 203(+93) //using 2 Silver Rings[120](int +7) & elemental blade(int +5) = Int (+19)

to master 117 skill Thunder Strike and 67 skill Tranquility
Dex 285(+300)
~> Dex 324(+339) //using 2 Jade Rings[120](dex +7) , elemental sword(dex +5) , enhanced set(dex +20)
Int 184(+74) //int added (+74)
~> Int 203(+93) //using 2 Silver Rings[120](int +7) & elemental blade(int +5) = Int (+19)

BUILD B (Chu King Sword BUILD)
this buid focuses on their defense and damage setting up their dex to equip their strongest sword which is the Chu King Sword and by mastering the Soul Sword skill then putting the rest to vit to have an outstanding HP.

Set your Dex to equip EP Chu King Sword(Dex 396) //DEX 386 (-10 SP)
Set you Dex to master Soul Sword skill (Dex 395)
and Int to master Tranquility skill (Int 203)

Force Equip using 2 Jade Rings[120](dex +7) , elemental sword(dex +5) , enhanced set(dex +20) = dex +39
and 2 Silver Rings[120](int +7) , elemental sword(int +5) = Int +19

to equip EP Chu King Sword[+7]
Dex 347(+300)
~> Dex 386(+339) //using 2 Jade Rings[120](dex +7) , elemental sword(dex +5) , enhanced set(dex +20)
Int 184(+74) //int added (+74)
~> Int 203(+93) //using 2 Silver Rings[120](int +7) & elemental blade(int +5)

to master 147 skill Soul Sword and 67 skill Tranquility
Dex 356(+300)
~> Dex 395(+339) //using 2 Jade Rings[120](dex +7) , elemental sword(dex +5) , enhanced set(dex +20)
Int 184(+74) //int added (+74)
~> Int 203(+93) //using 2 Silver Rings[120](int +7) & elemental blade(int +5))

BUILD C (Ganjiang Sword BUILD)
this buid focuses on their defense and damage setting up their dex to equip their second strongest sword which is the Ganjiang Sword without spending ep and by mastering the Guardian Blade skill then putting the rest to vit to have an outstanding HP.

Set your Dex to equip Ganjiang electric/fire/poison/ice (Dex 417) //DEX 407 (-10 SP)
Set your Dex to equip Ganjiang glacier/lightning (Dex 440) //DEX 430 (-10 SP)
Set you Dex to master Guradian Blade skill (Dex 418)
and Int to master Tranquility skill (Int 203)

Force Equip using 2 Jade Rings[120](dex +7) , elemental sword(dex +5) , enhanced set(dex +20) = dex +39
and 2 Silver Rings[120](int +7) , elemental sword(int +5) = Int +19

to equip Ganjiang electric/fire/poison/ice
Dex 368(+300)
~> Dex 407(+339) //using 2 Jade Rings[120](dex +7) , elemental sword(dex +5) , enhanced set(dex +20)
Int 184(+74) //int added (+74)
~> Int 203(+93) //using 2 Silver Rings[120](int +7) & elemental blade(int +5)

to equip Ganjiang glacier/lightning
Dex 391(+300)
~> Dex 430(+339) //using 2 Jade Rings[120](dex +7) , elemental sword(dex +5) , enhanced set(dex +20)
Int 184(+74) //int added (+74)
~> Int 203(+93) //using 2 Silver Rings[120](int +7) & elemental blade(int +5)

to master 157 skill Guardian Blade and 67 skill Tranquility
Dex 379(+300)
~> Dex 418(+339) //using 2 Jade Rings[120](dex +7) , elemental sword(dex +5) , enhanced set(dex +20)
Int 184(+74) //int added (+74)
~> Int 203(+93) //using 2 Silver Rings[120](int +7) & elemental blade(int +5)

III. Skills:

Divine Shield – Master
Sword Stab – lvl 4
Multi Slash – optional (lvl 1 for dueling purposes)
Sword Mastery – Master
Corkscrew – optional
Lightning Slash – lvl 2
Tranquility – Master
Sword Explosion – lvl 2
Sunken Strike – lvl 2
Explosive Strike – Master
Thunder Strike – Master
Inferno Attack – Master
Soul Sword – Master
Guardian Blade – Master

ETC Skill:
Regeneration – not needed in higher levels
Madness Blow –
Blade Mastery – Master
Light Speed – Master
Titan Will – Raise it as much as possible
Sand Gale – costs no skill point
Light Armor – Raise it as much as possible.
Titan Force – Raise it as much as possible

called as the ultimate lurer/nuker and killer as well. Their skills are fast casting and tend to cancel skills in duels. This build will give you additional damage because of the skill bloodthirst. Because of their high defense and HP they could outstand the damage and endure more punishment.

I. Pros & Cons
– certified lurer/nuker
– can last longer in CW/PK and Duels
– less usage of HP pots
– high defense and HP
– fast skills

– lower HP compared to dex-vit build
– need switch weapons to use bloodthirst skill

II. Stats:
VIT <=> HP Ratio:
the 1st 9 VIT points u add will give u 2 HP per vit point
on the 10th VIT point, it will only give u 1 HP
(back to 1st )

dex <=> def
1st: 8 dex = 1 def
2nd: 8 dex = 1 def
3rd: 9 dex = 1 def
(back to 1st )

DEX <=> Attack
10 DEX = 1 attack

BUILD A (Chu King Sword BUILD)
this buid focuses on their defense and damage setting up their dex and pow to equip their strongest sword which is the Chu King Sword and by mastering Bloodthirst and Soul Sword skill then putting the rest to vit to have an outstanding HP and higher damage.

Set your Dex to equip EP Chu King Sword(Dex 396) //DEX 386 (-10 SP)
Set you Dex to master Soul Sword skill (Dex 395)
and Pow to master Bloodthirst skill (Pow 155)

Force Equip using enhanced set(dex +20) = dex +39
and 2 Alloy Rings[120](pow +7) , elemental blade/double medium sword(pow +5) = pow +19

to equip EP Chu King Sword[+7]
Dex 366(+300)
~> Dex 386(+320) //using enhanced set(dex +20)
Pow 136(+86) //pow added (+86)
~> Pow 155(+105) //using 2 Alloy Rings[120](pow +7) , elemental blade/double medium sword(pow +5)

to master 147 skill Soul Sword
Dex 356(+300)
~> Dex 395(+339) //using 2 Jade Rings[120](dex +7) , elemental sword(dex +5) , enhanced set(dex +20)
Pow 136(+86) //pow added (+86)
~> Pow 155(+105) //using 2 Alloy Rings[120](pow +7) , elemental blade/double medium sword(pow +5)

BUILD B (Ganjiang Sword BUILD)
this buid focuses on their defense and damage setting up their dex to equip their second strongest sword which is the Ganjiang Sword without spending ep and by mastering Bloodthirst and Guardian Blade skill then putting the rest to vit to have an outstanding HP.

Set your Dex to equip Ganjiang electric/fire/poison/ice (Dex 417) //DEX 407 (-10 SP)
Set your Dex to equip Ganjiang glacier/lightning (Dex 440) //DEX 430 (-10 SP)
Set you Dex to master Guradian Blade skill (Dex 418)
and Pow to master Bloodthirst skill (Pow 155)

Force Equip using enhanced set(dex +20) = dex +20
and 2 Alloy Rings[120](pow +7) , elemental blade/double medium sword(pow +5)= pow +19

to equip Ganjiang electric/fire/poison/ice
Dex 377(+300)
~> Dex 397(+320) //using enhanced set(dex +20)
Pow 136(+86) //pow added (+86)
~> Pow 155(+105) //using 2 Alloy Rings[120](pow +7) , elemental blade/double medium sword(pow +5)

to equip Ganjiang glacier/lightning
Dex 410(+300)
~> Dex 430(+320) //using enhanced set(dex +20)
Pow 136(+86) //pow added (+86)
~> Pow 155(+105) //using 2 Alloy Rings[120](pow +7) , elemental blade/double medium sword(pow +5)

to master 157 skill Guardian Blade
Dex 379(+300)
~> Dex 418(+339) //using 2 Jade Rings[120](dex +7) , elemental sword(dex +5) , enhanced set(dex +20)
Pow 136(+86) //pow added (+86)
~> Pow 155(+105) //using 2 Alloy Rings[120](pow +7) , elemental blade/double medium sword(pow +5)

III. Skills:

Divine Shield – Master
X Strike – lvl 3
Sword Stab – lvl 4
Multi Slash – optional (lvl 1 for dueling purposes)
Sword Mastery – Master
Corckscrew – optional
Lightning Slash – lvl 2
Kick Slash – Master
Blood Lust – Master
Sword Explosion – lvl 2
Sunken Strike – lvl 2
Explosive Strike – Master
Thunder Strike – Master
Inferno Attack – Master
Soul Sword – Master
Guardian Blade – Master

ETC Skill:
Regeneration – not needed in higher levels
Madness Blow –
Blade Mastery – Master
Light Speed – Master
Titan Will – Raise it as much as possible
Sand Gale – costs no skill point
Light Armor – Raise it as much as possible.
Titan Force – Raise it as much as possible

called as the second shaman in the party, they are the support type among parties because of tranquility which raises the defense of all in the party. Their skills are maybe slow in casting and tend to be cancelled in duels but they are not affected by any element because of metal body. They have a high defense and HP they could outstand the damage and endure more punishment like the other builds can.

I. Pros & Cons
– no miss!
– can last longer in CW/PK and Duels
– less usage of HP pots
– high defense and HP

– slow skills
– high usage of MP pots

II. Stats:
VIT <=> HP Ratio:
the 1st 9 VIT points u add will give u 2 HP per vit point
on the 10th VIT point, it will only give u 1 HP
(back to 1st )

INT <=> Energy Ratio
4 INT = 1 energy

BUILD A (Lite Chu Wang Sword BUILD)
this buid focuses on their defense and energy setting up their int to equip their strongest sword which is the Lite Chu Wang Sword and by mastering the Sword Rings skill then putting the rest to vit to have an outstanding HP.

Set your Int to equip EP Lite Chu Wang Sword (Int 439) //INT 429 (-10 sp)
Set your Int to master Sword Rings (Int 440)

Force Equip using 2 Silver Rings[120](int +7) , elemental sword(int +5) = Int +19

to equip EP Chu Wang Sword[+7]
Int 410(+300)
~> Int 429(+319) //using 2 Silver Rings[120](int +7) & elemental sword(int +5)

@ level 155 :
hp 1815
Int (+301)
Vit (+164)

@ level 165 :
hp 1984
Int (+295)
Vit (+200)

to master 147 skill Sword Rings
Int 421(+300)
~> Int 440(+319) //using 2 Silver Rings[120](int +7) & elemental sword(int +5)

@ level 155 :
hp 1794
Int (+312)
Vit (+153)

@ level 165 :
hp 1963
Int (+306)
Vit (+189)

III. Skills:

Divine Shield – Master
Ronin Slash – optional
Shogun Swing – lvl 4
Cyclone Slash – lvl 2
Tranquility – Master
Arcane Punch – lvl 2
Kamikaze – lvl 2
Metal Body – Master
Lightning Strike – Master
Crescent Slash – Master
Blood Rain – Master
Sword Rings – Master
Rising Edge – Master

ETC Skill:
Regeneration – not needed in higher levels
Madness Blow –
Blade Mastery – Master
Light Speed – Master
Titan Will – Raise it as much as possible
Sand Gale – costs no skill point
Light Armor – Raise it as much as possible.
Titan Force – Raise it as much as possible

called as the second shaman in the party, they are the support type among parties because of tranquility which raises the defense of all in the party. Their skills are maybe slow in casting and tend to be cancelled in duels but they are not affected by any element because of metal body. They have a high defense and HP they could outstand the damage and endure more punishment like the other builds can. This build will raise your damage because of bloodthirst.

I. Pros & Cons
– no miss!
– can last longer in CW/PK and Duels
– less usage of HP pots
– high defense and HP
– higher damage because of bloodthirst

– slow skills
– high usage of MP pots
– need to swtch swords
– lower HP compared to int-vit build

II. Stats:
VIT <=> HP Ratio:
the 1st 9 VIT points u add will give u 2 HP per vit point
on the 10th VIT point, it will only give u 1 HP
(back to 1st )

INT <=> Energy Ratio
4 INT = 1 energy

BUILD A (Lite Chu Wang Sword BUILD)
this buid focuses on their defense and energy setting up their int to equip their strongest sword which is the Lite Chu Wang Sword and by mastering Bloodthirst and Sword Rings skill then putting the rest to vit to have an outstanding HP and higher damage.

Set your Int to equip EP Lite Chu Wang Sword (Int 439) //INT 429 (-10 sp)
Set your Int to master Sword Rings (Int 440)
and Pow to master Bloodthirst (Pow 155)

Force Equip using 2 Silver Rings[120](int +7) , elemental sword(int +5) = Int +19
and 2 Alloy Rings[120](pow +7) , elemental blade(pow +5) = pow +19

to equip EP Chu Wang Sword[+7]
Pow 136(+86) //pow added (+86)
~> Pow 155(+105) //using 2 Alloy Rings[120](pow +7) , elemental blade(pow +5)

to master 147 skill Sword Rings
Int 421(+300)
~> Int 440(+319) //using 2 Silver Rings[120](int +7) & elemental sword(int +5)
Pow 136(+86) //pow added (+86)
~> Pow 155(+105) //using 2 Alloy Rings[120](pow +7) , elemental blade(pow +5)

III. Skills:

Divine Shield – Master
X Strike – lvl 3
Ronin Slash – optional
Shogun Swing – lvl 4
Cyclone Slash – lvl 2
Kick Slash – Master
Blood Lust – Master
Tranquility – Master
Arcane Punch – lvl 2
Kamikaze – lvl 2
Metal Body – Master
Lightning Strike – Master
Crescent Slash – Master
Blood Rain – Master
Sword Rings – Master
Rising Edge – Master

ETC Skill:
Regeneration – not needed in higher levels
Madness Blow –
Blade Mastery – Master
Light Speed – Master
Titan Will – Raise it as much as possible
Sand Gale – costs no skill point
Light Armor – Raise it as much as possible.
Titan Force – Raise it as much as possible

Server Masters | E-Games Portal | Ran Online
The Ultimate Swordsman Guide | X Leonites [Official Thread]

c e e z e 2 8:
walk speed 12.0
run speed 36.0
HP/VIT 1.9
MP/INT 0.62
SP/STM 1.1
melee/POW 0.14
melee/DEX 0.1
missile/POW 0.08
missile/DEX 0.15
energy/DEX 0.13
energy/INT 0.26
fCONV_attack 0.4
fCONV_defense 0.6
fCONV_melee 1
fCONV_missile 0.2
BEGIN_attack 5
BEGIN_defense 5
BEGIN_melee 5
BEGIN_missile 2
LVLUP_attack 1.2
LVLUP_defense 0.12
LVLUP_melee 0.4
LVLUP_missile 0.16

begin stats:
pow: 8
dex: 10
int: 12
vit: 38
stm: 8

stat growth/level
pow: 0.3
dex: 0.33
int: 0.63
vit: 4.5
stm: 2.8

in case of dex <=> def ratio:

1st: 8 dex = 1 def
2nd: 8 dex = 1 def
3rd: 9 dex = 1 def
(back to 1st )

VIT <=> HP Ratio:

the 1st 9 VIT points u add will give u 2 HP per vit point
on the 10th VIT point, it will only give u 1 HP
(back to 1st )

pow <=> atk ; dex <=> atk and int <=>energy

POW <=> Attack Ratio
7 POW = 1 Attack

DEX <=> Attack Ratio
10 DEX = 1 attack

INT <=> Energy Ratio
4 INT = 1 energy

– slayer blade = 311 pow
– slayer blade glacier = 375 pow
– slayer blade blaze/venom/lightning = 341 pow
– giant blade glacier/blaze/venom/lightning = 267 pow
– jiuhun blade electric/fire/poison/ice = 295 pow
– iron blade glacier/blaze/venom/lightning = 387 pow
– iron blade = 341 pow
– iron blade flame = 364 pow
– rune blade = 375 pow
– giant blade electric/fire/poison/ice = 258 pow
– kitchen blade electric/fire/poison/ice = 410 pow
– kitchen blade glacier/blaze/venom/lightning = 433 pow
– treasure Blade = 390 pow
– treasure Blade Lightning = 473 pow

click here for Weapon of Pow Swordie(Pictures)

– Double Medium Sword = dex 210
– Dragon Sword = 285 dex
– Chu King = 396 dex
– Chu King lightning= 480 dex
– Ganjiang = dex 382
– Ganjiang electric/fire/poison/ice = dex 417
– Ganjiang glacier/lightning = dex 440
– Dragon Sword glacier/blaze/venom/lightning = dex 347
– Broad Sword electric/fire/poison/ice = dex 263
– Solar Sword = dex 347
– Solar Sword glacier/blaze/venom/lightning = dex 394
– Lava Sword = dex 316

– Lite Dragon Sword = 322 int
– Lite Chu Wang = 439 int
– Lite Tian Wu Sword = int 432
– Lite Tian Wu Sword electric/fire/poison/ice = int 471
– Lire Solar Sword = int 392
– Lite Solar Sword glacier/blaze/venom/lightning= int 445
– Light Frosted Sabre Sword = int 319
– Lite Arcane Sword lightning/electric = int 277

– Outlook = +10 accuracy
– Beidas Ring = +5 accuracy
– Copper Ring lvl 30 = +3 accuracy
– Soul Recall Rosary lvl 80 = +5 accuracy
– Quest armors or C LEVEL SET for high level swordies = +3 accuracy per piece
– 2nd level elemental weapon (i.e. lightning, glacier, venom, blaze) = +5 accuracy

– Vanish Rings lvl 120 = +25 HP
– [EP item] Bone Rosary = +50 HP

– +7 ENHANCED SET = +20 dex
– +6 Space Rings(+SP) lvl 120
– +6 Soul Rings(+MP) lvl 120
– +7 Spatial Rosary

– Beidas Necklace = +3 to all stats
– Jade Ring lvl 120 = dex +7
– Alloy Ring lvl 120 = pow +7
– Silver Ring lvl 120 = int +7

starting from drifter and up
Enhanced Coat = dex +7
Enhanced Pants = dex +7
Enhanced Gloves = dex +3
Enhanced Shoes = dex +3

Sword & Blade glacier/blaze/venom/lightning = dex +5 / pow +5 / int +5
Double Medium Sword = +5 pow +5 dex +5 accuracy +10 attack

Complete List of Skills and their Requirements
(UPDATED BY: ceeze28)

Level 7 : Sword Stab (Dex) : Dex = 25 (Level 1) Dex = 67 (Master)
Level 7 : X Strike (Pow) : Pow = 23 (Level 1) Pow = 63 (Master)
Level 7 : Divine Shield (Int) : Int = 29 (Level 1) Int = 71 (Master)
Level 7 : Ronin Slash (Int) : Int = 30 (Level 1) Int = 72 (Master)

Level 27 : Multi-Slash (Dex) : Dex = 72 (Level 1) Dex = 114 (Master) : Requires (Sword Stab Level 2)
Level 27 : Dual Slash (Pow) : Pow = 69 (Level 1) Pow = 109 (Master) : Requires (X Strike Level 3)
Level 27 : Shogun Swing (Int) : Int = 82 (Level 1) Int = 124 (Master) : Requires (Divine Shield Level 3)

Level 47 : Corckscrew (Dex) : Dex = 113 (Level 1) Dex = 153 (Master) : Requires (Sword Stab Level )
Level 47 : Sword Mastery (Dex) : Dex = 119 (Level 1) Dex = 156 (Master) : Requires (Sword Stab Level 4)
Level 47 : Kick Slash (Pow) : Pow = 115 (Level 1) Pow = 155 (Master) : Requires (X Strike Level 3)
Level 47 : Blood Thirst (Pow) : Pow = 115 (Level 1) Pow = 155 (Master) : Requires (Depends on Kick Slash)
Level 47 : Cyclone Slash (Int) : Int = 134 (Level 1) Int = 177 (Master) : Requires (Shogun Swing Level 4)

Level 57 : Tranquility (Int) : Int = 161 (Level 1) Int = 203 (Mastered) : Requires (Divine Shield Level 4)

Level 67 : Lightning Slash (Dex) : Dex = 165 (Level 1) Dex = 203 (Master) : Requires (Sword Stab Level 4)
Level 67 : Jumping Slash (Pow) : Pow = 160 (Level 1) Pow = 200 (Master) : Requires (Dual Slash Level 2)
Level 67 : Arcane Punch (Int) : Int = 187 (Level 1) Int = 229 (Master) : Requires (Shogun Swing Level 2)

Level 87 : Sword Explosion (Dex) : Dex = 212 (Level 1) Dex = 249 (Master) : Requires (Lightning Slash Level 2)
Level 87 : Critical Slash (Pow) : Pow = 205 (Level 1) Pow = 245 (Master) : Requires (X Strike Level 5)
Level 87 : Kamikaze (Int) : Int = 240 (Level 1) Int = 282 (Master) : Requires (Arcane Punch Level 2)

Level 97 : Sunken Strike (Dex) : Dex = 235 (Level 1) Dex = 272 (Master) : Requires (Sword Mastery Level 4)
Level 97 : Hurricane Slash (Pow) : Pow = 230 (Level 1) Pow = 270 (Master) : Requires (Kick Slash Level 3)
Level 97 : Metal Body (Int) : Int = 266 (Level 1) Int = 308 (Master) : Requires (Divine Shield Level 4)

Level 107 : Explosive Strike (Dex) : Dex = 258 (Level 1) Dex = 295 (Master) : Requires (Sword Explosion Level 2)
Level 107 : Fury (Pow) : Pow = 250 (Level 1) Pow = 290 (Master) : Requires (Blood Thirst Level 3)
Level 107 : Lightning Strike (Int) : Int = 292 (Level 1) Int = 334 (Master) : Requires (Kamikaze Level 2)

Level 117 : Thunder Strike (Dex) : Dex = 282 (Level 1) Dex = 319 (Master) : Requires (Sunken Strike Level 2)
Level 117 : Vacuum Slash (Pow) : Pow = 275 (Level 1) Pow = 315 (Master) : Requires (Hurricane Slash Level 2)
Level 117 : Crescent Slash (Int) : Int = 319 (Level 1) Int = 361 (Master) : Requires (Lightning Strike Level 2)

Level 127 : Inferno Attack (Dex) : Dex = 305 (Level 1) Dex = 345 (Master) : Requires (Sunken Strike Level 2)
Level 127 : Tornado Slash (Pow) : Pow = 300 (Level 1) Pow = 340 (Master) : Requires (Hurricane Slash Level 2)
Level 127 : Blood Rain (Int) : Int = 345 (Level 1) Int = 385 (Master) : Requires (Cyclone Slash Level 2)

Level 147 : Soul Sword (Dex) : Dex = 355 (Level 1) Dex = 395 (Master) : Requires (Inferno Attack Level 2)
Level 147 : Bloody Divide (Pow) : Pow = 345 (Level 1) Pow = 385 (Master) : Requires (Tornado Slash Level 2)
Level 147 : Sword Rings (Int) : Int = 400 (Level 1) Int = 440 (Master) : Requires (Crescent Slash Level 2)

Level 157 : Guardian Blade (Dex) : Dex = 378 (Level 1) Dex = 418 (Master) : Requires (Inferno Attack Level 3)
Level 157 : Soul Reaver (Pow) : Pow = 367 (Level 1) Pow = 407 (Master) : Requires (Hurricane Slash Level 3)
Level 157 : Rising Edge (Int) : Int = 428 (Level 1) Int = 468 (Master) : Requires (Sword Rings Level 3)


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