Travian Attacking Guide
Travian Attacking Guide by -_-
For those who don’t know me I’m Owen; many people’s worst nightmare or best friend. I will apologize for my typing as it’s pretty naff.
After seeing some rather ‘’nooby’’ attacks from some of the top alliances, I thought I’d do this as a basic guide.
A nice little thing to do before attacking is message them ingame. Any old random drablle will do, just to see if they read it and are online.
The idea of a fake is to confuse your attacker, to draw the attention away from the real hit giving you less chance of hitting resistance.
Fakes should be catapult speed and timed exactly like your real target and on numerous villages. I will be explaining timings later.
Conquering fakes, all bar Gaul chiefs travel at the same time as rams, so, to confuse a player, if you time chiefs to land at 00:00:00 then you should also send rams from the same villages where the chiefs are to hit another target at 00:00:00
Right first and foremost rams are a must. Your defender will have up to a 64% defence bonus if you do not take down the wall.
It takes 52 catapults to destroy a level 20 building, regardless of what it may be.
To completely destroy a village you will need to target all 40 buildings/resource fields, so will need 2000 catapults give or take to do it in one go.
I advise the Firefox offline trick. To do this you will need to download Firefox from
First you open 5 more tabs than the number of attacks you are sending so if you’re doing 40 attacks set 45 tabs. I will tell you why in a minute.
You then load each tab to the final ok screen making sure the attacks go like this,
fake ,fake ,fake, fake, fake, clearer, catapult wave until all cat waves are set.
Now go to file, set work offline, then press the final ok on all tabs: you will get a ‘this page cannot be displayed’ message.
Now go back to the first tab on the left, then turn Firefox back online.
Now right click the first tab and click refresh all tabs. You will get the ‘this page needs to resend data’ message – this comes up once per tab that you have open so hold down enter (the first 5 waves go slow but it speeds up hence the 5 more tabs than needed.)
You can normally get 4+ attacks per second changes depending on server speed. (Note: always hit residence with your first wave).
It will stop you losing any catapults in further attacks
Crop locking
The idea of crop locking is to disable the village without causing loss to yourself.
Example; a farm keeps building troops and every time you hit you lose 1 or 2 troops which gets costly, so do this:
Target your catapults in the same way as above but target main building, all wheat fields, granaries, market places, flour mills and bakeries.
This will make it impossible for them to rebuild without sending themselves wheat from somewhere else if they have one village or their villages are very far away from each other this is perfect.
Can also be used to annoy bigger players who will then struggle to feed their armies.
Capturing villages
To capture a village gives you a benefit at their loss.
First of all you would need 6 chiefs preferably maybe more depending on bonuses ect (will go into this in a minute)
The more chiefs you have in the village the more effective they are, so aim to have 3 chiefs in your off village and 2-3 chiefs in all your other villages.
Do this by reconquering the towns you conquer from a village with only 1 chief this will keep your expansion slots free in the other villages making it so you can get at least 2 chiefs there (To get three you need to destroy palace in capital and rebuild it in every village you want 3 chiefs in.)
First of all time your catapult wave and find out how long it needs with catapults to reach your target and note the time.
Now do the same for the villages which contain your chiefs.
Put them in the order you want to send them.
Now send your first wave targeting the residence, make a note of the time it hits.
Now watch the clock on the timer of your first chief making sure to try getting it to land the same second as the catapult waves and repeat until all chiefs are gone.
If you run great balls, you get a bonus for lowering loyalty from the village running the great ball. This also works in reverse so you could send 6 chiefs and leave it on 2% loyalty ect.
Intermediate Strategies
Once you have mastered this, it is time to do some timed attacks:
First of all you noted down the land time of your first set of attacks.
Now set up the exact same number of waves as you did with your first attacks
(Remember to keep open a second browser open to clock watch because when you’re on the rally point you cannot see the Travian clock)
Now send the first 5 waves as fakes like you did in the original hits then do a random mix of troops. For example: fake, fake, fake, and then a mini clearer, fake, fake, fake, another mini clearer. This will help if the defender is experienced.
Now clock watch – you know when your attacks need to land and you should also know when they need to be launched to make their land time the same, so watch the Travian clock and refresh all tabs like in the previous post when the timer hits the exact second.
This should lead to something like this.
~05~Monkey land Attack on – Glory Village A
Troops 0 0 59000 0 0 31000 180 200 0 0 1
in 4:04:39 hrs at 04:09:39 am
~05~Monkey land Attack on – Glory Village A
Troops 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 200 0 0
in 4:04:40 hrs at 04:09:40 am
~05~Monkey land Attack on – Glory Village A
Troops 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 200 0 0
in 4:04:40 hrs at 04:09:40 am
in 4:04:43 hrs at 04:09:43 am
~12~HaremAttack on – Glory Village B
in 4:03:44 hrs at 04:09:40 am
~12~HaremAttack on – Glory Village B
in 4:03:44 hrs at 04:09:40 am
~05~Monkey land Attack on – Glory Village A
Troops 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 200 0 0
in 4:04:41 hrs at 04:09:41 am
~05~Monkey land Attack on – Glory Village A
Troops 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 200 0 0
in 4:04:41 hrs at 04:09:41 am
~12~HaremAttack on – Glory Village B
in 4:03:45 hrs at 04:09:41 am
~12~HaremAttack on – Glory Village B
in 4:03:45 hrs at 04:09:41 am
~05~Monkey land Attack on – Glory Village A
Troops 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 200 0 0
in 4:04:42 hrs at 04:09:42 am
~05~Monkey land Attack on – Glory Village A
Troops 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 200 0 0
in 4:04:42 hrs at 04:09:42 am
~12~HaremAttack on – Glory Village B
in 4:03:46 hrs at 04:09:42 am
~12~HaremAttack on – Glory Village B
in 4:03:46 hrs at 04:09:42 am
~05~Monkey land Attack on – Glory Village A
Troops 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 200 0 0
in 4:04:43 hrs at 04:09:43 am
Did you see what I did ?
That is one I did last speed server
Now for the intimidation tactic, which generally works if you have a high pop or off rank. Yes I know pop is nothing. But a lot of people respect that as a sign of a good player.
First of all, unless you know the player cannot defend his capital or off villages efficiently, don’t go for these.
Fake them of course, as they will have to defend as they can’t take the risk, then strike elsewhere. Your aim is to cause maximum damage with minimal cost.
If you mass fake 10 villages of a certain player at the exact same time (To do this time how long your catapults take to the villages in question then clock watch and send accordingly) then you have literally a 1 in 8 chance of getting caught. I say 8 as you should be faking off and cap too but they are usually heavily defended.
If you have proved yourself to be a good strong fighter, then the person will likely panic and make mistakes (a trade secret to 30dom’s success)
Remember; keep calm – one panicky slip of the finger and you leave yourself open to wave cutting or attacks in wrong order.
Alliance wide attacks
The most effective attacks are done with your whole alliance and/or confederation pacts.
A player is unlikely to want to help his fellow comrades if he himself is under mass fakes/attacks.
Now you need to decide: do you want to destroy the player completely? Or just wind them up as a warning?
Then which route you want to go down? Conquering or catapulting? Remember a village 9 hours away is of no use to you really, other than to annoy your opponent.
The easiest way to get rid of a player’s offense village is to conquer it. Once the village goes so do the troops.
A lot of people have multiple offensive villages so remember you don’t have to hit the main one, a secondary or third offensive army is still a huge loss to your enemy.
Now you can do what the Russians do and get your whole alliance to name villages with the exact same name. For example xxxxxx as that is what appears in your rally point.
You will not, without clicking on each attack, know who the attacker is making it very hard to detect conquer attempts (you may not have time to check 500 attacks on each village efficiently).
Work with your ally mates to conquer villages. If they’re nearer with chiefs but don’t have an offensive army, you can time it so they capture it or 0 pop it.
An often used tactic is to start faking a couple of days in advance and keep faking even after the attack is launched for a few hours/until the attacks has landed
The best weapon you have is element of surprise.
A perfect offense village is small yet has all the necessities for mass troop building and feeding.
You don’t want an offense village that sticks out like a sore thumb (pop wise) The aim is to keep this as secret as possible and hide your troop numbers as best as possible.
When attacking don’t send all your troops. For example if you have 257 mace, 12 tk’s, 7 cats, then send 250 mace, 10 tk’s, and 5 cats; nice round figures will never give your exact troop count away.
Also it is a nice idea to have a few catas in other villages to fake with so they can’t detect your off village that way.
When the game progresses you will need a lot of granaries for long distance hits. So you don’t have to be on 24/7 whilst it’s out.
Some nice little tricks
If you are unsure if you can take your opponent on, then here’s a little trick I picked up.
Send mass fakes to a player/village you know will be/get heavily reinforced by the player and his/her alliance. Now time scouts to hit that village the second after your fakes land (if you have enough scouts)
This will give you a rough estimation of how much defense the alliance and player can pull together in a certain time scale
Walking troops home
Early on in the game, raiding is key so you may need to walk home an attacker.
To do this, you ideally need to know when the attacker launched their attack on you. If you don’t know this it can be worked out using web based travel time calculators. Or, if you can be bothered, you can work it out by hand.
Now check how long your troops take to hit the attacking player.
Now its simple maths: by knowing how long he takes to travel between villages, you can work out when he will arrive home (add the travel time onto the time his attack hits you).
By knowing when his troops are at home you will know when you need to launch your troops (His time at home minus your travel time) so clock watch and send accordingly.
Things get a little harder when your travel time is quicker than his you will need to dodge too but if your travel time is the same then it’s difficult.
To do this work out how long your troops take to get to and back to your neighbour then launch so that they get home at the same second or a second after, his troops hit your base.
Now check what time they get home then go onto the attack page, you may not have troops home but you can still set it up (enter the exact number of troops returning even if it says you have one)
Now you clock watch again and when the timer hits the exact second your troops are home, refresh then click ok as quickly as possible.
This should make your troops land at his the second after his troops land. He will have to be very quick to dodge out of the way.
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