Translation: Eason Chan – Mo Yan Ji Ging
陈奕迅 – 无人之境 Eason Chan – Mo Yan Ji Ging 让理智在叫著冷静冷静 还恃住年少气盛 让我对著衝动背著宿命 浑忘自己的姓 沉睡的凶猛在苏醒 完全为你现形 这个世界最坏罪名 叫太易动情 但我喜欢这罪名 let reason keep crying out for calmness, to hold back the impetuousness of youth let...
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陈奕迅 – 无人之境 Eason Chan – Mo Yan Ji Ging 让理智在叫著冷静冷静 还恃住年少气盛 让我对著衝动背著宿命 浑忘自己的姓 沉睡的凶猛在苏醒 完全为你现形 这个世界最坏罪名 叫太易动情 但我喜欢这罪名 let reason keep crying out for calmness, to hold back the impetuousness of youth let...
陈奕迅 – 给你 Eason Chan – Gei Ni (For You) 曲:陈奕迅 词:李焯雄 唱:陈奕迅 不要把我推开 当坚持像无赖 当钻石也变尘埃 我信 你在 don’t push me away when persistence seems like stubborness when diamonds too have turned to dust...
陈奕迅 – 不要说话Eason Chan – Bu Yao Shuo Hua 深色的海面布满白色的月光我促声望着海星不知飞哪去听到他在告诉你说他真的喜欢你我不知该 躲哪里the dark sea is covered by white moonlighti quietly gaze at the sea stars not knowing where to goi heard him tell youthat he...
陈奕迅 – 不如这样Eason Chan – Bu Ru Zhe Yang 曲:陈伟 词:林夕 天快亮了 你的心呢他曾经属於我的我该走了 你的手呢有没有一点点舍不得the day is breaking, and your heartit used to belong to mei should go now, and your handis it a little...
陈奕迅 – 好久不见Eason Chan – Hao Jiu Bu Jian 我来到 你的城市 走过你来时的路想像着 没我的日子 你是怎样的孤独i’ve come here to your city, and walked this road from where you cameimagining the loneliness you had to face during...
陈奕迅 – 全世界失眠Eason Chan – Quan Shi Jie Shi Mian 想起我不完美,你会不会逃离我生命的范围。想着你的滋味,我会不会把这个枕头变得甜美。remembering that i’m not perfectwould you therefore escape from my lifethe feeling i get thinking of youcould i turn my pillow into such sweetness...
陳奕迅 – 淘汰Eason Chan – Tao Tai 我说了所有的谎你却都相信简单的我爱你你却老不信你书里的剧情我不想上演因为我喜欢喜剧收尾of the many lies i’ve toldyou believed them allyet a simple i love youyou can’t seem to believethe plot in your scripti don’t want to playbecause i...
陈奕迅 – 兄妹Eason Chan – Xiong Mei 作曲:徐伟贤 填词:林夕 对我好 对我好 好到无路可退可是我也很想 有个人陪才不愿把你得罪 于是那么迂回you’re so nice to me that i just can’t turn awayindeed i do want someone to be with toothat’s why i...
陈奕迅 – 爱情转移Eason Chan – Ai Qing Zhuan Yi 徘徊过多少橱窗住过多少旅馆才会觉得分离也并不冤枉感情是用来浏览还是用来珍藏好让日子天天都过得难忘how many windows and hotels must one passbefore one can feel that separating is not unjustare emotions meant to be skimmed over or collectedfor each...
陳奕迅 – K歌之王Eason Chan – K Ge Zhi Wang 我以為要是唱的用心良苦 你總會對我多點在乎 我以為雖然愛情已成往事 千言萬語 說出來可以互相安撫i had thought if i sang earnestlyyou would care about me a little morei had thought that even though love is...
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