Project Blackout MP7 Tips
Project Blackout MP7 Tips by KzKefKa hi, i’m from indonesian n i want to share a bit of my knowledge to u who new in this game… it’s about mp7, i think it’s new...
The Internet’s Best Game Guides
Project Blackout MP7 Tips by KzKefKa hi, i’m from indonesian n i want to share a bit of my knowledge to u who new in this game… it’s about mp7, i think it’s new...
Project Blackout Muscle Memory Guide by geetah If you have been playing FPS games for as long as I have you probably have heard of muscle memory, but what exactly does that mean to...
Project Blackout Eastern Road Sniper Mode Knife Kill Silent Kill Guide by joach21 Yo! Ive decided to post on how to sneak into the player in eastern road sniper mode without getting noticed, Its...
Project Blackout Becoming a Better Player Guide by GreenCr3am These are MY opinions only. 1. Don’t do unecessary switching, in Bomb matches it can be a very bad idea, since the enemy can hear...
Project Blackout Quick Scope Basic Guide by Reparlana Lately alot of people have been asking me how to quick scope so, i’m going to teach you guys some basic quick scoping, i’m also going to...
Project Blackout Tips for New Players by Khaos323 -Listen for footsteps to know if an enemy is around -Use a knife to move faster -Walk to make enemies unable to hear you footsteps -Only...
Project Blackout Act Tree Guide by Reparlana To unlock certain items in your Act tree, you have to complete the branches leading up to them. For example I want to unlock the Kriss Svg,...
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