Category: Iron Marshal

Iron Marshal Formation Information

Iron Marshal Formation Information by Taylor Name Description Cross Formation Increases troops’ ambush ability as it upgrades. M Formation Increases troops’ Common Damage as it upgrades. T Formation Increases troops’ Tactics Damage as it...

Iron Marshal FAQ

Iron Marshal Frequently Asked Questions by Taylor 1.Why can’t I upgrade my Base any more when it reaches Lv 9? The Base Lv cannot be higher than that of the area where you are....

Iron Marshal Famous Battles List

Iron Marshal Famous Battles List by Taylor No. Map Location 1 Polish Blitzkrieg Lodz Krakow Lodz Commander 2 Norwegian Campaign Olaf Helset Quisling Sandro 3 Dunkirk Evacuation(Allies) Rundstedt General Searcrest Guderian Armored Division 3rd...

Iron Marshal Beginner Tips

Iron Marshal Beginner Tips by Taylor After setting up your Character and getting a feel for the game Pay attention to the following: 1.Click the button below the Builders, and increase your number of...

Iron Marshal Prestige Rank List

Iron Marshal Prestige Rank List by Taylor Rank Min Prestige Max Prestige Draftee 100 500 Volunteer 500 1,000 Private 1,000 2,000 Private 1st Class 2,000 4,000 Specialist 4,000 6,000 2nd Corporal 6,000 9,000 1st...

Iron Marshal Beginner’s Walkthrough

Iron Marshal Beginner’s Walkthrough by Taylor This Walkthrough is intended to help introduce beginners to the world of Iron Marshal. 1、Select a faction, The Allies, Germans, or The Soviet Union. 2、Enter your Character’s name,...