Shadow Cities Abbreviations and Terms Guide
Shadow Cities Abbreviations and Terms Guide by Gabriel
ABC/AHC: Architect Battle Control/Animator High Command beacons, large, 20000 HP beacons that spawn in heavy harvest areas to encourage PvP.
AL: Attribute Levels
Animator: One of the two mage Academies, characterized by a tree and the color green.
AP: Attribute Points
Architect: One of the two mage Academies, characterized by a compass and the color orange.
Awaken: To reach level 15, considered a major milestone in the game.
Avatars: Currently decorative-only designs for your mage ball. Visible only to others and on your profile.
Banished: Characters don’t get killed, they get banished
Battlegroup: A group of up to 1000 mages from your area (country if not in USA, state if in USA) who can communicate in team chats without being friends.
BC: Beacon
BCN: Beacon
Bok: RETIRED Breath of Khaos, a 2000 HP rare air Inrik, the first air spirit and considered a boss spirit.
Bonny/Bon bon/Bonfire: RETIRED Baldr’s Bonfire, a 3000 HP rare fire Tiermes, considered a boss spirit.
Bottled: A term for defeating a spirit
Cabbages: Animators
Campaign: A week+ long event consisting of 3 rounds. Campaign winners and participants get medals. Campaign special features usually differ from one to the next.
Capped/Captured: A term for defeating a spirit
Dannan: A type of spirit, characterized by a whirly wind/tree symbol and a sphere with light radiating from the center. (Pictured below)
Devs: Developers, the employees of Grey Area, the creators of the game. They speak in blue font on the forums and two, Chadj and Khamos, speak in blue font in-game.
Dom: Dominator
Drioma: A type of spirit, characterized by a star symbol and a cloud-like sphere. (Pictured below)
End: Endurance, one of the four attributes
Factions: Currently decorative-only sigils that can be unlocked through guiding/being guided, defeating certain spirits, or purchase with mana pots. Shown in chat and forums by your name.
Flashlights: Light of the North faction
Followers: Lower-level mages that a senior mage is guiding to Awakening.
Frog: Leapfrog, Occasionally can mean a single Animator.
Frogs: Animators
Fruits: Architects
GA: Grey Area, the creators of the game
GL: RETIRED Ghostly Light, a 2300 HP rare fire dannan, considered a boss spirit.
Goat: RETIRED Yule Goat. Rare fire tiermes released for Christmas 2011, 3500 HP, 600 Energy. Considered a boss spirit.
Ghost: EITHER Ghostly Light (see above) OR a destroyed beacon some players are still able to warp to due to a glitch in the game.
Grey Area: The creators of the game
Guides: Higher-level mages chosen by a lower level mage to guide them to Awakening.
GW: Gateway
Hippies: Animators
HP: Health/Hit Points-your health
Inrik: A type of spirit, characterized by a flame-like symbol and a speckled sphere. (Pictured below)
Int: Intelligence, one of the four attributes
Khaos: See Bok.
Kill-Stealing: Joining in the fight to a spirit you have not been invited to hit (with the exception of boss spirits like the Arachne Weaver). Considered extremely rude.
Leapfrogging: Leapfrogging is one particular method of movement in which you team up with one or more friends to travel in local view. You decide as a group which direction you want to travel in and warp toward the mage furthest from you in the correct direction. Continue to select that mage and warp until you have overshot in the direction you wish to travel. Now the other mage(s) will select you and warp to you until you have been overshot, and it is your turn again. While it may seem slow, leapfrogging can be very successful, especially in large groups.
Lenus/Lenny: RETIRED Spring of Lenus, a 2500 HP rare water Dannan, considered a boss spirit.
LF: Leapfrogging, a method of moving.
Lvl: Level
MP: Mana Points-your mana
OJs: Architects
OOP: Out of Power, a beacon (or ward or catcher) that pushes you over your power limit so it cannot be used for anything.
Peas: Animators
Pots: Mana Potions
Protected Mage/Protection: Any mage level 5 and below is protected from spells from stronger mages/wards/catchers. This protection vanishes the moment a protected mage begins casting.
Pumpkins: Architects
PvP: Player vs. Player
Round: an ~3-day battle for the most energy between the academies
SC: Shadow Cities
SL: Shadow Lord, someone who owns a realm
SP: Spell Points
Spider: Arachne Weaver, a massive 25,000 spirit that requires a group of players to take out.
Techies: Architects
Tiermes: A type of spirit, characterized by a torch-like symbol and an orb with light radiating from the surface. (Pictured below)
Tomato: RETIRED Tomte. Common fire tiermes released for Christmas 2011, 10 HP, 25 energy, 50 XP.
Tomte: RETIRED Common fire tiermes released for Christmas 2011, 10 HP, 25 energy, 50 XP.
Vit: Vitality, one of the four attributes
Will: Willpower, one of the four attributes
WP: Willpower, one of the four attributes
XP: Experience Points
YG: RETIRED Yule Goat. Rare fire tiermes released for Christmas 2011, 3500 HP, 600 Energy. Considered a boss spirit.
Yule Goat: RETIRED Rare fire tiermes released for Christmas 2011, 3500 HP, 600 Energy. Considered a boss spirit.
Dannan / Drioma / Inrik / Tiermes
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