Translation: Kobukuro – Kanata e

Kobukuro – Kanata e

作詩:小渕健太郎 作曲:小渕健太郎
Lyrics : Kobuchi Kentaro Composition : Kobuchi Kentaro

生まれた場所には刻まれてた 今もまだ届かぬ夢
叶わぬままで 永遠にこの情熱の火を燃やせるなら
carved into the place i was born is my still unfulfilled dreams
as its still ungranted, i keep my flame of passion burning into eternity
so i won’t lose sight of where i need to go

太陽の果て広がる世界 祈りの鐘打ち鳴らせば
止めどなく溢れ出す喜びのイメージが 僕等連れてく
its a world that stretches out to the sun, if i can ring the bell of prayers
we could bring about the image of unstoppable overflowing joy
towards the place with the sparkling lights

前だけ見て走り続けたら 始まりの場所に着いた
後戻りじゃない 時の巡りに 導かれ 今 生まれかわる
before it seemed as i kept running, i arrived back at where i started
i’m not going back there, being shown the way past time i will now be reborn
falling from above a round star

飽きもしないで繰り返す日々 そこに信じた道はいつも
伸びていた 誰にも踏み込めない 静かに佇む未来
going through every day without weariness, this is the way i always believe in
i have awoke and nobody can interfere now, silently the future waits
towards the new times of uncertainty

霞に浮かぶ幻だと気付かないまま 魅せられる様に
近づいても遠ざかる虚像 足下揺らいで 目を覚ました
being unable to recognise the illusions arising from the mist, its like i’ve been bewitched
even as i get closer the image keeps falling further, as i lost my footing i woke up

さぁ 太陽の果て広がる世界 祈りの鐘打ち鳴らせば
止めどなく溢れ出す喜びのイメージが 僕等連れてく
come, its a world that stretches out to the sun, if i can ring the bell of prayers
we could bring about the image of unstoppable overflowing joy
towards the place with the sparkling lights
towards the new times of uncertainty

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3 Responses

  1. =D thanks for visiting weick and anonymous haha
    i do try to keep up with the latest releases, but if you’ve heard any new songs that are awesome, feel free to suggest it here!

  2. Anonymous says:

    thankx for these translation. hope you do more.

  3. JWeick says:

    Thank you SO MUCH for the lyrics. And nice translation! :D

    – Weick.

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