Admin Codes for Some Samsung Phones
Samsung Omnia
*#0206*8376263# – Shows version numbers, H/W and RFCalDate.
*#197328640# – The Root debug menu.
*#0002*28346# – Audio control utility.
*#7465625# – (runs WindowsPersonalize.exe %LOCK_STATUS_INFO) Shows status of the Network, Service Provider, SIM or Corporation lock.
*#92782# – (runs Windowsuamgr.exe) Shows the samsung omnia menu UA profile settings.
*#232337# – (runs Windowsbthrftest.exe) Shows the Bluetooth RF tester and the device address.
*#32489# – (GSM test) Shows the ciphering status and options to enable or disable it.
*#2263# – (runs Windowsbandsel.exe -band) (GSM test) Shows GSM band selection screen, with options Automatic [default], GSM 850, 900, 1800, 1900, 850/190 and 900/1800.
*#1234# – (runs WindowsKSReset.exe #Version) Shows the PDA and the Phone version number.
*#0782# – (runs WindowsRTCViewer.exe) Shows Clock & Alarms settings.
*#0673# – (runs WindowsPlaySound.exe) Shows Audio sound tests.
*#9090# – (GSM test) UART/USB settings.
*#0842# – Shows tests for the Vibration, the Back Light and the Alert LED (Power buttton LED).
*#2580# – (GSM test) Integrity settings.
*#0228# – (GSM test) Shows the detailed GSM status: Antenna signal power, served network mode, temperature, Battery, Voltage (Antenna ADC test)
*#2222# – (GSM test) Shows the FTA hardware version.
*#1111# – (GSM test) Shows the FTA software version.
*#0011# – (runs WindowsTestMode.exe) (GSM test) Shows some more detailed GSM status.
*#06# – Shows IMEI number.
*#1*# – (runs WindowsLine_KeyTest.exe)
*#0*# – (runs WindowsLCDTest.exe) Test menu for LCD colors, bootup melody, vibration, dimming, back camera, front camera, touchscreen, light sensor, sleep mode and mouse. Accelerometer data is displayed at the bottom.
The following shows the Administrator Settings menu: *#1546792*# (can also be accessed via WindowsAdminSettings.exe).
These should be used with caution.
1. Version – Version numbers for hardware and software
2. Preconfiguration – Password: *#81230*#. Preconfigure Omnia operator settings by changing the country/operator. WARNING this hard-resets the device. This won’t lock the device with the specified operator.
3. Network-call setting —
1. Power On Attach: (unknown).
2. Service Domain: Changes which service domain to use.
3. Network mode: Changes the data connection mode. WCDMA is 3G.
4. Network order: Changes which mode to try first when connecting, with Network Mode on Auto.
5. Internal – (unknown).
*#06# Displays your IMEI
*#78# Test touch configurations
*#03# Displays a Unique number, specific for your phone.
*#7465625# Phone lock status
*#232337# Bluetooth MAC Address
*#1234# Software Version running on your phone.
*#2222# Hardware Version of your phone.
*#0228# Displays battery information.
*#0289# Melody test
*#0782# Displays the real time clock of your phone.
*2767*2878# Displays a Service menu
*2767*3855# Full reset
*#0842# Vibration test
Firmware version: Check your installed firmware *#1234#
Hardware version: Check your hardware *#2222#
PhoneLock: Check whether or not your phone is locked. All categories have to show OFF *#7465625#
IMEI-number: Check your IMEI-number *#06#
Master-Reset: all personal data will be deleted *2767*3855#
Samsung GT-S8000 GPRS [E]: Only “on demand turn-on” of the Samsung GT-S8000 GPRS [E] (that saves some battery-power)
=> Type the code
=> Power on attach => check
=> Save
=> Restart your phone
Test Menu: Open Test Menu of your phone *#0*#
Internals: do not change without knowing what you are doing … this will influence the phone’s behaviour!!!, for older firmwares use: *#6984125*# *#5239870*#
Masterkey: is sometimes needed, when changing something in the internals. !!! for older firmwares use *#9072641*# *#7092463*#
Service Menu: Open the Service Menu *#197328640#
‘PreConfig’ Menu: Open the ‘PreConfig’ Menu (e.g. provider settings) *#27236*#
*#0*# Speaker & LCD display Tests
Samsung I8910
*#7780# – Soft reset the phone and restores default phone settings.
*#7370# – Hard reset the phone. Code 00000000 (8 x zeros)
*#0228# to check battery information. Test mode.
*#62209526# – View MAC address with out removing your battery
*#0000# – View Phone version information
*#0228# – Phone test mode
*#06# – view your IMEI number
*#1546792*# – Phone admin mode
*#1234# Gives firmware info
*2767*3855# – Factory reset
*#0002*28346# – The config and advance options menu.
*#1546792*# Another config menu. GSM settings, audio and more.
*#3333# – Camera tuning code.
*#1234# – Give firmware information.
*#0000# – Device manager Information
*#1111# – Test mode screen.
*#2222# – Test Mode Screen. FTA HW Version. REV0.3
*#1234# – Test Mode. SW Version.
*#0*# – Front cam
Admin Setting: *#6984125*#
4. Internals – Master Code: *#9072641*# (Use at your own risk, don’t simply change)
Check IMEI: *#06#
Check SW Version: *#1234#
Check FTA SW Version: *#1111#
Check FTA HW Version: *#2222#
Check SW|Tune|HW-Version, RF Cal Date & D/L Date: *#0206*8376263#
Check Battery Status: *#0228#
Check Bluetooth Device Address: *#232337# (Need to power off once access this)
Test Mode: *#0*#
HSDPA|3G|EDGE| GPRS Power On Attach: *#4777*8665#
Factory Reset: *2767*3855# (All data & setting in phone erase & reset to factory default automatically without warning)
2. Pre-configuration – Operator Code is *#73561*#
This code has something to do with phone locking.
This code *#0002*28346# has
[1] Debug Screen
[2] Version Information
[3] RF test
[4] UMTS rf nv
[5] Read gsm rf nv
[6] Write gsm rf nv
[7] Base Band
[8] Audio
[9] Common
Samsung S8300
Service-Menu: *#6984125*# (for Vodafone-branded phones: *#3695147*#)
Master-Key for ‘Internals’ menu: *#9072641*# (for Vodafone-branded phones: *#3971258*#)
Code for ‘Pre-config’ menu (operator code): *#73561*# (for Vodafone: *#83301*#)
Bluetooth ID: *#232337#
Battery Info: *#0228#
Test-Menu: *#0*#
Software version: *#1234#
Show IMEI: *#06#
Master-Reset: *2767*3855#
Samsung I8510
*#9999# Software version
*#06# IMEI number
*#0001# Serial number
*#9998*246# Battery status – Memory capacity
*#9998*324# – *#8999*324# Debug screen
*#9998*523# LCD kontrast
*#9998*842# – *#8999*842# Vibration test
*#9998*289# – *#8999*289# Alarm beeper – Ringtone test
*#9125# Smiley
*#0837# Software version
*#0523# – *#8999*523# Display contrast
*#0228# or *#8999*228# Battery info
*#8999*636# Display storage capacity
*#8999*778# Display SIM card information
*#8999*782# Show date and alarm clock
*#8999*786# The display during warning
*#8999*837# Samsung hardware version
*#8999*638# Show network information
*#8999*9266# Display received channel number and received intensity
*#1111# S/W Version
*#1234# Firmware Version
*#2222# H/W Version
*#8999*8376263# All Versions Together
*#8999*8378# Test Menu
*#4777*8665# GPSR Tool
*#8999*523# LCD Brightness
*#8999*377# Error LOG Menu
*#8999*327# EEP Menu
*#8999*667# Debug Mode
*#92782# PhoneModel (Wap)
#*5737425# JAVA Mode
*#2255# Call List
*#232337# Bluetooth MAC Adress
*#5282837# Java Version
Samsung F480
Admin Pass: *#3695147*#
Internal Pass (Master Key): *#3971258*#
Pre-configuration (Operator code): #83301**#
*#0289# = Mode test
*#0228# = Battery Information
*#0673# = Test MP3
*#0782# = Date and Time
*#0842# = Vibration Test
*#1111# = Version Software FTA
*#1234# = Version Software (short)
*#1235789# = Status Monitoring Integrity
*#0002*28346# = menu General
*2767*3855# = E2P Full Reset
Samsung F700
*#3695147*# = Admin Pass
*#3971258*# = Internal Pass (Master Key)
*#83301*# = Pre-configuration (Operator code)
*#0228# = Batterij Status
*#0289# = Alarm Test
*#0523# = LCD contrast
*#0782# = Date, time, Display
*#0842# = Viboratie Test
*#1111# = Hardware Version
*#2222# = Hardware Version
*#1234# = SW Version
*#232337# = Local BT Adress –> Power OFF en EXIT
*#4777*8665# = Power on attach
*2767*3855# = FULL Reset
*2767*2878# = CUST Reset
*2767*927# = WAP Reset
*2767*667# = MMS Reset
*2767*36245# = Email Reset
Samsung Jet
*#1234# = Firmware version
*#06# = IMEI
*#1111# = FTA SW
*#2222# = FTA H/W
*#03# = Unique number
*#09# = white screen
*#0*# = the famous code for the test mode
*#232337# = Bluetooth MAC Adress
*#7465625# = verify simlock
*2767*3855# = E2P Full Reset
*2767*2878# = E2P Custom Reset
*#0228# =battery info
*#0289# = Melody test.
*#0782# = Date and time
*#0842# = vibrate test
*#0673# = mp3 test
*#0011# = Basic Information GSM
*#7412359# = test radio
Settings codes
*#782872# = Qualcomm USB
*#726872# = Samsung normal USB
*#4777*8665# = GPRS Test and config menu
*#197328640# = Root debug menu
*#2470# = Bip camera
*#78# = (Tests Touch Config)
*7465625*638*Code# = Activate Network lock
#7465625*638*Code# = Disable Network lock
*7465625*782*00000000# = Activate Subset lock
#7465625*782*00000000# = Disable Subset lock
*7465625*77*00000000# = Activate SP lock
#7465625*77*00000000# = Disable SP lock
*7465625*27*00000000# = Activate CP lock
#7465625*27*00000000# = Disable CP lock
*7465625*746*00000000# = Activate SIM lock
#7465625*746*00000000# = Disable SIM lock
*7465625*228# = Activate lock ON
#7465625*228# = Activate lock OFF
*7465625*28638# = Auto Network lock ON
#7465625*28638# = Auto Network lock OFF
*7465625*28782# = Auto subset lock ON
#7465625*28782# = Auto subset lock OFF
*7465625*2877# = Auto SP lock ON
#7465625*2877# = Auto SP lock OFF
*7465625*2827# = Auto CP lock ON
#7465625*2827# = Auto CP lock OFF
*7465625*28746# = Auto SIM lock ON
#7465625*28746# = Auto SIM lock OFF
*7465625*6855625*00000000*00000000# = Multilock activate
#7465625*6855625*00000000# = Multilock disable
admins code
*#6984125*# = admin options
*#9072641*# = Master Key
*#73561*# = Operator Code
*#3695147*# = admin c
*#3971258*# = Master Key
*#83301*# = Operator Code (Pre-configuration)
*#1546792*# = admin
*#2456987*# = Master Key
*#81230*# = Operator Code (Pre-configuration)
*#3818790*# = Master Key
*#5239870*# = Options d’administration
*#7092463*# = Master Key
*#27236*# = Operator Code (Pre-configuration)
Hi I made something high when I entered code *#5239870*# then code*#7092463*# and my phone crashed into black screen and a “upload data to PC” error what can I do….is the mistake from its battery??
admin code didnt work on samsung GT C3520
Thank you.
what is the Rf Cal Date???