The Secret World Evade, Block and Defence Comparison

The Secret World Evade, Block and Defence Comparison by Warin

Block vs Defence vs Evade

Since Funcom won’t put info for Glance and Block in their character sheet I’ll do my best to find out:

NEW parsing data. Tried with 4 different levels of Defence and Block rating.

Looks like at it’s 44 Defence Rating per % and 33 Block Rating per % (and 66 Evade Rating per %)

I’ll have to update the example below.

Based on my combat log parsing, typical game design, and beta forums this is how I assume it works now.
I’ll try to give you an example:

More info from same log, I removed crits and made average Block, Glance, Normal, and Penetrate over 15000 attacks from the same mob (Fresh Zombies). Here’s a picture of my calculations.

We know: Evade Base chance is 5% and it removes all damage

  • Block base is 7% (Parsed) and rating increases block chance 2x as fast as evade and reduces damage by 30% (29,38 Parsed)
  • Glance base is 5% and rating increases block chance 1.5 as fast as evade and reduces damage by 60%(57,3 Parsed)

Scenario: 330 Rating in Block, Defence and Evade(removing base chance)

Unskilled(no survivability)
Block: 330/33=10% x 30% = 3% DR for 330 Rating
Glance: 330/44=7.5% x 60% = 4.5% DR for 330 Rating
Evade: 330/66=5% x 100% = 5% DR for 330 Rating

Skilled(must have weapon equippped for bonus):
Block: 330/33=10% x 39.88% = 3.988% DR for 330 Rating
Glance: 330/44=7.5% x 74% = 5.55% DR for 330 Rating
Evade: 330/66=5% x 142% = 7.1% DR for 330 Rating

One part that is missing here is that Block ALSO removes chance of Penetration, and Glance ALSO removes the chance of Critical. Wich will improve their DR rating based on your enemies crit/penetration stats.

Please help out in pointing out any inconsistencies in my math, or if you have more information (parsing, experience etc).

Major/Minor E/G/B Chance: Pretty obvious here that 10% Evade is MUCH better than 10% block. Forexample: Inevitability’s 15% chance to give Minor Evade Chance +10% Evade Chance for 8 sec.
Or 35% Evade for 6 Seconds vs 40% block for 6 sec or 50% Glancing for 6 sec. It’s pretty clear here that Block is getting the short end of the stick.

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