Vanguard General Crafting Quests Guide
Vanguard General Crafting Quests Guide by Che vere
Edit: This information was copied from a post originally on the vanguard crafters website. It includes all the general questlines known at the time. What’s not specifically included are tier/continental quests, housing/boating quests, banisher/artisan saga questlines, society questlines, genesis questline, magihold questline or POTA questline. Most of the other quest information is available on other threads in this forum.
I have made a few minor edits (for faction reward increases) that were not in this version of the thread when we copied it roughly a year ago. Once again, thanks to the original posters who provided the information we have reproduced here. — Karella
Thestran Quests
Tursh & Rindol Field Area
Quest: Grazeel’s Peace Treaty
Starting NPC: Grazeel
Location: Tursh, behind the crafting barn
Task: Deliver a note for the kobold, then deliver the reply
Reward: Unlocked Work Orders from Grazeel
12 copper
+2 Gwartak Clan Artisans faction
1,000 Crafting Experience
Locate the kobold crouched behind the crafting barn and speak to him. It seems that he is a crafter himself and wants to be welcomed into the crafting area, but he keeps getting chased off. Agree to deliver a note for him, and you get a compass marker to a guardsman (???), very close by. Speak to him, and you receive grudging permission for the kobold to come and go. Return to the kobold, and in gratitude he teaches you an artificer recipe.
To obtain recipes you need 10 Gwartak Clan Artisans faction. Note: Apparently the grade of turn in WO’s adjusts faction (this is pre GU2), a turn in of a single A (out of a set) gave 3 faction, a turn in of a C grade gave 1 faction. There are only 2 WO’s. So I’d suggest doing all of the items of the sets to A to see if you can get the full 8 more faction you need without having to head off to do other WO’s to recycle his two WO’s.
Quest: Tursh Supplies
Starting NPC: Winifred Oaksan
Location: Tursh, in one of the upstairs rooms of the crafting barn.
Items Needed: T1 crafted items based on your craft.
Artificer: 4 Weighted Wood Grip, 3 Charlatan’s Basalt Stone Block, 3 Votary’s Weakened Wood Board, 4 Trilliant Cut Quartz Jewel
Blacksmith: 2 Weighted Metal Bandings, 3 Weighted Metal Ribbings, 5 Charlatan’s Copper Ingots, and 4 Drifter’s Copper Sheets.
Outfitter: 3 Rugged Leather Strappings, 3 Mangled Leather Bundle, 3 Mystic’s Cloth Jute Bolt, 2 Charlatan’s Mangled Leather Bundle
Reward: 1s; your choice of level 10 crafting tool based on your occupation: a refining tool with +2 Tool Effectiveness and +1 Shaping Tools or a complication tool with +3 Tool Effectiveness; your choice of level 8 artisan apparel: Tursh Workshirt, +4 Ingenuity, +14 Crafting Station Use or Tursh Workpants, +4 Ingenuity, +12 Crafting Utility Use.
+10 Tursh & Rindol Field Artisan, +5 Western Plains Citizen, +10 Thestran Watch
2,500 Crafting Experience
Note: Quest is repeatable
Quest: Gregan’s Demand
Starting NPC: Gregan Blacque
Location: Tursh, Upper Floor of Barley Harvest Inn.
Items Needed: 3 Weighted Metal Banding, 3 Weighted Wood Grip, 3 Rugged Leather Strapping, 1 Merchant’s Companion, 1 Copper Ore, 1 Worn Hammer (non-weapon), 3 Cleaner, 2 Weakened Timber
Reward: A 5 Silver Credit Note that can be exchanged with any Vendor
4000 Crafting xp @ lvl 15
+1 New Targonor Artisans
Quest: Dear Sister
Starting NPC: Gregan Blacque
Location: Tursh, Upper Floor of Barley Harvest Inn.
Task: Deliver a case full of crafting supplies to his sister in Bordinar’s Cleft crafting area
Reward: Blaque Cleaner; Blaque Oil; Black Artisan’s Brew; New Targonor Artisan Faction +3;
7,000 Crafting Experience
Quest: The Captain’s Old Sword
Starting NPC: Osmal Maradin
Location: Rindol Field (if you enter from the east, he’s off to your right a ways, uphill and along a path)
Prerequisite: 25 Tursh and Rindol Field Artisan Faction Artisan Level 12
Task: Repair the sword given to you (doable by all crafting classes).
Reward:Osmal’s Ring (Heroic): lv. 15 left finger, +8 Crafting Tool Use
1 silver
+50 Tursh and Rindol Field Artisans
+10 Thestran Artisans
12,500 Crafting Experience (@ level 15 & 24)
This quest is suggested and notable because it gives one of the few (thus far) pieces of jewelry useable by crafters, and is the prerequisite for a second such quest. The task is simple: take the sword given to you by Osmal and refurbish it., using your craft’s finishing station.
Since most people won’t have Rindol Field Artisan Faction going into this quest, you can gain some by performing Work Orders for a few individuals, such as Osmal himself, or Fest in the Tursh Inn. You can also gain more faction by grinding normal Work Orders within the Fisher’s Pen outpost, a short trip to the north of Tursh.
Note: I was told that before you get this quest you should talk to Fest in the Tursh Inn to get his Lucky Dice – I don’t know if this actually does have anything to do with the quest or not though, or if it’s just a red herring. So far, evidence learns toward the red herring suspicion.
Quest: The Fate of Captain Umbertroe
Starting NPC: Osmal Maradin
Location: Rindol Field
Requirements: Complete “The Captain’s Old Sword,” attain Crafter level 15 and 50 Tursh and Rindol Field Artisan Faction
Task: Discover the fate of Captain Kasey Umbertroe.
Talk to Osmal again about the much-admired Captain Umbertroe. She’s disappeared into parts unknown, and the people of the village (Osmal very much included) want to know of her whereabouts. The only suggestion that Osmal has to give you is that she first left for Renton Keep, and that you might try to pick up her trail there.
Go next to Renton Keep, and speak to Riley McLare, the Utility Vendor within the northeast tower. She gives you the idea of conferring with one of the Vulmane seers to find the halfling’s location, and sends you off to Dakhnarg to talk to Ghostclaw Ramur. She gives you an old skinning knife of Kasey’s to give to the Seer.
Before you go on this leg of the trip, make sure you have a rare item from your crafting class, as you’ll need it once you reach the town. The list of required items is:
Artficiers: Thorn Timber
Outfitters: Scraggy Hide
Blacksmiths: Nickel Ore
Note: If you have not done the “The Herbalist’s Equipment” quest in Halgarad, you can do this quest to obtain a choice of 3 T2 rares, so you can pick what you need for this quest along the way by doing “The Herbalist’s Equipment” quest in Halgarad.
Once in Dakhnarg, find Ghostclaw Ramur. Location is -20493, -52313, 18400 just past the crafting area and speak with her. She tells you that she can perform the task once you create a Seer’s Amulet for her to use, at which point she gives you the recipe. You can craft the item yourself, or use one crafted by another player. Be forewarned that this recipe is difficult: you now need a high quality item (A quality) to successfully make it, and a bad run of complications could make your rare item go *poof*.
Once you have an amulet speak to the seer, who takes the amulet and performs the ritual needed. She tells you of her vision: she sees Kasey Umbertroe in a land filled with sand and sun, ie: probably Qalia. The quest is complete at this point – you DO NOT have to track the halfling down in Qalia itself, at least not for this quest. (As it seems a bit of a cliffhanger, this may or may not be the end of the chain in the long run, but it is the end of this quest.) Return across Thestra to Osmal to collect your hard-earned reward.
Reward: Rindol’s Field Medal (Legendary): lv. 20 left ear, +13 Finishing Skills, Halfling Hero effect (+5 Problem Solving, +5 Reasoning, +5 Ingenuity, +5 Finesse); Recipe for Seer’s Amulet (gained during quest but not removed from the recipe book.)
+250 Tursh and Rindol Field Artisans faction
+250 Thestra Artisans faction
750 Adventuring Experience
19,650 Crafting Experience @ level 15
26,860 Crafting Experience @ level 16
(cap is ? xp at ? level)
Bag of Jewels that sells for 6 silver 52 copper
Quest: Experimental Equipment:
Starting NPC: Lucara Tandir
Location: Tursh, western craft building
Prerequisite 25 Tursh and Rindol Field Artisan Faction, Level 8
Task: Recruit 5 volunteers to test out a new apron:
Rella Torane (halfling beside Lucara, she’s the Master Blacksmith)
Esmarin McTane (inside the door to the left)
Lund Kanalt (just outside the building)
Abson Morrik (just outside the other crafting building)
Kalind Ednalson (downstairs inside the southern crafting building, check in the two back rooms [to locate this npc make a hotkey with /target Kalind, he’s in the ceiling])
Reward: Custom Experimental Apron +9 Problem Solving, +9 Finishing, +9 Refining
+20 Tursh and Rindol Fields Artisan Faction
+5 Thestran Artisan Faction;
4,000 Crafting Experience
Quest: Rindol Field Repair Duty
Starting NPC: Morras Goldfarn
Location: Rindol Field, veranda of water mill
Prerequisite: 25 Tursh and Rindol Field Artisan Faction
Task: Repair various points around Rindol FieldReward: Oil of Architecture;
+50 Tursh and Rindol Field Artisan Faction;
+20 Thestra Artisan Faction;
1 Silver
5,000 Crafting Experience
Notes: Items to repair are: stone under wheel on water, barrel in main market area, fence at Mayor’s House and the boat on the shoreline. The stone for the wheel is actually to the left of the wheel if looking at it from the middle of the lake but it is on the inside between the outer and inner stone wall you have to go out to third person and go down so you see under water even though your char is not under it. When standing with you back to the wheel inside the little area it’s on your left and sticks out from the rest of the wall
Quest: Bridle Bits
Starting NPC: Arla Bast
Location: Tursh
Task: 3 Bridle Bits
Reward: 60 cp; 360 Crafting Experience; +10 Tursh/Rindol Field Artisans
Quest: Tankards
Starting NPC: Miron Oakvale
Location: Tursh
Task: Make 5 tankards
Reward 600 craft exp; +10 Tursh/Rindol Field Artisans
Padded Headband +3 Finishing
Padded Workboots +3 Crafting Station Use
Padded Workpants +1 Ingenuity +6 Finishing
Padded Workshirt +1 Problem Solving +7 Crafting Station use
Quest: Inn’s Cutlery
Starting NPC: Miron Oakvale
Location: Tursh
Task: Make 5 Inn’s Cutlery
Reward 600 craft exp; +10 Tursh/Rindol Field Artisans
Padded Headband +3 Finishing
Padded Workboots +3 Crafting Station Use
Padded Workpants +1 Ingenuity +6 Finishing
Padded Workshirt +1 Problem Solving +7 Crafting Station use
Quest: Ale and Wine Kegs
Starting NPC: Miron Oakvale
Location: Tursh
Task: Make 5 Ale and Wine Kegs
Reward 1050 craft exp; +10 Tursh/Rindol Field Artisans
Ruby Studded Boots +1 Finesse +10 Refining
Quest: Dice Cups
Starting NPC: Fest Ozzil
Location: Tursh
Task: Make 4 Pewter Dice Cups
Reward 600 craft exp; +10 Tursh/Rindol Field Artisans
2 Tursh Guard Cards 2 Kobold Warrior Cards
Note: the cards are for a game he will play with you called Warfare
Gunnar’s Armor / Sabre’s Dagger / Retta’s Crossbow
Work Order Giver: Retta Koll, Black Diamond Captain
Location: Tursh, town square
Task: These NPCs are only in town a short time, and randomly appear. She offers 1 Work order per class, quickly go craft the single item it asks for and return to her before they leave town.
Reward: Fieldwork Toolbelt, Heroic, 3 tool slots, +5 Crafting Tool Use, useable at level 1.
+1 Black Diamond Mercenaries faction
Special “Quest” Work Orders
Work Order Giver: Lieutenant Inna Grovetal
Location: Tursh, right in front of the inn (to the right of the broker as you face the inn)
Prerequisite: unsure, I received these as a Level 16 Mineraologist with 310 Tursh/Rindol Field Faction
Task: Craft 5 crossbows.
Reward: Level 15 BOE heroic iron rasp, tool effectiveness +17 and 2 Derinium Brick
10 Tursh/Rindol Field Faction
Crafting Experience equivalent to turning in a work order of that level.
Work Order Giver: Lieutenant Inna Grovetal
Location: Tursh, right in front of the inn (to the right of the broker as you face the inn)
Prerequisite: Artficer only (?)
Task: Work order called Undead Barrier, instructed me to seek out Weskan Tahl in Southwatch and see what he needs me to do. It also says there is another work order needed for some of the required items. Weskan Tahl is in a tent south of Southwatch Village, loc -35635, 47923. Select the work order: Gate of Undead (white at lvl 16). The reward for this is Weskan’s Note. Return to Lieutenant Inna Grovetal with the note. Turn it in as though you were turning in a completed work order.
Reward: Goldsmith’s Toolbelt, heroic 4 slot toolbelt with +11 Crafting Tools, required level 16
10 Tursh/Rindol Field Faction
Crafting Experience equivalent to turning in a work order of that level.
Arm the Militia: Helmets – this was blue to me at 15
Required Task: craft 5 helmets
Rewards (with A grade): Artist’s Toolbelt, lvl 11 BOE 4 slot toolbelt with +2 Utility; Oiled Leather Boots, lvl 5 with +1 Finesse and +5 Station; Oiled Leather Apron, lvl 5 with +1 Ingenuity and +7 Finishing Skills
Faction: 10 tursh/rindol
Arm the Militia: Shields – white to me at 15
Required Task: craft 5 shields
Rewards (with B grade): Elven Saw, lvl 10 BOE with +10 Tool Effectiveness; Winterseed Oil (short-term finesse buff expendable item); Rawhide Toolbelt, Level 1 BOE 3 slot toolbelt with +1 Finishing Skills
Faction: 10 tursh/rindol
An Officer’s Armor – white to me at 15
Required Task: craft one officer’s armor
Reward (with B grade): Pocketed Workpants, lvl 10 BOE with +37 Tools (right-clicking these pants reveals it has 2 slots like a bag, the tool-tip states these are for utilities)
Faction: 10 tursh/rindol
An Officer’s Sword – white to me at 15
Required Task: craft one officer’s sword
Reward (with B grade): Pocketed Workpants, lvl 10 BOE with +37 Tools (right-clicking these pants reveals it has 2 slots like a bag, the tool-tip states these are for utilities)
Faction: 10 tursh/rindol
Siege Weapon Parts – yellow to 15
Required Task: craft one siege weapon
Reward (with B grade): 60c
Faction: 10 tursh/rindol
Arm the Militia: Swords – white to 15
Required Task: craft 5 swords
Reward (with B grade): Level 15 BOE heroic iron rasp, tool effectiveness +17 and 2 Derinium Brick
Faction: 10 tursh/rindol
there are two more that I wasn’t able to complete before the servers went down:
Arm the Militia: Armor – white to 15
Required Task: craft 5 armor
Rewards (with A grade): Artist’s Toolbelt, lvl 11 BOE 4 slot toolbelt with +2 Utility; Oiled Leather Boots, lvl 5 with +1 Finesse and +5 Station; Oiled Leather Apron, lvl 5 with +1 Ingenuity and +7 Finishing Skills
Faction: 10 tursh/rindol
Leth Nurae Area
Quest: The Studies of Iallos Quen
Starting NPC: Iallos Quen
Location: Leth Nurae, on a walkway between the bank and crafting area
Items Needed: 1 Charlatain’s Stave (must be Thestran Style), 4 Toughened Leather Strapping, 3 Weighted Metal Banding
Reward: Iallos Quen’s Enchanted Workshirt (Heroic): lv. 15 chest, +5 Finesse, +5 Problem Solving, +20 Refining Skills, +20 Finishing Skills;
50 Leth Nurae Artisan Faction
40 Thestra Artisan Faction
9,000 Crafting Experience
Quest: Business Partner
Starting NPC: Luca Penderfield (Halfling)
Location: Leth Nurae, near walkway intersection between Bank and Merchant Area.
Task: Create Art Sculpture
Rewards: Embroidered Workshirt (Uncommon): Lv. 3 Chest, +1 Problem Solving, 4 Crafting Utility Use; Belted Silk Pants (Uncommon): Lv. 5 Pants, +1 Ingenuity, +7 Crafting Station Use
10 Leth Nurae Artisan Faction
30 Tursh & Rindol Field Artisan Faction
25 Thestrans Artisan Faction
5 Silver
9,000 Crafting Experience
Quest: Felgrand’s Inquisition
Starting NPC: Felgrand Owesh
Location: Leth Nurae, between mailbox/exchange broker and crafting area
Task: Deliver a note to Kalawyn Farathor (the exotic goods vendor in the merchant district)
Reward: +5 Leth Nurae Artisan Faction
7000 Crafting Experience
1 Silver
Bordinar’s Cleft Area
Quest: Mory’s Deal
Starting NPC: Mory Blacque
Location: Bordinar’s Cleft, on the way to the crafting area (look for the female human).
Items Needed: 1 Tin Ingot, 3 Jute Cloth Bolt, 2 Teardrop Cut Quartz Jewel, 1 Trilliant Cut Garnet Jewel
Reward: Blaque Cleaner; Blaque Oil
6000 Crafting Experience
+1 New Targonor Artisan Faction
Quest: Arming the Shaletooth Tower/Shaletooth Armor
Starting NPC: Engran Hearthwarden (Shaletooth Master Artisan)
Location: Shaletooth Tower, near Bardinar’s Cleft. If you approach Bardinar’s Cleft after crossing Themwar’s Shield from the east, continue on the road. It will turn south past a lake and dead-end at Shaletooth Tower.
Items Needed:
Minerologists –
Carpenters – 5 Drifter’s Clubs, 5 Mystic’s Staves
Weaponsmith – 3 Sentry’s Short Swords, 3 Brigand’s Daggers, 3 Votary’s Maces
Armorsmith – ?
Outfitters – 3 Charlatan’s Shoes, 3 Charlatan’s Armguards
Reward: 1s;
your choice of level 10 crafting tool based on your occupation: a refining tool with +2 Tool Effectiveness and +1 Shaping Tools or a complication tool with +3 Tool Effectiveness;
your choice of level 8 artisan apparel: Shaletooth Workshirt, +4 Ingenuity, +14 Crafting Station Use or Shaletooth Workpants, +4 Ingenuity, +12 Crafting Utility Use.
Notes: This quest can be repeated to get both tools, and both the shirt and the pants.
Quest: Building Materials
Starting NPC: Argus Darkhammer
Location: Bordinar’s Cleft, EastHearth, take the first passage to the right when you enter the main hall to the end
Items Needed: 5 Barbed Wood Board, 3 Copper Sheet, 3 Slate Stone Block, 1 Mangled Leather Bundle, 2 Cotton Cloth Bolt
Reward: Reinforced Heavy Calipers (Heroic): Calipers Lv. 10, +3 Tool Effectiveness; Mummy Shawl Treatment; Enhanced Adhesive;
+50 Bordinar’s Cleft Artisan Faction;
+50 Thestran Artisan Faction;
7500 Crafting Experience (@ lvl 15)
Quest: Engran’s Errand
Starting NPC: Engran Hearthwarde (Shaletooth Master Artisan)
Location: Shaletooth Tower, at the end of a path that runs near Bordinar’s Cleft, south of the lake.
Task: Deliver a note to Argus Darkhammer in Bordinar’s Cleft
Reward: +10 Bordinar’s Cleft Artisan Faction; +10 Bordinar’s Cleft Faction; +1000 Crafting Experience; 50 Copper
Notes: The NPC you deliver the note to isn’t found in the crafting area – instead go into the first passageway on the right after you enter the main hall of Bordinar’s Cleft, and follow it to the room at the end.
Quest: Bordinar’s Cleft Upkeep
Starting NPC: Argus Darkhammer
Location: Bordinar’s Cleft, Easthearth (first passage to the right after entering the main hall)
Prerequisite: Crafting Level 11 (??? Can anyone confirm?)
Task: Repair various areas around Bordinar’s Cleft
Reward: Blue Supply Pack (random items);
100 Bordinar’s Cleft Artisan Faction
75 Thestran Artisan Faction
5,000 Crafting Experience;
2 Silver 50 Copper
Notes: This quest asks you to “repair” various points around the Cleft, but in game terms all you need to do is run close to them, and perhaps stand still for a moment. The four areas are: the main gate into the city, the statues outside the king’s hall and in the main hall, and the railings near the entrance (underground between the outside area and main hall). If you’re pretty sure you’re near the right spot, try shifting your location slightly and standing still, and eventually you should see the “repaired” message appear on your screen.
Quest: Dye Delivery
Starting NPC: Hagir Silvereye
Location: Bordinar’s Cleft
Task: Deliver a box of dye to Malden Frozensword in Bordinar’s Cleft
Reward: Adhesive; Fuel; Oil; Water;
5 Bordinar’s Cleft Artisan Faction
50 Copper
2,000 Crafting Experience
Notes: The NPC that you deliver the goods to is found in one of the rooms of the Merchant’s Hold, inside the “Thunderaxe General Goods.”
New Targonor Area
Quest: Shipwright’s Order
Starting NPC: Lorskan Wesot
Location: New Targonor docks, building near shipbuilding area
Requirements: Level 25
Task: craft Imbalanced Wood Shaft (2) and Imbalanced Metal Ribbing (3)
Rewards: 25s;
Assistant Shipwright’s Toolbelt (lvl25 rare, 4 slots, +8 Crafting Tools)
50 New Targonor Artisans
50 Thestran Artisans Faction.
40,000 Crafting Experience
Quest: Mast Repair
Starting NPC: Lorskan Wesot
Location: New Targonor docks, building near shipbuilding area*
Requirements: Level 20
Task: craft Weakened Wood Board (5), Barbed Wood Board (3) and Barbed Timber (2)
Rewards: 10s; Assistant Shipwright’s Utility Pouch (lvl20 rare, 40 slots, +1 Reasoning, +1 Ingenuity)
60 New Targonor Artisans
55 Thestran Artisans faction
20,000 Crafting Experience
Quest: Lorskan’s Ships
Starting NPC: Alison McTane
Location: New Targonor docks, 1st building to the left as you come down from the city
Requirements: Level 15 + 100 Thestran Artisan Faction?
Task: craft 3 x Ship Parts (recipe given, no raw mats required)
Rewards: 1s25c; Assistant Shipwright’s Apron (lvl14 rare, +5 Problem Solving, +1 Ingenuity, +3 Station, +14 Utility);
18,000 Crafting Experience (at level 32 & 21)
Faction: +10 New Targonor, +10 Thestran Watch, +75 New Targonor Artisans, +70 Thestra Artisans
– Faction increased.
Quest: New Targonor Dock Repairs
Starting NPC: Alison McTane
Location: New Targonor docks
Requirements: Level 15 + 100 Thestran Artisan Faction
Repair a Dock Stone Under the North Bridge — 20,457 , 577 , -230
Repair a Dock Stone Near the Large Grating in middle of two bridges — 17226 , 12125 , -2044
Repair a Dock Stone by the Ship Building Area at the north pier. — 30820 , 6618 , -2720
Repair a Dock Stone By the Western Stone Wall — 10836 , 21789 , 850
Repair a Dock Stone Beside the South Bridge — -13801 , 33495 , 250
Dockmaster’s Headband (Level 19 Yellow, +4 Problem Solving, +4 Finesse, +28 Crafting Station Use)
25 silver
100 New Targonor Artisans Faction
80 Thestran Artisans Faction
10,000 Crafting Experience Points
– Faction increased.
Quest: Grodek’s New Hammer
Starting NPC: Grodek
Location: New Targonor, crafting area in room around courtyard
Requirements: Level 20
Task: Repair a hammer using 1 dried leather strapping and a balanced wood shaft using the Assembly Table
Choice of one level 20 Heroic tool: Customized Needle, Saw, or Hammer, +17 Tool Effectiveness
+75 New Targonor Artisans
+50 Thestran Artisans
+5 New Targonor
+5 Thestran Watch
18,000 Crafting Experience Points
– Faction increased.
Quest: Book Materials
Starting NPC: bookseller Luccan Bell
Location: New Targonor (near the NT Trading Co office in the crafting area).
Quest Level: 20
Need: Toughened Leather Strapping x3, Rugged Leather Lining x4
Bookbinder’s Apron: lvl 19
+4 Finesse
+3 Problem Solving
+19 Crafting Station Use
Bookbinder’s Gloves: lvl 19
+2 Finesse
+2 Problem Solving
+14 Crafting Station Use
also gives:
+50 New Targonor Artisans faction
+50 Thestra Artisans faction
50,000 crafting experience
(42,400 crafting experience @ level 20)
Quest: Joining the Dawn’s Sign
Starting NPC: Sydon
Location: New Targonor (At the main docks in between two buildings)
Requirements: Level 40
Blacksmiths – 4 Pyrite Ingot
Outfitters – 4 Silkbloom Cloth Bolt
Artificers – 4 Knotted Wood Board
Task: Meet the members of Dawn’s Sign (all at the initial place) and craft 4 equipment items
– Dawn’s Sign Ring (Heroic): minimum level 40, finger, +1 each to all attributes (PS,ING,REASON,FIN) and +1 to Tools,Utilitites and Station skills
– Dawn’s Sign Apron (Heroic): minimum level 40, apron, +40 Problem Solving, +27 each for Utility,Tools and Station skills
– Title: of the Dawn’s Sign
+100 New Targonor Faction
+8000 Dawn’s Sign Faction
300,000 Crafting Experience (@ level 46)
Quest: Necessary Investigation (level 40)
Starting NPC: Sydon
Location: New Targonor (At the main docks in between two buildings)
Prerequisite: Follow up to quest ‘Joining the Dawn’s Sign’
Task: Apprehend Tahren – done by talking to Spark and crafting a ‘Sky Eye Rune’ for him (no ingredients needed for me), then follow him to the bookstore (NT Crafting Square) and identify Tahren there.
– Dawn’s Sign Gloves (Heroic): minimum level 40, hand, +4 Ingenuity, +4 Reasoning, +30 each for Utilities,Tools and Station skills
– 50 silver
+100 New Targonor Artisans faction
+100 Thestra Artisans faction
300,000 Crafting Experience (@ level 46)
Halgarad Area
Quest: The Herbalist’s Equipment
Starting NPC: Orlanna Grandor, behind crafting building
Location: Halgarad
Task: Repair the tools given by the NPC , Grade “A” Required
Reward: Your choice of 3 Nickel Ore, 3 Mature Cotton Bale, 3 Thorn Timber, 3 Scraggy Hide, or 3 Gneiss Slab
12,000 Crafting Experience
+50 Halgarad Artisan Faction
+50 Thestra Artisans faction
50 Copper
Other Areas
Quest: Outpost Work
Starting NPC: Cort Owen (Tursh), Nighthunter Lilren (Halgarad)
Location: Multiple Cities
Requirements: Level 11
Task: Deliver crate of crafting supplies to Farquard Temmers in Fisher’s Pen
Reward: 10000 crafting experience (no coin or faction reward)
This appears to be a quest offered by the finishing taskmaster in each of the Thestran cities. Once you’ve done the quest in one city, it will not be available in other cities.
Kojani Quests
Tanvu Area
Quest: Swordsmith’s Letter
NPC: Nujen Starsinger
Location: Tanvu, crafting area
Quest Level: Level 5
Task: Deliver a letter to Karenda Bluewine, on the southwestern dock of Dallerjuba Village, north across the bay from Tanvu
Reward: 3,500 Crafting Experience; +5 Tanvu Artisan Faction; 1 Silver
Quest: The Swordsmith’s Apprentice
Starting NPC: Karenda Bluewine
Prerequisite: Level 12, Must have completed “Swordsmith’s Letter”
Location: Dallerjuba Village, north across from bay from Tanvu. Standing at the end of the westernmost dock.
Items Needed: 1 Nickel Ore, 1 Toughened Leather Strapping, 1 Imbalanced Large Hilt, 1 Carnelian Jewel
Tanvu Swordcrafter’s Gloves
Crafting Hands
+9 Finesse
+16 Crafting Tool Use
Item Level: 18
+75 Tanvu Artisans Faction
+75 Kojani Artisans Faction
12,000 Crafting Experience
Note: Although Karenda says to find him in Tanvu with the materials, he really means to return to the same spot, which isn’t technically in the city of Tanvu. This quest is a prerequisite to “The Swordsmith’s Apprentice: Craftsmanship” under “Other Quests”
Quest: The Swordsmith’s Apprentice: Craftsmanship
Starting NPC: Karenda Bluewine
Location: Dallerjuba Village, north across the bay from Tanvu, standing at the end of the westernmost dock
Prerequisite: Complete “The Swordsmith’s Apprentice”
Leatherworkers: Scraggy Bundle
Blacksmiths: Nickle Ingot
Artificers: Thorn Board
Task: Craft a component for a sword and return it to Karenda.
Master Karenda’s Band (Heroic)
Crafting Head
+10 Problem Solving
+6 Finesse
+12 Finishing Skills
+12 Crafting Station Use
+6 Crafting Tool Use
Activated Ability: Master Karenda’s Focus (3 minute 12 point buff to problem solving and reasoning. It has a 10 minute refresh.)
Item Level: 20
+200 Tanvu Artisans’ Faction
+250 Kojan Artisans’ Faction
15,000 Crafting Experience
Temporary buff “Barbwood Talisman” (lasts one hour, gives +12 AC, +24 Hit Points, and Damage Shield 2)
Notes: Again, although the quest says to go to him in Tanvu when you are finished, you return to the same spot in the village. When you receive the recipe (at the moment) it says it is a refining recipe, but it is really under finishing recipes. Also, note that this quest requires a rare item:
Martok Area
Quest: Lost Kef
Starting NPC: Mutokash
Location: Martok
Quest Level: Level 5
Objective: Find Kef Jortul somewhere in the outskirts of Martok. Mutokash only knows that he is somewhere in the area, possibly at Gaxton Village, doing some building repair. As you enter the town he’s on the right side behind a building. /target Kef picks him up easily.
Reward: 4,000 crafting xp, 100 adventuring xp, +5 Martok Artisan Faction; 2 Silver 50 Copper,
Quest: Korgan’s Project
Starting NPC: Korgan
Location: Martok
Items Needed: 2 Weakened Wood Boards, 1 Barbed Wood Board, 2 Copper Ingots, 1 Ratty Bundle
Reward: Orcish Workers Bandana Lv. 10 head, +6 Problem Solving;
50 copper
+75 Martok Artisans faction
+75 Kojan Artisans faction,
9,000 Crafting Experience (@ level 15)
Tawar Galan / Ca’ial Brael Area
Quest: The Artist’s Supplies
Starting NPC: Layel Winroa (Ca’ial Brael Artist)
Location: Tawar Galan, inside the crafting area (on the beach, under a tree, a bit north of the teleporter)
Quest Level: Level 12
Items Needed: 3 Basalt Slabs, 2 Slate stone blocks, 1 Marquise Cut Quartz Gem
Sharktooth Chisel +2 Finesse and +5 Tool Effectiveness
Merchant’s Shirt +11 Problem Solving and +33 Crafting Utility Use
1 silver
+50 Kojan Artisans faction
+1 Ca’ial Brael faction
+1 Tawar Galan – Foreign Visitation Area faction
+50 Ca’ial Brael Artisans
10,000 Crafting Experience (@ level 15)
Note: The jewelry must be attuned with Resistance, not with Attribute!
Quest: Fiend Hunter’s Gear
Starting NPC: Kanni
Quest Level: 8
Location: Ca’ial Brael, crafting platform
Task: To repair equipment given to you by the NPC (chest armor and a weapon) The items to be repaired required Grade A.
Reward: Fiend Hunter’s Apron (Rare): lv. 10 Apron, +2 Ingenuity, +2 Reasoning, +5 Crafting Utility Use;
+75 Ca’ial Brael Artisan Faction
+125 Kojani Artisan Faction
50 Copper
12,000 Crafting Experience
Quest: Legendary Fiend Hunter’s Weapon
Starting NPC: Kanni
Location: Ca’ial Brael, crafting platform
Prerequisite: Crafting Level 21, Must have completed “Fiend Hunter’s Gear”
Task: Find Kanni in the Wailing Wind Asylum and speak with her. Search for the Rakhane, a legendary polearm, on the skeletons in the area. (I found it on one near Kanni, on the edge near the cliff. Not sure if the location changes.) Speak with Kanni again and return to a crafting station to repair the weapon, returning it to Kanni in Ca’ial Brael when you are finished.
Rewards: (Choice of)
– Fiend Hunter’s Hammer: +5 Armor Smithing, +5 Weapon Smithing, +16 Tool Effectiveness, Activated Ability: Fiend Hunter’s Craftsmanship, level 20
– Fiend Hunter’s Knife: +5 Tailoring, +5 Leatherworking, +16 Tool Effectiveness, Activated Ability: Fiend Hunter’s Craftsmanship, level 20
– Fiend Hunter’s Saw: +5 Mineralogy, +5 Carpentry, +16 Tool Effectiveness, Activated Ability: Fiend Hunter’s Craftsmanship, level 20
Activated ability increases Finesse by +5 for 10 minutes
Reward includes:
+100 Ca’ael Brael Artisan Faction
+250 Kojan Artisan Faction
2 Silver, 50 Copper
30,000 Crafting Experience
Qalian Quests
Khal Area
Quest: Dune Eagle Shipment
Starting NPC: Izzet Reymara (Master of the Dune Eagle Trading Company)
Quest Level: 8
Location: Khal, outer eastern side, on the second floor of the building located next to the tent with the crafting tables next to the NPC Rahia Jadarri
Items Needed: 2 Brigand’s Weakened Wood Board; 3 Sentry’s Copper Ingot; 2 Mystic’s Mangled Leather Bundle
Dune Eagle Trading Company Apron (Heroic): lv. 10 Apron, +15 Finishing Skills, +15 Refining Skills (JUNK! Almost anything else is better)
30 Khal Artisans
50 Qalian Artisans
1 Silver
10,000 Crafting Experience
Quest: Outpost Work
NPC: Kiarvan Beshandi (Finishing Taskmaster) in the Khal crafting room
Prerequisite: Crafting Level 11
Objective: Deliver supplies to Jaoi Dernox (Refining Taskmaster) at the Refugee Camp in Jharru Flats
Reward: 10,000 Crafting Experience
Note: This quest is offered in many areas, but can only be done once overall.
Quest: The Charm Maker’s Teachings
Starting NPC: Nedas Araken
Location: Khal, in Primal Conclave – less than 10m away from the Necromancer Instructor
Objective: Read “The Charm Maker’s Teachings” book.
Rewards: 10,000 Crafting Experience Points.
Quest: Charm Crafting
Starting NPC: Nedas Araken
Location: Khal, in Primal Conclave – less than 10m away from the Necromancer Instructor
Objective: Craft a practice charm.
20,000 Crafting Experience Points.
100 Qalian Charm Crafters faction and 50 Qalian Artisan Faction
Recipes Awarded:
Harvest Charm (Level 22)
Fire Charm (Level 37)
Earth Charm (Level 37)
Wind Charm (Level 37)
Water Charm (Level 37)
Lomshir Area
Quest: The Dyemaker’s Tests
Starting NPC: Kaji Uraander
Location: Lomshir, under one of the tents mid-town.
Items Needed: Jute Stitched Shoes, Copper Gauntlets, Weakened Club (one of each, all Qalian style)
Reward: 3 x Black Dye; 3x White Dye; 3x Red Dye; 3x Light Purple Dye
+30 Lomshir Artisan Faction
+25 Qalian Artisan Faction
7,500 Crafting Experience
– Faction and xp increased.
Quest: Lomshir Supplies
Starting NPC: Hekash Valmir
Location: Lomshir
Prerequisite: Crafting Level 20
Task: Craft 3 “Component Parts” from a special finishing recipe
Reward: Lomshir Craftsman’s Gloves (Legendary): +18 Tool Use, +18 Crafting Station, +18 Utility Use
25 Silver
+50 Lomshir Artisan Faction
+50 Qalian Artisan Faction
15,000 Crafting Experience
– Faction and xp increased.
Hathor Zhi Area
*NOTE* Many will be KoS here. To gain Hathor Zhi faction, craft at Desert Sun outpost in Infineum Plateau
Quest: Arming Hathor Zhi
Starting NPC: Sallan Lerris (Master Blacksmith)
Location: Hathor Zhi, inner crafting area
Items Needed: 2 Tin Claws, 3 Brigand’s Martial Staffs, 2 Charlatan’s Mitts, 3 Toughened Leather Strapping, 1 Imbalanced Small Hilt
Reward: Decorative Artisan’s Pants (Heroic): lv. 10 legs, +3 Problem Solving, +3 Ingenuity, +15 Crafting Utility Use
4500 Crafting Experience
+50 Hathor Zhi Artisan Faction
+50 Qalian Artisan Faction
2 Silver 50 Copper
Varryn Dunes Area
Quest: The Ambassador’s Repair
NPC: Shinsa Moonfall
Location: Varryn Dunes Kojani Trading Post
Prerequisites: 23 Artificer
– Repair 1x Ambassador’s Chair (Grade B)
– Repair 1x Ambassador’s Figurine (Grade B)
– Repair 1x Ambassador’s Vase (Grade B)
Reward: Recipe: Repair Stone
20,000 Crafting Experience
Mekalia Area
Quest: Best Artisan Ever
Starting NPC: Zolu Sowuf
Location: Mekalia, crafting area
Items Needed: 3 Barbed Wood Board, 3 Copper Sheet, 3 Basalt Stone Block, 3 Mangled Leather Bundle, 2 Cotton Cloth Bolt
Rewards: (All three items are received on completion)
Oiled Leather Apron (rare)
+1 Ingenuity
+7 Finishing Skills
Item Level: 5
Padded Vest (rare)
+2 Finesse
+2 Problem Solving
+13 Crafting Tool Use
Item Level: 9
Oiled Leather Boots (rare)
+1 Finesse
+5 Crafting Station Use
Item Level: 5
6,000 Crafting Experience (@ level 15)
+50 Mekalia Artisan Faction
+50 Qalia Artisan Faction
+1 Mekalia Faction
+0 Forces of General Irinas Ulbaen Faction
– Faction increased.
Ahgram Area
Quest: Fresh Cloth
Starting NPC: Kaneb Adon
Location: Ahgram, next to clothing merchant
Items Needed: 3 Cotton Cloth Bolt, 1 Cotton Grifter’s Bolt, 2 Mystic’s Jute Bolts
Reward: Artist’s Smock +30 Crafting Station Use, +9 Problem Solving
20,000 Crafting Experience
50 Ahgram Artisan Faction
40 Qalian Artisan Faction
– Faction increased.
Quest: Exotic Crafting Supplies
Starting NPC: Dawen Krelodog
Location: Ahgram
Requirements: level 21
Task: Craft Brigand’s Mangled Leather Bundle (3), Grifter’s Cotton Cloth Bolt (1), Sentry’s Copper Sheet (1)
Rewards: 10s
Artisan’s Copper Ring (Level 20 rare, +1 Finesse, +4 Crafting tools)
30,000 Crafting Experience
+30 Ahgram artisans
+30 Qalian artisans faction
– Faction increased.
Quest: Assorted Supplies
Starting NPC: Soreen Nazei
Location: Refining Taskmaster in the Crafting area of Ahgram on Qalia. (Note: This is a quest, not a work order, that she gives.)
Items Needed: 3 Barbed Wood Boards, 1 Slate Stone Block, 2 Weakened Wood Boards
Reward: Rat Hide Utility Pouch, level 20, Rare, 40 slots crafting container, +9 Crafting Utility Use
3 silver, 50 copper
+50 Ahgram Artisans faction
+50 Qalian Artisans faction
25,000 crafting experience
– Faction increased.
Quest: Harvest Supply
Starting NPC: Soreen Nazei
Location: Refining Taskmaster in the Crafting area of Ahgram on Qalia. (Note: This is a quest that she gives, not a work order.)
Items Needed: 3 Garnet Samples, 10 Jute Bales, 1 Slate Slab
Reward: Rat Hide Toolbelt, level 20, Rare, 4 slots toolbelt, +1 Finesse, +1 Ingenuity, +1 Crafting Tool Use; 10 silver
+50 Ahgram Artisans faction
+50 Qalian Artisans faction
21,000 crafting experience
– Faction increased.
Quest: Nelon’s Tonic
Start: Nelon Issan
Location: Ahgram
Objective: Discover the thief and unravel the mystery.
Nelon’s Tonic Formula (0/1)
Speak with Nelon Issan (Ahgram)
Speak with Joley Poral (Ahgram)
Speak with Rold Dakavstan (Ahgram)
Goto the Tradewind Tavern in Khal
Speak with Joley Poralin the Tradewind Tavern in Khal
Speak with Rold Dakavstan in the Tradewind Tavern in Khal
Speak with Jar Tej in the Tradewind Tavern in Khal
Speak with Joley Poralin the Tradewind Tavern in Khal
Speak with Rold Dakavstan in the Tradewind Tavern in Khal
Speak with Kejar Rultav on the Docks outside the Crafter’s Forum in Khal
Kejar Rultav hands over Nelon’s Tonis Formula
Use your Ahgram Influence
Speak with Joley Poralin the Tradewind Tavern in Khal
Speak with Rold Dakavstan in the Tradewind Tavern in Khal
Speak with Nelon Issan (Ahgram)
Resource Transmutation Ring
Slot: Crafting Left Finger
+13 Refining Skills
+200 Ahgram Artisans faction
+250 Qalian Artisans faction
500 adventuring experience
100,000 crafting experience
Nelon’s Tonic (16 min buff that gives +20 Reasoning, +15 Ingenuity, +15 Finesse)
50 Silver
Keiylia reported 58,000 crafting xp at level 20.
– Faction increased.
Quest: Nelon’s Utility Pouch
NPC: Nelon Issan
Location: Ahgram
Need Info
Quest: Nelon’s Toolbelt
NPC: Nelon Issan
Location: Ahgram
Need Info
Quest: The Origin of the Catalysts
NPC: Nelon Issan
Location: Ahgram
Completion of Nelon’s Tonic Quest
Qalia Artisan Faction 100
Ahgram Artisan Faction 25
Crafting Level 45
Description: Meet four Master Artisans in
*Tursh: Kalind Endalson (stuck in the wall at the harvesting barn outside of town) May require you to do a few WO’s if you have no faction.
*New Targonor: Grodek (at the NT crafting square – SE area)
Requests 1 of the following: (1) Reinforced wood grip, (1) reinforced large hilt, or (1) tanned leather lining
*Dallerjuba Village (port town accross the water from Tanvu): Karenda Bluewine
Karenda asks that you deliver a letter to Nujen Starsinger in Tanvu crafting area.
Nujen Starsinger asks that you return a letter to Karenda Bluewine.
*Khal: Izzet Reymara (east of Khal at the Dune Eagle Trading Company)
TIP: When you talk to each Master, make sure the note appears in you inventory before moving onto the next Master.
Shandrel’s Focus (Earring, +8 all skills and stats, summons random T5 crystal every 72 in game hours)
+250 Thestra, Qalia, and Kojan artisan faction
+ 1,000 adventure experience
+ 500,000 crafting experience
Extra Reward: Unlocks Recipe “Shandrel’s Robe” – Level 45 Outfitters Only (Both LW and Tailor can use)
–(2) Mature Vielthread
–(1) Pristine Hide
–(1) Attuning Crystals of Brilliance
–(1) Resonationg Crystals of Sorcery
–(1) Focusing Crystals of Knowledge
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