Epic Seven Wyvern 13 Comprehensive Guide

by aiai

This guide seeks to comprehensively cover the mechanics of the new prime farming location, and provide you with the tools and teams to succeed in your Wyvern runs.

Currently, Wyvern 13 is the best resource of the coveted Reforge mats, required to upgrade Level 85 gear to Level 90, as well as dropping Speed, Critical, and Hit set equipment. (As of 4/30, level 70 gear will not drop in Hunt 13’s anymore).

Wyvern 13 Mechanics

Wyvern 13 has 233578 HP1941 def80% Effect Resistance, and 243 speed. It attacks 3 times a turn, reducing CR by 10% and dispelling a buff each time, with a natural 40% chance to target the front unit. It will always target the front with two or more debuffs applied on it, and will deal less damage with three or more debuffs. After four turns turns, the Wyvern will use an AoE attack, dispelling all debuffs and buffs and enter its barrier phase. 

An ideal setup for Wyvern involves one tank in the front, at least one dedicated debuffer that can apply upwards of two debuffs, and one to two DPS units or secondary debuffers. Because of its gargantuan health and defensive stats, Defense Break and Daydream Joker are highly recommended to supplement your damage.

Because of Wyvern’s high speed, your units are required to have at least 196 speed to have 4 turns before barrier, or 147 speed, to have 3 turns before barrier. Speed should be adjusted so that the Defense Breaker goes first, followed by your DPS. If you are unable to meet the speed requirements, G. Purrgis, Idol’s Cheer, and other CR boosts can be used to help make up for the lower speed.

Debuffs are core to successfully clearing Wyvern 13, and because of Wyvern’s 80% ER, your debuffers should have a minimum of 65’% Effectiveness. Note that while any additional Effectiveness will not make you more likely to land debuffs, any less than 65% Effectiveness will severely hamper the consistency of your runs.

Wyvern 13’s Elemental Advantage passive is a step up from that of Wyvern 11’s. The 30% damage suffered/damage dealt trait makes non-Ice Heroes relatively undesirable in this hunt. The 20% CR, on top of Wyvern 13’s base 243 speed can quickly cause slower Heroes to lose turns. As such, teams will generally want to consist entirely of Ice heroes, with a few notable exceptions in G. Purrgis and Batisse. 

Wyvern 13 also gains an additional passive, preventing your team from healing during its turn. This shuts down the abilities of Roana, Water’s Origin, A. Ravi, Seaside Bellona + Bloodstone, and other similar sources of healing.

Wyvern 13 attacks 3 times per turn, each dispelling 1 buff, and pushing back the target by 10%. Currently, the tooltip is wrong on Super Acceleration, Wyvern 13 requires only 2 debuffs to consistently target the front unit. With 3 debuffs, Wyvern will deal reduced damage. Wyvern will also always target the frontline while undamaged (i.e. on its first turn if you don’t outspeed it), giving your team one turn to apply debuffs. 

In addition, Wyvern also gains a scaling attack buff every turn, preventing fights from being drawn out too long, as the damage will eventually overwhelm your units.

Every 4 turns, Wyvern will cleanse itself of all debuffs, cast Tail Swing, and enter it’s Shield Phase. This will grant it a large barrier, around 40% of it’s health, and have greatly reduced speed. This barrier needs to be broken, or it will cast a full dispel and then attack your units twice, generally one-shotting most non-tank units. 

General Strategy

Due to its mechanics and the RNG nature of applying debuffs, Wyvern 13 is currently one of the most difficult hunts to reliably farm, making a consistent farming setup difficult to achieve.

Wyvern 13 essentially requires a minimum of two debuffs at all times, as it’s high damage and random targeting will often otherwise kill your DPS units in one turn. Defense Break is essentially mandatory, as the significant damage increase allows teams to chew through the large HP pool of the Wyvern. Good options include Attack Down, Hit Down, as they provide significant damage reduction. Dizzy, Sigret, Furious, Mistychain, amongst others provide reliable debuffs. This allows them to add consistency to the run while still fulfilling their roles, making them excel in this hunt. 

Mono Ice Teams are generally recommended for Wyvern 13, in order to not suffer from the 30% Damage Taken/Reduced Damage, and 20% CR push passive. 


In general, Ice-type Heroes are heavily favored due to the Elemental Advantage passive Wyvern 13 has. However, a few notable non-Ice units are also useful.


Angelica, A. Montmorancy, Diene, Krau, Tywin, Crozet, Rose, G. Purrgis

There are two viable types of heroes usable here, either healers, such as Angelica, or knight/warrior tanks, such as Krau, which are built purely defensively. This generally means as much Health and Defense as you can muster; the recent level 75 Health set will be helpful in this regard. Healer tanks can allow for a more stable run, as they can provide sustain to the team, though they require more gear to survive compared to pure tanks. Additionally they can carry Idol’s Cheer to help your DPS build lower speed. Knights can benefit from Sword of Ezera, or Aurius to help protect teammates from unlucky attacks.

Diene: While Diene does not provide reliable healing without Rod of Amaryllis, she provides both a decent barrier, to absorb some damage, as well as a 3 turn attack buff. This both helps with AoE on the 1st wave, as well adding a high amount of DPS on the Wyvern itself.

Angelica/A. Montmorancy: Being healers, they can be built mostly tanky, allowing them to sustain themselves more effectively. A. Montmo can be used with Defense buff/Barriers, if built with high Effect Resistance. Rod of Amaryllis can be used to aid in sustain, whilst Idol’s Cheer can supplement your DPS’s speed.

Ice Knights: These are all pretty much the same, Rose/Tywin offer the best offensive capabilities, whereas Crozet is the tankiest. More defensive tanks will provide more consistent runs, however, offensive tanks can greatly speed up runs.

G. Purrgis: As a warrior tank, he can use either Proof of Valor or Sepulcrum in order to survive for longer. He provides both Attack buff, which can aid in the clearing of the first wave. Most notably, his CR push on hit passive significantly lowers the amount of speed required on your team, greatly lowering the gear requirements.

Defense Breakers:

Taranor Guard, Furious, Luluca, Karin, Seaside Bellona, Clarissa, Chloe (with EE)

The Ice unit pool continues to suffer from a lack of reliable defense breakers.  As such, the old Wyvern 11 favourites, Taranor Guard and Furious remain the strongest consistent Defense Breakers. 

Furious: Provides Critical Chance buff, along with 2 turn Defense Break on a effective 2 turn CD, and has a low % burn on his S1. Requires mola investment.

Taranor Guard: 3* unit requiring no molas, a solid low investment choice. With a 75% chance Defense Break, and a 25% CR push on Dual Attack passive. Run with skills off.

Others: Other Defense Breakers don’t have the same uptime as the previous two, although they also come with their own benefits. Chloe is notable for her unresistable Magic Nail, and Seaside Bellona, Clarissa, and Luluca, provide powerful AoE attacks for the first wave, aiding in lowering the overall run time.


Alexa, Sigret, Luna, Chloe, Karin, Sez, Kise, Seaside Bellona, Yuna 

DPS units with debuffs carry a premium here, helping to meet the Wyvern’s debuff requirement while also bringing damage. As the premiere damage artifact against high health bosses, Daydream Joker is highly recommended in this slot. 

Alexa: Her S1 procs Daydream Joker twice, making her one of the hardest hitting DPS. She also carries two Poisons on her S2, and can be run with skills on or off depending on your setup.  

Sigret: Brings a strong nuke S3 that scales with the amount of debuffs, as well as a multitude of bleeds on her S2 and S1. 

Luna: An old favourite for Wyvern 11. While still bringing high DPS, her lack of reliable DPS on her S1, and long cooldown Defense Break prevents her from being as desirable as other choices.


Dizzy, Mistychain, Chloe, Alexa/Karin (Torn Sleeve), Batisse 

Dizzy: One of the strongest Ice debuffers, Dizzy brings Attack Down and Hit Down, alongside a 1 turn debuff extension that helps sustain debuff requirements as well as extend Defense Break. Etica’s Scepter and Necro and Undine or even Sira Ren are viable artifacts that help increase her debuff uptime. 

Chloe: Her unresistable Magic Nail both guarantees one debuff, while also providing an additional 2% max health damage on each hit. Her exclusive equipment allows her to function as a defense breaker, or provide higher damage/nail uptime with an extra turn. Daydream Joker is preferred here to aid in damage. 

Mistychain: A 3* alternative, Mistychain provides 2 debuffs, while also dealing decent damage, and adds healing to help sustain the tank. 

Alexa/Karin:  Through the use of Torn Sleeve, These two units can allow bleeds to stack up easily with their multiple attacks. While they’d normally prefer the damage of Daydream Joker, the Sleeve can be run to aid in debuff stacking. 

Batisse: His S2 applies Attack Down, and has a 2 turn Defense Break, along with two attacks on his S1, that synergizes well with Daydream Joker or Junkyard Dog.


Daydream Joker: continues to be the artifact of choice for DPS units, especially given Wyvern 13’s enormous health pool.

Sira-Ren/Junkyard Dog/Torn Sleeve/Song of Stars: These artifacts provide additional debuffs to better increase the reliability of your debuffers.

Sword of Ezera/Proof of Valor: Sword of Ezera is a very strong artifact for Knight tanks, while Proof of Valor provides the best possible damage mitigation for other classes.

Idol’s Cheer: Notable for Soul Weaver frontline tanks that do not need healing artifacts or Proof of Valor, this allows one DPS with the highest attack to be built pure damage instead.

Rod of Amaryllis/Shimadra Staff: These artifacts can provide additional healing for Soul Weaver frontlines.


Gearing for Wyvern 13 requires relatively decent gear, the following stats are suggested stats.

Speed: 196 (4 turns before barrier) / 147 (3 turns before barrier)
With G. Purrgis: ~135 (no mola) / 110 (mola+EE)

Because of Wyvern 13’s speed, these specific breakpoints allow your units to gain the maximum number of turns, and as such speed values in between these will not provide any additional turns. Speed should still be tuned, so that the Defense Breaker moves prior to the other units, with a 5% speed buffer to account for the variance on the 1st turn. 
For G.Purrgis compositons, some residual speed can still be useful for situations where the fight will reach the barrier phase, with very slow DPS, your DPS may not gain sufficient turns.

Effectiveness: 65% for debuffers

In order to debuff as often as possible, 65% effectiveness is required. Any additional effectiveness will provide no additional benefit. Defense Breakers and Debuffers should have this much effectiveness, while DPS with debuffs ideally should have this much if possible.

Recommended Minimum Stat Values:


Attack: 3.5k
Health: 7k
Critical Chance: 85% (Ice) / 100% (Non-Ice)
Critical Damage: 250%
Effectiveness: 65% (For DPS with Debuffs)

Having over 7k HP allows units to survive unlucky attacks from the 1st wave, while being met naturally with most gear and stats. 3.5k Attack and 250% C.Damage provide decent baseline offensive stats, while additional Critical Damage should be prioritized over Attack, as it scales Daydream Joker better.


Health: 25k (No Healer), 20k (Healer)
Defense: 1.5k+ (No Healer), 1.2k (Healer)

These stats provide a decent amount of tankiness to withstand the brutal damage Wyvern 13 puts out. Speed is less important for tanks, whilst Healers will want a decent amount of speed, around 160 or so, to allow them to gain turns, despite the Wyvern CR pushback.

Team Compositions

  • Frontline Tank
  • Defense Breaker
  • 2 or more Debuffs
  • DPS with Daydream Joker

In general, all teams will need to meet these requirements, as they’re essential to clearing. These requirements, however are loose enough to open up a variety of team compositions.


  • AoE DPS
  • Attack Buff

AoE DPS is particularly important in setups without a healer, as the longer 1st wave fight will place additional strain on your main tank, preventing them from living as long. Otherwise, AoE DPS helps to greatly reduce time spent on each run. Attack buffers, such as Yuna or Diene add a large amount of DPS, and also help in faster clears. However, neither are necessary for a reliable clear.

Below are some general team compositions by role:

  • Tank/DPS/Defense Breaker/Debuffer
  • Tank/DPS with Debuffs/DPS with Debuffs/Defense Breaker
  • Tank/Healer/DPS with Debuffs/Defense Breaker

Choose a team composition that best fits your Hero roster. Below are some examples of viable teams, with explanations as to the members chosen:

Example Teams

G. Purrgis / Furious / Alexa / SS. Bellona

  • G. Purrgis – Proof of Valor – 160 Speed
  • Furious – Song of Stars – 220 Speed
  • Alexa – Daydream Joker – 121 Speed 
  • SS. Bellona – Daydream Joker – 130 Speed

G. Purrgis a top-tier tank, allowing the rest of the team to be ran without high speed gear, in addition to providing Attack buff to help SS. Bellona clear the first wave with her S3-S2. Proof of Valor is very powerful on him, allowing him to better tank, despite the 30% increase damage taken. G. Purrgis should be setup to die before the barrier phase, allowing your team another chance to clear, otherwise, he will push the Wyvern, making barrier phase significantly harder.

Furious is chosen as a solid defense breaker, and provides Critical Chance buff, further reducing the gear requirements, allowing more damage to be built. Song of Stars, and his S1 allow for additional debuffs.

Alexa is the highest DPS Hero, while also providing 2 poisons on her S2, which aids the otherwise low debuff count in this team.

SS. Bellona provides the AoE for this team, reducing the length of the 1st wave to keep G. Purrgis healthy. SS. Bellona also provides a 50% chance defense break on her S2, and target on her S1.

Angelica / Dizzy / Sigret / Karin

  • Angelica – Idol’s Cheer
  • Dizzy – Sira-Ren
  • Sigret – Daydream Joker
  • Karin – Torn Sleeve

Angelica has the greatest healing output, and is built highly tanky with Idol’s Cheer to push up Sigret. 

Dizzy offers a multitude of debuffs, alongside extending the other debuffs from the team. 

Sigret brings her multitude of bleeds across her S1 and S2, and because of the debuff heavy nature of this team, her S3 can nuke Wyvern for 90k+, making up for the lack of DPS from Dizzy and Karin. 

Karin on Torn Sleeve provides a reliable Defense Break and many Bleeds, helping to stack debuffs for Sigret’s S3.

Krau / Diene / Chloe / SS. Bellona

  • Krau – Sword of Ezera
  • Diene – Rod of Amaryllis
  • Chloe – Daydream Joker – Defense Break EE
  • SS. Bellona – Daydream Joker

Krau is a solid defensive Ice tank, offering a self Defense buff, and can deal 20k+ damage with his S3 on low life. 

Diene provides Attack buff for the party, and provides reliably healing through her fast turn cycling combined with Rod of Amaryllis. Her barrier can also help mitigate stray hits from both 1st wave and random Wyvern fireballs.

Chloe provides consistent Magic Nail uptime, with the use of her EE, also provides Defense Break, while being the main DPS.

SS. Bellona provides extra AoE and Target, while her S3 can also add some debuffs as well.

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