Rainbow Six Siege Operator Roles Overview
by BanditoOnDrugs
New to the game? Don’t have an idea of what to do? Maybe you’re trying to find a playstyle that best suits you. Well, I’m making this guide to help you out and have a more enjoyable experience in-game so your team or teammate(s) don’t get mad at you for not knowing what to do.
Roles- First let’s talk about roles, many operators have a role when it comes to team composition. These roles can be separated into the following: Roamers, Lurkers, Anchors, Intel, Anti-Gadget, Traps, Fortifiers, Hard Breachers, Soft Breachers, Anti-Roamers, Entry Fraggers, Utility, etc. Operators can sometimes fill more than one role rather than just a single one.
Roamers- The role of the roamer is to primarily waste the time of the attacking team. As a roamers are typically 3 speed 1 armor, you are set to (you guessed it) roam around the map either for a flank or just to waste the attackers time and utility on you. It should be noted roaming is not ideal for a new player, roaming will require a basic amount of map knowledge and game sense.Operators who are fit for roaming are (but not limited to):
- Caviera
- Vigil
- Pulse
- Ela
- Bandit
- Jager
- Alibi
Lurkers- A lurker is like a roamer but doesn’t set out to do long flanks but instead “lurking around the objective site” from either the same floor or beneath the objective floor. Lurking operators are usually 1 or 2-speed operators. A lurker’s job is to slow a push happening when the roamers are down.Operators who are fit for lurking are (but not limited to):
- Pulse
- Vigil
- Bandit
- Alibi
- Mozzie
- Ela
- Frost
- Kapkan
- Mute
- Castle
- Valkyrie
- Goyo
- Wamai
- Clash
Anchors- Anchors act as the last line of defense and are extremely important when holding off a push from the attacking team. Anchor Operators are typically a 1 speed 3 armor or 2 speed 2 armor. 1-speed operators usually have the luxury of owning an ACOG (with the exception of Vigil’s BOSG.12 or **Goyo’s TCSG-12)**Operators who are fit as anchors are (but not limited to):
- Mira
- Maestro
- Rook
- Doc
- Smoke
- Lesion
- Kaid
- Echo
- Warden
Intel- Intel operators are operators who can gather intel from their gadgets. The role of intel is simple, it’s to supply information to the defending team and to help out the roamers and/or lurkers. ( I will not be adding operators who have the bulletproof camera into this list)Operators who suit this role are:
- Valkyrie
- Mozzie
- Mira
- Maestro
- Echo
- Pulse
- Clash
- Alibi
- Lesion
- Ela
- Caveira
Anti-Gadget- Anti-Gadget operators are specialized in denying the use of attacker gadgets or utility such as drones, projectiles (frags, flashes, smokes, EMP grenades,etc.), Thermite/ Hibana charges, etc. The role of this is to slow down the push significantly, or even slightly but it really just gives the attackers less to work with.Operators who suit this role are:
- Jager
- Wamai
- Mute
- Kaid
- Bandit
- Maestro
Traps- Trap operators are pretty self-explanatory, these operators are designed to stop an attacker rush, to slow down their push, or to make the attacking team play more slowly, therefore, wasting their time.Operators who suit this role are:
- Kapkan
- Frost
- Ela
- Lesion
- Smoke
Fortifiers- Fortifiers are operators who are designed to make it significantly much harder to push the objective site or maybe just waste more of the attacker utilityOperators who suit this role are:
- Castle
- Mira
- Smoke
- Lesion
- Kapkan
- Goyo
- Wamai
- Jager
This wraps up the defense side of things, now time for the attackers
Hard Breachers- Hard Breachers are simple operators with a simple task, to open up the reinforcements that the defenders laid out. Hard Breachers are the Most Important members of the attacking side. If a defender is able to spawn peek a hard breacher or if your team decides not to bring a hard breacher your chances of getting into the objective become significantly harder. (**PSA: DO NOT WASTE THERMITE CHARGES ON BARRICADES)**Operators designed for this are:
- Thermite
- Hibana
- Maverick
Soft Breachers- Soft Breachers are the opposite of hard breachers, they can only breach soft surfaces (barricades, floors, ceilings, and walls). Soft breachers are used to navigate the map quicker or to make the defenders uncomfortable (depending on the site)Operators who fit for this role are (but not limited to):
- Sledge
- Ash
- Zofia
- Buck
- any operator with a secondary shotgun (Jackal or Gridlock)
- any operator with breaching charges
Entry Fraggers- Entry fraggers are the tip of the spear operators who are the first ones in (and usually the first ones to die). The role of the entry fragger is to catch a roamer off-guard and eliminate them or to rush the site in a surprise attack. But primarily it’s just to hunt the roamers. Entry fraggers are usually 3 speed 1 armor or 2 speed 2 armorOperators for this role are (but not limited to):
- Ash
- IQ
- Amaru
- Nokk
- Sledge
- Twitch
- Zofia
- Blitz
- Jackal
Utility- When someone talks about utility that person is usually referring to smokes, flashes or grenades, or breaching charges (I will only include operators who have their gadget as a specialized form of utility with the exception of glaz)Operators who fit this role are-
- Capitao
- Ying
- Glaz
- Fuze
- Zofia
- Ash
- Thatcher
Anti-Roamers- The role of the anti roamer is also self-explanatory, it’s to stop roamers. Without an Anti-Roamer a perfectly executed plan can be turned to dust if a roamer pulls off a good flank on the attackers. That’s why it’s best to clear out the roamers or to drive them back to the objective.Operators for this role are:
- Jackal
- Gridlock
- Dokkaebi
- Lion
- Nomad
- any operator with a claymore
Anti Gadgets- The attacker side of an anti gadget is to clear out gadgets that the defending side lays out (bandit batteries, lesion mines, default cameras, etc.)Operators for this role are:
- Thatcher
- Twitch
- Kali
- Fuze
- IQ
Support- Supportive operators are the guys who make the dream work teamwork. Supportive operators are the ones who help out a specific operator or the whole team. Support Ops are usually the operators to get the plant down.Operators for this role are:
- Thatcher
- Lion
- Finka
- Nomad
- Blackbeard
- Montagne
- Gridlock
- Capitao
- Ying
That about wraps up the operator role guide, if there’s any other veteran players who would like to add some of their insight or has a question about my operator role selects , please feel free to leave a comment
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