Epic Seven Pet Synthesis Step by Step Guide

by Artair1188

Pet skills are not as random as people are claiming: you get to keep one skill in gen2, and gen3, and 2 skills in gen4 synthesis attempts but you must select them or they are random!!

Important Weekly Shop Purchases

  • 5x 1 pet adoption token 100,000 gold
  • 5x 10 pet adoption tokens 1,000,000 gold
  • 3x normal pet food 500 stigma
  • 1x toy 3 transmit stones

Total: 5,500,000 gold + 1500 stigma + 3 transmit stones per week

Sort by skill is the most helpful

S rank pets are all you will end up keeping, therefore all A rank and below are stepping stone/fodder pets

Be warned Synthesis can fail to increase generation

Only the affinity level of the pet with the highest affinity will be kept when synthesizing

  • this means you can play with fodder pets to raise affinity and synth them with a good pet when you get it to transfer that affinity!!!

you can only synthesis pets of the same type (battle or lobby)

In the generation 2 and 3 synthesis attempts you can only keep one skill out of both pets in a synthesis this is because when synthesis fails the remaining pet only has room to keep 1 skill

In the generation 4 synthesis you can only keep 2 skills out of both pets (both can be from the same pet) as when it fails a rank 2 pet can only keep 2 skills

You cannot keep two copies of the same skill when doing a 4th gen synth (thanks for confirming @Pakhavit001)

Create a your primary gen2 S rank skill pet

Select one gen1 (*) pet with a S rank skill

  • first play with it for 300 stigma
  • then feed it 6x gen1 fodder pets

Once its level is maxed start a synthesis attempt with any gen1 fodder pets

  • Make sure to select the pet visual you want
  • Make sure to select the S ranked skill you want to keep
  • hit synthesis and prey it goes up a generation

GO play with your new pet!!

  • If it did not go up a generation synthesis with another fodder pet
  • If its now generation 2 with your S rank skill plus some other fodder skill

Follow the above steps to create a fodder gen2 pet with skills you don’t want to keep

  • don’t play with this pet its affinity will be wasted

Attempt to make a gen3 single S rank skill pet

Repeat the synthesis process with your single S rank skill gen2 pet and the gen2 fodder pet

  • Make sure to select the pet visual you want
  • Make sure to select the S ranked skill you want to keep
  • hit synthesis and prey it goes up a generation

GO play with your new pet!!

  • If it did not go up a generation synthesis with another gen2 fodder pet
  • If its now generation 3 with your S rank skill plus 2 other fodder skills, yay!

Now follow the above steps to create a second gen3 single S rank skill pet

This is the important step!!

Repeat the synthesis process with your gen3 single S rank skill pet and your second gen3 single S rank skill pet

  • Make sure to select the pet visual you want
  • Make sure to select both of the S ranked skill you want to keep
  • hit synthesis and prey it goes up a generation

GO play with your new pet!!

  • If its now generation 4 with your two S rank skills plus 1 other fodder skill, yay!
  • If it did not go up a generation you now have a gen3 pet with 2 S rank skills…

You will now need to build a gen 3 fodder pet with no skills you want to keep

Repeat the synthesis process with your gen3 double S skill pet and your gen3 fodder pet

  • Make sure to select the pet visual you want
  • select both S skills from your gen3 double S skill pet
  • hit synthesis and prey it goes up a generation

GO play with your new pet!!

  • If its now generation 4 with your two S rank skills plus 1 other fodder skill, yay!
  • If it did not go up a generation you now have a gen3 pet with 2 S rank skills…

Now do it all again!!

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