Monster Hunter World Motion Values List

Monster Hunter World Motion Values List by dorkish

I’ve decided to compile all of the MVs into a single location. I have not done testing, nor can I verify the values for these attacks. They’re subject to change and anyone that can / wants to help me with these values by all means comment below. Just haven’t seen a MHW compilation yet in a single, easy to read format, so here we go. This post is primarily meant to be used in association with my earlier post here

For the following moves, L = left analog I think.

Long Sword

Draw Slash (L + Triangle): 25

Vertical Slash (Triangle): 23

Thrust (O): 13

Rising Slash (Triangle after Thrust): 20

Fade Slash (Triangle + O): 23

Spirit Blade I (R2 with no Spirit Gauge): 15

Spirit Blade I (R2 with Spirit Gauge): 27

Spirit Blade II (R2 R2 with Spirit Gauge): 33

Spirit Blade III (R2 after Spirit Blade II): 13 + 15 + 35

Spirit Roundhouse (R2 after Spirit Blade III or Spirit Insight): 42

Step Spirit Blade (R2 after Fade Slash or Left/Right Fade Slash): 30

Spirit Insight (O+R2): 27

Spirit Thrust (Triangle + R2): 27

Spirit Helm Breaker (Triangle after Spirit Thrust with White Gauge): 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 10 + 10

Spirit Helm Breaker (Triangle after Spirit Thrust with Yellow Gauge): 18 + 18 + 18 + 16 + 16 + 16 + 16

Spirit Helm Breaker (Triangle after Spirit Thrust with Red Gauge): 30 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 28 + 28 + 28

Jump Slash (Triangle in the air): 27

Jump Spirit Blade (R2 in the air with no Spirit Gauge): 18

Jump Spirit Blade (R2 in the air with Spirit Gauge): 33

Jump Rising Slash (Triangle while sliding): 25

Aerial Spirit Blade (R2 while sliding): 51

Left/Right Fade Slash (Left/Right L + Triangle + O): 23

Gauge damage bonuses

White: Attack Power * 1.05

Yellow: Attack Power * 1.12

Red: Attack Power * 1.2

Dual Blades

Double Slash (Triangle): 9 + 10

Double Slash Return (Triangle > Triangle): 10 + 10

Rotation Slash (Triangle > Triangle > Triangle): 10 + 11 + 11

Draw Slash (O): 4 + 4 + 5 + 5

Rising Slash (Triangle after Draw Slash): 9 (When Demonized, 9)

Demonized Reverse Slash (Triangle when Demonized): 13

Demonized Double Slash (Triangle > Triangle when Demonized): 15 + 9

Demonized 6-Step Slash (Triangle > Triangle > Triangle when Demonized): 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 16 + 16

Demon Dance (Triangle + O when Demonized): 18 + 18 + 6 + 6 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 11 + 11 + 13 + 13 + 8 + 21

Demon Rush Slash (O during Arch Demon): 5 + 5 + 4 + 4 + 9 + 9

Demon Continuous Slash (Triangle + O during Arch Demon): 10 + 10 + 8 + 8 + 4 + 18 + 18

Left Rotation Slash (O after Rush Slash): 16 + 8 + 5

Right Rotation Slash (O after Rush Slash): 16 + 8 + 5

Aerial Rotation Demon Dance (“X while facing a cliff while Demonized”, think this is the “roll on a monster” move): 11 * number of hits

Rotating Demon Dance Finish (Triangle while in the air during Aerial Rotation Demon Dance): 21 + 21 + 11

Sword and Shield

Rush Slash (Triangle + O): 19

Downward Slash (Triangle): 15

Side Slash (Triangle > Triangle): 13

Sword & Shield Combo (Triangle > Triangle > Triangle): 11 + 20

Horizontal Slash (O): 23

Slash Return (O > O): 21

Rotating Slash (O > O > O): 25

Shield Attack (L^ + O): 9

Back Knuckle (L^ + O > O): 16

Hard Bash (L^ + O > O > O): 31

Charge Slash (Lv + O): 30 (Shield) + 38

Climbing Slash (automatic after Charge Slash): 34

Jump Slash (Triangle in the air): 20

Fall Bash (O after Climbing Slash): 44 + 39

Turning Slash (L in any direction + Triangle mid-combo): 17

Thrust (Triangle after Turning Slash): 22

Rising Slash (Guard + Triangle): 15

Jump Rush Slash (Triangle + O while sliding): 16

Falling Thrust (Triangle after Climbing Slash…I think): 15 * 2 hits

Great Sword

Vertical Slash (Triangle): 48

Rising Slash (Triangle + O): 38

Cleave (O): 26

Tackle (Triangle while evading, O > O, O while charging): 26

Charge II Tackle (O while in a level II charge): 35

Charge III Tackle (O while in a level III charge): 48

Diving Cleave (O after Tackle): 71

Diving Cleave (O after level II Tackle): 85

Diving Cleave (O after level III Tackle): 110

Side Strike (Triangle > Triangle): 15

Charge Slash I (long Triangle press): 48

Charge Slash II (longer press than I): 70

Charge Slash III (longer press than II): 90

Charge Slash (Triangle held too long): 70

Strong Charge Slash I (long L + Triangle press): 65

Strong Charge Slash II (longer L + Triangle press than I): 82

Strong Charge Slash III (longer L + Triangle press than II): 96

Strong Charge Slash (L + Triangle held too long): 82

Strong Cleave I (O after Strong Charge Slash I): 60 (*1)

Strong Cleave II (O after Strong Charge Slash II): 65 (*1)

Strong Cleave III (O after Strong Charge Slash III): 79 (*1)

Strong Cleave (O after overcharged Strong Slash): 65 (*1)

True Charge Slash I (long L + Triangle press): 20 + 182

True Charge Slash II (longer L + Triangle press than I): 20 + 182

True Charge Slash III (longer L + Triangle press than II): 21 + 210

True Charge Slash (L + Triangle held too long): 20 + 182

Kick (Triangle while guarding): 4

Jump Slash (Triangle while in the air): 69

Jump Charge Slash I (long Triangle press while in the air): 69

Jump Charge Slash II (longer Triangle press in the air than I): 85

Jump Charge Slash III (longer Triangle press in the air than II): 104

Rising Charge Slash I (Triangle while sliding): 48

Rising Charge Slash II (longer Triangle press while sliding than I): 73

Rising Charge Slash III (longer Triangle press while sliding than II): 100

Falling Thrust I (Triangle after Rising Charge Slash I): 14 * 3 hits (*2)

Falling Thrust II (Triangle after Rising Charge Slash II): 21 * 3 hits (*2)

Falling Thrust III (Triangle after Rising Charge Slash III): 26 * 3 hits (*2)


Unsheathe Attack (Triangle when sheathed): 20 (4U: 20)

Return Swing (Triangle after Unsheathe Attack): 16

Side Smash (L^ + Triangle): 15 (4U: 15)

Ground Smash I (Triangle): 37 (4U: 42)

Ground Smash II (Triangle > Triangle): 22 (4U: 20)

Upswing (Triangle > Triangle > Triangle): 86 (4U: 90)

Aerial Unsheathe Attack (Triangle in the air): 36 (4U: 42)

Aerial Attack (Charge Lv 1) (Long R2 press in the air): 62 (4U: 65)

Aerial Attack (Charge Lv 2) (Longer R2 press in the air than Lv 1): 66 (4U: 70)

Aerial Attack (Charge Lv 3) (Longer R2 press in the air than Lv 2): 79 (4U: 80)

Strike First Step (O): 28

Strike Second Step (O > O): 32

Strike Third Step (O > O > O): 45

Strike Fourth Step (O > O > O > O): 65

Strike Finish (O > O > O > O > O): 28 + 28 + 100

Rising Smash (Charge Lv 1) (R2): 19 (4U: 25)

Charge Return Swing (R2 > R2): 25 (4U: 20)

Charge Return Swing (R2 > R2 during Power Store): 58

Uppercut Smash (Charge Lv 2) (R2 hold and release): 38 (4U: 40)

Superpound (Charge Lv 3) (R2 full charge and release): 15 + 76 (4U: 15 + 76)

Spinning Bludgeon (release R2 after full charge): 28 + 19 + 19 + 19 + 19 + 19 (4U: 20 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10)

Spinning Side Swing (Triangle immediately after Spinning Bludgeon): 15 (4U: unsure)

Spinning Bludgeon Hook (Triangle after Spinning Bludgeon): 56 (4U: 60)

Spinning Bludgeon Slam (nothing after Spinning Bludgeon): 32 (4U: 40)

Spinning Bludgeon Upswing (Triangle after 3-4 spins of Spinning Bludgeon): 86 (4U: 90)

Strong Charge Strike (Superpound during Power Store): 16 + 16 + 91

Strong Charge Upper (Uppercut Smash during Power Store): 48

Aerial Spinning Bludgeon (Slide while holding R2 and release): 30 * number of hits + 100

Hunting Horn

Forward Slam (Triangle): 27 (4U: 33)

Left Slam (Triangle): 22 (4U: 30)

Right Slam (O): 26 (4U: 30)

Double Right Turn (O > O): 15 + 13

Backward Slam (Triangle + O): 35 (4U: 45)

Superpound (L^ + Triangle + O): 15 + 40 (4U: 15 + 45)

Jumping Slam (Triangle in the air): 19 (4U: 36)

Aerial Recital (R2 in the air): 15

Recital Attack I (R2): 31 + 28

Recital Attack II (L^ + R2): 30 + 28

Recital Attack III (L<- + R2): 30 + 28

Recital Attack IV (L-> + R2): 30 + 28

Recital Attack V (Lv + R2): 31 + 28

Continuous Recital Attack I (R2 after Recital): 35 + 28 + 35 + 28 (*3)

Continuous Recital Attack II (L^ + R2 after Recital): 35 + 28 + 29 + 31 + 28 (*3)

Continuous Recital Attack III (L<- + R2 after Recital): 35 + 28 + 35 + 28 (*3)

Continuous Recital Attack IV (L-> + R2 after Recital): 35 + 28 + 35 + 28 (*3)

Continuous Recital Attack V (Lv + R2 after Recital): 35 + 28 + 35 + 28 + 31 + 28 (*3)

Jump Strong Slam (Triangle while sliding): 56

*3 28 + 22 for White Notes


Unsheathe Thrust (L + Triangle while unsheathed): 21

Mid Thrust I (Triangle): 21 (4U: 27)

Mid Thrust II (Triangle > Triangle): 21 (4U: 20)

Mid Thrust III (Triangle > Triangle > Triangle): 29 (4U: 27)

High Thrust I (O): 23 (4U: 22)

High Thrust II (O > O): 23 (4U: 22)

High Thrust III (O > O > O): 29 (4U: 27)

Sweep I (Triangle + O): 21 (4U: 20)

Sweep III (Triangle + O): 21 (4U: 20)

Jumping Thrust (Triangle in the air): 32 (4U: 30)

Guard Thrust (Triangle during Guard): 21 (4U: 20)

Cancelled Counter-thrust (R2 + O quick release): 23 (4U: 22)

Charged Counter-thrust (hold R2 + O): 42 (4U: 50)

Shield Attack (R2 + L^ + Triangle): 14 (4U: 14)

Dive Thrust (R2 + L^ + Triangle): 9 + 9 + 9

Dash Attack (Triangle + O): 11 * Number of hits (4U: 16 * Number of hits)

Accelerated Dash Attack (after Dashing for a while): 13 * Number of hits)

Finishing Blow (Triangle during Dash Attack): 52 (4U: 50)

Two-Step Finishing Blow (Triangle during Accelerated Dash Attack): 26 + 53

Reverse Attack (Lv + Triangle during Dash Attack): 51 (4U: 50)

Accelerated Reverse Attack (Lv + Triangle during Accelerated Dash Attack): 54

Dash Jump Thrust (X + Triangle during Dash Attack): 25 * Number of hits (4U: 25 * Number of hits)

Dash Jump Finishing Blow (Triangle during Dash Jump Thrust): 30 (4U: 50)

Accelerated Dash Jump Thrust (X + Triangle during Accelerated Dash Attack): 26 * Number of hits

Accelerated Dash Jump Finishing Blow (Triangle during Accelerated Dash Jump Thrust): 58


Mid Thrust I (Triangle): 24 (4U: 24)

Mid Thrust II (Triangle > Triangle): 24

Mid Thrust III (Triangle > Triangle > Triangle): 24

High Thrust I (R2 + Triangle): 18 (4U: 18)

High Thrust II (R2 + Triangle > Triangle): 18

High Thrust III (R2 + Triangle > Triangle > Triangle): 18

Rising Slash (Triangle + O): 30 (4U: 28)

Dash Thrust (L^ + Triangle): 30 (4U: 30)

Slam Attack (Triangle after Rising Slash or Dash Thrust): 48 (4U: 40)

Cleave (Triangle after Slam Attack): 68

Wyvern Stake Cannon (Triangle or O after Cleave, O > O > O): 28 + 4 + 8 * 10(?) hits + 54

Jump Thrust (Triangle while jumping): 24 (4U: 25)

Jumping Overhead Smash (R2 while jumping): 43 (4U: 44)

Jump Reload Slam (O while jumping): 43 (4U: 44)

Jump Rising Slash (Triangle while sliding): 61

Shelling information (Normal level 3)

Shelling (O): 18 (4U: 18 + 6 Fire)

Charged Shelling (hold O): 28

Full Burst (O after Slam Attack): 20 * 5

Wyvern’s Fire (R2 + Triangle + O): 56 * 3 (4U: 40 + 12 Fire * 4)

Aerial Full Burst (O while in the air with weapon unsheathed): 31 + 19 * number of hits

Switch Axe

Axe: Side Slash (Triangle): 25 (4U: 23)

Axe: Rising Slash (Triangle > Triangle): 27 (4U: 28)

Axe: Overhead Slash (Triangle > Triangle > Triangle): 43 (4U: 40)

Axe: Step Slash (L^ + Triangle): 10 (4U: 19)

Axe: Downward Slash (Lv + Triangle): 24

Axe: Hack ‘n Slash (O): 25 + 23 (4U: 24)

Axe: Finishing Sweep (R2 during Hack ‘n Slash): 23 + 71 + 36 (4U: 57)

Axe: Morph Slash (R2): 36 (4U: 30)

Axe: Jump Slash (Triangle while jumping): 40 (4U: 43)

Axe: Jump Morph Slash (R2 while jumping): 43 (4U: 43)

Axe: Jump Cleave (Triangle while sliding): 76

Sword: Overhead Slash (Triangle): 36 (4U: 30/36)

Sword: Element Discharge (Triangle + O): 13 + 13 + 8 * 7(?) hits (4U: unsure)

Sword: Element Discharge Finisher (Triangle after Element Discharge): 95 (4U: 80/96)

Sword: Element Discharge Burst (Lv + Triangle during Element Discharge): 66 (4U: 50/60)

Sword: Double Slash (O): 26 + 31 (4U: 28 + 36/33 + 43)

Sword: Leaping Continuous Attack (O > O): 29 + 39

Sword: Rising Slash (Triangle > Triangle): 26 (4U: 25/30)

Sword: Side Slash (Triangle after Rising Slash): 23 (4U: 25/30)

Sword: Morph Overhead Slash (Lv + R2): 48 (4U: 23/27)

Sword: Jump Rising Slash (R2 while sliding): 41

Sword: Jump Element Discharge (Triangle + O while jumping): 6 * number of hits

Explosions during Phial Awakening: 10 Damage

Mounting Element Discharge (Triangle + O during Awakening Gauge MAX): Unverified

About Phial Awakening

As you attack with Sword Mode, the Awakening Gauge will accumulate. When the Awakening Gauge becomes MAX, the sword will appear to be tinged with heat, and an additional explosion effect will occur for Sword Mode attacks. Furthermore, Sword Mode’s damage will increase by approximately 1.08x, and the Element Discharge will change to “Mounting Element Discharge”.

Charge Blade

Charge Blade

Sword: Rising Slash (Triangle): 12 (4U: 14)

Sword: Return Stroke (Triangle > Triangle): 15 (4U: 17)

Sword: Roundslash (Triangle > Triangle > Triangle): 28 (4U: 30)

Sword: Dash Slash (Triangle + O): 20 (4U: 22)

Sword: Charged Single Slash (O): 13 (4U: 16)

Sword: Charged Double Slash (Hold and release O): 28 + 19 (4U: 30 + 20)

Sword: Shield Attack (Triangle + O mid-combo): 13 + 9 (4U: 8 + 12)

Sword: High Pressure Element Slash (Hold Triangle while charging during Element Enhancement): 75

Sword: Morph to Axe (R2): 45 (4U: 47)

Sword: Moving Slash (L in any direction + O): 25

Sword: Jump Slash (Triangle while jumping): 21 (4U: 35)

Sword: Jump Morph Slash (R2 while jumping): 45 (4U: 47)

Sword: Jump Rising Slash (Triangle while sliding): 46

Axe: Jump Slash (Triangle while jumping): 46 (4U: 47)

Axe: Jump Morph Slash (R2 while jumping): 21 (4U: 35)

Axe: Rising Slash (Triangle): 36 (4U: 40)

Axe: Overhead Slash (Triangle > Triangle): 37 (4U: 40)

Axe: Slam Attack (L^ + Triangle): 45 (4U: 47)

Axe: Element Discharge 1 (With Phials: O when not Enhanced): 21 + 4 Explosion damage (4U: 26)

Axe: Element Discharge 2 (With Phials: O > O when not Enhanced): 11 + 68 + 4*2 Explosion damage (4U: 18 + 80)

Axe: Amped Element Discharge (With Phials: Triangle + O): 93 + 8*3 Explosion damage (4U: 90)

Axe: Element Discharge 1 (Without Phials: O when not Enhanced): 21 (4U: 26)

Axe: Element Discharge 2 (Without Phials: O > O when not Enhanced): 11 + 68 (4U: 18 + 80)

Axe: Amped Element Discharge (Without Phials: Triangle + O): 93 (4U: 90)

Axe: Morph to Sword (R2): 28 (4U: 30)

After Element Enhancement (idk what this is, but it’s probably an old mechanic)

Axe: Rising Slash (Triangle): 38

Axe: Overhead Slash (Triangle > Triangle): 41

Axe: Slam Attack (L^ + Triangle): 49

Axe: Element Discharge 1 (O with Phials): 22 + 4 Explosion damage

Axe: Element Discharge 2 (O > O with Phials): 11 + 74 + 4*2 Explosion damage

Axe: Amped Element Discharge (Triangle + O from Lv + Triangle with Phials): 102 + 10*3 Explosion damage

Axe: Super Amped Element Discharge (Triangle + O with Phials): 18 + 100 + 108 + 23*? Explosion damage (4U: 25 + 99 + 100)

Axe: Element Discharge 1 (O without Phials): 22

Axe: Element Discharge 2 (O > O without Phials): 11 + 74

Axe: Amped Element Discharge (Triangle + O from Lv + Triangle without Phials): 102

Axe: Super Amped Element Discharge (Triangle + O without Phials): 18 + 100 (4U: 20 + 90)

Sword: 2 Damage per Phial Explosion

Insect Glaive

Thrust (L^ + Triangle): 10 (4U: 15)

Rising Slash (Triangle): 15 + 14 (4U: 26 + 20)

Backward Sweep (Triangle > Triangle): 18 (4U: 26)

Double Slash (Triangle > Triangle > Triangle): 18 + 24 (4U: 18 + 24)

Overhead Smash (L^ + O): 26 (4U: 28)

Sweep (O): 23 (4U: 24)

Slam (O > O): 30 (4U: 30)

Jumping Slash (Triangle in the air): 15 (4U: 24)

Jumping Rush Slash (R2 + X > O): 29

Kinsect “Target Mark” (R2 mid-combo): 5 (4U: 10?)

After Red Extract Acquired

Thrust (Attack Up) (L^ + Triangle): 11 + 10

Rising Slash (Attack Up): 15 + 14 + 15 (4U: 28 + 16 + 18)

Backward Sweep (Attack Up): 15 + 19 (4U: 18 + 30)

Double Slash (Attack Up): 15 + 14 + 28 (4U: 16 + 14 + 28)

Overhead Smash (Attack Up) (L^ + O): 28

Sweep (Attack Up) (O): 18 + 21 (4U: 16 + 26)

Slam (Attack Up) (O > O): 25 + 43 (4U: 24 + 38)

Jumping Slash (Attack Up) (R2 + X > Triangle): 9 * Number of hits

Jumping Rush Slash (Attack Up) (R2 + X > O): 3 * Number of hits + 31

Extract Attack Buff Info

Red + White: Attack * 1.08

Red + White + Orange: Attack * 1.12


The following motion values are the numbers at Critical Distance (the distance at which great damage can be dealt). Critical Distance will be described later.

Shoot (R2): 8

Charge I (Hold and release R2): 10 + 10

Charge II (Hold R2 longer than Charge I): 11 + 11 + 11

Quick Shot (O): 6 + 6 + 6

Charge Step Power Shot (L2 + X after O): 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 + 13

Diving Melee Attack (Triangle after Charge Step L2 + X): 35

Jump Melee Attack (Triangle while jumping): 5

High-Angle Shot (O after pressing R2): 1 * number of hits (max 6 hits)

Charge I High-Angle Shot (O at level I charge): 1 * number of hits (max 8 hits)

Charge II High-Angle Shot (O at level II charge): 3 * number of hits (max 14 hits)

Wyvern’s Arrow (Triangle + O): 23 * number of hits

Charge I Wyvern’s Arrow (Triangle + O at level I charge): 24 * number of hits

Charge II Wyvern’s Arrow (Triangle + O at level II charge): 26 * number of hits

About Shooting Distance

Depending on the distance from the monster and where the arrow was released, the damage may increase or decrease.

-Short Range (yellow circle): Damage from charged attacks will decrease slightly

-Critical Distance (orange circle): Damage is at its maximum

-Long Range (yellow circle): Damage will be 1

-Outside Range (OUTSIDE OF RANGE): Arrow doesn’t connect (one hit of Wyvern’s Arrow may connect)

-Quick Shot has a short shooting distance. Damage will be 1 if you are further than 1 roll away.

Heavy Bowgun

Engine Wyvern Bullet

-When fired: 9 + 9 + 11 + 11 + 13 + 13 + 14 + 14 + 16 + 16 + 19 * 40 hits

-The damage increases as you continue to fire, and the maximum damage is reached by the 11th shot

-50 shots can be fired

-Critical Distance is 2-4 rolls away

-Cooltime is 250 seconds

Sniping Wyvern Bullet


-There are more hits when further away

-Range is considerably longer than normal. Even when shot at the very end of the training stage, it connects

-Cooltime is 90 seconds

LV 1 Normal S

-Short Distance: 5

-Critical Distance: 8

-Long Distance: 1

-Critical Distance is 0.5-2 rolls away

LV 2 Normal S

-Short Distance: 13

-Critical Distance: 15

-Long Distance: 1

-Critical Distance is 0.5-2 rolls away

LV 3 Normal S

-Short Distance: 16

-Critical Distance: 20

-Long Distance: 3

-Critical Distance is 0.5-2 rolls away

LV 1 Pierce S

-Short Distance: 5 * number of hits

-Critical Distance: 6 * number of hits

-Long Distance: 1 * number of hits

-Critical Distance is 1-3 rolls away

LV 2 Pierce S

-Short distance: 5 * number of hits

-Critical Distance: 6 * number of hits

-Long Distance: 1 * number of hits

-Critical Distance is 1-3 rolls away

LV 3 Pierce S

-Short Distance: 5 * number of hits

-Critical Distance: 8 * number of hits

-Long Distance: 1 * number of hits

-Critical Distance is 1-3 rolls away

LV 1 Pellet S

-Short Distance: 6 * 3 hits

-Critical Distance: 6 * 3 hits

-Long Distance: 1 * 3 hits

-Critical Distance is 1 roll away

LV 2 Pellet S

-Short Distance: 6 * 5 hits

-Critical Distance: 6 * 5 hits

-Long Distance: 1 * 5 hits

-Critical Distance is 1 roll away

LV 3 Pellet S

-Short Distance: 8 * 6 hits

-Critical Distance: 8 * 6 hits

-Long Distance: 1 * 6 hits

-Critical Distance is 1 roll away

LV 1 Clust S

-21 damage * 3 hits

-Bullet does 1 damage

-Range is 3 rolls away

LV 2 Clust S

-24 damage * 4 hits

-Bullet does 1 damage

-Range is 3 rolls away

LV 3 Clust S

-31 damage * 5 hits

-Bullet does 1 damage

-Range is 3 rolls away

LV 1 Crag S

-13 explosive damage after 5 seconds of landing

-Bullet does 1 damage

-Range is 3.5 rolls away

-KO value accumulation is still unknown

LV 2 Crag S

-18 explosive damage after 5 seconds of landing

-Bullet does 1 damage

-Range is 3.5 rolls away

-KO value accumulation is still unknown

LV 3 Crag S

-21 explosive damage after 5 seconds of landing

-Bullet does 1 damage

-Range is 3.5 rolls away

-KO value accumulation is still unknown

Slicing S

-6 damage * 6 hits after 3 seconds of landing

-Bullet does 1 damage

-Range is 3.5 rolls away

Wyvern’s Fire S

-82 damage + 22 damage

-Range is 0.5 rolls away

Flaming S

-Short Distance: 11 damage * number of hits

-Critical Distance: 11 damage * number of hits

-Long Distance: 8 damage * number of hits

-Critical Distance is 4-5 rolls away

-Has piercing properties

Water S

-Short Distance: 11 damage * number of hits

-Critical Distance: 11 damage * number of hits

-Long Distance: 8 damage * number of hits

-Critical Distance is 4-5 rolls away

-Has piercing properties

Thunder S

-Short Distance: 11 damage * number of hits

-Critical Distance: 11 damage * number of hits

-Long Distance: 8 damage * number of hits

-Critical Distance is 4-5 rolls away

-Has piercing properties

Freeze S

-Short Distance: 11 damage * number of hits

-Critical Distance: 11 damage * number of hits

-Long Distance: 8 damage * number of hits

-Critical Distance is 4-5 rolls away

-Has piercing properties

Dragon S

-Short Distance: 7 damage * 5 hits

-Critical Distance: 7 damage * 5 hits

-Long Distance: 6 damage * 5 hits

-Critical Distance is 4-5 rolls away

-Because of the curved trajectory, you must aim upward to shoot long distances

LV 1 Poison S

-Bullet does 1 damage

-Range is 5 rolls away

-Poison value accumulation is unknown

LV 2 Poison S

-Bullet does 1 damage

-Range is 5 rolls away

-Poison value accumulation is unknown

LV 2 Para S

-Bullet does 1 damage

-Range is 5 rolls away

-Paralysis value accumulation is unknown

LV 1 Exhaust S

-Bullet does 1 damage

-Range is 5 rolls away

-Exhaust value accumulation is unknown

LV 2 Exhaust S

-Bullet does 1 damage

-Range is 5 rolls away

-Exhaust value accumulation is unknown

Light Bowgun

LBG has some differences in its Critical Distance and effective ranges. The MVs are otherwise the same, so I’ll only translate those for repeat shot types.

Detonating Wyvern Bullet

-27 damage

-Up to three can be placed simultaneously

-It explodes 5 times, or disappears after 60 seconds

-Cooltime is 60 seconds per shot

LV 1-3 Normal S

-Critical Distance is 1-3 rolls

LV 1-3 Pierce S

-Critical Distance is 1.5-5 rolls

LV 1-3 Pellet S

-Critical Distance is 1 roll away

LV 1-3 Crag S

-Range is 5 rolls away

Slicing S

-Range is 5 rolls away

Flaming/Water/Thunder/Freezing/Dragon S

-Range is 5 rolls away

LV 1-2 Poison/Para/Sleep/Exhaust S

-Range is 6 rolls away

Para 1 and Sleep 1/2 work like all the other status shots mentioned

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