LoL Vi Advanced Tips and Tricks

LoL Vi Advanced Tips and Tricks by DomItsMe

Q (Vault Breaker)

1. “Flash Q” – Charge Q/Flash/Release Q (Doubles Q’s Distance)

2. Q may push enemies through walls

3. Chilling smite helps land Q (basic tip)

4. (Wave clear) Q the wave once it’s lined up and is in Q’s range and E the last minion facing the rest, to most likely kill all minions (Vi damage build)

5. You can out run a lot of immobile champions using Q even running around the map (CDR build advised)

6. Q & E (R too but not recommended in this case) trigger passive, therefore use it when low to save your life. E.G. ignited etc or Karthus Ulted

7. Q lines up jungle camps at certain locations around the camps, use it to clear with E to save time & HP (made a Youtube guide:

8. Q is a slight knock up as well as a knock back!

9. Flashing can re-adjust Q’s landing position, which can be used when your opponent changed their position all of a sudden and your Q is already casting (very difficult) In other words “Q Flash” where you Q and Flash at the end of your animation to still apply the knockback!

10. Flashing whilst Q-ing can skip a target and hit someone behind it (very difficult) Vi (Charge Q & Flash) > Opponent (Release Q) > Target (a small diagram, best I could do )

11. Consider Saving your Q when invading enemy jungle to either, attack the enemy jungler once he/she shows up, or to escape with it in case you can’t win the duel

12. Use Q to avoid wards when ganking, similar to J4 and Lee Sin(if blue side support wards river bush I would Q from drag to tri-bush. Same idea on purple side)

13: While Jungling, when using Q to go through a monster camp, position yourself so that E blows back into the jungle. The blast wave is visible and may give away your position (especially at raptors)

14: Q Damage scales with charge time so when possible, try to gank with a max charge of Q

15. Q can stop dashes, so try to time it to stop an escape/engage dash like Wukong’s E, LeBlanc’s first W or Lee Sin’s Q! (Stops the second Q once Lee charges at you)

16. A tip for fighting enemies with Banshee’s: You can smite enemies mid-Q and pop their shield, allowing you to deal the full damage of your combo

17. If you hit a champion with Q, you immediately do an auto attack without even clicking on them, so hold your E until you get that auto off so you can proc Denting Blows right away. Doing this does insane burst damage before they even have a chance to react

18. Buying Tenacity reduces all CC that affect you. Q Slows you by a fair amount which means it’s a de-buff, even though Merc Treads only reduce the duration of CC, Boots of Swiftness will reduce your slow strength making you slightly faster on Q’s. (Merc Treads are still a good buy!)

19. E and Q apply a stack of W (only when W has at least one point in it)

W (Denting Blows) & E (Excessive Force)

20. E has longer range than AUTO!

21. Using 3RD W and smiting Dragon or Baron at the end of W’s animation deals massive unexpected damage (use to out-smite your opponents)

22. E-ing through targets (E.G. minions) can be used to reach low HP opponents which you didn’t quite finish off and possibly kill them

23. Casting E on 3RD W stack, stacks E’s and W’s damage whilst also performing the 3RD W animation faster and applying the damage quicker

24. Use E right as you finish an AUTO ATTACK. E resets AUTO ATTACKS (and is treated as one) Good combo is Auto>E>Auto

25. Vi’s E can help you destroy turrets faster as it resets your auto attack time (As mentioned above)

26. Excessive use of E can lead to a mana starvation. So becareful and watch your mana pool!

R (Assault and Battery)

27. Cast R through low HP enemies to get to your initial target whilst damaging or killing enemies in your way. The ULT does 75% damage to those in her way

28. Predict opponents flash or dash, and ULT beforehand to avoid escapes and burn their summoners/escapes

29. Your ULT always lands behind your target which means it’s important to hit that semi charged Q right after you finish your ULT, to lock down your enemy for even longer and bring it closer to your team

30. When chasing an enemy don’t always ULT them, as long as you know he/she won’t escape and you have vision of their team. Your Q is a low CD ability and can be used to chase down enemies instead of ULTING which may come in handy later on

31. Watch if the rest of your team is close by every time you ULT for a follow-up on your engage.. you don’t want to get dragged into a full enemy team 3 miles from your teammates

32. When you know you’re about to get CC’d hard, use your ult. You get cc’d but the time you’re in your ULT duration and reaching the target, it pretty much mitigates the CC time (sometimes lowering it).

33.You can flash during your ultimate to deviate from your path and knock aside targets that didn’t expect to be hit before going back to the initial target.

34. Vi’s ULT can be dodged and denied by champions that can become untargetable like Fizz/Vladimir. Also spell shields block this ability too, as well as items like zhonyas. Keep in mind that Quicksilver Sash will NOT prevent your champion from being knocked up by Assault and Battery.

Other Useful Tips & Tricks

34. Vi’s good with and against assassins because she can either help her assassins reach their target or lock down and focus enemy assassins to kill them faster

35. Don’t be scared to use your CC to deny damage dealt to you or your team-mates and to penetrate your enemies

36. Vi can deal with tanks, blow up squishes and her ULT allows you to by-pass the enemy front-line to lock down and take out high priority targets. One of the many reasons why she’s my favourite champ :)

37. 40% CDR! CDR as well as Armour Pen are stats that work AMAZINGLY on Vi, So try and get as much as you can.

38. Some combos: AA>E>AA / Q>AA>E>AA>E>AA / Q>AA>E>R / R>Q>AA>E / Q>AA>E>AA>R>AA>E (AA = Auto Attack)

39. One of the best things about Vi is how much you can adapt your build to fit your team and who you’re playing against, so the best build will basically be different every game. Also if youre behind early game make sure you buy some tank items even when youre about to finish your second AD item

40. Overall, Pros: CC, Shred. Cons: Disengage, Slight Mana Issues

Feel free to add in some of your tips if you think I have missed out on some. Don’t hesitate if you have any questions or criticism (it’s most welcome)

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