Marvel Heroes Useful Artifacts List
Marvel Heroes Useful Artifacts List by itsmymillertime
This project was to get a comprehensive look at what artifacts are useful and what are not. Either by trading them, keeping them for yourself, or trying to clear out 4 stashes worth of artifacts due to the Big 12 event, this list should help a lot of people. While I was compiling the data, a list of hero builds would also benefit people who want to stay up to date on the latest builds but finding’s update a little underwhelming. So what started out as a small project turned into a bigger one.
So with that, below is a list of useful artifacts based on rarity and if they are recommended by the build guides lists. I recommend people look it over and offer their opinions on anything that needs changed. This list is not the be all end all list so please speak up if something is amiss. I also highly encourage anyone with a hero guide to let me know so I can add it to the list.
So without further ado the 5 sections of this post:
- Useful Artifact List (alphabetically)
- Useless Artifact List (alphabetically)
- Useful Artifact List (by hero alphabetically)
- Hero Guides (by hero alphabetically)
- Advanced A.I.M Robot Dispenser
- Advanced Amulet of Agamotto
- Advanced Atlantean Jewel
- Advanced Circlet of Cyttorak
- Advanced Crimson Crystal of Cyttorak
- Advanced Flames of the Faltine
- Advanced H.A.M.M.E.R Ordinance
- Advanced Kree Hyper-Optics
- Advanced Kung Fu Training Sequence
- Advanced Latverian Regalia
- Advanced Metasensory Array
- Advanced Netharanium Jewel
- Advanced Phoenix Feather
- Advanced Skrull Targeting Computer
- Advanced Starstone Tooth
- Advanced Super-Soldier Serum
- Advanced Wicked Wand of Watoomb
- Advanced Wundagore Clay
- Amulet of Agamaotto
- Arnim Zola’s ESP Box
- Bacon-Wrapped Hot Pepper
- Beta Particle Mini-Reactor
- Black Cat’s Grappling Hook (Superheroic)
- Black Tom’s Shillelagh
- Blinding Brazier of Balthakk
- Brevik’s Cowbell
- Danger’s A.I. Chip
- Darkhold Scroll
- Extremis Serum B
- Fearsome Fist of Farallah
- Gem of the Kursed
- Hand of Doom
- Hand of Nimrod
- Idol of Khonshu
- Latverian Regalia
- Magneto Was Right T-Shirt
- Maht’s Arrowhead (Superheroic)
- Mark of the Odinborn
- Mask of Doom
- Mental Focus Headband
- Metasensory Array
- Moonstone Shard
- Nutso the Squirrel
- Oculus Oroboros
- Pluvian Superconductor
- Power Prism Shard
- Pym Growth Serum
- Pym Shrinking Serum
- Raptor Stone
- S.H.I.E.L.D Motion Tracker (Superheroic)
- Siege’s Targeting System
- Shi’ar Cloaking Device
- Talisman of K’un Lun
- Taskmaster’s Fighting for Losers Guide
- White Suit Jacket
- Wicked Wand of Watoomb
- Yukio’s Charm (Superheroic)
- Xerogen Crystal
- Ziggurat of Kargul
Please note at this time, the Bannertech artifacts are crafted and maybe useful while leveling and all Bloodstone artifacts are going to be re-worked so no one knows how good they will be.
- AIM Robot Dispenser (Non Advanced)
- Amulet of Quiox (Regular and Advanced)
- Asgardian Runestone
- Atlantean Jewel (Non Advanced)
- Bannertech Accelerator (Regular and Advanced)
- Bannertech Adrenalizer (Regular and Advanced)
- Black Cat’s Grappling Hook (Non Superheroic)
- Bloodstone Eagle
- Bloodstone Eel
- Bloodstone Jaguar
- Bloodstone Lion
- Bloodstone Mammoth
- Bloodstone Panther
- Bloodstone Porcupine
- Bloodstone Raptor
- Chthonic Idol
- Circlet of Cyttorak (Non Advanced)
- Crimson Crystal of Cyttorak (Non Advanced)
- Crystal of Kadavus (Regular and Advanced)
- Cybernetic Implant
- Edge of Infinity
- Einherjar Brooch
- Embers of Balthakk
- Fantastic Force Field (Regular and Advanced)
- Flames of the Faltine (Non Advanced)
- Flames of Zarathos
- Fog of Wundagore
- Frigga’s Circlet
- Gem of Jotunheim
- Golden Arrows of Cupid
- Graviton Generator
- H.A.M.M.E.R Ordinance (Non Advanced)
- Hellfang of Zarathos (Regular and Advanced)
- Hulkbuster Munitions
- Infinity Formula
- Ivory Idol of Ikonn
- Jewel of Yggdrasil
- Ka-Zar’s Pendant (Normal / Heroic / Superheroic)
- Kree Hyper-Optics (Non Advanced)
- Kung Fu Training Sequence (Non Advanced)
- Lunar Fireworks Launcher
- Maht’s Arrowhead (Non Superheroic)
- Mask of Doom (Non Superheroic)
- Midtown Patrol Badge
- Mists of K’un Lun
- Netharanium Jewel (Non Advanced)
- Ninja Death Caller
- Phoenix Feather (Non Advanced)
- Plandanium Graft
- Pom-poms
- Random’s Protoplasm
- Reactive Repulsor (Regular and Advanced)
- Repulsor Field
- Ringed Ruby of Raggadorr
- Scrolls of Pama (Regular and Advanced)
- Scrolls of Watoomb
- Serum of the Seraphim
- S.H.I.E.L.D Motion Tracker (Non Superheroic)
- Skrull Targeting Computer (Non Advanced)
- Smoke of Zarathos
- Squirrel Distress Call
- Starstone Tooth (Non Advanced)
- Super-Soldier Serum (Non Advanced)
- Talisman of Hoggoth
- Talon of Khonshu
- Terrigen Crystal
- Tome of Oshtur
- Tome of Zhered-Na
- Verdant Vial of Vartorr
- Vita-Ray Projector (Regular and Advanced)
- Wundagore Clay (Non Advanced)
- Yukio’s Charm (Non Superheroic)
Black Panther Advanced Super-Soldier Serum, Advanced Metasensory Array, Hand of Doom, Gem of the Kursed, Advanced Kung Fu Training Sequence, Oculus Oroboros, Advanced A.I.M Robot Dispenser, Advanced Crimson Crystal of Cyttorak, Black Tom’s Shillelagh, Gem of the Kursed, Pym Shrinking Serum, White Suit Jacket
Black Widow Advanced Kung Fu Training Sequence, Advanced Crimson Crystal of Cyttorak, Ziggurat of Kargul, Darkhold Scroll
Cable Gem of the Kursed, Ziggurat of Kargul, Advanced Metasensory Array, Advanced Kree Hyper-Optics, Hand of Nimrod
Captain America Advanced Crimson Crystal of Cyttorak, Danger’s A.I. Chip (Physical), Advanced Metasensory Array, Idol of Khonshu
Colossus Advanced Kung Fu Training Sequence, Advanced Crimson Crystal of Cyttorak, Advanced Starstone Tooth, Advanced Super-Soldier Serum, Pym Shrinking Serum, White Suit
Cyclops Black Tom’s Shillelagh, Hand of Doom, Gem of the Kursed, Advanced Metasensory Array, Danger’s A.I. Chip (Energy)
Daredevil Advanced Crimson Crystal of Cyttorak, Advanced Metasensory Array, Advanced Kung Fu Training Sequence, White Suit Jacket, Advanced Starstone Tooth, (Superheroic) Yukio’s Charm and Advanced Super-Soldier Serum
Deadpool Advanced Crimson Crystal of Cyttorak, Advanced Metasensory Array, Idol of Khonshu, Gem of the Kursed
Dr. Strange Advanced Amulet of Agamotto, Advanced Metasensory Array, Magneto Was Right T-Shirt, Mental Focus Headband, Danger’s A.I. Chip (Mental), Power Prism Shard, Pluvian Semiconductor
Emma Frost Advanced Metasensory Array, Advanced Amulet of Agamotto, Hand of Doom, Gem of the Kursed, Power Prism Shard, Ziggurat of Kargul, Danger’s A.I. Chip (Mental), Advanced Kree Hyper-Optics, Shi’ar Cloaking Device, Advanced Skrull Targeting Computer, Mental Focus Headband, Advanced Super-Soldier Serum
Gambit Advanced Kung Fu Training Sequence, Pym Shrinking Serum, White Suit Jacket, Xerogen Crystal, Hand of Doom, Gem of the Kursed, Advanced Super-Soldier Serum, Advanced Metasensory Array, Black Tom’s Shillelagh, Advanced Phoenix Feather, Danger’s A.I Chip (Energy), Advanced A.I.M Robot Dispenser, Hand of Himrod
Ghost Rider Ziggurat of Kargul, Power Prism Shard, Advanced Amulet of Agamatto, Extremis Serum B, Hand of Doom, Gem of the Kursed, Advanced Crimson Crystal of Cyttorak, Idol of Khonshu, Mental Focus Headband, Danger’s A.I. Chip (Physical / Mental)
Hawkeye Pym Shrinking Serum, Hand of Doom, Gem of the Kursed, Advanced Crimson Crystal of Cyttorak, Advanced Metasensory Array
Hulk White Suit Jacket, Advanced Crimson Crystal of Cyttorak, Pym Shrinking Serum, Advanced Metasensory Array
Human Torch Blinding Brazier of Balthakk, Ziggurat of Kargul, Pym Shrinking Serum, Advanced Super-Soldier Serum, Gem of the Kursed, Hand of Doom, Bacon-Wrapped Hot Pepper, Black Tom’s Shillelagh, Danger’s A.I. Chip (Energy), Advanced Metasensory Array, Advanced Phoenix Feather, Pluvian Superconductor
Invisible Woman
Iron Man Hand of Doom, Gem of the Kursed, Advanced Super-Soldier Serum, Power Prism Shard, Advanced Metasensory Array, Ziggurat of Kargul, Xerogen Crystal, Pluvian Superconductor, Beta Particle Mini-Reactor, Blinding Brazier of Balthakk, Bacon-Wrapped Hot Pepper
Jean Grey Advanced Starstone Tooth, Ziggurat of Kargul, Gem of the Kursed, Hand of Doom, Danger’s A.I. Chip (Energy / Mental), Black Tom’s Shillelagh, Advanced Metasensory Array, Advanced Flames of the Faltine, Advanced Super-Soldier Serum, Power Prism Shard
Loki Raptor stone, Advanced Latverian Regalia, Advanced Super-Soldier Serum, Latverian Regalia, Mental Focus Headband, Advanced Wundagore Clay, Advanced Metasensory Array, Metasensory Array, Amulet of Agamaotto, Wicked Wand of Watoomb, Gem of the Kursed, Danger’s A.I. Chip (Mental), Magneto Was Right T-Shirt, Hand of Doom, Pluvian Superconductor and Power Prism Shard
Luke Cage Danger’s A.I. Chip (Physical), Advanced Crismon Crystal of Cyttorak, Advanced Kung Fu Training Sequence, White Suit Jacket
Moon Knight Advanced Metasensory Array, Idol of Khonshu, Hand of Doom, Gem of the Kursed, Advanced Atlantean Jewel, Advanced Kung Fu Training Sequence, White Suit Jacket, Extremis Serum B, Advanced Amulet of Agamotto, Advanced Flames of the Faltine, Taskmaster’s Fighting for Losers Guide, Danger’s A.I. Chip (Physical), Siege’s Targeting System, Advanced Crimson Crystal of Cyttorak, (Superheroic) Maht’s Arrowhead
Ms. Marvel Hand of Doom, Gem of the Kursed, Advanced Super-Soldier Serum, Advanced Metasensory Array, Black Tom’s Shillelagh, Advanced Phoenix Feather, Advanced A.I.M Robot Dispenser, Ziggurat of Kargul, Xerogen Crystal, Pluvian Superconductor, Power Prism Shard, Talisman of K’un Lun, Advanced Netharanium Jewel, Advanced Kung Fu Training Sequence, Danger’s A.I. Chip (Energy)
Nightcrawler Hand of Doom, Advanced Metasensory Array, Advanced Crimson Crystal of Cyttorak, Pym Shrinking Serum, Fearsome Fist of Farallah, White Suit Jacket, Advanced Kung Fu Training Sequence, Advanced Starstone Tooth, Gem of the Kursed
Psylocke Advanced Super-Soldier Serum, White Suit Jacket, Pym Shrinking Serum, Hand of Doom, Idol Of Khonshu, and Advanced Metasensory Array
Punisher Advanced Circlet of Cyttorak, Advanced Crimson Crystal of Cyttorak, (Superheroic) S.H.I.E.L.D Motion Tracker, Advanced Metasensory Array, Danger’s A.I. Chip (Physical)
Rocket Raccoon Latverian Regalia, Advanced Latverian Regalia, Raptor stone, Hand of Doom, Gem of the Kursed, Advanced Metasensory Array, Mask of Doom
Scarlet Witch Advanced Amulet of Agamotto, Danger’s A.I. Chip (Mental), Magneto Was Right T-Shirt, Mental Focus Headband
Silver Surfer Advanced Phoenix Feather, Idol of Khonshu, Oculus Oroboros, Power Prism Shard, Danger’s A.I. Chip (Energy), Black Tom’s Shillelagh, Gem of the Kursed, Advanced Metasensory Array, Black Tom’s Shillelagh
Spider Man Advanced Crimson Crystal of Cyttorak, Pym Shrinking Serum, Advanced Starstone Tooth, Advanced Metasensory Array, Nutso the Squirrel, (Superheroic) Yukio’s Charm, Advanced Super-Soldier Serum, Hand of Doom, Fearsome Fist of Farallah, Ziggurat of Kargul, Advanced Kung Fu Training Sequence, Brevik’s Cowbell
Squirrel Girl Latverian Regalia, Advanced Latverian Regalia, Advanced Raptor Stone, Gem of the Kursed, Hand of Doom, Ziggurat of Kargul, Advanced Crimson Crystal of Cyttorak
Storm Hand of Nimrod, Ziggurat of Kargul, Hand of Doom, Power Prism Shard, Gem of the Kursed, Danger’s A.I. Chip (Energy), Advanced Metasensory Array, Black Tom’s Shillelagh, Advanced Kree Hyper-Optics, Advanced Phoenix Feather, Advanced A.I.M. Robot Dispenser, Oculus Oroboros, Advanced Super-Soldier Serum. Pym Shrinking Serum, (Superheroic) Maht’s Arrowhead
Taskmaster Taskmaster’s Fighting for Losers Guide, Pym Shrinking Serum, Advanced Kung Fu Training Sequence, Advanced Metasensory Array, Pym Growth Serum, Advanced H.A.M.M.E.R Ordinance, Idol of Khonshu, Ziggurat of Kargul, White Suit Jacket, Siege’s Targeting System, Advanced Flames of the Faltine
Thing Advanced Super-Soldier Serum, Moonstone Shard, Mark of the Odinborn, Pym Growth Serum, Advanced Crimson Crystal of Cyttorak, Advanced Metasensory Array, Xerogen Crystal, Hand of Doom, Advanced Kung Fu Training Sequence, White Suit Jacket
Thor Hand of Doom, Gem of The Kursed, Pym Growth Serum , Advanced Metasensory Array, Pluvian Superconductor, Power Prism Shard, Ziggurat of Kargul, Black Tom’s Shillelagh, Advanced Phoenix Fether, Advanced A.I.M. Robot Dispenser, Advanced H.A.M.M.E.R. Ordinance, Idol of Konshu, Advanced Starstone Tooth, Advanced Super-Soldier Serum
Wolverine Advanced Metasensory Array, Advanced Crimson Crystal of Cyttorak, Gem of the Kursed, Advanced Super-Soldier Serum, Hand of Doom, Ziggurat of Kargul, Xerogen Crystal, (Superheroic) Yukio’s Charm, Advanced Kung Fu Training Sequence, White Suit Jacket, Advanced Starstone Tooth
Black Panther
Black Widow
Captain America
Dr. Strange
Emma Frost
Ghost Rider
Human Torch
Invisible Woman
Iron Man
Jean Grey
Luke Cage
Moon Knight
Ms. Marvel
Rocket Raccoon
Scarlet Witch
Silver Surfer
Spider Man
Squirrel Girl
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