WildStar Attributes Basic Guide

WildStar Attributes Basic Guide by Sarcan

Before you begin your journey, you need to have a basic understanding of on how Stats and attributes work in Wildstar and how they affect the way you plan and development of each class. So I put together this guide to help you on your way.

You need to understand that the character development it a very rich and diverse process that can be overwhelming, but is fairly straight forward once you understand all the pieces and how they play together. Unlike many MMO’s, the stats are not equal between classes, Brutality for one class will not have the same effect as Brutality does on the next.

Your stats are broke down into different areas and have different effects upon your character. The categories are:

Bases Stats

Max Health – Your life force as represented by the total amount of damage you can receive before you die. You get a base health that goes up at as you level and can be increased by getting Gear that increases Base Health and or Grit.

Assault Power – This is your current total Assault Value from Attributes, Milestones, items, and buffs. Assault Power determines the effectiveness of certain abilities and is subject to diminishing returns. Each class starts with a Base Assault Power that increases as you level. Increasing your Primary Assault Attribute and Gear can increase this value.

Support Power – This is your current total Support Value from Attributes, Milestones, items, and buffs. Support Power determines the effectiveness of certain abilities and is subject to diminishing returns. Each class starts with a Base Support Power that increases as you level. Increasing your Primary Support Attribute and Gear can increase this value.

Primary Attributes

These are your 6 main stats; Brutality, Finesse, Moxie, Tech, Insight and Grit. Each class will start with two stats having a base value of 7 (Primary for the Role) and automatically increasing by 7 per level, two with a base value of 5 (Secondary for the Role) increasing automatically by 5 per level and finally two with a base value of 3 (Tertiary for the Role) increasing automatically by 3 per level.

One set of stats with a value of 7, 5, and 3 will support your Assault Based role and the other set of three will support your Support/Defense Role. You can tell this by viewing the base value of the Stat (with no gear on) and the Secondary Attributes associated with the Stat. there are two secondary attributes associated with each Stat except Grit which only provides Base Health.

At level 50 you will have a Base Primary stat of 350, a Secondary at 250 and a Tertiary of 150. The goal for you as you level is to decide how many points want out of your gear to unlock the Milestones that get unlocked the more points you have in the Stat, which we will discuss below.

Secondary Attributes

Strikethrough Chance – This is your chance to strike through an opponent’s shields or personal defenses, mitigating their ability to deflect attacks. It is countered by your opponent’s Deflect Chance.

Your current Strikethrough Chance assumes combat against an equal-level Challenger rank foe and is based on your Strikethrough Rating.

Critical Hit Chance – This is your chance to critically strike an opponent. It is countered by your opponent’s Deflect Critical Hit Chance.

Your current Critical Hit Chance assumes combat against an equal-level Challenger rank foe and is based on your

Critical Hit Severity – is a multiplier that determines the amount of bonus effect healing or damage, caused by a Critical Hit.

This value is calculated from your base Critical Severity and your Critical Severity Rating and is subject to diminishing returns.

Armor Pierce – All damage you deal ignores this percent of your target’s Armor.

Shield Pierce – This percentage of all damage you deal will ignore your target’s shield and apply directly to their health.

Life Steal – This percent of all damage you deal will be restored to you as health.

Haste – All class ability cooldowns are reduced by this percent.

Shield Regen Rate – This is the percentage of your Maximum Shield Capacity that will be restored each Shield Regeneration Interval.

Shield Reboot Time – This is the number of seconds that must elapse before your shield will begin to regenerate. Taking damage will reset the Shield Reboot Time.

Physical Resistance – All incoming Physical damage is reduced by this amount. This mitigation percentage assumes combat against an equal-level foe and is based on your Armor Value and your Physical Resistance Rating.

Technology Resistance – All incoming Technology damage is reduced by this amount. This mitigation percentage assumes combat against an equal-level foe and is based on your Armor Value and your Technology Resistance Rating.

Magic Resistance – All incoming Magic damage is reduced by this amount. This mitigation percentage assumes combat against an equal-level foe and is based on your Armor Value and your Magic Resistance Rating.

Deflect Chance – This is the chance that you will deflect an opponent’s incoming attack, and is partially dependent upon the rank and level of your opponent. It is countered by your opponent’s Strikethrough Chance.

Your current Deflect Chance assumes combat against an equal-level Challenger-rank foe and is based on your Deflect Rating.

Deflect Critical Hit Chance – This is your chance to deflect an opponent’s critical attack, and is partially dependent upon the rank and level of your opponent. It is countered by your opponent’s Critical Hit Chance.

Your current Deflect Critical Hit Chance assumes combat against an equal-level Challenger rank for and is based on your Deflect Critical Hit Rating.

Resilience – All crowd control effects applied to you will be reduced by this percent.

Focus Recovery Rate – is a measure of how much Focus you will recover every second while in combat.

This value is calculated from your base Focus Recovery rate and your Focus Recovery Rating of x.xx and may be subject to diminishing returns.

Focus Cost Reduction – The Focus cost of all your spells is reduced by this percent.

PvP Offense – All damage you deal to players ignores this percentage of the target’s PvP Defense. This value is calculated from your base PvP Offense and your PvP Offense acquired from items and is subject to diminishing returns.

PvP Defense – All incoming damage from players is reduced by this percentage. This value is calculated from your base PvP Defense and your PvP Defense acquired from items and is subject to diminishing returns.


Milestone are points in which you have acquired enough points between your Base and values on you gear in a Primary Attribute. Upon reaching these Milestones, you get a bonus value to either a Base Stat or Secondary Attributes. See the Class descriptions below to see what Milestones are for each Primary Attribute per class.

Milestones unlock at 30, 75, 120, 180, 240, 300, 375, 450, 525, 600, 690, 780, 870, 960, 1050


AMP’s is a system to buff your abilities by spending AMP points in AMP Grid beginning at level 6, which is made up three main or Pure Role Quadrants (Assault, Support and Utility) and three Diversity Quadrants (Hybrid, PvP Defense and PvP Offense). To access the Diversity Quadrants you need to spend the required points in each Pure Role Quadrant to each side of it. Thus to put points into Hybrid, you would need to speed points in Assault and Support.

Each Quadrant has three Tiers of AMP’s which require a specific amount of points spent in that Quadrant to unlock the next tier of AMP’s.

Many of your AMP’s are chained, meaning you have to buy the first in the chain to unlock the second and then the third. Currently all chained AMP’s are free. There are also a number of single nodes, these are usually purchased or may be available as loot drops. Once you learn the AMP Node and have the tier it is in unlock, then you can spent points to activate the AMP.

AMP’s can cost from 1 to 4 points to activate. At Level 50 you will have 45 points to spend.

The chart below shows the costs to unlock Tiers. Note that you will need to spend the full amount in each quadrant to unlock the next tier in that quadrant. So for example you spend 13 points in Assault, 15 Points in Support and 10 Points in Hybrid, you would not have spent enough in Assault, still needing 2 points to unlock Tier 3 of Hybrid.

Tier 2 5 Points spent in Tier 1
Tier 2 Hybrid Need 3 Point in Assault and Support
Tier 2 PvP Defense Need 3 Point in Support and Utility
Tier 2 PvP Offense Need 3 Point in Utility and Assault
Tier 3 10 Points spent in Tier 2
Tier 3 Hybrid 15 Total Points spent in Assault and Support (30 Total)
Tier 3 PvP Defense 15 Total Points spent in Support and Utility (30 Total)
Tier 3 PvP Offense 15 Total Points spent in Utility and Assault (30 Total)

Rune Crafting

The system to enhance your items, which becomes available to you at level 15. With Rune crafting you can fine tune your gear to achieve the Base Stat, Primary and Secondary Attributes you desire. You will craft a Rune to will add to the desired property; Primary (High Amount), Secondary (Moderate Amount) and Tertiary (Small Amount) Runes that will need to be applied to a corresponding slot type (Water, Earth, Fire, Air, Logic, and Fusion that is available on your gear.


With all that is listed above you can see there is a number of items to consider and plan for when developing you character. Now let’s take a look at each class to bring what we covered so far into perspective and then go forth and adventure.

Note that the values listed are at level 1 and the amount you earn per point spent in the Milestones chart. You also get a bonus amount of 1 of the two Milestones listed at each Milestone point.


Role: Ranged DPS, Ranged Tank
Primary Attributes: Finesse (DPS), Tech (Tank)
Milestone Priority for Stats:

DPS: Finesse (7), Brutality (5), Moxie (3)
Tanking: Tech (7), Grit (5), Insight (3)

Brutality          0.25 Strikethrough Rating, 0.50 Critical Severity Rating
Finesse            0.37 Assault Power
Moxie               0.50 Critical Chance Rating, 0.50 Strikethrough Rating
Tech                0.37 Support Power
Insight            0.50 Deflect Critical Hit Rating, 0.25 Deflect Rating
Grit                  14 Base Health


Role: Ranged DPS, Healer
Primary Attributes: Moxie (DPS), Insight (Healing)
Milestone Priority for Stats:

DPS: Moxie (7), Finesse (5), Brutality (3)
Healing: Insight (7), Grit (5), Tech (3)

Brutality          0.25 Strikethrough Rating, 0.50 Critical Severity Rating
Finesse           0.50 Critical Chance Rating, 0.50 Critical Severity Rating
Moxie              0.61 Assault Power
Tech                0.25 Deflect Rating, 0.50 Deflect Critical Hit Rating
Insight            0.50 Support Power
Grit                 14 Base Health


Role: Ranged DPS, Healer
Primary Attributes: Tech (DPS), Insight (Healing)
Milestone Priority for Stats:

DPS: Tech (7), Moxie (5), Brutality (3)
Healing: Insight (7), Grit (5), Finesse (3)

Brutality          0.25 Strikethrough Rating, 0.50 Critical Severity Rating
Finesse            0.25 Deflect Rating, 0.50 Defect Critical Hit Rating
Moxie               0.50 Critical Chance Rating, 0.50 Critical Severity Rating
Tech                 0.50 Assault Power
Insight              0.50 Support Power
Grit                   14 Base Health


Role: Ranged DPS, Healer
Primary Attributes: Finesses (DPS), Insight (Healing)
Milestone Priority for Stats:

DPS: Finesse (7), Moxie (5), Brutality (3)
Healing: Insight (7), Grit (5), Tech (3)

Brutality          0.25 Strikethrough Rating, 0.50 Critical Severity Rating
Finesse           0.61 Assault Power
Moxie              0.50 Critical Chance Rating, 0.50 Strikethrough Rating
Tech                0.25 Deflect Rating, 0.50 Deflect Critical Hit Rating
Insight            0.50 Support Power
Grit                 14 Base Health


Role: Melee DPS, Tank
Primary Attribute: Brutality (DPS), Tech (Tank)
Milestone Priority for Stats:

DPS: Brutality (7), Finesse (5), Moxie (3)
Tanking: Tech (7), Grit (5), Insight (3)

Brutality          0.50 Assault Power
Finesse          0.25 Strikethrough Rating, 0.50 Critical Chance Rating
Moxie             0.50 Critical Severity Rating, 0.50 Critical Chance Rating
Tech              0.37 Support Power
Insight           0.50 Deflect Critical Hit Rating, 0.25 Deflect Rating
Grit                14 Base Health


Role: Melee DPS, Tank
Primary Attribute: Brutality (DPS), Tech (Tank)
Milestone Priority for Stats:

DPS: Brutality (7), Finesse (5), Moxie (3)
Tanking: Tech (7), Grit (5), Insight (3)

Brutality          0.37 Assault Power
Finesse           0.25 Strikethrough Rating, 0.50 Critical Severity Rating
Moxie              0.50 Critical Chance Rating, 0.50 Critical Severity Rating
Tech                0.37 Support Power
Insight           0.50 Deflect Critical Hit Rating, 0.25 Deflect Rating
Grit                 14 Base Health

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