PokeMMO Speed Tier Lv50 OU/UU Guide

PokeMMO Speed Tier Lv50 OU/UU Guide by guigoz0rd

This list is a more updated and accurate version of speed tier. Breeding radically changed PokeMMO with new pokémons and moves that are related to speed. I am planning make a UU tier and a Lv100 too. Please feel free to suggest and correct.

Speed Boosts


Agility: Agility increases the user’s Speed by two stages (100%).

Dragon Dance: Dragon Dance raises the user’s Attack stat and Speed stat by one stage (50%) each.

AncientPower and Silver Wind: These moves inflict damage and have a 10% chance of raising all of the user’s stats by one stage (50%).


Chlorophyll: During sunny weather, the Speed stat of Pokémon with this Ability doubles (100%).

Swift Swim: Swift Swim doubles the user’s Speed stat (100%) in rain.

Speed Boost: Speed Boost raises the user’s Speed stat by one stage (50%), at the end of each turn in battle.


Salac Berry: If held by a Pokémon, it raises Speed one stage (50%) when at 25% HP or less.

Speed Priority

+6       Pursuit (on a switch)

+5       Switching

+4       Helping Hand

+3       Magic Coat, Snatch

+2       Detect, Endure, Fake Out, Follow Me, Protect

+1       Bide, ExtremeSpeed, Mach Punch, Quick Attack

  0       All moves not listed

-1        Vital Throw

-2        Focus Punch

-3        Revenge

-4        Counter, Mirror Coat

-5        Roar, Whirlwind

Level 50 OU


This list assumes 31 IV’s in Speed;

252 means 252 EV’s in Speed and a blank means no EV’s;

+Nature means +Speed nature and -Nature means -Speed nature;

+Weather means Swim Swift or Chlorophyll active;

+Weather and +Agility boosts are in red;

+Salac Berry and +Dragon Dance boosts are in blue.

Tier 1 (Speed stat greater than or equal to 200)

Aerodactyl, Crobat, Electrode, Jolteon

274: [252/+Weather] Kingdra

274: [+Nature/252/+1 Salac Berry] Starmie

268: [+Nature/252/+Weather] Ludicolo

267: [+Nature/252/+1 Salac Berry] Gengar, Tauros

256: [+Nature/252/+1 Agility] Scizor

250: [+Nature/252/+1 Dragon Dance] Charizard, Salamence

250: [252/+1 Salac Berry] Starmie

244: [252/+Weather] Ludicolo

243: [252/+1 Salac Berry] Gengar, Tauros

241: [+Nature/252/+1 Salac Berry] Houndoom, Jynx

234: [+Nature/252/+1 Salac Berry] Kangaskhan

234: [252/+1 Agility] Scizor

234: [+Nature/252/+Weather] Exeggutor

230: [+Nature/+Weather] Kingdra

228: [252/+1 Dragon Dance] Charizard, Salamence

225: [+Nature/252/+1 Salac Berry] Heracross

220: [252/+1 Salac Berry] Houndoom, Jynx

219: [+Nature/252/+1 Dragon Dance] Gyarados

214: [252/+Weather] Exeggutor

213: [252/+1 Salac Berry] Kangaskhan

211: [+Nature/252] Electrode

210: [+Weather] Kingdra

205: [252/+1 Salac Berry] Heracross

200: [+Nature/252] Aerodactyl, Crobat, Jolteon

Tier 2 (Speed stat between 150-199)

Aerodactyl, Alakazam, Arcanine, Charizard, Crobat, Dugtrio, Electrode, Gengar, Heracross, Houndoom, Jolteon, Jynx, Kangaskhan, Kingdra, Salamence, Slaking, Starmie, Tauros

199: [252/+1 Dragon Dance] Gyarados

198: [+Nature/+Weather] Ludicolo

192: [252] Electrode

189: [+Nature/252] Alakazam, Dugtrio

186: [+Nature/+1 Agility] Scizor

183: [+Nature/252] Starmie

182: [252] Aerodactyl, Crobat, Jolteon

180: [+Weather] Ludicolo

178: [+Nature/252] Gengar, Tauros

172: [252] Alakazam, Dugtrio

170: [+1 Agility] Scizor

167: [+Nature/252] Charizard, Salamence, Slaking

167: [252] Starmie

162: [252] Gengar, Tauros

161: [+Nature/252] Arcanine, Houndoom, Jynx

156: [+Nature/252] Kangaskhan

152: [252] Charizard, Salamence, Slaking

150: [+Nature/252] Heracross, Kingdra

Tier 3 (Speed stat between 100-149)

Arcanine, Breloom, Exeggutor, Gyarados, Heracross, Houndoom, Jynx, Kangaskhan, Kingdra, Ludicolo, Marowak, Scizor, Venusaur

147: [252] Arcanine, Houndoom, Jynx

146: [+Nature/252] Gyarados

142: [252] Kangaskhan

137: [252] Heracross, Kingdra

134: [+Nature/252] Breloom, Ludicolo

133: [252] Gyarados

128: [+Nature/252] Scizor

122: [252] Breloom, Ludicolo

117: [+Nature/252] Exeggutor

117: [252] Scizor

115: [+Nature] Kingdra

115: Arcanine

107: [252] Exeggutor

103: [-Nature] Arcanine

106: [+Nature/252] Marowak

105: Kingdra

100: Venusaur

Tier 4 (Speed stat less than 100)

Blissey, Dusclops, Exeggutor, Lapras, Ludicolo, Machamp, Magneton, Marowak, Scizor, Skarmory, Slowbro, Slowking, Snorlax, Umbreon, Ursaring, Vaporeon, Venusaur, Weezing, Wobbuffet

99: [+Nature] Ludicolo

93: [+Nature] Scizor

90: Ludicolo, Magneton, Skarmory

90: [-Nature] Venusaur

85: Scizor, Umbreon, Vaporeon

81: [-Nature] Magneton, Skarmory

80: Lapras, Weezing

76: [-Nature] Umbreon, Vaporeon

75: Blissey, Exeggutor, Machamp, Ursaring

72: [-Nature] Lapras, Weezing

67: [-Nature] Blissey, Exeggutor, Machamp, Ursaring

65: Marowak

58: [-Nature] Marowak

53: Wobbuffet

50: Slowbro, Slowking, Snorlax

47: [-Nature] Wobbuffet

45: Dusclops

45: [-Nature] Slowbro, Slowking, Snorlax

40: [-Nature] Dusclops

Level 50 UU


This list assumes 31 IV’s in Speed;

252 means 252 EV’s in Speed and a blank means no EV’s;

+Nature means +Speed nature and -Nature means -Speed nature;

+Weather means Swim Swift or Chlorophyll active;

+Weather and +Agility boosts are in red;

+Salac Berry boosts are in blue.

Tier 1 (Speed stat greater than or equal to 250)

366: [+Nature/252/+1 Agility] Sneasel

344: [+Nature/252/+1 Agility] Scyther

334: [+Nature/252/+1 Agility] Dodrio, Raichu

334: [252/+1 Agility] Sneasel

322: [+Nature/252/+1 Agility] Sharpedo

314: [252/+1 Agility] Scyther

312: [+Nature/252/+1 Agility] Pikachu

304: [252/+1 Agility] Dodrio, Raichu

300: [+Nature/252/+Weather] Qwilfish

294: [252/+1 Agility] Sharpedo

290: [+Nature/252/+Weather] Kabutops

284: [252/+1 Agility] Pikachu

274: [252/+Weather] Qwilfish

268: [+Nature/252/+1 Agility] Hitmontop

268: [+Nature/252/+Weather] Victreebell

267: [+Nature/252/+1 Salac Berry] Espeon

264: [252/+Weather] Kabutops

258: [+Nature/252/+1 Salac Berry] Electabuzz, Kadabra

250: [+Nature/252/+1 Salac Berry] Ninetales, Tentacruel

Tier 2 (Speed stat between 200-249)

244: [252/+1 Agility] Hitmontop

244: [252/+Weather] Victreebell

243: [252/+1 Salac Berry] Espeon

241: [+Nature/252/Salac Berry] Haunter, Primeape, Xatu

238: [+Nature/252/Salac Berry] Magmar

235: [252/+1 Salac Berry] Electabuzz, Kadabra

234: [+Nature/252/+1 Salac Berry] Mr. Mime, Vigoroth

234: [+Nature/252/+Weather] Omastar

228: [+Nature/252/+1 Salac Berry] Hitmonlee

228: [252/+1 Salac Berry] Ninetales, Tentacruel

225: [+Nature/252/+1 Salac Berry] Gligar, Golduck, Misdreavus, Nidoking, Pinsir

224: [+Nature/252/+Weather] Vileplume

220: [252/+1 Salac Berry] Haunter, Primeape, Xatu

220: [+Nature/+Weather] Kabutops

217: [252/+1 Salac Berry] Magmar

214: [252/+Weather] Omastar

213: [252/+1 Salac Berry] Mr. Mime, Vigoroth

210: [+Nature/252/+1 Salac Berry] Nidoqueen

208: [+Nature/252/+1 Salac Berry] Absol

208: [252/+1 Salac Berry] Hitmonlee

205: [252/+1 Salac Berry] Gligar, Golduck, Misdreavus, Nidoking, Pinsir

204: [252/+Weather] Vileplume

200: [+Weather] Kabutops

Tier 3 (Speed stat 150-199)

Dodrio, Electabuzz, Espeon, Gligar, Golduck, Hitmonlee, Kadabra, Misdreavus, Mr. Mime, Nidoking, Ninetales, Pikachu, Pinsir, Qwilfish, Raichu, Scyther, Sneasel, Tentacruel, Vigoroth

192: [+Nature/252/+1 Salac Berry] Banette, Flareon, Sandslash

192: [252/+1 Salac Berry] Nidoqueen

190: [252/+1 Salac Berry] Absol

183: [+Nature/252] Sneasel

178: [+Nature/252] Espeon

175: [252/+1 Salac Berry] Banette, Flareon, Sandslash

172: [+Nature/252] Electabuzz, Kadabra, Scyther

167: [+Nature/252] Dodrio, Ninetales, Raichu, Tentacruel

167: [252] Sneasel

162: [252] Espeon

161: [+Nature/252] Haunter, Primeape, Sharpedo, Xatu

159: [+Nature/252] Magmar

157: [252] Electabuzz, Kadabra, Scyther

156: [+Nature/252] Mr. Mime, Pikachu, Vigoroth

152: [252] Dodrio, Ninetales, Raichu, Tentacruel

152: [+Nature/252] Hitmonlee

150: [+Nature/252] Gligar, Golduck, Misdreavus, Nidoking, Pinsir, Qwilfish

Tier 4 (Speed stat between 100-149)

Absol, Banette, Flareon, Gligar, Golduck, Grumpig, Haunter, Hitmonlee, Hitmontop, Kabutops, Magmar, Misdreavus, Mr. Mime, Nidoqueen, Nidoking, Omastar, Pikachu, Pinsir, Primeape, Qwilfish, Sandslash, Sharpedo, Victreebell, Vigoroth, Vileplume, Xatu

147: [252] Haunter, Primeape, Sharpedo, Xatu

145: [+Nature/252] Kabutops

145: [252] Magmar

142: [252] Mr. Mime, Pikachu, Vigoroth

140: [+Nature/252] Nidoqueen

139: [+Nature/252] Absol

139: [252] Hitmonlee

137: [252] Gligar, Golduck, Misdreavus, Nidoking, Pinsir, Qwilfish

134: [+Nature/252] Hitmontop, Victreebell

132: [252] Kabutops

128: [+Nature/252] Banette, Flareon, Sandslash

128: [252] Nidoqueen

127: [252] Absol

122: [252] Hitmontop, Victreebell

117: [252] Banette, Flareon, Sandslash

117: [+Nature/252] Omastar

112: [+Nature/252] Vileplume

110: [+Nature] Kabutops

110: Mr. Mime

107: [252] Omastar

105: Golduck, Misdreavus

102: [252] Vileplume

100: Grumpig, Kabutops

Tier 5 (Speed stat less than 100)

Aggron, Ampharos, Azumarill, Banette, Blastoise, Cacturne, Clefable, Cloyster, Donphan, Forretress, Flareon, Golem, Granbull, Grumpig, Hypno, Lanturn, Mantine, Muk, Politoed, Poliwrath, Porygon2, Quagsire, Rhydon, Sandslash, Steelix, Victreebell, Vileplume, Walrein, Wynaut

98: Blastoise

90: Cloyster, Mantine, Politoed, Poliwrath, Victreebell

90: [-Nature] Grumpig

88: [-Nature] Blastoise

87: Hypno, Lanturn

85: Banette, Flareon, Sandslash, Walrein

81: [-Nature] Cloyster, Mantine, Politoed, Poliwrath

80: Clefable, Porygon2

78: [-Nature] Hypno, Lanturn

76: [-Nature] Walrein

75: Ampharos, Cacturne

72: [-Nature] Clefable, Porygon2

70: Aggron, Azumarill, Donphan, Muk, Vileplume

67: [-Nature] Ampharos, Cacturne

65: Golem, Granbull

63: [-Nature] Aggron, Donphan, Muk, Vileplume

60: Forretress, Rhydon

58: [-Nature] Golem, Granbull

55: Quagsire

54: [-Nature] Forretress, Rhydon

50: Steelix

49: [-Nature] Quagsire

45: [-Nature] Steelix

43: Wynaut

38: [-Nature] Wynaut

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