Adventure Quest Character Alignment Guide

Adventure Quest Character Alignment Guide by In Media Res


Your alignment is your character’s personal beliefs and outlook on life. You range from Chaos to Unity, and from Good to Evil. This can be imagined as a graph with two axes: one for Chaos/Unity, and one for Good/Evil.

Your character starts Neutral, at the center of the graph with an alignment of (0,0). As you become more Unity-aligned, the first number increases, and as you become more Chaos-aligned, the first number decreases. As you become more Good-aligned, the second number increases, and as you become more Evil-aligned, the second number decreases.

You can check your alignment by talking to Twilly, and asking to see your moral compass. This won’t give you a number (unless you zoom in and count the dots), but it gives you a good idea of where you are.

(+6,0) means that you are Aligned to Unity, and (-6,0) means that you are Aligned to Chaos. Likewise, (0,+6) means that you are Aligned to Good and (0,-6) means that you are Aligned to Evil.

The two numbers have no effect on each other. You can be Chaos-Good with (-6,+6), Unity-Good with (+6,+6), or anywhere in between.

Changing Alignment

Certain quests give you options, and your choice changes your alignment. When you choose, your alignment shifts one point in that direction.

Alignments can go to ±17, but currently they have a maximum of +6 and a minimum of -6. However, The Beginning of The End can get your Chaos/Unity Alignment to ±7 if you are currently at ±6.

The following quests can change your alignment. Each change is by ±1 point:

  • War of the Clans: 1 choice
    ****1) Affects Chaos/Unity Alignment
  • The Beginning of The End: 2 choices
    ****1) Affects Good/Evil Alignment
    ****2) Affects Chaos/Unity Alignment
  • Strange Friends: 2 choices
    ****1) Affects both Good/Evil and Chaos/Unity Alignments
    ****2) Affects Chaos/Unity Alignment
  • Attack on Granemor!: 1 choice
    ****1) Gives either:
    ******+1 to both Good/Evil and Chaos/Unity Alignments
    ******-1 to both Good/Evil and Chaos/Unity Alignments
    ******+1 to Good/Evil Alignment and -1 to Chaos/Unity Alignment
    ******-1 to Good/Evil Alignment and +1 to Chaos/Unity Alignment
    ******No change
  • The Fall of Augerthorne: 1 choice
    ****1) Affects Chaos/Unity Alignment, or no change
  • The Manifestation: 1 choice
    ****1) Affects Chaos/Unity Alignment, or no change.
  • Paxia Special Mission: 1 choice
    ****1) Affects Good/Evil Alignment, or no change.
  • Frostval in July: 1 choice
    ****1) Affects Good/Evil Alignment, or no change.
  • Battle With Visia: 1 choice
    ****1) Affects Good/Evil Alignment, or no change.
  • Failure to Communicant: 1 choice
    ****1) Affects Good/Evil Alignment, or no change.
  • Isles of Drudgery: 1 choice
    ****1) Affects Evil Alignment, or no change.

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