Hearthstone Miracle Rogue Deck

Hearthstone Miracle Rogue Deck by Apollo

Miracle Rogue

How It Works

First, all credit goes to tttrrraaavvvis for the original deck idea.

If you’re familiar with Magic: the Gathering, the gameplay of this deck may seem somewhat nostalgic. A true Rogue deck in essence, Miracle Rogue uses minions such as Edwin VanCleef and Questing Adventurer — which “grow” thanks to the large number of inexpensive combo abilities — in combination with Gadgetzan Auctioneer to provide a way to cycle through your library and apply pressure on your opponent quickly.

The deck, while fun to play, can be incredibly difficult to master and is not recommended for inexperienced players. On paper the list may seem very straightforward, but the deck can be very unforgiving to even the slightest of incorrect plays. Pushing “all-in” too early will leave your minion(s) vulnerable to any handful of removal spells, ultimately eliminating your win condition, while waiting until too late in the game will give your opponent the necessary time to swing the game in their favor. It requires a large attention to game detail and proper planning to fully utilize its capabilities.

Card Selection & Interaction


Edwin VanCleef – Relying solely on his combo mechanic, this can be the perfect end to a string of low casting cost abilities, forcing your opponent to deal with him sooner, rather than later.

Questing Adventurer – Overlooked by most, this card comes with a powerful board presence and ability. At +1/+1 for each card played, unlike Edwin VanCleefQuesting Adventurer allows you to initiate your chain with a minion.

Mana Addict – An early minion that proposes a threat to your opponent if not dealt with early. Can win you the game, put your opponent on a clock, or force the use of early removal.

Gadgetzan Auctioneer – This guy seems to make his way into just about every list, but here is where he really earns his stripes. Considered the engine of the deck, if you’re able to start a turn with him in play, you’ll likely be able to follow up with a threateningEdwin VanCleef and put your opponent on a clock. A primary target for Conceal as it ensures your opponent will exhaust multiple resources to keep him from staying on the board.

Novice Engineer – Her battlecry mechanic makes her a primary target for Shadowstep.

Bloodmage Thalnos – Spell Power bonuses work well with the cheap cost of Rogue’s removal and burn. Drawing a card when he dies is even better.


Sap – Questionable to most, this card is used to simply buy yourself a turn by removing a threat or to clear the way of any minions with taunt to make the most of your attack.

Shadowstep – This card gets a nod as it’s not only 0 casting cost fodder, but allows you to re-use Novice Engineer for free.

Sinister Strike – This is always going to get in for three damage, putting your opponent close in range.

Headcrack – We didn’t realize how well it worked with Gadgetzan Auctioneer as it not only replaces itself, but returns the following turn to abuse again. This same cycle works as a constant +1/+1 on Questing Adventurer, +2 on Mana Addict, and so forth.


In conclusion, while the deck is challenging, it offers a unique, fun play style and can be incredibly satisfying for Hearthstone players that are looking to challenge the skill set of both themselves and their opponents.

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