Forsaken World Master and Apprentice Guide

Forsaken World Master and Apprentice Guide by Kamjahere

The whole idea of this system, is to have an experienced player teach a new-comer the game and how it all works. It also establishes a way of making a “friend”, and often in turn you meet the masters friends etc.

There’s a couple of reasons behind this lol… one is people are more likely to stay in a game if they have a friend and someone to hang out with. The master also may introduce the new player to their own friends, thereby further cementing that players connection to the game.

Two is, it saves FW creating endless pages of information that generally people wont actually read. (Time and money saved for them). Instead, Dangie and I get to save them the trouble lol

General Information

Once you have an apprentice/master, you form a two person party to complete your MA quest tasks.

There are (per WEEK):
– 3 Master Leading MA quests
– 1 Apprentice leading MA quest (depending on level)
– 1 Master leading Instance quest
The instance quest must be accepted as a two person party, before recruiting other party members to complete the instance

Special Note to Masters: You can have more members in your party for the Master leading MA quests, providing the other members are also your apprentices. (My master Dangie has done this with 3 apprentices at the same time).

The MA quests can be completed all in one day if desired, but a week is given.

For every MA completed, master and apprentice earn friendship points (and xp, mentor points). The friendship points are used at the end of the MA, when the apprentice is finally ready to graduate. The more friendship you have, the better the reward at graduation.

NOTE: If a player dismisses their master/apprentice, BOTH players involved will go into penalty stand down. This means you will not be able to take a new master/apprentice until after the reset time for the current day.

Notes about Masters:
– Level 60-80 are considered “master”. This merely means able to take an apprentice.
– Masters can have more than one apprentice.

Notes about Apprentices:
– It is possible to become an apprentice from level 11 to 59.
– Apprentices can only have ONE master. Even if player dismisses their current master and takes another one, this still counts as only having ONE master.

– Apprentice Lead for Knowledge quest (level dependent)

Known Quests

There are currently only two known releases for Master led MA quests. These are:
– Save Jon
– Glutton

The master gets the same release for ALL apprentices for the entire day, after reset, they have the chance to get a different one. For these quests, the apprentice(s) must be standing near vanessa with the master leading the party. Once the master accepts the release, all apprentices in party are given this quest.

Save Jon
This quest requires the Master to lead their apprentice(s) to the West Edge Shore and save Jon.
All party members are required to teleport to Cragga Cavern in Cintura (the stoneman homeland) and auto-route from there to the West Edge shore and find Jon. (If Jon is not there, please see <Troubleshooting>)
Simply put, you and your apprentice must save Jon only to kill him. Fun lol. When all party is present, Master selects an Apprentice and uses the Tutor buff on him/her. If more apprentices are present, only one is required to perform the task of speaking to Jon.
Once the buff is applied, the apprentice will see a green ? appear over Jon. Apprentice talks to Jon to release the mob waves.
Wave 1: 1 single mob.
Waves 2: 2 mobs
Wave 3: 3 mobs
These mobs have a max damage of 1, so there isnt much point in getting all skill fancy on them, unless you have an aoe and can hit more of them at once.
There is meant to be some kind of effect for having saved Jon with more HP, but I am yet to see what this is.
Once Jon has been saved, there is a pause where nothing happens. Once Corrons appears, the Master will be able to talk to Jon and release the Evil Jon. He is possible to Soul Force, which is particularly handy for masters that have low dps. Once he has been defeated, both Master and Apprentice must return to Vanessa in Freedom Harbour.
Master buffs Apprentice with Tutor once more, and the apprentice will be able to submit the quest.

The Glutton
This quest requires the Master to lead the Apprentice to Twilight Castle in Dusk Town (don’t confuse this with the instance, Defend Dusk Town.) and defeat the Glutton.

Autoroute to the uh umm something tomb (will fix when I remember the stupid name)

Once inside, the Apprentice must buff the master using Review. The trapdoor will get a green ? on it. Once the master accepts the quest there, the glutton will be released. I have never tried to soul force the glutton, but I imagine that works. While the master is dps’ing the Glutton, the Apprentice is expected to pick the flowers found around the floor of the crypt. (They’re easy to see, they sparkle when available).
Apprentice must have the Glutton targeted, and then use a flower on it. The flower removes a defense buff than the creature gains over time (which stacks to max of 3). The more def buff there, the harder he will be to hit and damage.

Once the creature is dead, return to Vanessa in FH. Master buffs Apprentice with Tutor once more, and the apprentice will be able to submit the quest.

Information for Apprentices 

How to Find a Master (system)
– Press F
– Click Master & Apprentice
– Click the Search button at the bottom
a list of available masters will appear, if you don’t like any of them, wait for the refresh option to become available and click it.
– Select your desired master and click Recruit

How to Find a Master (alternative methods)
– You can world flute, asking for someone to be your master.
– Ask a higher level player that you’ve been talking to if they would consider being your master.

Once they accept.. to initiate apprenticeship.
Press F, Click Master & Apprentice, Click Search and type that players name. OR
if the player you want as your master is in front of you click that player, click their portrait at the top of your screen and choose “Social > Invite (Master)”.

What is expected of me as an apprentice? 
The minimum amount required for an apprentice to do with their master, is whatever it takes to max the friendship and then graduate (remember, maxing friendship gives the greatest rewards for BOTH master and the apprentice).

You can earn friendship in the following ways:
Common Bounty: 40 friendship
MA: 100 friendship per quest
MA Instance: 100 friendship
Mentor Recruit Order: 100 Friendship

Anything else that your master does for you, is entirely their choice. Everything is at their expense and there is no funding for them to have to purchase any items for you. They voluntarily give their time to help you learn.
While you can ask for help, please do respectful of your master. They play this game to have fun just as much as you do and at times they will have their own activities they have to complete.

Information for Masters

How to Find an Apprentice(system)
– Press F
– Click Master & Apprentice
– Click the Search button at the bottom
a list of available apprentices will appear, if you don’t like any of them, wait for the refresh option to become available and click it.
– Select your desired apprentice and click Recruit

How to Find an Apprentice (alternative methods)
– You can world flute, asking for someone to be your apprentice.
– Ask a lower level player that you’ve been talking to/helping if they would like to be your apprentice.
Once they accept.. to initiate apprenticeship.
Press F, Click Master & Apprentice, Click Search and type that players name. OR
if the player you want as your apprentice is in front of you click that player, click their portrait at the top of your screen and choose “Social > Invite (Apprentice)”.

While there are lots of rewards in it for the apprentices, what do you get from it as a master?
Aside from the XP rewards, and Mentor points, there is also the following:

Master Reputation Levels:
Rank 1: 80 (Soul Leaves)
Rank 2: 200
Rank 3: 400
Rank 4: 600
Rank 5: 800
Rank 6: 1000
Rank 7: 1200
Rank 8: 1400

What is expected of me as a Master? 
The minimum amount required for a master to do with their apprentice, is whatever it takes to max the friendship and then graduate (remember, maxing friendship gives the greatest rewards for BOTH master and the apprentice).

You can earn friendship in the following ways:
Common Bounty: 40 friendship
MA: 100 friendship per quest
MA Instance: 100 friendship
Mentor Recruit Order: 100 Friendship

Anything else that you choose to do for your apprentice (such as teaching them how to make money, buying them items or gear, teaching them trade routes or helping out with quests etc etc etc) is entirely up to the decision of the master.

Knowledge Quests:

Level 40 Apprentices get the Knowledge Quest: Wisdom
Level 60 Apprentices get :Gratefulness

Question: Darksea 6: Weeping What is the reason that weeping has never been eliminated?
Option 1: People always have a dark side.
Option 2: The sunshine will never disappear.
Option 3: Magic is more durable than life.

Question: Anecdote 10: Dream What is the insufficiency of the main character?
Option 1: Magic.
Option 2: Fortune.
Option 3: Self Knowledge. 

Question: Wanderer 10: Adventure Log Which of the following does not show in Wanderer 10?
Option 1: Treasure Map. 
Option 2: Grave Robber.
Option 3: Magic.

Question: Daylight 3: Cherish What can we learn from the story of Song of Daylight 3?
Option 1: Powerful weapon is not necessary for victory.
Option 2: Parents are willing to do everything for their child.
Option 3: Nothing in the world can resist time. 

Troubleshooting MA quests

Question: I can’t recruit Master/Apprentice
Option 1: If a player dismisses their master/apprentice, BOTH players involved will go into penalty stand down. This means you will not be able to take a new master/apprentice until after the reset time for the current day.

Option 2: Sometimes a players name is too long for the “Search” method to work (in the area where you type the name of the player you want to recruit). If you aren’t on penalty stand down, try recruiting while standing next to each other, and using the portrait method described above.

Question: I can’t find Jon at West Edge Shore
Option 1:Just wait, sometimes he comes back. He disappears for some unknown reason.
Option 2: Try a different realm. If he isn’t on yours, he can usually be found on another.

Question: I have buffed my apprentice using Tutor, but s/he can’t talk to Jon, why? 
Option 1:It is most likely that your apprentice was not in the party when you accepted the MA release, and therefore didn’t get the MA quest. BOTH party members (or more if you have more apprentices with you) need to have this quest in order to complete it.
You can safely abandon the quest and retake it when both are together, without penalty.

Question:My apprentice/myself disconnected after we completed the task, and I lost the MA quest or it failed, what can I do? 
Option 1: Unfortunately this does happen, and you will have to return (both of you) to Vanessa to retake the quest, and repeat it.

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