Wartune Draw Card Trick
Wartune Draw Card Trick by MissHonest
Hello everyone!
My gaming name is MissHonest and I play on server 14. I will give u some trick how to draw card after duel so u will gain some good item what do you want.. ^_^
First I will introduce level of item what will you draw from low level to high level
when You finished your duel battle you will choose one of 5 card like this
Look carefully, in 5 card there have different level !!!
how we will choose good item??
i will give you some example : [gray]☼[blue]☼[blue]☼[purple]☼[green]
the card with the lowest color will be exchanged with a card with a higher color. so gray will move to the purple card.
and other cards will remain in same path.
but when the card just like pict in above. card with same colour will exchange path. card Daru will in Voucher or otherwise
high chance u will gain what do yo want.
I hope you will have good draw. sorry my english is bad i hope you will understands what i mean.
see u in Game ^_^
Sorry but doesn’t work at all. Tried all day long. The cards are purely random after mixing.
lol i will try that ingame…thanks for the tip :D