SMITE Tips and Advice

SMITE Tips and Advice by infinity2209

General (This will relate to tips for generic gameplay, not related to specific gods.)

1. You may buy up to five of the SAME consumables. Although auto buy will only buy one health potion, this isn’t the limit. You may buy two different consumables.

2. It is incredibly easy to destroy a tower/phoenix late game , so don’t get into the situation when 5 of you are slowly poking that tower with 4 enemy gods underneath it , while the 5th one has already destroyed your 2 towers and is in the middle of the phoenix. – Lasperic.

3. Upgrading items is always more cost efficient than buying new ones. The only exception is buying your second item and upgrading it to 3 before upgrading your tier 2 boots.

4. Voice commands are activated using V. Follow the onscreen keys afterwards to call the command you need.

5. You may ping the map by holding space, then clicking the map as you would in LoL.

6. Last hitting will grant bonus gold, over simply being near the creep when it dies. You may see your total amount of last hits (Also Known as CS-Creep Score) by clicking your name under the score board (tab).

7. Taking minion aggression early in the game is a surefire way to lose your lane. Those minions hurt ALOT more than in LoL. It’s very much possible to die to minions alone if you go extremely aggressive and take focus from an entire wave, or two.

8. The general setup is 1-1-2 + Jungler. The character that takes the middle lane is usually a mage, due to there need for extra experience as there skills scale in damage with levels much more than a tank or an assassin.

9. Jungle buffs have the following effect, in order of overall usefulness (In my opinion of course, varies from god to god):

Green – Health regeneration
Blue – Mana regeneration
Yellow – Physical and magical protection.
Orange – Movement Speed
Red – Damage
White – Cool-down Reduction

The golden fury will give gold to the entire team. While the fire giant will give a stat buff to the entire team. These will be located on the left and right of the middle of the map. Which side there located on YOUR map, depends on which perspective your playing from.

10. You may mute someone in your own team by clicking the megaphone button in the scoreboard next to there name. It’s not possible to speak with the enemy team while in game, however you may speak to them in the after game lobby.

11. Use meditation before using mana potions – VersionThirteen

12. Never go through enemy towers just to get a kill mid/early game, it’s an instant trap. – nightorb

13. If you’re being pushed to your tower, and a ranged hero is trying to add damage to the tower stand in front of their shots. As soon as you get hit once the tower instantly goes on a warpath hitting the enemy hero. Early game if you save your cc, or what have you it’s an easy kill against the often overconfident enemy. – Naleag

14. If any enemy has LOS (line of sight) of you , everyone can see you on the map. use the fog of war (anywhere there isn’t an enemy structure or minion) to your advantage. – Lasperic

14. If the first wave of minions come and the enemy is not in sight on your lane, it might be a good idea to check the creep camps next to the lanes as it might be a good surprise gank (an enemy attacking you from behind) opportunity . Beware though that if you don’t see enemy champions on ANY lane , it might mean trouble in the jungle. – Lasperic

15. Collision is very important , block that enemy who jumped in the middle of your creepwave early game , and it’s a kill. Beware though that you can also block your teammates , if you’re slow and a faster teammate is advancing behind you while chasing an enemy through a narrow corridor , if you dont have a gap-closer , just do a little step to free the path for the faster god. – Lasperic

16. 2 hotg (hand of the gods) is a great way to dominate right lane, go steal their mana or green buff asap. Typically when my friend and I do this strategy we let the support get the blue buff for spammability of utility spells such as slows/heals, and the melee or damage dealer gets the green buff. – RocketCokkit

17. 2 hotg (hand of the gods) + 2 gods with a leap (even hades 1 skill works) can leap from lane to red buff, and instantly take it as soon as their hand of the god is off cooldown. This strategy when applied well guarantees early game dominance. – RocketCokkit

18. The green triangle at the bottom left of your portrait, in game will show who has there ultimate and who doesn’t. If the triangle is lit, it’s up. If it’s black there either below level 5, or there ultimate is on cool down.

19. To reply to someone in game, type the following: /r name message. IE /r IInfinity Oh, okay. Let’s play a game later!

20. If you know an incoming AOE attack is imminent, you can dodge most of them by being mid air jump straight up in the air when the damage hits. – brettarchey

21. Don’t waste your ultimate if it’s off cooldown. If you can get a kill without using it, you can save it for much better occasions that may happen after that. – scoutsteel

22. DO NOT hold onto a spell for the right moment to get a killsteal. It’s stupid, and that spell might have saved your teammate from death or a lot of damage. – scoutsteel

23. If a phoenix is exposed (no towers between it and the enemy) for either team, and in any lane – then the laning phase is over. Unless you and your team really know what they’re doing, you need to group up and stay grouped up, because there’s a good chance the enemy are going to be in a group of 5 and thus sending your poor out-numbered team-mates back to the spawn-room with hefty weight times. – Ace42

24. Farming jungle-buffs is a way to give a lane higher potential XP (through not having to share last-hits), and a handy advantage to the jungler. It is NOT supposed to replace team-play needed in mid-late game when people needed to be grouped up for the team-fights. – Ace42

25. After level 12 tanks with heavy physical protection and health can start tanking tower damage with ever-increasing confidence. A co-ordinated effort with a decent tank can potentially take down a full-strength tower without creep support from this point onwards. Don’t be scared to engage towers / phoenixes without creeps during the late-game if your team is supporting you; and don’t get distracted with enemy minions / Gods when your tank is generously taking a pounding to remove the final obstacle in a lane. – Ace42

26. At mid-late game a counter-push down an opposite lane with your entire team is an effective distraction from a few enemies pushing your lane. Trying to solo-push a lane, however, is a recipe for you getting ganked and your 4 other team-mates getting outnumbered while you’re the other side of the map; and again while they’ve respawned and you haven’t. – Ace42

27. Generally the left lane is the best for the friendly jungler. If you want to team-up with a buddy who isn’t a jungler, pick the right lane and be prepared to counter the opposing team’s jungler. – Ace42

28. Try not to stack the same damage-types in the same lane. While not crucial, giving the opposition the opportunity to build protection against a single damage type can mean the difference between easy ganks and protracted stalemates. – Ace42

29. State your preference for lane at the God selection screen, and pay attention to it. Wasting people’s time by making them switch lanes to accommodate you is a great way to give them a level and buff disadvantage that they simply won’t recover from. – Ace42

God specific~ (This will relate to tips for certain gods, playing and countering.)


1. If Agni farms minions using path of flames, stand in the flames and attack him. The minions will focus him and with your own burst damage you can do significant damage. Forcing him out of lane or even netting a kill.


1. Purification beads, get this early if the enemy Anubis has done well until level 10, he’ll likely be farmed enough to dish out massive damage if he can stun you. this ability is a massive Anubis counter. – RocketCokkit

~AO Kuang

1. He’ll generally push extremely hard, have him ganked (attacked from behind by another player of your team). His escape is a movement speed steroid, slows go a long way to netting the kill.

2. While running away from an enemy throw down your tornado(3) on your feet as you move to injure/slow pursuers or force them to go around it. – Ynaht

3. As Ao Kuang, start with a good MP5 item. Doom Orb if you are building that, or Chronos’ Pedant if you are not. Circlet of Focus does not work well with Ao Kuang. – Aoeui


1. Her ultimate will go through all creeps, so don’t hide behind them and there’s no need to shoot around them either. If facing Arachne your best chance is to simply dodge from side to side.


1. Be careful of her boar. Every game people stand around with low HP without realizing that her boar has massive range and is extremely quick.

2. Hand of the god will kill her boar, preventing it from jumping to anyone else.

3. Placing a trap down under the feet of your enemies after stunning with your boar is a sure fire way to hit the traps root.

4. Her 3 ability can be fired over walls. You aren’t able to see the aiming circle, however if you predict an enemies movement, it’s possible to hit them.

5. When playing against Artemis, be sure to save your crowd control for whenever she pops her 2. This is extremely important if attempting to take her on alone. If you can waste her 2, her damage is massively reduced.


1. 3 hits, hand of the god, and eat minion is a near instant clear of the easy creep camps. You can get mana buff and be at green before lane minions have gotten even close to each other. – RocketCokkit

2. The minions Bakasura vomits up can block paths, just like any minion or player. If chasing someone down, vomit into a small area where the large crowd of minions will block. This works well in the jungle where there are narrow passageways.

3. Hand of the gods will kill bakasuras minions instantly.

4. Save crowd control, when you see his hands glow orange he has true damage on each attack. This is a perfect time to stun him, as you’ll waste his damage steroid.


1. Early game you can afford to poke with your pounce then jump back to safety before minions can hit you, either do the poke sparingly or take some mana pots so you don’t run out of mana while doing that. – Wasting

2. The pounce is also an excellent escape ability, you can jump over a wall in the jungle and once out of sight of the enemy jump back to where you were before so they search the jungle aimlessly trying to find you. – Wasting

~Guan Yu

1. Popping Aegis after the first bounce of his ultimate will block the second and third strike. If hit with the second strike of the ultimate you will be silenced and unable to use Aegis to block the stun.


1. Purification beads will make your life against Hades so much easier. Purchase them if Hades is doing well, there only five hundred gold and can be found under the ability tab.

2. While it’s generally accepted to build Hades as a tank consider picking up Qin’s blades on Hades. Sound crazy? Hades passive is applied by auto attacking, and it makes his skills much better. Why not augment that with a 30% chance to do a sweet 10% of a heroes total health? Since you’ll need to be auto attacking anyway may as well take the chance. – Naleag


1. Odin can be extremely dangerous to you, however thanks to a recent update it’s now possible to use your ultimate to escape his spear wall. If there’s a competent enemy Odin, and your doing well, it may be worth saving your ultimate as he’s very likely to target you. Being caught in it, without your ultimate is almost a death penalty.

2. Your 3 will send enemies upwards in relation to their position and the point where you casted, you can use this to either send them flying towards your team or send them away to save an ally. This can also be used to separate the enemy team if you cast it in the middle of 2 gods. – Desastrado

3. Hebo is rooted in place for a short duration when using his 3, plan accordingly.

4. Check out “TheKoalaBeast” Hebo guide on page five, post seven. It includes tips on playing him effectively. As as a build and reasons to use that build.


1. Use your cc removal skill wisely, and for the benefit of the team; don’t get baited by something trivial if you know that hades has his ult up and is in the middle of your team. – Newmz

2. Do not underestimate Hel’s damage potential. She may have heals but she can also burst for 750 at least, on low magical protection once she hits 5. Coupled with a slowing gem, her own slow and her own speed up, it’s very easy for you to be chased down.


1. Kali counters RA extremely hard, if she walks around RA while attacking it’s very difficult to land anything at all on her. She also counters a number of squishy damage dealers such as Artemis simply because she will out DPS almost anyone, without being able to be slowed and kited.

2. Kali is an extremely good solo lane, she scales extremely well with ability damage and due to siphon blood is difficult to move from the lane. Her 1 –> 4 also makes her hard to gank.

3. If playing against Kali it’s usually best to bait her ultimate out, then have her ganked since she’ll usually push extremely hard with 2.

4. “Smekarn” posted a very long, detailed guide on how to jungle with Kali. Check it out on page four, post ten.


1. Odin works very well in combination with Zeus and Ymir, it makes avoiding there ultimates impossible. If playing against them your best chance is to either stay beside Zeus, so he’ll be trapped in with you if Odin ultimates. Or simply stay out of range of the Odin/Ymir combination.

2. Jump abilities will get you out of Odins ultimate, as will hebos crushing wave. Aegis can be used to reduce the time you spend trapped in his spear wall.

3. Odins attack speed buff can be deadly if he happens to be paired with a physical carry.

4. When moving through the lane be sure to hug the walls as Odin’s passive can see potential enemy ganks or junglers taking buffs. – Ynaht

Whenever you want to ult, make sure you look behind you to see if your friend is in the circle or not. If they are wounded, wait till they are out. If they are ready to kill, make sure they are in the circle as well then attackspeed buff. And remember to take the ring down if there is an emergency(Enemy Zeus ulted in the ring…etc) – scoutsteel


1. Ra is best used along with someone with good CC. Agni + RA can be formidable, so can RA + Ymir. This allows you to land both your skillshots with 100% accuracy.

2. Use RA’s heal to prevent towers from killing your creeps. This makes RA one of the best pushers in the game, especially combined with his insane potential to kill creeps in one shot with searing ray.

3. Gem of Isolation is a god send for RA. It stacks with his own slow, making it impossible to miss with your other abilities. It will also slow when used with RAs ultimate, this allows for extremely long range slows that could just net that kill.

4. His 1 (celestial beam) can hit the same enemy multiple times if they run through/with it, so using it while they are running away will do more damage as it will hit them 2 or 3 times. – maxterchief

5. Use all three of your abilities in the fountain, after you back from a lane. This boosts your passive to three stacks while costing no mana.

6. Aim Ra’s Celestial Beam and Ao Kuang’s ultimate through anything. If you aim it through a wall, the jungle, your own tornado, the target will have a much harder time noticing it in time to dodge it. – Aoeui

7. As Ra, get Circlet of Focus as first item. Use basic attack until you see the item icon above your HP bar, that means your next spell is free. Ra have no problem to buy other items than boots as his first items because of his passive and this item allows you to stay in lane longer than any other setup with any other God. – Aoeui


1. His grab will go through all creeps, so don’t hide behind them and there’s no need to aim around them either. If facing Sobek your best chance is to simply dodge from side to side.

2. Be careful with chucking people back early game if minions are near the enemy, they will most likely kill you if the enemies are on the ball. – Wasting

3. Also use your Pull and tail whip sparingly early game as it will use up half your mana with each combo, try to use it only when your partner is ready and you have minon advantage, this way you will secure a lot of damage and hopefully a kill if you can get your minons onto attack them. – Wasting

4. Remember to stay close to the edge of a tower and just hit minions while having your pull ready for an enemy to walk into range of it so you can chuck them back into your tower. – Wasting

5. Sobek regenerates nearly all of his mana while in his ultimate. Just because he appears to have very low mana, doesn’t mean he’s a free kill. You may end up facing a sobek with full mana.

6. Never use your 1 or 2 on stunned/slowed enemies. It reduces the stun time and can sometimes even let them escape. Use them after a stun/slow to keep them in your grasp. – HybridNeos

~Sun Wukong

1. Don’t chase Wukong. You’ll very rarely catch him. He simply has to much mobility and you’ll likely end up over extending, to have him simply jump over the wall.

2. Remember his leap has HUGE range and he has an AoE fear, this makes him a pretty formidable initiator, especially in lane where he can’t be focused. Expect him to jump on your head when your half HP and leave the lane before he does so. He may also jump over camps to engage, such as the damage camp or the blue camp.

3. Wukong is most deadly when there are only two targets. This is due to his furious monkey jumping between them both instead of spreading the damage over five targets. This can give him extremely high burst damage. Be careful of jungle encounters where there aren’t minions to take the heat.


1. It’s very easy to bait with, or be baited by Vamana. He gains alot hit points while under his ultimate. Remember if he’s low HP that he may suddenly have alot more hit points than you expected to deal with. He also gains massive amounts of protection, as well as a large physical damage buff.

2. His ultimate will last longer (0.5sec per attack up to 10 seconds) if he’s attacked while in the ultimate. If you ignore him it’ll expire much faster.

3. You can escape just about any gank with him by throwing your umbrella then dashing the opposite direction, the umbrella will take much longer to return to you and hit everything between you and it. – Gronkowski


1. Good combinations for Ymir are RA and Odin. His frost breath with RA’s ultimate is a sure fire hit, as well as RA’s insane slow being very useful to hold them in position for Ymirs ultimate.

2. Ymir can’t be stunned, or moved while using his ultimate. The only ways to prevent the damage are to either escape the range of the ultimate, kill Ymir before it finishes or use some sort of invincibility, such as Aegis.


1. Zeus works incredibly well with Odin since Odin’s ultimate prevents the enemy from simply walking out of Zeus’s. Odin+Zeus lane can completely shut down certain gods who have no way to escape the wall and are fairly weak early in the game. Artemis is a good example of this.

2. Zeus can backfire extremely hard due to his lack of escape. If the enemy Zeus is dominating your middle lane then have your jungler gank him.

3. Aegis can work well against Zeus. He’ll always want to have three stacks of his charge on you. If he does so, pop Aegis if you expect he’s about to use his detonate and you can block almost all of his damage. Aegis doesn’t last the entire duration of the charge though.

~ Builds ~

~AO Kuang

Rush a doom orb or warlock’s sash, then magi boots/gem of isolation/rod of tahuti/book of thoth and any item of your choice – Newmz


Warrior boots + Devourer’s Gloves to start with. Upgrade to T2 boots, T3 gloves and then T3 boots. If your extremely confident in your abilities, pick up heart seeker. If not then buy the executioner. You’ll then want to pick up a death bringer. At this point you’ll either have:

Boots + Gloves + Heartseeker + Executioner + Deathbringer, if so then top it off with a titans bane. This option focuses on massive damage out put, with extremely low survivability. You must make good decisions and be able to kite to make this work, you have no defense other than life steal and your abilities so use them wisely. Accept that it’s very easy to lose the game for your team with this build, since most mages can kill you instantly, if your caught out of position. Take beads, Aegis and sprint as abilities. You can substitute either Aegis or sprint for hand of the gods if you wish.

Boots + Gloves + Executioner + Deathbringer. From here you can pick up a frost bound hammer and then titans bane. This build focuses on allowing more room for error. You don’t need to be as good at kiting since frostbound hammer will help out with that. You’ll have lower movement speed and a little lower damage though. This is the best idea for someone who isn’t confident yet. Take beads, Aegis and sprint as abilities. You can substitute either Aegis or sprint for hand of the gods if you wish.


Boots of the Magi, Void Stone, Gem of Isolation, Pythagorem’s Piece, Rod of Tahuti and finish it off with an obsidian shard. You’ll always want Aegis fairly early and will likely also want to pick up purification beads since you’ll be extremely squishy. The final ability will likely be heavenly agility, although you can change that up if need be.

“TheKoalaBeast” submitted the following builds in his Hebo guide on page 5, post 7. Start with boots of magi 1 & doom orb 1, finish the orb,finish the boots. Buy gem of isolation and rod of tahuti. Pick up an obsidian shard and finish it up with a pythagorems piece.

Alternative build, also submitted by “TheKoalaBeast”

Start with magi boots 1 & warlocks sash 1. Finish sash then finish boots. Next pick up rod of tahuti, then a gem of isolation. Next buy an obsidian shard and finish with a pythagorems piece.


Build magi Boots/Rod of Tahuti/Gem of Isolation/Book of Thoth/Pythagorem’s peice/any item of your choice. – Newmz

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1 Response

  1. Alex says:

    Good tips, thanks!

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