RuneScape Farming Guide

RuneScape Farming Guide by Mageguy445

This guide will not only focus on farming runs, but will also help you identify the method that is the best fit for you.

Within this guide, there are various sample methods, overviews, and tips that you may not know about. Whether you want to make a profit or maximize your XP gain, you’ll find useful information in the sections that follow.

Table of Contents

SECTION 1 – Methods
Overview of Methods
1-30 Farming
30-60 Farming
60-99 Farming – Profitable
60-99 Farming – Minimal Loss
60-99 Farming – Costly
Sample Method #1

Sample Method #2
Sample Method #3
Seeds & Cost Efficiency (GP/XP)

SECTION 2 – Efficiency
Should I Farm Herbs for Money or XP?
Best Herbs to Grow – GP and XP
Poison Ivy Bushes

SECTION 3 – Farming Runs
Useful Teleports
Farming Patches
An Example of a Farming Run

SECTION 4 – Farming Goals
“How long will it take me to…?”
Sample Goal – Profitable
Sample Goal – Minimal Loss
Sample Goal – Costly

SECTION 5 – Other
Yew Trees – The Reason Why Not to Grow Them
Player Tips
Supplementing Herblore with Farming

SECTION 1 – Methods
Overview of Methods

Slower (Cheaper/minimal loss):

1-30: Allotment crops, oaks, apple trees, highest herbs
30-60: Apple/curry trees, willow trees, ranarr herbs
60-99: Maple trees, papaya trees, calquats, ranarr/snapdragon/other herbs, poison ivy bushes

Decent XP (Moderate loss):
1-30: Allotment crops, oaks, apple trees, highest herbs
30-60: Apple/curry/papaya trees, willow/maple trees, ranarr/snapdragon herbs
60-99: Papaya/palm trees, maple/yew/magic trees, calquats, ranarr/snapdragon/other herbs, poison ivy bushes

Fastest XP (Costly):
1-30: 1-30: Allotment crops, oaks, apple trees, highest herbs
30-60: Apple/curry/papaya trees, willow/maple trees, ranarr/snapdragon herbs
60-99: Papaya/palm trees, maple/magic trees, calquats, ranarr/snapdragon/lantadyme/dwarfs, poison ivy bushes

1-30 Farming

Before you start farming, you’ll want to purchase the basic tools that are needed to begin with. Buy a spade, seed dibber, trowel, secateurs, rake. The tool leprechaun near any farming patch will store these for you. You’ll also want to either buy or make compost (regular is fine for now, although you’ll want to use supercompost later on). To make compost, you can use any type of crop on a compost bin, located near the allotments.

Plant the highest crop that you can in the allotments (located in Catherby, north of Ardougne, south of Falador, and west of Port Phasmatys). You’ll also want to plant flowers (marigolds are a common choice) and herbs (the best that you can grow). Once your crops are done, you can harvest them and plant new ones.

At level 15 farming, you can add oak trees to your farming routine. I suggest paying the nearby farmer near each tree patch (see post 2.8 for the locations of the tree patches). Even though the seeds aren’t expensive, it will prevent your trees from dying, which will save you time. (see post 3.1 for payments)

At level 27 farming, you should also add apple trees to your farming runs. I advise you to pay the nearby farmers to prevent your trees from dying.

It shouldn’t take you too long to achieve 30 farming.

30-60 Farming

At this point, you can either continue to grow crops or stop growing them. Personally, I don’t think it’s still necessary, but the XP can add up, so it’s up to you.

Instead of growing oak trees, I suggest switching to willows. As usual, I suggest paying the nearby farmer to watch over your trees for you. You may choose to switch to maples at 45 farming.

As you level, you’ll be able to grow better fruit trees. I recommend growing the best fruit trees that you can (at least until papayas). Continue to pay the farmers to watch over your trees for you.

The most commonly grown herbs in this level range are ranarrs, toadflax, and snapdragons. However, if you’re more concerned about XP, then you should grow the best herb that you’re able to plant.

The rate at which you level will depend upon your method, of course, but you’ll reach 60 farming within a week or two if you continuously plant trees and herbs (if not sooner).

Once you reach level 60 farming, you’ll have to choose a farming method that suits you best. Below are three overall outlines: profitable, small loss, and costly approaches.

60-99 Farming – Profitable

Congratulations on making it this far! You’re on your way to becoming a master farmer!

This method focuses on slower XP, but you’ll make a nice profit in the end. If you aren’t in any rush to get 99 farming (or to your goal level), then this method may be best for you.

• Trees
Continue to grow willow or maple trees (maples are suggested, however, you can alternate between willows and maples to reduce expenses). You should aim to complete at least 1-2 tree runs per day, which will account for a fairly large portion of your daily XP. Remember to pay the farmers!

• Fruit trees
Fruit trees usually have a better GP/XP ratio than trees do. I suggest growing pineapple/papaya trees (by alternating between these, you’ll be able to cut down your expenses, which will help to maximize profit). Pay the farmers to watch over these!

• Herbs
Since you want to focus on profiting off of farming, you’ll probably choose to grow either toadflax, ranarr, or snapdragon herbs (the most common choices). Ideally, you should aim for 4-5 herb runs per day, which will help to increase your profits and add some additional XP to your daily gain.

• Bushes/Other
At level 70 farming, you should start growing poison ivy bushes. Not only are they profitable, but the XP adds up over time. Each bush gives exactly 1K XP, after being planted, checked, and picked from. Also, I highly recommend growing calquat trees at level 72 farming. Pay the farmer to watch over them for you!

60-99 Farming – Minimal Loss

If you’re not looking to spend millions on farming, but would like to gain a decent amount of XP daily, then this method is probably the best choice for you.

• Trees
Maple trees are the best choice. The GP/XP ratio isn’t bad, and you’ll definitely rack up XP from planting these. You may also choose to plant magic trees occasionally (yews aren’t worth planting, as their GP/XP ratio is too close to magics when including payments). Pay the farmers to watch over them for you.

• Fruit Trees
Papayas are great for XP, and are very reasonable when it comes to cost. If you’d like to plant palm trees once in a while, go for it. Pay the farmers to watch over your fruit trees!

• Herbs
You’ll probably want to grow toadflax, ranarrs, or snapdragons. However, it’s important to consider growing herbs for XP, especially if you’re looking for higher XP rates. Herbs that are suggested for XP are lantadyme, dwarf, and torstol herbs (torstols are not ideal unless you’re willing to either take a risk of losing a fair amount of money or constantly watch over them; juju farming potions are highly suggested for these).

• Bushes/Other
At level 70 farming, you should start growing poison ivy bushes. Not only are they profitable, but the XP adds up over time. Each bush gives exactly 1K XP, after being planted, checked, and picked from. Also, I highly recommend growing calquat trees at level 72 farming. Pay the farmer to watch over them for you!

60-99 Farming – Costly

If you’re looking for a fast method (and don’t mind spending a large amount of money), then you may want to consider some of the following suggestions.

• Trees
Magic trees are the best option here. Try to aim for at least 1-2 tree runs per day, and don’t forget to pay the farmers to watch over them for you!

• Fruit Trees
I recommend growing palm trees. Remember to pay the farmers to look after them!

• Herbs
If you’re not worried about the cost, then I recommend growing herbs for XP, instead of money. By growing dwarf weed herbs, you can easily gain an extra 20-30K farming XP per day. That will add up in the long run, so it’s definitely worth it. (However, if you want to earn back some money, then toadflax, ranarrs, and snapdragons are some commonly suggested herbs)

• Bushes/Other
At level 70 farming, you should start growing poison ivy bushes. Not only are they profitable, but the XP adds up over time. Each bush gives exactly 1K XP, after being planted, checked, and picked from. Also, I highly recommend growing calquat trees at level 72 farming. Pay the farmer to watch over them for you!

Sample Method #1

> This method will focus on profitable farming (refer to post 1.7)
>> Assuming that the starting level is 60 and goal level is 99

• Trees
Type: Maple trees
Approx****/XP ratio (may not reflect current prices; includes payments): 9 GP/XP

• Fruit trees
Type: Pineapple trees
Approx****/XP ratio (may not reflect current prices; includes payments): 2.2 GP/XP

• Herbs
Type: Toadflax
Approx****/XP ratio (may not reflect current prices): -89 GP/XP**
*Note: Depends on yield
******/XP is profit

• Bushes/Other
Type: Poison Ivy Bushes
Approx****/XP ratio (may not reflect current prices): -1.6 GP/XP*
*****/XP is profit

Type: Calquat trees
Approx****/XP ratio (may not reflect current prices; includes payments): 1.8 GP/XP

• •Daily farming runs• •
• Trees: Avg. of 1 tree run per day (approx. 17K towards daily XP gain)
• Fruit trees: Avg. of 1 tree run per day (approx. 27K XP towards daily XP gain)
• Herbs: Avg. of 4 herb runs per day (approx.6K XP towards daily XP gain) * Depends on yield
• Bushes/other: Avg. of 3 poison ivy bush runs per day and 1 calquat run per day (approx. 24K XP towards daily XP gain)

Approx daily XP gain: 74K XP per day
Approximate PROFIT: 250K GP per day *depends on herb yield and seed prices

Sample Method #2

> This method will focus on minimal loss farming (refer to post 1.8)
>> Assuming that the starting level is 60 and goal level is 99

• Trees
Type: Maple trees
Approx****/XP ratio (may not reflect current prices; includes payments): 9 GP/XP

• Fruit trees
Type: Papaya
Approx****/XP ratio (may not reflect current prices; includes payments): 6 GP/XP

• Herbs
Type: Lantadyme
Approx****/XP ratio (may not reflect current prices): -19 GP/XP**
*Note: Depends on yield
******/XP is profit

• Bushes/Other
Type: Poison Ivy Bushes
Approx****/XP ratio (may not reflect current prices): -1.6 GP/XP*
*****/XP is profit

Type: Calquat trees
Approx****/XP ratio (may not reflect current prices; includes payments): 1.8 GP/XP

• •Daily farming runs: • •
• Trees: Avg. of 2 tree runs per day (approx. 34K towards daily XP gain)
• Fruit trees: Avg. of 1 tree run per day (approx. 36K XP towards daily XP gain)
• Herbs: Avg. of 4 herb runs per day (approx. 23K XP towards daily XP gain) * Depends on yield
• Bushes/other: Avg. of 3 poison ivy bush runs per day and 1 calquat run per day (approx. 24K XP towards daily XP gain)

Approx daily XP gain: 117K XP per day
Approximate LOSS: 150K GP per day *depends on herb yield and seed prices

Sample Method #3

> This method will focus on expensive farming (refer to post 1.9)
>> Assuming that the starting level is 60 and goal level is 99

• Trees
Type: Magic trees
Approx****/XP ratio (may not reflect current prices; includes payments): 20 GP/XP

• Fruit trees
Type: Palm trees
Approx****/XP ratio (may not reflect current prices; includes payments): 13.8 GP/XP

• Herbs
Type: Dwarf weed
Approx****/XP ratio (may not reflect current prices): -10.3 GP/XP**
*Note: Depends on yield
******/XP is profit

• Bushes/Other
Type: Poison Ivy Bushes
Approx****/XP ratio (may not reflect current prices): -1.6 GP/XP*
*****/XP is profit

Type: Calquat trees
Approx****/XP ratio (may not reflect current prices; includes payments): 1.8 GP/XP

• •Daily farming runs: • •
• Trees: Avg. of 2 tree runs per day (approx. 137.7K towards daily XP gain)
• Fruit trees: Avg. of 1 tree run per day (approx. 60.9K XP towards daily XP gain)
• Herbs: Avg. of 4 herb runs per day (approx. 29K XP towards daily XP gain) * Depends on yield
• Bushes/other: Avg. of 3 poison ivy bush runs per day and 1 calquat run per day (approx. 24K XP towards daily XP gain)

Approx daily XP gain: 251.6K XP per day
Approximate LOSS: 3.315M GP per day *depends on herb yield and seed prices

Seeds & Cost Efficiency (GP/XP)

• Cost Efficiency
When deciding which types of trees you want to plant, it’s important to consider the GP/XP ratio (found by diving the cost of the seeds and payments by the amount of XP gained).


Seed price: 50,000 GP
Payments cost: 5,000 GP
XP gained: 7,000

50,000 + 5,000 = 55,000 GP
55,000 GP/7,000 XP = 7.9 GP/XP (roughly)

If you wanted to gain 1M XP by planting this, it would cost:
1M x 7.9 GP/XP = 7.9M GP

Generally, a higher amount of XP gained from a tree/other planted crop = a higher GP/XP ratio

If you’re not looking to spend a lot of money on farming, then you should use lower-level seeds. However, if you don’t mind paying a fairly large amount to gain fast XP, then higher-level seeds are the way to go. By finding the GP/XP ratio, you’ll be able to calculate how much it will cost to reach your goal.

SECTION 2 – Efficiency
Should I Farm Herbs for Money or XP?

Unless you’re looking to profit from farming or break even (concerned about cost), I highly recommend planting herbs for XP. Believe it or not, higher-level herbs can account for a decent portion of your daily XP gain.

Example: Dwarf weed seeds are 20K each, and dwarf weeds are 5.7K each. Let’s say that you get an average of 7 herbs from each patch.

39,900 (price of 7 dwarfs) – 20,000 (price of one dwarf seed) = 19,900 (profit from each patch)
19,900 (profit from each patch) x 5 (# of herb patches used per run) = 99,500 GP profit per herb run

So, from each herb run, you would make approx. 99.5K profit. Now let’s look at the XP:

(XP per herb harvested x # of herbs = XP per patch)
192 x 7 = 1,344 XP per patch

(XP per patch x # of herb patches used per run = XP per herb run)
1,344 x 5 = 6,720 XP per herb run

From each herb run, you would make approx. 99.5K profit and gain 6,720 XP. If you did 4 herb runs per day:

4 x 99.5K = 398K profit
4 x 6,720 = 26,880 XP

You would make 398K profit and gain 26,880 XP per day. To put the XP into perspective… If you did 4 herb runs every day for a year, you would gain approx. 9,811,200 XP just from herbs alone. That’s pretty impressive!

Best Herbs to Grow – GP

Prices Last Updated: 26 September 2012

• Best Herbs to Grow – GP (Average of 7 herbs per patch)
1… Ranarr – 22,202 GP profit per patch
2… Toadflax – 20,294 GP profit per patch
3… Avantoe – 19,925 GP profit per patch
4… Lantadyme – 18,944 GP profit per patch
5… Dwarf – 14,486 GP profit per patch

Poison Ivy Bushes

Poison ivy bushes may not sound appealing at first, but they can add up to an additional 20-30K farming XP per day!

Some facts and advantages of poison ivy bushes:

• They are immune to disease
• They give exactly 1,000 XP per bush (including planting, checking health, etc.)
• They take approximately twice as long as herbs to grow
• You can use the berries for calquat tree payments
• The seeds are very cheap (less than 20 gp per seed)

SECTION 3 – Farming Runs
Useful Teleports (excluding regular teleports/teleport tabs)

• Ardougne cloak (from hard/elite diary, Ardougne allotment)
• Skills necklace (Rimmington bush, Ardougne allotment)
• Combat bracelet (Champions’ Guild bush)
• Ectophial (Port Phasmatys allotment)*
• Elf crystal (Lletya fruit tree)*
• Hot Air Balloon (Taverley, Gnome Stronghold)* – use balloon from Castle Wars (ring of dueling to teleport there)
• Ring of wealth (Miscellania for Etceteria bush patch)
• Explorers’ ring (Falador allotment)
• Spirit Tree (quick access to Gnome Stronghold fruit tree and tree and Tree Gnome Village tree)*

*Quest required

Farming Patches

Here is a list of the locations of important farming patches:

Fruit Tree:
• Gnome Stronghold
• Gnome Tree Village
• Catherby
• Brimhaven
• Herblore Habitat
• Lletya

• Varrock Castle
• Lumbridge Castle
• Taverley
• Gnome Stronghold
• Falador Park

• Rimmington
• South of Ardougne
• Champions’ Guild
• Etceteria

• Catherby
• South of Falador
• Port Phasmatys
• North of Ardougne
• Trollheim (herb)

• Tai Bwo Wannai


Fruit Trees:
• Apple – 9 raw sweetcorn
• Banana – 4 baskets of apples
• Orange – 3 baskets of strawberries
• Curry – 5 baskets of bananas
• Pineapple – 10 watermelons
• Papaya – 10 pineapples
• Palm – 15 papayas

• Oak – 1 basket of tomatoes
• Willow – 1 basket of apples
• Maple – 1 basket of oranges
• Yew – 10 cactus spines
• Magic – 25 coconuts

• Calquat trees – 8 poison ivy berries

An Example of a Farming Run

Upon request, I’ve created a sample farming run. Of course, there are many ways to plan farming runs, but this will serve as an example*

***; This is an example of a full farming run.

1. Teleport to Camelot (Catherby allotment, fruit tree patch)
2. Teleport using Ectophial to Port Phasmatys (allotment)
3. Teleport using Explorers’ ring/glory/other to south of Falador (allotment)
4. Teleport to Trollheim (herb patch)
5. Teleport to Ardougne allotment (Ardougne cloak/skills necklace -> Fishing Guild)
6. Run to south Ardougne (bank if necessary), then take ship south of bank to Brimhaven (fruit tree patch, then run south to calquat patch)
7. Teleport to Castle Wars (bank if necessary; make sure you have one normal log and one magic log), then use the balloon east of Castle Wars to fly to Taverley (tree patch) and Gnome Stronghold from Taverley (Gnome Stronghold fruit tree patch and tree patch)
8. Teleport to Castle Wars/use other teleport and run to Tree Gnome Village (fruit tree patch)
9. Teleport to Herblore Habitat (fruit tree patch)
10. Teleport to Lletya (fruit tree patch)
11. Teleport to Falador and run to Falador Park (tree patch)
12. Home teleport to Lumbridge and run behind the castle (tree patch)
13. Teleport to Varrock and run to Varrock Castle (tree patch)
14. Teleport to Rimmington using POH teleport/skills necklace -> Crafting Guild (bush patch)
15. Teleport to Ardougne, run south (bush patch)
16. Teleport to Champions’ Guild using combat bracelet (bush patch)
17. Teleport to Etceteria using Miscellania teleport scroll/fairy ring code CIP/other (bush patch)

SECTION 4 – Farming Goals
“How long will it take me to…?”

One of the most commonly asked questions is, “How long will it take me to reach level __ Farming?” Answers vary from person to person because of what they grow and how many farming runs they complete daily. Below, I will explain how to estimate the amount of time it will take you to reach your goal and give some examples.

• How to calculate:

First, you’ll need to plan/find out the following (ask yourself these questions):
1. How many fruit tree runs will I complete each day? How many tree runs? How many herb runs? How many bush runs? Is there anything else that should be taken into consideration (calquats/etc)
2. What kinds of fruit trees, trees, herbs, etc. will I grow?
3. How much XP will I gain from my fruit tree runs daily? How much XP will I gain from my tree runs? Herbs runs? Bush runs? (Other?)
4. What is the total amount of farming XP (estimate) that I will gain per day (add the numbers up from previous question)?
5. How much XP do I need to reach my goal? (XP of goal level – current XP)

Now, take the answer from question 5 and divide it by the answer from question 4.

(Answer to question 5)/(answer to question 4) = number of days until goal is achieved

Of course, this only gives you an estimate because you may end up completing more or fewer farming runs than you anticipated.

Sample Goal (Profitable)

>> Assuming starting level is 60 and goal level is 99

I will be using the following figures (found in post 1.10)

Approx daily XP gain: 74K XP per day
Approximate PROFIT: 250K GP per day *depends on herb yield and seed prices

13,034,431 – 273,742 = 12,760,689 XP remaining
12,760,689 XP remaining / 74,000 XP per day = ~173 days
173 days x 250K GP profit per day (depends on herb yield and seed prices) = 43.25M GP profit

Sample Goal (Minimal Loss)

>> Assuming starting level is 60 and goal level is 99

I will be using the following figures (found in post 2.1)

Approx daily XP gain: 117K XP per day
Approximate LOSS: 150K GP per day *depends on herb yield and seed prices

13,034,431 – 273,742 = 12,760,689 XP remaining
12,760,689 XP remaining / 117,000 XP per day = ~109 days
109 days x 150k GP loss per day (depends on herb yield and seed prices) = 16.35M GP loss

Sample Goal (Costly)

>> Assuming starting level is 60 and goal level is 99

I will be using the following figures (found in post 2.2)

Approx daily XP gain: 251.6K XP per day
Approximate LOSS: 3.315M GP per day *depends on herb yield and seed prices

13,034,431 – 273,742 = 12,760,689 XP remaining
12,760,689 XP remaining / 251,600 XP per day = ~51 days
51 days x 3.315M GP loss per day = 169.065M GP loss

SECTION 5 – Other
Yew Trees – The Reason Why Not to Grow Them

You may think that yew trees follow the pattern of GP/XP ratios, where the lower-level trees have a better GP/XP ratio than the higher-level ones. However, after comparing magic trees and yew trees, you’ll find that there isn’t much of a difference at all when you include the payments. The small difference between them makes magic trees more desirable, since they give more XP than yews do.

Prices (as of 22 May 2011):

Yews: 79,000 GP per seed + 63,710 GP per yew payment = 142,710 GP
142,710 GP / 7,069.9 = ~20.2 GP/XP

Magics: 277,400 GP per seed + 36,200 GP per magic payment = 313,600 GP
313,600 GP / 13,768.3 = ~22.8 GP/XP

I strongly suggest that you plant magic trees over yew trees because of how close their GP/XP ratios are.

Player Tips

Maulikk: “Just a very small point to add, when you level up and want to plant a new herb seed which is costly, the safest way to do this is to use the my arm’s patch which will never fail. I did this when I was level 62 and wanted to safely plant my snapdragon seeds.

The only other thing I’d add is that although it may be tempting to sell off your grimy herbs for the highest possible profit, another good option is to have your farming complement your herblore and other skills.”

Daviddts: “Fairy Tale I Quest gives magic scepters which increases the yield of herbs, vegetables, and crops by 10%.

Fairy Tale III gives option to toggle so farmers will keep your patches raked at all times as well as you get an unlimited watering can that never runs out of water!:D

The scroll of life from Dungeoneering gives a 10% chance of re-gaining the number of seeds you planted in a non tree farming patch and while digging up fruit trees and/or normal trees you have a 5% change you will re-gain the seed you originally planted.”

Desertstrike: “1. Low level players/farmers will want to use supercompost fairly early/quickly in order to decrease disease and increase yield. If you head over to Brimhaven there are 4-5 pineapple trees that have 5 pineapples each on them. Gather these and put them in your compost bins to get supercompost nice and early!

2. Remember the leprachauns will turn your crops into notes for you, as when doing farming runs you will certainly be limited to space in your inventory. Simply click on the crop(make sure you don’t eat it!:P) and then on the leprachaun and he/she will note them for you. This can be applied to tip 1 above as just north of where the pineapples are is a fruit tree patch with a leprechaun.”

A R C E U S: “Torstols + juju farming potions = most xp and I believe the most profit. You get ~9.3 herbs on average with them assuming 7 without, which is significant when that’s 60k+ extra cash and 500+ extra xp per plot.”

Xanwes – “It might be worth mentioning that on your teleport guide of the farming run that the spirit tree teleport from gnome stronghold to gnome village might be the fastest way”

xDivineIcex —- “I would like to add the livid farm as an alternate source of farming exp (assuming you have the requirements). I spent about 7 hours total the last few days and went from 67-70 farming. ^_^

Jayv – “If you decide to plant papayas, there’s a cheap and easy method to get your daily payments. It might require completion of the seer’s and karamja diary though. Basically what you do is, when you go to your claquat tree, you speak to Dell Monti for 40 free pineapples. Also Arhein in Catherby sells 40 pineapples for 80gp when you speak to him.”

Brushywoogle – “2 things, 1 allotment run gives about 10k xp, so is in my opinion worth doing.

also some calculations with torstols :)

1 torstol seed = 367k
1 torstol herb = 46k

if you make sure none of the patches die, (using remote farm, or walking by 2 times) will make make sure none of them dies.
6.5 herbs is avarage without juju pot, so 6.5 * 1.33 (the rate the juju pot doubles herbs) gives you 8.6 herbs/patch
so 8.6 * 5 * 46k = 1.9m, and this already makes profit.
if you also get 1/10 seeds back from the scroll of life you really make much money :)

iqsplosion – “simplified, do the following:
1. farm tomatoes
2. pay the farmer 2 sacks of cabbage (sacks from the farm south of falador, cabbage from east of the farm) to look after your tomatoes
3.put the tomatoes into the basket (from the same farm) and go to a tree/hops patch
4. pay the farmer to look after your oak tree/yanillian hops ”

Supplementing Herblore with Farming

Instead of selling the herbs you grow, you can use them to train herblore. By using the herbs that you grow instead of buying them, you will save a lot of money. How much money can you save? Let’s take a look.

In this case, we’ll take a look at saradomin brews. First, we’ll find the GP/XP ratio for purchased herbs and second ingredients, and then we’ll find the GP/XP ratio for self-harvested herbs and purchased second ingredients. (price of vials of water included in each case)

(Prices Last Updated: 12 June 2011)

Clean toadflax: 4,020 GP
Toadflax seed: 623 GP
Crushed nest: 9,520 GP
Vial of water: 35 GP
Saradomin brew (3): 9,545 GP (each saradomin brew gives 180 XP)

• Purchased herbs and second ingredients:
4,020 + 9,520 + 35 = 13,575 GP
13,575 GP – 9,545 GP = 4,030 GP
4,030 GP / 180 XP = ~22.4 GP/XP

• Self-harvested herbs and purchased second ingredients (using an average of 7 herbs per patch):
623 GP / 7 = 89 GP
89 + 9,520 + 35 = 9,644 GP
9,644 GP – 9,545 GP = 99 GP
99 GP / 180 XP = 0.55 GP/XP

That’s a pretty big difference! If you start from level 81 herblore, it would cost around 240M to reach 99 herblore if you purchase the herbs and second ingredients. But, if you use the herbs that you grow and purchase the second ingredients, it would cost around 6M to reach 99 herblore.

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